Deep low cut extremely high pass filter
Free passive amplification
Few turns on a high permeability index toroidal tape wound core such as Magnetec's nanoperm M-073
For dynamic, ribbon, condenser microphones at mouth diaphragm distance<1in
Compensates with makeup gain for the proximity effect, voice effort eq, Fletcher Munson curves
Matches the 200 ohms output impedance of mics to the 2000 ohms input impedance of modern preamplifiers
Maximum transfer of energy (no mismatch reflections)
For crystal clear studio quality sound production
Uses Nanoperm's 80,000 times greater than air magnetic permeability
Acts like an electron microscope to magnify and reveal the subtlest detail of the human voice
Extremely low noise
Passes phantom power
Electromagnetically dissipates low frequencies, pop noise, damps mic membrane protecting ribbon mics
Useful for picking up the direct sound only and discriminate against ambient noise, reverberation