Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pleiades 1 turn moving coil record cartridge

Would it be possible?

Just 1 flat moving conductor coupled to the stylus in a very strong magnetic field just as ribbon microphones.

Then a small Nanocrystalinne extreme inductance index Magnetec Nanoperm toroidal magnetic core wound as a step up transformer inside the cartridge. Relatively few turns would be needed.

Would an output as strong as MM be achieved? After all transformers impedance match so that no reflection and maximum transmission of energy is achieved. 

Ειναι σημαντικο να ειμαςτε με κάποιον ετςι οπως οταν μόνοι

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ortofon YouTube Channel

Ortofon is a great company that manufactures high end moving coil record cartridges, Concorde DJ cartridges, hearing aid precision bone conducting transducers and not only.

The company's website is one of the most beautiful that exist with an excellent use of the orange color.

It is great that they have a YouTube channel (ortofonAS2010) where one can see how the moving coil cartridges are made.

It is nice to realize that much of our music is captured by a moving coil microphone and a great way to reproduce from a record is the use of a moving coil again.

Would it be nice if Ortofon uses all its expertise of amazing magnets and precision coil engineering to make microphones too?

Or perhaps ribbon microphons which are effectively just one turn (of moving conductor) microphones. There is a great example of an RCA ribbon microphone seen while Amy Winehouse records Back to Black, (on YouTube).

Or perhaps making ribbon microphones based on the Bang and Olufsen ribbon microphone design. Is Royer using a design of the same principles?

How would a moving coil cartridge with just one turn sound like?

Would it benefit by having the first step up transformer next to it inside the cartridge (as ribbon mics), to step up the impedance from less than 1 ohm to 200 ohms. Would that reduce the loses from the very long turntable cable that has to carry a very tiny signal of 10 ohm impedance? Would transmitting the stepped up signal of 200ohms be a great improvement in signal to noise ratio?

Would amazing magnetic transformer cores such as the Magnetec Nanocrystalinne Nanoperm play an important part in having a tiny step up transformer just next to the 1 turn winding coupled to the stylus? Would it be possible by using one of those small Nanoperm cores of extreme inductance index to step up so much that we already have inside the cartridge from one turn as much signal as from a MM cartridge? Would this make it easier to design a replaceable stylus with one turn of moving coil?

How would this signal sound to the ultra low noise 3 Volt battery powered Pleiades series V pre preamplifier using electron tubes with reduced heater voltage as on the Neumann 47 microphone to extract as much of information?

In the recording industry it is very usual and fantastic sounding to have 2 transformers connected one after the other. A ribbon transformer of 200ohms secondary feeds the input transformer of the microphone preamplifier so that the signal will be stepped up even further, eg 50Kohms or more to drive the grid of an electron tube or gate of a jFET. (One must not of course overlook that fantastic sounding of omnidirectional for example moving coil microphones that have a direct out of 200-500ohms, but this may be because correct (flat) reproduction from vocal chords to brain of the listener may need less bandwidth, see other euroelectron posts on the Hollywood secret).

A possible setup could be (similar to a recording studio setup):

One turn cartridge - first trasformer inside the cartridge to 200ohms - a Pleiades step up transformer after the turntable - a Pleiades V4 preamplifier etc

Moving coil cartridges, moving magnet cartridges as well are ready to supply a balanced signal.

Why is this protocol not used on hi end signal transition from cartridge to preamplifier?

It is so simple to make, using a twisted pair of wires as signal and shield connected to the metal parts of the equipment involved. All common mode noise is rejected. It is quiet.

But no matter how things are done unbalanced is great too.

And it is the music shinning through that matters.

Microphone coils of 200ohms direct output can sound amazing too and an example is Stevie Nicks singing in the studio with Sennheiser MD4441, MD421 and the like. It is possible that Tell me Lies was recorded with one of these microphones as we know from the Shelly Yakus interview that from all the microphones presented to her while choosing in the studio she always picked up the moving coil one.

Sesame oil + Barley Rusk + Sour Orange

This combination in the magical salad gives for some strange reason a barbecue taste.

Sour or bitter orange seems to have tremendous amount of vitamin C.

Το νεράντζι απο οτι φαινεται εχει τεράστιες ποσότητες βιταμίνης C.

At your own risk, με δίκη σας ευθύνη...

It seems to cure colds etc in a few hours, diluted with enough water.

Απο οτι φενεται μπορεί να ιατρεψει κρυολόγημα κτλ σε λίγες ώρες, διαλυμένο με αρκετό νερό.

Ο Νομπελίστας Pauling επέμεινε οτι η βιταμίνη C σε μεγάλες ποσότητες μπορεί να ιατρεψει ιςως τα παντα.

The double Nobel winner Pauling insisted that large amounts of vitamin C can possibly cure everything.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to make a Microphone Input Transformer Πως να φτιάξετε έναν Μετασχηματιστη Εισόδου Μικροφώνου

A Pleiades music transformer of unbelievable quality.

The front end of a recording system or perhaps any system is the most important part. Any fault there (artifact, noise, hiss etc), will be multiplied by the following stages of the system. Using an analogy, we, humans are what we eat and think. The quality of raw ingredients will dictate much of our performance or happiness in life.

This is on making the Pleiades transformer.  Its development, making, use, selling is open source. Same as on the Pleiades filter and any other Pleiades concept.

It can be wound by anyone, anywhere. Sun light helps watching clearly. It can be handwound under the sun.

The number of insulated wire turns of the primary winding dictates the low frequency cutoff. It can therefore conveniently be adjusted to compensate the bass proximity effect, Fletcher-Munson curves, voice effort curves etc. This reduces the number of turns needed so it becomes a joy to wind. And the result is a joy to listen too. Amazing, clear focused sound, spot on the application, with unheard of signal to noise ratio.

It is based on principles discovered hundreds of years ago by the great masters, Ampere, Faraday, Maxwell..., so no patents are infringed. Simplicity of its making is possible by recent Nanocrystalinne magnetic cores of tremendous relative permeability such as the Magnetec Nanoperm which is a great step forward for mankind.

The Pleiades transformers can be used for stepping up the signal of a microphone, moving coil cartridge, ... , with or without Pleiades 3V battery electron tube or JFET state of the art low noise pre preamplifiers or any other amplifier you would like or you would like to make.

Why transformers on 2017?


They are balanced or even make an unbalanced signal balanced. They also isolate electrically.

They reject rf, hum, low frequency and other cable induced noise.

They increase the signal to noise ratio by stepping up the signal voltage passively.

They electromagnetically damp the moving coil or ribbon microphone membrane making possibly the best pop filter on the planet.

They can compensate the proximity bass increase effect.

They complement nicely electron tubes of JFETs being in an analogous way the first lens of the telescope or electron microscope.

They match any impedance to any impedance by the square of their turn ratio. For example a turn ratio of 4 means a 16 times increase in impedance.

They are possibly the best way on the planet to mix signals (hybrid transformers). Better so than mixing resistors. (In electronic engineering the correct word is adding. Mixing means multiplication as in amplitude modulation, ring modulators etc. The unfortunate use of the word may have come from the use in some languages of the word mixer to mean blender. Mixers are nice to make healthy fresh juice).

So with the aid of signal transformers one can make a state of the art preamplifier using just one or two electron tubes or JFETs. The schematic can be very similar to the simple and wise schematic of the Neumann U47 microphone. Less is more and with just a few top quality components you can have a world class sound quality preamplifier with unheard of signal to noise ratio.

And there's joy in making it yourself.

Don't be afraid to use dynamic microphones ie moving coil microphones. Fear does not exist anyway. And dynamic microphones are used for vocals in the studio or outside by Bono, Sade, Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac), Brian Wilson, Phil Spector, Amy Winehouse (ribbon)...

Since fear does not exist do not be afraid to use omnidirectional microphones. The song Close to You sung by Karen Carpenter as well as the other Carpenters songs were recorded by a microphone (next to the control room glass) stuck at the omni setting. It was a condencer U87. The techniques you will use can also make any dynamic (moving coil cardioid or omni) microphone sound as sensitive and revealing as any condenser as it will be active with a simple world class amplifier such as the Neumann U47.

Fear does not exist and inexpensive microphones can be tried. As an engineer from Abbey Road might have said: The secret of recording is the right microphone at the right position.

Increasing the turn ratio a lot reduces bandwidth quite much on any transformer. This seems to be a nice thing as it makes flat frequency responce not from microphone to loudspeaker but from the vocal chords of the actor or singer to the listener's brain, (see other euroelectron posts on the "secret" of Hollywood).

So how are Pleiades transformers made?

You need:

Great quality and simple food for yourself, for being happy, healthy, and have free time to make them. More on other euroelectron posts.

Enameled insulated wire for the primary and secondary windings.

A Magnetec Nanoperm toroidal (ring) core. The toroidal shape is the most magnetically efficient on the planet. It contains the magnetic flux inside. The flux does not leak outside. Outside interfering magnetic fields are difficult to leak in...

The primary winding number of turns dictates the low frequency cutoff.

Why? Because for example at 0 frequency you are left with just the resistance of the wire as the reactance which is proportional to frequency has fallen to zero. This short circuit loads the microphone and since it has an output impedance of 200Ω its output drops to nearly zero. The same reasoning applies for any frequency. It is not that a trasformer does not pass low frequencies. It is that they drop right at the microphone output terminals 2,3 when the trasformer is connected. If you understand this you have already mastered most of the art.

Any cutoff frequency can be made by choosing the primary inductance which is of course affected by the square of the number of primary winding turns. To repeat, frequency selectivity comes from the potential divider created by the microphone internal series resistance and the shunt reactance of the primary winding inductance.

Pleiades transformers are not only electrically balanced but geometrically balanced, symmetrical too.

Firstly the thin wire of the secondary is wound which needs many turns.

For the sake of beauty, symmetry and balanced operation just one layer of winding can be wound on the toroid until all the color of the core is covered. We then do very carefully a double knot. The end wires are twisted. Their ends are then heated with a soldering iron and tined (openning windows, attention to fumes etc). The secondary is ready.

A piece of wooden stick a bit thinner than what you can find at Startbucks can be used to handle all this long wire. The top and bottom is filed to a suitable shape so that the wire can be wound to this stick along its length. We then use this stick to wind our secondary by passing it through the hole of the toroid for every turn.

The stick passes through the toroid so that many turns can be wound without messing with a long wire dropping on the floor.

Each turn can be placed adjacent to the previous.

Then the primary is wound. It needs much less turns so it usually can be wound directly without the piece of wood.

As mentioned the number of primary turns dictates the low frequency cutoff right at the output of the microphone. We may do anything we like. Compensating for the proximity effect of any mic for any distance.

The turns ratio is the step up voltage signal ratio.

The turns ratio squared is the impedance conversion ratio. For example a turn ratio of 10 gives a voltage increase of x10 and an impedance increase of x100.

This is due to the principle of conservation of energy. Power input must equal power output. Power is voltage times current. So Vin x Iin must equal Vout x Iout. Zin equals by definition Vin/Iin. And Zout equals by definition Vout/Iout. By rearranging mathematically these relations one proves the turn squared impedance relation.

The Nanoperm core is so good that one should be able to make transformers of tremendous bandwidth.

But for correct reproduction to our brain perception than to a loudspeaker a much lower bandwidth may be needed.

So the turn ratio may be even further increased and with it the signal to noise ratio and naturalness of sound.

Double knot of the primary end wires as much near to the magnetic core and it is ready. The microphone is connected to the primary. The secondary is the higher voltage high impedance output much like a condencer microphone capsule output. So you may treat it as such by connecting it (usually through a capacitor) to the grid of an electron tube or gate of JFET. Same practice as is done inside a Neumann U47. You may find Pleiades schematics based on the Neumann U47 that operate with electron tubes and 3 volt battery only as the there is no need to polarize a diaphragm. Nature is doing the analog of this by the permanent magnetic field from the microphone magnet. The Pleiades V series prepreamplifiers are even simpler designs than the U47 amplifier, their development is open source and schematics can be found on euroelectron blogspot.

Using transformers is equivalent to instantaneous analog tape recording and playback. You have nature working freely for you. Moving electrons, oscillating electrons, spinning electrons, dancing to the music signal. Moving electrons create a magnetic field on space around then. Transformers are passive like ancient weight lifting levers. Like a gear box. Like a hydraulic car lifter. The same equations apply. For example the ratio of the diameter of two gears is equal to the ratio of torque and inverse ratio of angular velocity. And all these do the most important. Impedance matching so that least energy is reflected back and most energy passes through.


Enchiridion - Epictetous - Free online PDF

The Feynman Lectures in Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands - Caltec - Addison Wesley

Electromagnetism - Grant, Phillips - The Open University - Wiley

Introduction to System Dynamics - Shearer, Murphy, Richardson - MIT - Addison Wesley

Coil Design and Construction Manual - B. B. Babani - Bernard Babani publishing LTD

Magnetis Circuits and Transformers - E.E. Staff M.I.T. - John Wiley & Sons

Electronic Transformers and Circuits - Reuben Lee - Wiley

Applied Electromagnetics - Plonus - McGraw Hill

(The "secret" of Hollywood), Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics (for flat frequency responce from vocal chords of actor, singer, to listener's brain) - Loye and Morgan - JSMPE - Hollywood

Friday, March 24, 2017

On Listening Correctly

It cannot be overemphasized how important it is.

Otherwise we cannot judge if something sounds appropriately or not.

One way is listening through top quality headphones.

An example is Sennheiser HD580.

It is important to keep level low enough to protect our ears and be familiar with the Fletcher-Munson curve of our brain acoustic perception at various intensity levels.

This and other countless knowledge was generously passed on to me by Lefteris Logaridis.

For example, studying military microphone input transformers.

Replacing electrolytic capacitors with top quality ones.

Including the spark to study as much as possible the Neumann U47 amplifier schematic...

Η Κανελινα και τα Μήλα των Εσπερίδων

Η Κανελινα δεν ειναι γάτα σαν τις άλλες. Ακούει πανω απο 40KHz. Δηλαδή πανω απο 40 χιλιάδες παλινδρομικες κινήσεις του τυμπάνου στα αυτάκια της το δευτερόλεπτο. Και ξερει τι της αρέσει.

Γεμάτη χαρά τρέχει να βρει τη φίλη της την υπομονετική χελώνα στο δάσος.

Πλησιάζει η ώρα και ετοιμάζονται ν' ακούσουν την αγαπημένη τους εκπομπή στο τρίτο προγραμμα με την ωραια φωνή της παραγωγού.

Μετά απο λιγο...

- Νιαρ, τι είπε μόλις τώρα γι' αυτο το αναγεννησιακό κομματι; Ρωτάει η Κανελινα.

- Δεν ξέρω, με ταξίδεψε η ομορφη φωνή...

Αυτο ήταν.

Η Κανελινα θέλει να μάθει πως ηχογραφειται τέτοια πανέμορφη φωνή και αποφασίζει να στείλει email στην παραγωγό.

Η παραγωγος απαντάει ευγενικά για πολικό διάγραμμα που ρυθμίζεται πανω στο beyerdynamic MC740 μικρόφωνο απο ενα μικροσκοπικό διακόπτη.

Γιατι όμως το πολικό διάγραμμα (δηλαδή αν ακούει το μικρόφωνο απο μια κατεύθυνση η απο παντού να κανει διαφορα; Διαφορα μεταξύ μιας λαςπωδης μπασαριστης φωνής και μιας φωνής που ρέει σαν πεντακάθαρο νερό σε ποτάμι της άνοιξης;

Δεν καταλαβαίνει, ντρέπεται να ξαναρωτησει και βάζει τα κλάματα.

Αποφασίζει να παει στους δυο σοφούς γλάρους στην παραλία πανω στο μαγικο βράχο μεςα στο νερό.

Οι σοφοί γλάροι γέλασαν, την έβαλαν να κάτσει κοντα τους και της ειπαν:

Απο οτι ακούγεται η εκφωνητρια ειναι πολυ κοντα στο μικρόφωνο.

Μιλάει αβίαστα και καθόλου δυνατά.

Η ρύθμιση πολικού διαγράμματος ειναι μάλλον παντοκατευθυντικη, σύμβολο (ο), για να μην υπάρχει αύξηση μπασων απο το φαινόμενο εγγύτητας...

Η ειναι καρδιοειδης, (ω), (κατευθυντικη), αλλα με ενα άλλο μικρο διακόπτη που αφαιρεί μπάσα, (χαμηλές συχνότητες).

Τα παραπάνω συμβάλουν η φωνή να ακούγεται δυνατά και σωστά στην αντίληψη του ακροατή.

Και γενικά υπάρχει φροντίδα για ευθεία απόκριση συχνότητας οχι απο το μικρόφωνο στο ηχείο αλλα απο τις φωνητικές χορδές της ομιλήτριας μέχρι τον εγκέφαλο του ακροατή.

Ομορφα θα ήταν, σκέφτηκε η Κανελινα αυτες οι αρχές να ξαναχρησιμοποιηθούν και στο ελληνικό τραγούδι.

Θα μπορουςε ακομα και να επαναφέρει την πορεία μιας φανταστικής χώρας σαν τη δίκη μας.

Δεν ειναι πολλά τα κοματια που έχουν αυτη την τεχνική. Παραδείγματα ειπαν οι γλάροι ειναι το Ενα Πρωινό (Ανναμπέλ) - Ξαρχακος, Παπαςτεφανου, Μαρία Δημητριαδη. Η το Τι Ειναι Αυτο που το Λένε Αγαπη - Μωρακης, Σοφια Λόρεν...

Και το Ο Γλάρος - Χατζιδάκις, Αλίκη Βουγιουκλακη πετάχτηκε η Κανελινα και όλοι έσκασαν στα γέλια.

Αυτο λέγεται speech level singing με δάσκαλο στην Αμερική τον Seth Riggs. Προς το παρόν την στεναχωρεί την Κανελινα που οταν μια ελληνική ηχογραφηςη φτάσει στο εξωτερικό οι φίλες της γάτες μαζεύονται να ακούσουν για να σκάσουν στα γέλια.

Πολλοι τραγουδιστές, τραγουδίστριες φωνάζουν σε καθε είδος μουςικης απο μέταλ, λαϊκό, κλασικό, αλλα αυτο εχει ήδη αρχίσει να αλλάζει.

Στην πραγματικότητα λοιπόν το λιγότερο ειναι περιςςοτερο.

Ελπίζει η Κανελινα η φωνή της Τζουλιετας Καρορη να γίνει αφορμή να αλλάξουν τα πράγματα ακομα πιο πολυ.

Της θύμισαν οι γλάροι ενα φανταστικό παραδειγμα με πολικό διάγραμμα omnidirectional, (ο), (παντοκατευθυντικο), τραγουδισμένο διπλα στο τζαμί του control room. Το Close to You - Carpenters που τραγουδάει η Karen Carpenter.

Πετάχτηκε απο τη χαρά της η Κανελινα κσι όλοι γελαστοί άρχισαν να χορεύουν τραγουδώντας απαλά Close to You κατω απο το φως του Ηλιου που δεν αφηνει καμια σκια.

Πηγη: (The secret of Hollywood), Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics (for flat frequency responce from vocal chords of actor, singer, to listener's brain) - Loye and Morgan - JSMPE - Hollywood

Thursday, March 23, 2017

On preserving transconductance of electron tubes at anode potential as low as 3 volts

This is done by capacitively coupling the grid and connecting an accelerating few Megohm resistor from a positive potential to grid.

Reducing the heater voltage may prove further beneficial in actual low level signal amplification applications.

An explanation for the above improvement maybe the reduction of negative (thermal voltage?) potential induced to the control grid when the cathode emitted electron cloud is reduced. (The few Megohm resistor seems to act as a domestic vacuum cleaner, cleaning the area around cathode of excess electron steam  cloud which induce a negative charge on grid wrt to cathode). It must be observed that a cathode becomes positive with respect to grid as soon as it heats up and emits electrons. The electrons escaping it immediately make the cathode positive with respect to grid or the grid negative wrt cathode as can be verified with a voltmeter of even a low input impedance.

The few Megohm resistor from a positive potential to grid partially cancels this effect allowing a normal anode current to flow at very low plate voltage.

These principles are applied to the Pleiades low level electron tube battery operated preamplifiers. The Pleiades amplifiers development is open source. Cathode underheating can be observed on the Neumann U47 microphone schematic which shows the VF14 supplied by 35V instead of 60V.

On the Pleiades V series microphone amplifiers an EF183 triode connected vary μ pentode is employed. The cathode is connected to ground. A positive potential is applied by a resistor of a few megohms from anode to control grid. It may be called a grid electron acceleration potential bias resistor or electron brake release. The grid may still be negative but less negative (positive wrt previous value) than without the electron brake release resistor. Other common tubes such as ECC82 operate satisfactorily at slightly higher potentials. The microphone is impedance matched to the grid by an input transformer. The secondary is coupled through a capacitor to the control grid.

The use of anode and heater voltage as low as 3V appears to further reduce electron tube noise on Pleiades V4 for example.

Possible explanation is:

Use of a simple pure power supply of just one low voltage battery. This battery supplies everything and is inside the amplifier.

Reduction of ions formed by gas present on the tube.

Reduction of thermionic grid emission due to heating of grid by cathode filament power.

Reduction of ions emitted by cathode.

Reduction of photo electrons emitted from grid under the action of light from cathode.

Reduction of photo electrons emitted by the control grid under the action of soft X-Rays produced by the normal anode current.


The Use of Multigrid Tubes as Electrometers - Prescott

Operating Features of the Audion - E.H. Armstrong

Schematic of Neumann U47 microphone showing application of reduced heater voltage.

Pleiades V6 schematic - euroelectron blogspot

Other Pleiades open source schematics euroelectron posts

Hector Berlioz had possibly written an amazing book on Orchestration

Heard on the radio that many composers had it nearby.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to connect a balanced low Z microphone to a 4 track cassette recorder

They usually have an input impedance of 50KΩ to 100KΩ depending on model (Tascam Porta).

An obvious good choice may be using a Sony F-96 hi Z.

Also other omnidirectional mics with hi Ζ option such as MD21 H L.

If we would like to connect a 200Ω balanced microphone, the obvious choice is a low to high impedance coverter step up input trasformer. Some come inside an XLR to 1/4in adaptor. 

But for even better (top of the world) sound with no hiss...

A small digression...

Hiss does not come from tape or cassette, it comes from the preamplifier. It is manifestation of electrons moving randomly.

A cassette recording has a dynamic range of say 40dB.

A pop music song usually may have a dynamic range of only 20dB. This can be easily verified by looking at VU meters when a favorite song is being payed.

To have low hiss it makes sense to record in a quiet place, with a quality microphone, and a top quality input transformer and pre preamplifier or preamplifier, singing or playing softly to avoid nasty dynamic range peaks in the waveform and then get this signal above the noise floor of tape. Singing or playing softly create a loud end result, assisting any then digital medium not to nastily overload (see the Sound on Sound reference on how to make a loud mix on previous euroelectron post).

So to get to world class quality we need a state of the art booster preamp between the output of the input transformer and the Hi Z input of the 4 track caste recorder etc.

Pleiades pre preamplifiers, electron tube V series, or JFET K117 do the job in an amazing way. (For some applications just a Pleiades step up trasformer will be enough).

They are the simplest possible signal path on the planet like what is inside a Neumann U47. In fact the schematics are very similar.

Pleiades schematics can be found on other euroelectro posts.

The Pleiades V4 for example uses just an EF183 electron tube, triode connected, 2 coupling capacitors, 1 few Megohm resistor from anode to grid (to accelerate electrons) and that is all. It operates with just a 3.6 battery for heaters and anode too. The low noise and amazing dynamic sound is a joy to hear.

If you wish you can wind your own input transformers. It is very simple if using a state of the art Nanocrystalinne extremely high inductance index Magnetec Nanoperm toroidal core.

By adjusting the number of primary turns, bass cut is adjusted so the proximity effect is compensated and can be fine tuned to using for example a vintage unidirectional Shure Unidyne III (SM57), the model of microphone used by Brian Wilson singing on Pet Sounds.

One may also make the Pleiades K177 pre preamp using just a K117 JFET and a handful of components.

Pleiades schematics are open source and anyone can do anything they wish including improving them.

Electro-Voice 635A with Canford input transformer and Pleiades V4 at 3.6V

Amazingly nice combination.

The Canford low to high impedance converter has an inductance at the primary of about 413mH.

The 635a sounds less bass heavy than the MD21 or D130. 

And the Pleiades V4 has an input impedance of about 100KΩ.

So the spectrum balance to listener's brain turns out fine.

The V4 EF183 electron tube pre preamplifier booster was powered by just 3 AAA batteries, that is by just 3.6V. Anode voltage was even less due to the voltage drop by the anode resistor.

It is amazing how low noise it sounds. Before connecting the microphone one might doubt it is operating at all.

And when this excellent microphone is connected, one can hear every detail in the ambience too.


Vintage Electro-Voice 635a - Canford adapter with Neutrik? input transformer inside Neutrik modules - Pleiades V4 - Realistic 32-1101A - Sennheiser HD 580

Measured Inductance of various Input Transformers

Attention: Some transformers exhibit a much larger inductance at lower frrequencies due to the magnetic core material used. Many of the measurements below may have been done with a high frequency. See for example the Altec 4722 measurements.

Altec Pearless 4722
110mH : 377mH : 800?H
The primary 200Ω winding is 377mH at 1028Hz but 3H at 97Hz (property of the core material)

Grundig GDM311
Auto transformer inside
10mH : 140mH : 118H

Meazi Ribbon Microphone
0.16mH : 330mH

Sowter 3104 (1:10) or 1:20
3.9H (centre tap): 470H (secondaries in parallel)

102mH : 336mH or 1.75H (2 secondaries in series)

MD21 HL s/n 13371
766mH at 1028Hz (4.25H at 97Hz) : ?

Coles 4038 internal ribbon transformer
secondary inductance :7H
630 turns secondary, 0.017mm? wire diameter
17 turns primary

Canford inline XLR to 1/4in adaptor
413mH, 1.6H at LF : 95H

There may be systematic errors from the Escort LCR meter.

Extinguishing an illness

(At your own risk).

By personal experience it is analogous to extinguishing fire as quickly as possible.

The quickest one can drink fresh juice with vitamin C etc the better.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

An example of great musical intonation to listener's brain

The amazing album Days of Future Passed - Moody Blues

It would be fun nowadays to measure the frequency those thrilling high violin Gs.

They would possibly be found to be much higher multiples than x2 or x4 the frequency of lower Gs played by the orchestra. 

Είσαι ο μόνος άνθρωπος που με κανει να γελώ συνέχεια

Very interesting to listen to P.J. Harvey's 4 track cassette demos

They can also be found on YouTube

Some Audio Aphorisms

1. Less is more.

2. The frequency responce curve must be flat not from mic to loudspeaker but from vocal chords of singer or actor to the brain of the listener.

3. Doubling of frequency is not a correct octave to the brain of the listener. For example 880Hz sounds a flat A5 (the mind perceived octave of 440Hz is not 880Hz, why should it be?) S. S. Stevens.
A nice example of correct intonation for human brain is Days of Future Passed - Moody Blues

4. Softly playing or singing creates a loud end recorded result. (How to make a mix loud etc - Sound on Sound)

5. Pitch perception does not depend only on frequency but on intensity too. Example, a loud 440Hz tone sounds flatter than a soft one. (Sound and Hearing - S. S. Stevens)

6. Electron tubes can amazingly operate with just one 3V battery. (Pleiades V series)

7. Input transformers can also be easily hand made. (Pleiades transformers, filters)

Additional notes:

What we eat, (drink, breath, think etc) or rather not eat is more important than the greatest preamplifier power supply.

The first light rays on our body (sunrise) seem to be very important. Frequency is high and the energy of a photon is proportional to frequency). They enter our body and it is said they repair everything. No need to overdo anything. Παν μέτρον Άριστον. The frequency is a few hundred THz (terra hertz or million million hertz).

Dry rubbing with hands our body in the morning under the sun to get rid of so many dead cells in the form of dust plays a significant role in our well being. Fresh and clean air, brushing teeth with top quality and expensive ultra soft tooth brush, toothpaste without flue ride fluoride. Eating magical sesame. Using common sense...

It is great to be in a field...

where nobody or few have been before.

It is yours and everybody's else too.

Audio Aphorism or how David kills Goliath

1. Dynamic mics sound better than other types.

2. Omnidirectional mics sound better.

3. Therefore dynamic omnis may sound better.

4. 635a, MD21, D130 are great but they can sound bass heavy as they are not Fletcher-Munson or voice effort compensated.

5. Inexpensive domestic omnis do the trick as they can sound correct to the mind of the listener.

6. They may not sound great to a pro console but that may be a problem of the console. On top quality handmade electron tube preamps they sound amazing.

7. The above may give some insight why the recording industry ended up this way. It can be much better. An engineer at Abbey Road Studios said once to engineer George Konstantopoulos, "the right mic at the right position". Can it be that some inexpensive mics may do the trick without the need of EQ.

The above is just a theory trying to explain why David with much less beats Goliath.

It is falsifiable therefore it is scientific.

It is nice to remember that correct audio engineering is not flat frequency responce from mic to loudspeaker but from vocal chords of singer or actor to listener's brain.[2]

If one has a nice inductor EQ like Pultec then sound may be nice with expensive mics by cutting the extra mind perceived bass and treble or boosting at around 2.5KHz etc.

Expensive mics may give so exaggerated bass perceived to brain that it becomes a joy to build a mic input transformer. For example an excellent ribbon mic is so bass heavy (including proximity effect) that a Pleiades transformer can be made with just a few turns of insulated wire as primary on a
Magnetec Nanocrystalinne toroidal core.

If a 20Hz to 20KHz transformer is used one may end up with 2 bathtub frequency responce to brain perception curves.[3]

The point is that some inexpensive microphones do not even need Pleiades filters.

They can immediately fulfill the great secret, the right microphone at the right position in many applications. And they allow making possibly the simplest signal path on the planet.

For example. Just a mic feeding an input transformer feeding a JFET or a battery powered electron tube (see Pleiades open source V preamplifier) and we are ready to make music. Under heating
cathode is also such a great trick used on the great Neumann U47.

So with just a handful of high quality components, unheard of low noise, dynamic sound and amazing sound quality can be achieved. And this achieved using metaphorically just a small stone, a bit of wood and a rubber band.

Ribbon microphones are great too. They need proximity compensation with an inductor in parallel as is done inside RCA ribbon microphones, (Pleiades filter) or a Pleiades compensating transformer usualy after the internal transformer and a very low noise battery electron tube preamplifier such as Pleides V series or K117 JFET.

Condenser microphones are great too. The simplest circuits like Neumann U47 do the legendary trick.

Some crystal microphones are great too. Perhaps the simplest signal path with them. They do not even need an input transformer. The input impedance of the preamplifier has to be perhaps above 500kΩ or one looses all the bass. So Pleiades V series may not be suitable unless the anode voltage is increased and the anode to grid resistor is increased. At 2 to 3 MΩ input Z bass is very big. So proximity can be adjusted by a variable resistor shunt to the microphone and then feeding a a very high input impedance.

Expensive microphones are great too.

All that is needed is selling a spare house and 20 years of research to arrive to some truth and light. And to appreciate that something is suitable irrespective of highest or lowest price.

And it may be more important what is not done rather than what is done. What is subtracted than what is added.

A simple signal path may sound so good it may not need a compressor-limiter. This can be done manually anyway if needed as the great masters did.

All you Need is Ears - George Nartin


1. Endless forum discussions for their inexpensive mic discoveries, for example: (this is just an example and not indicative, there are many microphones discussed in the web including euroelectron blogspot. As of writing this and after trying so many microphones of any price, the Philips N8207 is used for reference for its clarity but there are tremendous variations from specimens of this model).

2. The secret of Hollywood, Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics (for flat frequency responce from vocal chords to listener's brain) - Loye and Morgan - JSMPE - Hollywood

3. Bandwidth needed for Flat Frequency Responce from Vocal Chords of Singer to Listener's Brain and Pleiades Amplifiers - euroelectron blogspot

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Some great films

Shawshank redemption
(Ode to hope)

Devil's advocate
(Ode to free will)

Scent of a woman
(Ode to life)

Elements of philosophy for engineers or inventors

It is amazing how some of the best minds on the planet might have benefited by small details that possibly nobody had introduced to them.

Alexander the Great was lucky as he had the philosopher Aristotle himself as tutor.

Lee de Forest and Edwin Armstrong, inventors of the highest quality. Just to mention triode electron tube, radio, FM radio. They gave so much to mankind. And they got great joy back. But perhaps they could have avoided the sorrow. They had lost much of their time in court and preparing for it. Discoveries do happen while preparing experiments for the court.

Interesting to note too that those who laughed first at their inventions being useless were the first on the train to exploit.

Lee de Forest was approached by a lawyer who gently avoided to mention he represented RCA.

Dr. Forest says in his autobiography that he and his wife should have waited and live a few more years on cheese and crackers than accepting a few thousand dollars for what became a multi billion industry. (A note on food: Nowadays reading ingredients on food packaging is a must as crackers may contain palm vegetable oil).

Armstrong a genius too fighted to establish FM radio when it was considered useless and then it slipped through his hands.

An inventor's life is not easy.

One aspect is having to change the same equipment everyday and rebuilding equipment for the next experiment when the previous one might have or not been succeful.

How does he have time to prepare a meal? And how does he have the time to know what not to eat. Possibly he, she does not have the extra time.

And all this while many around him, her are making arrangements to buy cheap.

Big companies are not necesarily to blame. We are not forced to sell. We are free not to sell.

The best way to sell is not to sell.

Could giving everything free and open source to mankind be the best way?

Nobody chasing you as there is nothing that can be got out of you that has not already been given.

Nobody chasing you as there is nothing they can get out of you that they do not already have.

How would the inventor or say the music composer be compensated?

Nothing gets lost.

Reward comes unexpected by any other means.

And to start off it is already there. It is how it feels to give.

How light the soul feels ready to fly.

(Playing Tonight and the Rest of my life - Nina Gordon)

How clean the mind feels ready for the new idea, discovery invention, playing or composition.

Would it have been better if Forest and Armstrong had given everything open source to the world without even visiting the patent office?

It is the details that matter.

Schools are very nice. And would they not be even better if:

Schools teach what is healthy to eat and not to eat.

Teach philosophy in a practical sense as a way of life for everyday matters.

Obvious things overlooked:

Οταν δεν οικειοποιούμαστε τίποτα έχουμε πρόσβαση στα παντα.

That first we become happy and then we find our sweetheart.

That the toothbrush should be soft, very soft. and of great quality. The much more thinner hair clean all the surface of the tooth. And teeth become shinning white and beautiful.

That the fist and the last photons from the sun, sunrise and sunset are very important. And we become happy and never ill. (There are fewer photons at that time but they have greater frequency therefore quantum (packet) of energy, they penetrate our body, heal it, and we must be careful not to overdo as with everything).

That success does not matter.

That freshly made juice makes you healthy and beautiful.

That nothing gets lost.

That when everybody says it is not possible it is good news. It will be done.

That we must not make a pass.

That we may say immediately to a woman we truly find beautiful that she is. Without expecting anything.

That less is more.

That it is more difficult not to do.

That fear does not even exist.

That we can expand time by bring calm and assuming it is infinite. Then a day lasts for as long.

That whole grain sesame is possible the best food on earth. It contain possibly the best oil, protein, calcium, ...

That if you cut a fruit from a tree and eat it immediately it feels 1000x stronger.

Adam and Eve did nothing wrong. They just ate a fresh apple.

And mankind has inherited nothing wrong. It is just trying to do its best.

Buy buy devil.

Or try to be happy too.

Hello free will

Hello Apollo light.

Our sun beloved.

How can we expect from our teachers something they had never been taught?

Now it is time for all.

Under the sun everything is free and there are no shadows on our love.


Enchiridion (Manual) - Epictetus

Tao te Ching - Lao Tzu

How to Win Friends and Influence your Environment - Dale Carnegie

Μου έρχεται η εικόνα σου και είμαι όλο χαρά

Εισαι όλες οι γυναίκες μαζι

Μόνο που σε κοιτώ νοιώθω απέραντη ευτυχία

Anechoic Chamber

An interesting link:

Electrometers and low level front end amplifiers

Electrometer tube applications seem to have different requirements from low level AC amplification of signals.

Electrometers need to amplify DC and have very low leakage so that the charge on grid remains constant to be measured.

Signal preamplifiers, for example microphone ones have an always quickly varying potential on the  grid. The music signal itself.

But low plate voltage principles seem to apply to them too as the give a smooth and noise free sound. Examples are Pleiades V series battery tube preamplifiers.

On them an anode to grid high megohm resistor is used. It makes the grid an electron accelerator and the signal to be amplified is connected there too through a capacitor. Grid accelerator or rather electron brake release (see other euroelectron posts on self assumed negative grid potential and positive bias neutralization). This makes an ordinary tube to operate normally at a typical anode voltage of 4 volts.

The typical 1μA current on the anode to grid resistor as on the Pleiades V4 seem to be a smooth current and may not contribute to noise as higher voltage practice.

Underheated cathodes are naturally employed too. More on this on previous euroelectron posts and of course Neumann U47 with its underheated VF14 electron tube.

The input impedance of Pleiades V4 is typicaly 100KΩ. Is this due to miller effect from the added Rag, resistor from anode to grid? 100KΩ is not a bad thing. Electrometers must have almost 1 million million ohms input impedance. 100KΩis fine as a load for the secondary of the input transformer damping any high frequency resonance.

Increasing voltage and transconductance may increase ionization and positive? or negative? grid current which may make a worse effect on noise.

It may be interesting to vary the cathode resistor until no potential difference is observed on Rg. Does this mean no grid current?

On Pleiades V4 the cathode is grounded.

It may be nice to build a hardwired pre preamp where cathode resistor, heater series resistor are variable. And Rag variable too. Then careful tuning - listening tests while protecting our ears.

The above mentioned variable cathode for no grid current adjustment may need greater plate voltage.

It is mentioned in the Victoreen paper that plate voltages below 4.5V are great.

The Pleiades preamplifiers with Rag can operate at 4.5V anode voltage with a close to 100μA anode current, great sound, low noise.

Further experiments are needed, for the time being it may be the quietest amplifier on the planet.

Reference: Electrometer tubes for the measurement of small currents - John Austin Victoreen

Microcosm is romantic

Electrons combining with positive holes (lack of electrons) in semiconductors to emit a photon (light). How LED (light emitting diode) operates.

Electrons of opposite spin attract each other. This reminds dance.

Electron and positron combining.

And all that stuff.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Μαγικός Χυμός Magical Juice and sandwich και σάντουιτς

Σε αποχυμωτη. Using juice extractor.

Made in a flash by Angeliki at Juicitto, Nea Smyrni.

Ανανάς, μαϊντανός, δυόσμος, τζίντζερ.

And now the sandwich:

Ψωμι ολικής.

Ωριμο Αβογκαντο αλοιμενο με πιρούνι.


Μαύρο λάχανο κτλ.

Η σως με κτύπημενο στο μπλέντερ καρότο, βασιλικούς χουρμάδες, λεμόνι...

Friday, March 17, 2017

Οι πιο όμορφες στιγμές... The most beautiful moments

Οι πιο όμορφες στιγμές ειναι οταν κάνω κατι σε ξεχνώ και ξαφνικά σε θυμάμαι.

It is when I am doing something forgetting you and suddenly you I remember.

An interesting mushup

One radio was playing "A cantar m' er de co qu' eu no volria" - Beatrice, Mara Kiek

The other radio was simultaneously playing a type of techno drum an heavy bass piece played by Athens Best FM,

It happened by chance and the harmony was intriguing and unexpected.

The same cannot happen again but A cantar... may be combined with other pieces too.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

John A. Victoreen

It is amazing how somebody with will like Jack Victoreen can become a self taught physicist, engineer, inventor etc.

Then he gets honorary degrees etc!


The Wikipedia article on J. A. Victoreen

Electrometer tubes for the measurement of small currents - John A. Victoreen - Proceedings of the I.R.E.

Testing if a preamplifier is low noise part II

How about using a source of a very small signal voltage with very low output impedance?

One could use a signal generator, eg a Wein bridge oscillator or even the output of a CD player, in series with a resistor and then a 1 ohm resistor shunt.

This potential divider will attenuate the signal to extreme low levels, attenuating the noise as well.

The minute signal of 1Ω output impedance (virtually no thermal noise from 1Ω) can feed the input of the microphone preamplifier. The best preamplifier would be the one that can discriminate the minute signal from its self generated noise.

Other additions to part II.

The input transformer steps down the equivalent input noise resistance (of an active device) at its primary which becomes the input of the preamplifier.

A 200 ohm microphone with 14dB equivalent acoustic noise input behaves as a higher than 200ohm resistor in terms of noise when the mic is at 0dB acoustic input?

Would an amplifier of 200ohm equivalent input impedance be fine in this case?

Additional references:

Electrometer Tubes for the Measurement of Small Currents - John A. Victoreen - Proceedings of the I.R.E.

Introduction to Electronice for students of biology, chemistry and medicine - Suprynowicz - p.158 - Addison Wesley

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Testing if a preamplifier is low noise

If we connect across its input a 200Ω resistor in parallel with a switch...

When the switch is closed there should be extremely little noise at the output of the preamplifier as the input is short circuited and there is no thermal noise at the input.

When the switch is opened, ie 200Ω across the input,  the thermal noise hiss should increase.

This apparently means the preamplifier amplifies the Johnson's thermal noise of R=200Ω.

The lower the value of R that can make a difference (between short circuit and R) in noise the better the noise figure of the preamplifier?

An ideal preamplifier should produce 0 noise when a short circuit is at the input?

But there is always some noise and this apparently brings in the concept of equivalent noise input resistance.

Is it correct in saying that a real world preamplifier with R equivalent input resistance noise behaves as an ideal preamplifier with R at its input as a noise source?

The Pleiades V4 pre preamplifier has extremely low hiss when a short circuit link is connected between ground and the capacitor that feeds the control grid of the EF183. Anode voltage is a bit more than 3 volts. A high Megohm resistor from anode to grid frees electrons and makes fantastic and smooth operation at such low plate voltage. Heaters are underheated supplied by around 3V instead of 6.3V. This apparently helps freeing electrons as less cloud induce less negative charge on the control grid.

The very low anode and heater voltage minimize secondary emission effects.

The cathode does not glow much so there is least photo emission from grid.

Electrons strike the anode at low speeds so there are no soft x rays produced, therefore no grid emission from x Ray photons.

Electrons travel at low speeds so there is least chance of secondary emission if they collide with a gas molecule.

So is the only source of noise in such an amplifier any irregularity on the about 1μA current from the electrons drawn from grid to anode by the external (about 4ΜΩ) resistor?

Or is the noise coming from the 10KΩ anode load resistor?

The Pleiades V4 as well as the other Pleiades V series preamplifier are very quiet and it is a joy to hear such a low and creamy smooth noise with a very dynamic and strong signal sound.

Reference: The Use of Multigtid Tubes as Electrometers - J. R. Prescott The Review of Scientific Instruments Volume 20 Number 8 August 1949

Friday, March 10, 2017

Πως να φτιάξετε προ προενισχυτη μικροφώνου με λυχνίες η λάμπες

Θα βρείτε πληροφορίες σε μερικά απο τα posts του euroelectron.

Παραδειγμα ειναι ο προ προ ενισχυτής Pleiades V4, V5, V6.

Λάμπες και λυχνίες ειναι λιγο ατυχείς όροι.

Ευτυχώς αρχίζει στην ελπιδοφόρα χώρα μας να χρησιμοποιείται ευρύτερα ο όρος, σωλήνες ηλεκτρονίων, σωλήνες κενού κτλ.

Η ηλεκτρονική δεν ειναι παρα ο έλεγχος της κινηςης των ηλεκτρονίων για να κανουμε κατι χρήσιμο. Ετςι ορίζεται στο όμορφο βιβλίο Applied Electronics του T.S. Gray απο το M.I.T.

Μου πειρε απο τα 17 περίπου που ξεκίνησα να ασχολούμαι με σωλήνες ηλεκτρονίων (παράλληλα με σπουδή σε ξένο πανεπηςτημιο Ηλεκτρονικής Μηχανικής) αλλα 28 έτη για να δω ποσο εύκολο μπορεί να ειναι.

Μπορεί κανεις να φτιάξει προενισχυτη απίστευτα χαμηλού θορύβου, απίστευτης ποιότητας ήχου, με μια μόνο EF183, και μια αντίσταση η μπαταρία. Οςο πιο απλή ειναι μια αλυσίδα ήχου τοςο καλύτερη και πιο ακριβή ακούγεται οπως λέει ο Bob Orban φτιάχνοντας τα περισσότερα μηχάνηματα ραδιοσταθμών FM στον πλανήτη.

Ελπίζω κάποιος-α που τώρα ειναι 20 να μπορεί να πάρει και να εμπλουτιςει αυτη τη γνώση και να κερδίσει αυτα τα 30 έτη. Τα οποία δεν πήγαν χαμένα. Τίποτα δεν πάει χαμένο.

Η ζωή εχει πολυ πλάκα και ειναι γεμάτη εκπλήξεις.

Οπως λέει στο βιβλίο Musical Acoustics ο Donald Hall, με τη φωνή του Σνουπι, The Joy is in Playing.

How to make a valve or tube microphone pre preamplifier

Details are given on some of the euroelectron posts. An example is the Pleiades V4, V5, V6 prep reamplifier.

Η αποτυχία ειναι το μυστικό της επιτυχίας, Failure is the best secret of success

Not as difficult as it seems to explain but let's have an example:
Vangelis explained in his own honest way in an interview at Quatar:

MD21 or 635A to a 500Ω:50KΩ transformer to Pleiades V4

Fantastic combination.

The input trasformer is one of the gold colored 1/4in to 1/4in jack 500Ω to 50KΩ. It's primary inductance is about 330 milliHenries so it cuts the bass needed to restore flat frequency responce from vocal chords of the singer to the brain of listener.

Amazing natural sound.

The Pleiades V4 EF183 electron tube preamplifier was powered by just 3.6V. So all secondary emission effects seem to not happen at such low voltage. The low noise smooth quietness and great signal to noise ratio is a joy to hear. It is creamy smooth like softest silk.


Omnidirectional mic - cheap input transformer 500Ω:50KΩ - Pleoades V4 - Realistic disco mixer 32-1101A - Sennheiser HD580

This particular model of Realistic mixer has a lower headphone output which is very kind to protect ears.

The Philips N8207 sound fantastic too (the brown vintage (aluminum voice coil?) seems even better).

It seems what microphones do not do that is important. A small bandwidth is needed for flat frequency responce to our brain. More of this on a older euroelectron post.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

It is exceptionally nice to be waiting

Ειναι εξαιρετικά όμορφο να περιμένει κανεις.

Pleiades V4 at 3.6V on acoustic guitar

Acoustic guitar was more natural supplying the Pleiades V4 electron tube preamplifier with 3.6V instead of 4.8V. (Electron tube is the EF183 triode connected).

Georg Neumann certainly new why he underheated the VF14 electron tube on the U47.


Yamaha acoustic guitar (thinner strings stretched until the 2nd partials (overtones) are correct octaves to ear brain) - Philips N 8207 at a few in - 500Ω to 50KΩ input transformer - Pleiades V4 - Realistic Disco mixer mic input - Sennheiser HD580

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A great microphone signal in very few steps Φανταστικός ήχος μικροφώνου με πολυ λίγα βήματα

It is described on the following euroelectron post.

Περιγράφεται στο επόμενο euroelectron post.

The Philips N8207 omnidirectional microphone sounds great without any compensation needed. Το παντοκατευθυντικο Philips μικρόφωνο N8207 ακούγεται φανταστικά χωρις να χρειάζεται EQ. 

Pleiades V4 operating also at 3.6V for heaters and anode

By connecting only three AAA batteries it still operates and sounds amazing and low noise. So a li ion 3.7 volt battery can be used in series with a protecting fuse.

It is joy to wait much more for operation as cathodes take much more time to be underheated. 

Similar time it takes for AKG C12A and perhaps Neumann U47 which both have cathodes underheated.

The anode to grid resistor on V4 is 4M9, 4.7MΩ measured.

When 4 AAA batteries are used and the tube is heated grid self assumed bias is aprox -300mV.

When 3 AAA batteries are used it is aprox -15mV.

This perhaps explains why it still operates at such low anode voltage, less than 3V if we take into account the voltage drop by the load resistor. A possible reason is that there are less violently boiling electrons and therefore the cathode is less positive ie the grid is less negative with respect to cathode. When short circuiting the input capacitor of the EF183 it is a joy to hear almost complete silence. A great help seems to be the almost complete absence of secondary emission effects at such low anode voltage and low cathode temperature.


Philips N8207 omni dynamic - inline 1/4 step up transformer 500Ω-50KΩ (aprox 300mH primary inductance) - Pleiades V4 - Realistic disco mixer at mic input - Sennheiser HD580

The Pleiades V4 low noise microphone preamplifier circuit description:

It consists of just one EF183 vari mu pentode, triode connected. Plate, g3, and g2 are connected together. A 3M9 resistor is connected from anode to g1 to free electrons. The music signal (usually the secondary of an input transformer) is coupled to grid (g1) through a 220nF capacitor. The load resistor (RL) is 10KΩ. The output coupling capacitor is 1μF. It is ideal to connect to a solid state or valve mic input of not low impedance unless an output resistor pad or output transformer is used, (see Pleiades V5, V6 etc. Examples Tascam porta, realistic disco mixer, Ferrograph reel recorder etc.

Περιγραφή του προενισχητη μικροφώνου Pleiades V4:

Χρηςημοποιηται μόνο ένας σωλήνας ηλεκτρονίων, EF183 συνδεμένος σαν τριοδος. Δηλαδή άνοδος, δεύτερο και τρίτο πλέγμα συνδεμένα μαζι. Μια αντίσταση 3Μ9 απο άνοδο στο πρώτο πλέγμα για να ελευθερωθούν τα ηλεκτρόνια. Το σημα της μουσικής (συνήθως το δευτερεύον του μετασχηματιστή εισόδου) συνδέεται μέσω πυκνωτή 220nF στο πρώτο πλέγμα. Η αντίσταση ανόδου ειναι 10ΚΩ. Πυκνωτής εξόδου ειναι 1μF. Τα νήματα ειναι επίτηδες σε χαμηλότερη τάση απο 6.3V και έτσι η κάθοδος ειναι σε χαμηλή θερμοκρασία οπως και στο U47 Neumann πυκνωτικο μικρόφωνο. Αυτο απο οτι φαινεται δίνει λιγότερο θόρυβο και ελευθερώνει περιςςοτερο τα ηλεκτρόνια. Απόπειρα εξήγησης παρακατω.

Αν συνδέσουμε σε σωλήνα ηλεκρονιων τάση νημάτων μέσω ασφαλείας χωρις να συνδεςουμε τιποτα άλλο, και μετά συνδέσουμε ενα μικρο Αμπερομετρο μετάξυ καθόδου και πλέγματος μετράμε αρκετές δεκάδες μικροαμπερ. Ειναι τα ηλεκτρόνια που επιστρέφουν στην κάθοδο εξωτερικά μέσω πλεγματος. Και ειναι μια πιθανή αιτία θορύβου. Αν μετρήσουμε τάση μεταξύ πλέγματος και καθόδου ειναι αρνητική αρκετές εκατοντάδες μίλι βολτ. Στην πραγματικότητα η κάθοδος εχει γίνει θετική γιατι εχει χάσει ηλεκτρόνια (οπως ο ατμός νερού οταν το ζεσταίνουμε). Αυτο εμποδίζει τη λειτουργία του σωλήνα ηλεκτρονίων σε μικρή τάση ανόδου. Η αντίσταση πόλωσης μεταξύ ανόδου και πλέγματος εξουδετερώνει την αρνητική αυτη αυτο πόλωςη. Αυτο οπως και η χαμηλή θερμοκρασία βοηθούν ο σωλήνας να λειτουργεί θαυμάσια με αποςτευτα χαμηλό θόρυβο σε πολυ χαμηλή τάση ανόδου. Η χαμηλή τάση ανόδου, μικρότερη απο 6V μειωνει δευτερεύουσα εκπομπή ηλεκρονιων πράγμα που βοηθά στην επίτευξη απίστευτα χαμηλού θορύβου.

Η άνοδος λοιπόν και αυτη πολυ κατω απο 6V τροφοδοτείται με την ίδια μπαταρία μέσω ασφαλείας. Ετςι γλιτώνουμε το θορυβώδες τροφοδοτικό. Ετσι μπορούμε να ενισχύσουμε και την παραμικρή λεπτομέρεια μια φωνής. Η φωνή δεν χρειάζεται να ειναι φωναχτή. Ετςι εχει όγκο οπως καθε speech level singing. Με τα παραπάνω πετυχαίνουμε, χαμηλή κατανάλωση, μικρο όγκο, βάρος, απίστευτα απλή δρομολόγια σήματος, απίστευτο ήχο, χαμηλό θόρυβο.

Using the above principles we have possibly the simplest signal path, low noise, portability, amazingly natural sound revealing the subtlest nuisance of human voice.

The AKG C12A is cathode underheated as is Neumann U47

The heater of its Nuvistor tube is supplied by 5V instead of 6.3V.

A reason may be less grid current induced from less violent cathode emission.

This principle is also used on Pleiades amplifiers and preamplifiers and there is more discussion on other euroelectron posts.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Analog recording and basilar membrane massage

The very subtle speed variations around a mean value produce corresponding frequency spectrum variations. Moving parts are circular. But we can't have a perfect circle to any accuracy.

It may be thought like caressing the basilar membrane as frequency shift corresponds to distance shift excitation at the basilar membrane. Could this be another reason why analogue recording sounds so smooth, warm, ...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The best toothbrush on the planet? Η καλύτερη οδοντόβουρτσα στον πλανήτη;

My dentist advised a soft toothbrush.

Brushing vertically from between gums and teeth towards the end of teeth.

A Curaprox ultra soft toothbrush was used, made in Swiss.

Amazing color, ergonomics, everything one could wish for.

It has 5460 hair of 0.1mm thickness.

What a toothbrush! Teeth feel clean and shinny. Expensive but so much economic as you save the money by having good health.

Sea water was used without any toothpaste (at your own risk).

It feels amazing.

It is one of those things that if we had learned from school we would have loved it even more.

(Later addition, after about 9 months). After visiting the dentist, for the above application a harder type of Curaprox seems more fit. Perhaps soft?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Making Pleiades Electra II truly battery portable

It is found that the Pleiades Electra 2 can operate very well at 8 volts.

As the resistor dropped 12V lead acid battery was discharging the amplifier worked very well up to not less than 7.1V.

The cathode resistor may be omitted. Without it there seems to be even more definition and leaving it out permits better operation at lower voltage. Further testing has to be done.

Assuming 7.4V is a suitable voltage supply just two li ion batteries can be used.

Each rated at 3.7V may prove to make a great combination. 

The Pleiades Electra power consumption at such conditions is about 600mA.

So with just 2 small (AA size) li ion batteries of 700mAh capacity, playing time will be about 1 hour.

They may be mounted using a 2 AA battery holder directly on the side inside the amplifier.

If larger li ion batteries are to be used the amplifier has to be enlarged.

One must work very carefully with li ion batteries to keep safety, fuses etc.

The song used for these tests using the lead acid battery is Constant Craving - K.D. Lang 

It is a joy listening to music though the Pleiades Electra 2.

Now it is  just 2 electron tubes and 2 batteries.

Pleiades Regenerative Oscillator

it may be made with tape recording head as anode load.

A capacitor is parallel to make the resonant circuit.

Adjustable feedback to grid can be made by another tape recording head physically approached to the other head gap, like two heads approaching to kiss each other.

A high Megohm resistor from Vb or plate to grid to neutralize the negative self assumed bias on grid. So the electron tube may be operated at even 6V.

Whether heater voltage needs to be reduced, it has to be found out too.

Instead of heads a single toroidal Magnetec Nanoperm core can be used, all windings wound there.

The high grid leak may make the tube to have automatic voltage gain, as the higher the grid is driven the more negative it becomes as it has attracted electrons to its capacitance. So anode current and
Gm decreases This is also happening on a U47 V14 amplifier.

A suitable tube can be EF183 triode connected.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Omnidirectional microphones next to the wall

One of the best singing voices is this Karen Carpenter.

And one of the best recorded voices is this of Karen Carpenter.

We know while recording her voice a Neumann U87 series microphone was used at omnidirectional pattern.

Karen Carpenter was singing to thus mic next to the control room glass.

Could thus approach be extended to placing the microphone facing the glass or a wall.

In this way all close reflections will be eliminated.

This is the Boundary, PZM principle.

It is a laser type of principle (the reflected sound wave coherent or in phase with the incoming) and one gets 6 extra dB sensitivity increase.

How would MD21, 635a, D130 sound like with a Pleiades filter to remove exaggerated brain perceived bass, positioned as described above?


Forums on the net discussing which microphone was used on Karen Carpenter's vocals

The boundary microphone PZM patent


Good morning


Zǎoshang hǎo

Guten Morgen

The best possibly book on the planet is Enchiridion - Epictetus?

Enchiridion means manual.

It is the manual of no fear or aphobia or αφοβία.

Entropy and back to past

At -273oC obviously blue and red for example ink water will not mix.

Does this mean there is no entropy at -273oC?

But entropy is the arrow of time.

Would this mean there is no time at -273oC?

Or that time freezes at -273oC?

Or if we could go to lower temperature, would time reverse?

Could we go lower at speeds greater than light?

Would time reverse together with entropy?

So that entropy still holds and we go from order to disorder.

Measuring thermal noise?

Can a very accurate thermometer me made by measuring the thermal noise out of a known resistor connected to a low noise amplifier?