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Sunday, December 30, 2018
Phil Collins with the Beyer M88 microphone
Against All Odds - Phils Collins - Live Aid 1985
Phil playing mostly the more difficult and differently sounding black keys since it is D sharp minor. In fact the scale or mode is D sharp Dorian (Δωρικός τρόπος) since the 2nd chord where bass is A is major, A sharp major.
Making the Beyer M61 sound more natural while keeping the punch
By connecting a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter right after the mic. Ie an inductor in series with a resistor and the total in parallel with the mic. Then a low cut inductor, (Pleiades L filer) or a low primary inductance step up transformer. For example an 160mH Pleiades filter or inductor. The mic then sounds very natural at about 10in to 12in without bass heaviness, nice mid and treble. The punch is still there.
See also yesterday's post:
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Vocal mic on What's a woman - Vaya Con Dios, Fleetwood Mac etc
Some elements on next post in Hellenic.
What is the mic on What's a Woman. If anyone knows please add your comment with possible reference. If the producer or engineer reads this please tell us. It may be an MD421 but I may be wrong. Is it a good quality condenser or moving coil?
The only refencen so far is MD421 in the interview of Shelly Yakus referenced in a older post.
Τι στο καλο, τι μικροφωνο χρησιμοποιούν οι Covαcs, Duffey, Kadebostany κτλ στο studio;
Μερικα υποθετικά στοιχεια στο επόμενο post.
Πάντως το a What's a woman without a man, what's a man without a woman - Vaya Con Dios ακουγεται σαν MD421 η κάποιο καλο πυκνωτικο; Fleetwood Mac, Stevie's Nicks μπορει να ειναι vintage Sennheiser MD421. Δείτε επισεις συνέντευξη του Shelly Yakus referenced σε προηγούμενο post.
Creating nice sounding leakage from cardiod mics
This is influenced by the AKG D45. There is an auction on eBay from Canada showing the inside.
The 2 cardiod capsules are one on top of the other each facing in opposite direction.
So when they are connected in phase together, for example connected in series an omni is created. The uglyer part of the response from the back of each mic is canceled. This was tried with good results on 2 Shure Unidyne B mics, capsules near, mics facing opposite directions. Proximity bass heaviness is canceled. The mic sounds great from both directions. It is no longer a cardiod. It's Omni.
Figure of eight is created by reversing the phase on one mic. Figure of eight is nice too as it cancels everything coming from the sides.
The Beyer M61
A strange a very interesting mic. It arrived 2 days ago.
It is very small and very heavy.
Proximity effect is so heavy as a ribbon figure of eight mic.
A very low inductance coil (Pleiades filter) connected in parallel with voice coil diminishes bass heaviness. The value of the indicator can be as low as 50mH. Mic can then be used at a few inch.
Signal path used:
Male singing voice for few inch - Beyer M61 - (47mH to 200mH) Pleiades filter to WE 1:2 transformer or BBC transformer with primary inductance of 140mH, for curing bass heaviness and stepping up to 800Ω - Sony TC-D5Pro - Sennehsier HD580
(Later addition: a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut can be included right after the mic for a great natural sound while keeping the punch).
There is something very dynamic about Beyer mics. Dynamic comes from the Hellenic word δύναμη (pronounced dyname) meaning force. Possibly comes from the verb δύναμαι which means I am capable of, I can.
The aggressive, metallic, resonant sound of the mic somehow reminds Against all Odds - Phil Collins, Stepping Stone - Duffy, Castle in the Snow - Cadebostany, My Love - Kovacs.
How does the filter of the Sennheiser MD441 look like
If memory is corect there should be an eBay auction possibly from Italy showing the inside of the filter. Symmetrically wound inductors on 2 opposite sections of each core for hum canceling? (Like a toroidal indicator but done on a rectangular core), a few tantalum capacitors, resistors....
Friday, December 28, 2018
Adding the Grampian GR1/L ribbon mic to the comparison tests
This GR1/L had many years ago been re ribboned with a random corrugation. It is now really a GR2/L as some pad must have been removed and it now is equally sensitive to both sides, ie figure of eight.
The book of Al Schmitt on microphone vocal and instrumental techniques came for Christmass.
Al Schmitt explains how important is that good quality mics are used so that the leakage sounds good and adds to the whole sound picture making a big sound.
The Pleiades 2N3053 amp was playing softly in a different room the Fame soundtrack CD, creating an ambience or leakage for the vocal mic to be tested in another room.
The Grampian sounded the best of all mics tested but there was some hiss as the Sony preamp had to be at max gain.
Signal path:
music ambience + male singing voice close to the mic - mic - Pleiades L filter if needed - Pleiades R,L filter if needed - low turn ratio step up transformer - phase inverter XLR barrel when needed - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
A choice of 2 step up transformers was used according to which one sounded best with a mic. The Western Electric 1:2 primary inductance 1H and a BBC design 140mH to 2.1H.
The mic impressions:
Impressive, the best s/n of all mics, too bright giving a character of its own but natural. Not as natural as the Grampian ribbon.
Ambience sounded good.
It had to be connected to a Pleiades filter of 82mH or more and then the WE transformer.
Or directly to the BBC transformer which has less inductance. Otherwise sound was not only treble but very much bass heavy.
Impressive. Big sound too, less treble heaviness, natural.
Ambience sounded good.
Grampian GR1/L
Signal path:
Male singing voice at 10in - Pleiades 14mH low cut - Pleiades 8mH 1:3 transformer (low cut again) - WE or BBC transformer - Sony TC-D5 - Sennheiser HD580
Amazing sound with detail in treble and the whole frequency spectrum, smooth, big
Pity about the hiss, with a Pleiades V6 booster amp it is less (cathode under heating, very low voltage battery operated electron tubes with Pleiades pull up bias etc)
Ambience sounded amazing
Grampian DP6/L (omni)
Great sound possibly second best and MD21 or RE15 3rd best?
Nice ambience
No Pleiades filtered needed
Grampian DP4/L, 2 versions used, black at 25Ω and grey having out Z of 70Ω
More bass on the black model. In general similar sound to DP6/L. But the DP6/L more natural and without needing any Pleiades filter.
Shure 515SB Unidyne B made in USA
Used with a German 1:1 transformer so that the terminating inductance is about 470mH and then the Pleiades filter 130Ω,30mH.
Nice sound at 4-6in
Ambience not very good
Beyer M61
Too much proximity effect so Pleiades filters had to be used L and R,L
Ambience so and so.
Vocal sounded dynamic even at 8in.
Mic has just arrived so it is not known yet have to make it sound at its best for particular condition.
The Grampian ribbon sounded best of all and at 10-12in.
Without Pleiades filters the Grampian ribbon mic sounds bass heavy, so bass heavy that one might dismiss it as having no treble. The opposite is true. Once the excess bass heaviness is removed the treble detail shines. And detail shines throughout the frequency spectrum. A spacious big sound. a the mic sounded best at 8-10 in. The fighter of eight response made the room sound better.
Perhaps this is what textbooks mean when they mention that ribbon mics have the best transient response due to the low vibrating mass. It is a very natural sound with detail but no artificial detail. More, artificial detail may be good too at particular applications.
Moving coil mics sound great but have some coloration possibly due to the heavier diaphragm? They are robust and low noise.
The Pleiades V6 must be retried with the Grampian ribbon mic to increase s/n.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
A music break
Αχ Θαλαςςα μου - Πορτoκαλογλου
Sennheiser MD21, Grampian DP6/L comparison
See next post.
See also tomorrow's post on Grampian ribbon.
Making the Sennheiser MD21 sing even better
The Sennheiser MD21HN can sound even more great with a 82mH to 140mH Pleiades filter inductor in parallel to reduce bass exaggeration on soft signing male voice.
Signal path:
Male voice singing effortlessly - Sennheiser MD21HN- Pleiades filter of 82mH - Western Electric 1:2 transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The Grampian DP6/L sounds great without needing a Pleiades filter as this mic does not produce bass heaviness on such conditions. S/N is worse although quite good but impedance is stepped from 25Ω to 100Ω instead of from 200Ω to 800Ω so a higher turn ratio is needed to get it to 800Ω for a more meaningful comprison.
Combining a Pleiades R,L filter in a resistive transformer winding part 2
...the 2 Pleiades filters may be combined in just a Neutrik module XLR to XLR barrel adaptor, perhaps a 1:2 transformer could be made that incorporates all 3 in a resistive wire primary winding...
See also:
Information on Dr. Fritz Sennheiser, information on Sound Techniques Ltd
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Μια φανταστική ιστορία
Με δικη σας ευθύνη.
Παιδιά γνωστών μου ειναι άγγελοι μπροστά σε μένα.
Εμένα μου άρεσε να πετάω τηλεοράσεις απο το μπαλκόνι. Με την τζαμαρία κλειστή φυσικά. Γιατι να κανει κανεις μια ζημιά οταν μπορει να κανει δυο; Μετα ηθελα να κατέβω στον ακάλυπτο με ενα σφυρί να μικρύνω λιγο τα κομματάκια τηλεόρασης αλλα βαριόμουν.
Χαρη σε μένα οι γονεις μου ειχαν παντα τις πιο σύγχρονες τηλεοράσεις. Τεχνολογία αιχμής.
Τέλος πάντων. Οπως και να χει ειναι απαράδεκτο γονεις να έχουν το κλειδί του σπιτιού του παιδιού τους και τούμπαλιν.
Επισεις καλο ειναι να εχει κανεις μεςα για να κανει αυτο που του αρέσει. Πχ πάγκο με ηλεκτρονικά η κουζίνα για κάποιον που του αρέσει να μαγειρεύει η εχει αυτο σπουδάσει κτλ.
Βοηθαει και η ψυχανάλυση. Αποφεύγοντας καθε αντικαταθλιπτικό. Εμένα με βοήθησε η καταπληκτική Ευτέρπη Μαμπλεκου. Με βοηθηςε Να πάω στην Πεπη η Ειρήνη. Μου έδειξε τι παει να πει όρια. Να μην αφήνω κανένα να προσβάλει τα όρια μου. Και να μην προσβάλω τα όρια κανενός. Να ειναι οι ρολόι των ανθρώπων ξεκάθαροι. Τώρα πανε οι γονεις μου αλλα απ οτι φενεται κανουν λιγο κοπάνα.
Με βοήθησε και η Ηλιανα και με το βιβλιο του Montalk (Fringe Knowledge for Beginers).
Με βοήθησαν οι φιλόσοφοι Μιχάλης, Λάμπρος με τον φίλο του τον Επικτητο.
Πανω απο ολα ομως το εαυτό μας τον βοηθάμε εμείς. Ετςι με έμαθε η Πεπη.
Deformed microphone shields
If it is deformed it may be good news as it may introduce acoustic randomness.
Miles Davies knew what he was doing when he was constantly banging and deforming his trumpet mute.
This is not to suggest dropping mics on the floor but if there is deformation better leaving it alone as is. It is more difficult to leave it alone. It is more difficult not to do. Like in life.
Making the Shure Unidyne B 515SB sing
A great mic. After the bass heaviness and nastiness is removed by suitable inductor, inductor resistive filters the high frequency content that is revealed is great with no s problems, harshness etc.
This refers to the USA vintage model.
The original Fame soundtrack was playing in another room through the Pleiades 2N3053 millipower amplifier operating in class ie echelons flowing all the time.
In the mic singing, headphone reproduction room it was sing along time trying to match the sparkling purity and brightness of the original Fame soundtrack. The Grampian DP6/L does the trick without the need of an EQ. Just a WE 1:2 step up transformer to transform the impedance from 25Ω to 100Ω. So 100Ω was connected direct to Sony TC-D5 Pro through a phase inverter.
So what about the Shure 5151SB?
Here is the signal path that made it to this kind of sound.
male voice singing not loud at 1-9 in - mic - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass - German transformer with primary inductance of 470mH - Western Electric 1:2, Lprimary=1H - Phase inverter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
(The 2 Pleiades filters may be combined in just a Neutrik module XLR to XLR barrel adaptor, perhaps a 1:2 transformer could be made that incorporates all 3 in a resistive wire primary winding)
Here is what each component more or less does:
The Pleiades 130Ω,40mH wave filter compensates for equal loudness curves and voice effort curves. Ie when voice is reproduced louder the human brain perceives more bass, when someone is singing softer the produced acoustic spectrum has more low and high frequency content compared to midrange. Without this filter the sound is bass heavy. Our brain knows why. Those are subjective effects which were measured thereby becoming objective by such phsycho physics or physchoacoustic pioneers such as Fletcher, Munson, S.S. Stevens etc.
The second filter is really the primary inducstnce of the German e+p GSM1 transformer with the switch in the 1:(1.something) position ie from 500Ω to 600Ω. This filter apparently compensates the proximity effect. It is not needed if a distance of say 9in is used. But when a distance of 1in is used it creates approximately the same subjective result. This filter removes also of course the very low pop, ambient, handling noise too.
The phase inverter XLR barrel is used to make positive pressure on mic create positive pressure on headphones to avoid bass cancelation while listening (troughs air and through headphones) and singing in real time.
The Western Electrc 1:2 transformer transforms the 200Ω or so mic output impedance to 600Ω so as the generously drive the Sony mic (with input transformer) input. It also creates some low cut by at a low frequency since the primary inductance is 1 Henry.
The Sennheiser HD580 are very neutral,sounding headphones. For a few hundred dollars one can monitor at such quality as a multi million worth control room. It is like the magic mirror telling the truth.
See also:
Flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain, Sound Picture Recording a Reproducing characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the society of motion picture engineers
Making other great mics sound like the Grampian DP6/L
The DP6/L sounds like a finished product,...
...with mastering.
See on next post what can be done with other great mics.
The golden secret of buying on eBay
Is bidding on something that nobody else wants.
The Cinderella bid.
The Shure SM58 Mexico capsule impedance and Pleiades mod
The capsule was not disconnected.
The impedance of the capsule in shunt with the primary of the internal mic step up transformer at 1.28KHz was measured approx 8Ω.
After unscrewing the relevant compartment in order to make the measurement inside was found a very little torrid (sea blue color ferrite made by Siemens Epcos) which had been disconnected.
It is a very early example of a Pleiadss high pass filter. Only 23 turns of wirewrap wire were wound and the inductance is only 1.14mH. So it is deep high pass. The mic had recorded a very nice female voice singing at 1in from the mic an a capella cover of the following song recorded directly to Sony TC-D5 Pro mono bridged. Some s problems on male voice.
This is the original song possibly recorded with AKG D25 on electron tube custom made console by Mikes Psalidas feeding a Revox electron tube reel to reel:
Γαϊδαράκος - Hatzidakis, Vougiouklaki
Sunday, December 23, 2018
The microphone aphorism
Why does one keeps searching for mics even if the one just bought has not yet arrived?
Possibly because most of them leave something to be desired.
The most up to date Pleiades mic reference possibly taking the place of the Grampian DP4/L is the small Grampian DP6/L. The only mic so far that sounds correct without any EQ? The DP4/L may need a little low cut, for example being terminated by a 140mH inoutbtransformer primary inductance. Both mics are 25Ω. 140mH is equivalent to 1.4H for a mic of 250Ω output impedance.
From a quick comparison again with from cheap plastic to expensive metal microphones with plastic diaphragm, the Electro-Voice RE-15 sounds right by comparison and somehow the AKG D130. The former needed a shunt inductance (like its internal filter) and a Pleiades 130Ω,40mH gentle slope high pass filter in cascade. The latter needed just the (130Ω,40mH) filter, being an omni no proximity effect needs to be compensated. Mics were used at close to (1-2)in distance. At larger distance things are more promising but signal to noise in an unfavorable acoustic environment drops. Anothe mic that can sound close is the Shure 515SB with an R,L filter and then an L filter in cascade. See tomorrow's post.
The Grampian DP6/L sounds corect from singer's brain to listener's brain without an EQ.
Signal path:
Male voice singing I did it my way - mic at 1-2 in - (optional Pleiades filter) - Western Electric 1:2 transformer with 1H primary inductance - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
So why?
Is it its frequency response curve? Is it also the aluminium diaphragm doing away with a plastic sense of sound of some much more expensive mics? Is the aluminium moving diaphrahm another reason why ribbon mics are so natural?
The small omni DP6/L does the trick in an impressive way. It sounds quite like the Sinatra punch and sparkle of I Did It My Way.
It cost so little on eBay.
Protecting our lungs
At your risk. Not a medical advice.
This is just passing information for friend A who cured himself from chronic lung problems to friend B.
Part 1:
I am just about to have a cold. What I do to prevent or cure it, is drink as much vitamin C for example fresh lemon or sour orange in water. It is also in our times very important to avoid palm oil that is put in bread, parties, sweets. Palm or cheap vegetable oil clogs blood arteries like wax, like cheap butter margarine etc. I always read the small letters of ingredients with a magnifying glass to avoid it and now I am fine.
Part 2:
Hi my friend, I had similar lung problems since a very small kid. Now I am fine for more than 10 years and the family doctor has phoned my parents asking (am I still alive?) after so heavy drugs that he was prescribing me.
Here is how I did I it.
This is not a medical advice. At your risk.
I stopped drinking milk. Miraculously asthma disappeared. Now whenever I drink milk my immunity system goes down and I may get Ill in a day or 2. Is it the intibiotics that are used for cow injection everyday? Milk was substituted with tahini, as tahini has calcium and great quality fat.
The immunity system is boosted by drinking a lot of vitamin C from lemon or sour orange in water, everyday. It cures lung problems and it also prevents them from happening again. Cure can be drastically quick in a few hours.
Lungs can possibly be disinfected by the ultra violet content of the first and last sun rays of the day. Window must be open as glass stops ultra violet. Even a few minutes or seconds everyday with sun rays hiting the bare chest or back must kill everything that infects lungs. Ultra violet photons have very high frequency. Electrons go up and down millions millions of times per second. Multiplying frequency in Hz by Plank's constant we get a very high energy content for each photon, a high energy quantum or packet of energy. Each photon can penetrate the body and possibly cures any problem.
So once someone may need to be cured by antibiotics, hopefully using the above techniques, antibiotics will never need to be used again. The immunity system will get stronger and Stronger. Raw food is a great help. Fresh salads. Muesli. The Pleiades meal which is a muesli variation. For some strange reason after starting eating food that does not need to be cooked, eg seeds, walnuts, pistachio nuts etc even if I have a fever it lasts for a few hours only. Not days.
Perhaps the best of all is even a tiny swim in the sea even during winter. Nature does everything. Fever is gone is a few seconds. There is salt, iodine, cold water, fresh air, wind bath, sun ultra violet Ray bath. Nature knows how to protect us.
Hope you will be great soon and always healthy. I am impressed by how you operate business, clever buying and helping your buyers.
My best wishes.
Greece (Hellas) is always welcoming you.
Further reading:
Frindge Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk - page 72
Προληπτική Ιατρικη - Γιάγκος Καραβης
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Grid current bias
On the Tube Circuits for Audio Amplifiers - Mullard book, this term is used on the 4 channel mixer (adder) circuit diagram.
The EF86 has a 10MΩ resistor from grid to cathode. Cathode is connected to ground.
Why does grid current flow? This should be current in the opposite direction. When cathode emits electrons it becomes positive (by lack of electrons or surplus of protons). Grid becomes negative. So when they are joined by a 10MΩ resistor current flows.
The negative grid (by electron emmision from cathode) is pulled a bit up in potential by the higher potential cathode.
It is interesting that in the case of a low Z mic, the Mullard book specifies the use of a step up transformer. One lead of the secondary is connected to ground. The other lead is connected to a 10MΩ resitor shunt by a 5nF capacitor. Their other side is connected to grid. In this way the grid current passes through the secondary of the transformer, possibly magnetising it. Is this a way to operate an input transformer in class A (electrons flowing all the time?).
This has not yet been tried on a Pleiades V6 electron tube mic booster amp. Normally the grid resitor is connected to anode for further pull up bias so that operation can be with a very small anode potential. But the grid current is not let to pass through the input transformer.
How would the Pleiades V6 sound if the secondary is connected to say 10MΩ resitor shunt with a capacitor and their other side connected either to anode? Or Vb? The other lead of the secondary connected to grid.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Comparing classic omni, cardioid mics part 2
Test was repeated including Grampian DP4/L, DP6/L mics. They sounded the most natural. AKG D130 was great too.
See addition to previous post:
Later addition. Sennheiser MD21HN great too with great S/N but needs a 82mH to 140mH Pleiades filter inductor in parallel to reduce bass exaggeration on soft signing male voice.
See also adding the Grampian ribbon mic to the comparison:
Later addition:
Sennheiser MD211 n amazing too. For soft singing voice it needs voice effort compensation otherwise sound can be bass heavy to listener's brain. A Pleiades (R,L) filter can be very useful, for example 130Ω,40mH ie 130ohms in series with 40milliHenries and the resultant in parallel with mic output.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
AKG D1000E with Pleiades 130Ω,40mH filter and a low noise setup
Signal path, setup:
Male voice at 1-3 in - AKG D1000E with no low cut - Pleiades 130Ω,40mH gentle slope high pass filter - German about 470mH:60H input transformer? - Pleiades K117 booster - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
Pleiades K117 details can also be seen in the previous post.
The Pleiades R,L filter was inspired a lot by the filter inside the AKG D1000E. The particular values (130Ω,40mH) give a very nice alternative register to the internal 2nd position of the high pass.
The above setup in very low noise. Clear, no bass heaviness. Bright. Very loud. The -20dB pad has to be energized on SONY TC-D5 Pro.
Grampian DP6 ?
See updates at the end of this listing. What follows is a systematic error.
Badge is missing. It should be a Grampian DP4.
Initially it was thought it is not working. It was directly connected to Sony TC-D5 Pro. Extremely low output. DC resistance was measured 150KΩ. So is it a very high Z or bad contacts?
It was connected to Pleiades K117 JFET as follows:
DP6 H - Pleiades K118 with 1.3V battery - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheissr HD580
Pleiades K117 JFET has a RedGreenRed source resistor bypassed by 22μF. A RedGreyRed drain load resistor and after it a 1μF coupling capacitor to Sony mic in etc. there is a series 47nFcapacitor to gate.
It worked. Nice no bass heavy sound. It fully modulates VU meters but it could be more sensitive.
Later addition:
The next day it worked brilliantly. It is low Z after all.
It was just stepped up by a Western Electric transformer of 1:2 ratio and then feeding the Sony TC-D5 pro. Amazing sound. Natural and full of everything without exaggeration. Sends for tea so many expensive mics. Most of them?
See also next day's post.
Beyer Dynamic Catalogue
Cookies by Athena
At your risk.
1 portion of black resins.
1 portion of good quality, whole grain?, spelt? flour.
1/2 portion of red wine.
1/2 portion of olive oil.
Very little baking powder.
Preheating oven to about 160oC. Cooking for a few minutes.
Recipe by Athena.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Georgio Moroder
There are also brilliant moments where bass becomes Eflat and melody D, ie interval of major seventh.
Irene's Theme - Georgio Moroder
I met a man with a dollar, we exchanged dollars, I still had a dollar.
I met a man with an idea, we exchanged ideas, now we each had two ideas.
From Bo Hansen GroupDIY
Pleiades serial numbers
M61 15899
M61 14618
M88N(C) 15049 to be restored
M88N(C) 42141
M 3500 016041
M 3500 016091
Analog disc reproducing
There is something very natural and smooth about the sound.
The hole on the disc can never be exactly in the center as its position is arranged in the factory by a human.
Hence subtle microvariation in frequency, very low frequency modulation creates a slow caressing effect on the listener's ears basilar membrane. Like a massage.
And of course resolution is the resolution of PVC molecules etc. Almost infinite bit rate?
Smooth glissando or frequency sweep using entropy
Just playing a test tone record on a turntable with power off.
Subtle friction together with moment of inertia (flywheel effect, the analog of inductance) create a very smooth decrease in angular velocity that lasts for many seconds.
Set up:
NAB test record, track with a 1KHz tone - Stanton cartridge - Technics MKII turntable - Tealistic Disco mixer - Sennheiser HD 580
It is very interesting that while frequency is changing the VU Meyer needles on the disco Mexer stay constant. Is this a nice test for RIAA curve?
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Connecting an electron tube directly to iPad part 3?
At your risk.
Always use a fuse in series with any battery for safety.
This is on connecting a moving coil mic to an electron tube and the electron tube to the iPad or other device electret mic input. Driving with a hotter signal from a low noise mic booster amp will reduce hiss. The sound quality should be exceptional with a good mic. The iPad low cut which seems to be quite steep below 300Hz may be a problem. But it can be an advantage for bass heavy mics omni or directional ones. For example the Seenheiser MD21 can sound great for vocals. MD21 HN has already been tried with the Pleiades K117 JFET booster cable directly connected to iPad.
Normally too much gain is not needed or the iPad input stage may overload.
The signal path is:
Singing voice at close distance from mic.
Moving coil mic, omni or directional, (including ribbon figure of 8).
A step up transformer if the mic does not already have one. The impedance driving the low noise electron tube can be above 5KΩ.
A coupling capacitor to the electron tube grid.
The electron tube can be a Nuvistor 2DV4 which has a 2V heater which will run greatly at 1.3V. Other electron tubes can be a Nuvistor 7586, heater supply can be 3.6V. Or EF183 triode connected having a higher heater current consumption at 3.6V. Or 6SK7 etc...
The circuit to be used is a variation of the Pleiades V4 which is really a Pleiades V6 without an output transformer. The load resitor can be the resitor inside the iPad mic input circuit.
Concentrating for this example on the Nuvistor 2DV4...
Heater can be supplied by a 1.5V battery in series with a fuse and an on off switch. This would be gradually turn on or off the system as cathode heats up and emits electrons.
The cathode connected to (-).
The battery (+) becoming ground. This should should create 1.5V + what ever iPad gives for electret FET supply. So if iPad gives 2V, total would be 3.5V which is plenty if Pleiades bias is used giving normally more than 25μA anode current. This insures low noise, not very high gain and world class A sound. Otherwise battery (-) can be ground and total plate supply can be for example 2V. All these values are Vb. actual plate or anode potential will be less by the load resistor violated drop as through it anode current flows, (ohm's law). Across the load resitor is developed the amplified AC music voltage. As electrons dance to the variations of the music signal. Inside and the outside of the electron tube.
The mic transformer is capacitor coupled to grid. This is not to upset the quiescent grid potential.
A 1.5MΩ to 8MΩ Pleiades bias resitor can be used between anode and grid to make the electron tube conduct or operate at such low anode potential.
Anode is connected to iPad mic signal terminal. iPad ground is connected to booster amp ground.
This amplifier like many other great amplifiers operates in class A meaning electrons flow all the time. The electron steam or current is modulated by the music signal to be amplified. This schematic is similar in many ways to the Neumann U47 internal VF14 electron tube head amp as: There is just one triode connected electron tube with cathode deliberately underheated possibly for lowest noise. Grid is fed by a high impedance. Anode is resistance capacitance coupled.
As soon as cathode is heated in an electron tube, grid becomes many hundred millivolts negative with respect to cathode by the electron cloud. Pleiades or pull up bias makes the grid less negative so that the operating point is moved away from cutoff at a low plate (anode) electric potential ie a small electric field. The 2DV4 can operate with just a 1.3V battery (in series with fuse) power supplying both heater and anode, see Pleiades V6 2DV4 posts.
See also:
On preserving transconductance of electron tubes at anode potential as low as 3 volt - euroelectron
Operating features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong
Some simple phantom powered FET preamp schematics
(Just a JFET?)
Friday, December 14, 2018
How would a Beyer M88 sound with a 130Ω,40mH Pleiades filter?
Would it sound like the vocals of Cattle in the Snow - Kadebostany?
We are the People - Empire of the Sun
Or was an MD421 used for this?
Comparing some classic cardioid, omnidirectional moving coil microphones on vocals
The objective of this experiment was to find out how close one could get to a great bright with no bass heaviness produced quality of singing voice with a minimal signal path.
Also testing many mics with the gentle slope Pleiades (R,L) filter so that all mics can be used close thereby eliminating any room artifacts improving signal to noise ratio at the same time.
Observing if the bright MD421 would be better at more real singing with backing track conditions.
Singing this time was while a backing track was playing. Music seems to mask high frequencies so very bright mics like MD421 which were somehow dismissed in older Pleiades experiments may prove to be just right or even perfect at almost real conditions.
A 1:2 high quality (preliminary) transformer was used to step up the impedance of 200Ω to 800Ω for generously driving the mic preamp (SONY) with high S/N.
Signal path:
Is it OK if I Call you Mine (Fame Soundtrack) playing not loudly in an adjacent room from Pleiades 2N3053 and Philips full range speaker - male softly signing voice - (Pleiades 130Ω,40mH) - Western Electric D165831 1:2 transformer of 1H primary inductance - Sony TC-D5 PRO - Sennheiser HD580
Below is the list of mics tried with the objective to effortlessly approach the sound quality of voice as on Fame Soundtrack irrespective of prestige or price or angular patern:
Sennheiser MD421 HN early vintage with old style lettering Sennheiser logo
Possibly the best. Pleiades filter needed at 1-2in and no low cut from mic. If the low cut from mic is used distance can be greater, sound quality is different. No s problems.
Shure SM58 Mexico
Problems with s, (could this particular mic be a fake Chinese?, it was bought new from a shop).
Shure Unidyne III (vintage SM57) made is USA
Excellent. Needs the Pleiades filter for 1-2in very clear and bright sound. Slight s problem.
Shure Unidyne B 515SD made in USA
The best together with MD21 HN
No s problems, great sound with HF and nice midrange
Sennheiser MD21
Great but perhaps too much bass or treble
Used with Pleiades filter at 1-2in
Sennheiser MD441 U3
Great but some sense of plastic sound although very smooth
With Pleiades at 1-2in
Electro-Voice RE15
Top quality, possibly the best.
Less than MD421 but extended HF with Pleiades filter at 1-2in, no LC. Very smooth sound.
Electro-Voice 635a
Great. Pleiades filter needed too.
Omni mic. Sounded exceptionally clear like omnis. There was some kind of 4-6KHz? peak, obstacle pressure doubling effect?
AKG D130
Pleiades filter needed. Big and clear. But again some 4-6KHz? Peak?
Sounded like telephone. No Pleiades filter needed. S problems.
No name SM58 shape.
Very nice. Used with Pleiades filter. Exceptionally nice for a no name mic. No s problems.
Unknown EU.AM EL1600 CP-B
Very nice. No Pleides filter needed. Seems reasonance frequency is adjusted for flat response at small distance.
Sennheiser MD211
Impressive. Needs Pleiades filter for bass heaviness reduction.
Very extended treble. No s problems. A bit sense of plastic but smooth sound. Amazing microphone.
AKG MI 201-100
Very nice, no Pleiades filter needed.
Less HF which is nice for a Capella singing.
Paso M8
Bass heavy. Still bass heavy with Pleiades R,L. Best with just A Pleiades L. Low output.
A systematic problem of above tests is that a constant Pleiades filter of 130Ω, 40mH was used. Different R, L values may better suit different mics. Perhaps a variable Pleiades filter is needed.
Later addition:
A similar test was repeated with most of the above mic including Grampian DP4/L, DP6/6.
More natural results were with AKG D130 and even more with Grampian. Then 25Ω DP4/L black needed a Pleiades filter where as a 70Ω DP4/L gray and the DP6/L did not need. They were just connected to the Western Electric 1:2 transformer.
See also adding the Grampian ribbon to the comparison test:
Later addition:
It may be difficult to decide what would be the mic to hold if one could only take one. At the time of writing possibly the Sennheiser MD211 with a Pleiades (R,L) filter.
How to dramatically increase the palette of your mic sounds without paying a fortune
One may keep buying microphones for a change of mic character.
Or because most may sound bass heavy and nothing compared to what is heard on a produced song on the record or CD or YouTube.
Just connecting an inductor L in series with R and the resultant across the mic output may create an infinite variety of gentle high pass. Depending on the values of L, R an infinite combination. This is the Pleiades (R,L) filter can conveniently be built inside an XLR to XLR barrel adaptor. The inductor can be made of a would ring core small enough to fit inside. Neutrik XLR modules can be used to make the adaptor. A color painted stripe in the centre can be used to distiguish between sound colors of filter. The output from the mic becomes large as ine can approach very close yet without bass heaviness. Just sparkling treble depending on the sound quality of the mic and the voice.
See also next post.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Is there a book on microphone repair or servicing?
It would be nice if a book for example called Practical Microphone Repairing.
Showing with photos how to safely open the classic models from Sennhsier, Elecro-Voice, Beyer, AKG etc. Including service manuals.
How to remove iron dust for example explained in the Microphones: Design And Application - Lou Burroughs (Electro-Voice) book.
Or a website with relevant information where users can upload service manuals they can share etc.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
If you had to take just one of your possessions from home what would be it?
If it were a book. Which one?
If it were a microphone, which one? The fist one that came to mind is the Electro-Voice RE15.
Is the AKG M 201-100 microphone same as the Philips N8211?
Possibly so, they look almost identical.
Nice mic omni mic almost ready for a vocal without the need of EQ. No bass heaviness, nice mid and treble, clear. A bit of s problem. It sounds very nice directly connected to Uher 4200.
Humans are good, paradise is on earth
And the more pure a soul is sometimes everyday life may be more difficult. Insecurity sends money to some pockets.
For example a usual newspaper has front page a crime. They refer to usually the man as the animal who created the crime against usually a woman, let's say at a city far from the capital. The news may not even be real, it could even be fabricated. And perhaps editors may be happy as more newspapers will be sold that day. Every day.
A pure soul may find it unbelievable that another human could do such a bad thing. And could even start wonder, that if someone else could have done that, is it possible that me too?
So he may start to be afraid of himself. While meeting other women, they may sense he is afraid and would not communicate with him. Because they had been scared too by a newspaper or the little red hoody fairytale etc when they were kids. So a vicious circle may begin where he becomes more and more lonely. Although all he wants is to give love.
So what can be done?
It's easy.
Everybody is good.
Fear does not even exist.
The earth is a paradise.
And when we believe it, it becomes a paradise.
See also:
Enchiridion - Epictetous PDF
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Ignorance of responsibility
Let's say a big company has under its umbrella other profitable companies such as:
Fast food chain.
Funeral services chain.
Heath insurance services.
Medical services.
A company such as one making breakfast cereals with a lot of sugar so that the children eating them are prepared for a death at around 65 years old so that a pension giving company keeps even or profitable.
So far so good?
Shares of the parent company are public and a very wealthy man buys a lot of them. Or a grandma in Alaska buys too.
They all expect return for their investment. Companies must keep being profitable.
The CEO is under pressure to keep the company profitable or he, she might lose the job...
Monday, December 10, 2018
More Manos Hatzidakis
Δεκαπέντε Εσπερινοί:
This is recorded at Columbia EMI studios, Athens
Quincy jones producing Manos Hatzidakis
Giokoda's Smile - Hatzidakis:
How do AKG D20, AKG D25, AKG D12 sound like?
One example may be:
Władysław Gomułka, Polish politician Wladystaw Gomulka:
Other possible examples, eg actress Aliki Vougiouklaki, actor Dimitris Papamichail, recorded at Finos Film studios in Athens, see nearby posts for some more elements of information:
Singer Aleka Kanelidou double tracked, actor Zoe Laskari on film, music Mimis Plessas:
Γαϊδαράκος - Hatzidakis, Sakelarios, Vougiouklaki
How well Aliki's breath is captured...
Μες αυτη τη Βάρκα - Χατζιδακις, Χατζιδακις, Αλίκη
By the way this is the same composition, recording produced by Quincy Jones in New York? when Manos Hatzidakis had been staying there for some time:
It is track 3:
Is Aliki Vougiouklaki the girl in the AKG spec sheet for the D20, D25?
At pressure 1 atmosphere water boils at 100oC
And no matter how much we increase stove heat power the temperature of the water boiling is 100oC. But much more steam is created. Water molecule cloud.
How is this similar or different to electrons boiling off an electron tube cathode to create the space charge cloud around cathode and grid?
Difference between preparing a meal and electronics
When preparing a meal, ingredients are added and then (mixed) ie we let the entropy work.
But we can't just pour resistors, capacitors, transistors, electron tubes, transformers, coils etc and stir. Unless a meal for sci-fi robots is prepared. The components have somehow to be electrically joined together, so that free electrons can flow.
At least when building electronics we do not have to wash dishes.
The important of having things nearby or ergonomics in production
It may be obvious.
For example chef Alexandre said there in no use in the fridge being far away.
Having everything nearby is great as a Pleiades meal can be created in about 1-2 minutes. No fridge is needed neither an oven.
All electromagnetic waves are light, just the frequency changes
See physicist Feynman on light on YouTube.
Yesterday's pageviews
Hello to:
Entry Pageviews
United States
Un Homme et une Femme
Music Francis Lai.
Lyrics Pierre Baroux.
Full of so beautiful chords such as major 7ths, eg Do Mi Sol Si (Si natural too), Re Fa# La Do#
Also chords such as 4 5 resolved to 3 5 such as Si bass Mi Fa# Si resolved to Si bass Re# Fa# Si etc
and then Mi bass Re# Sol# Si, another major 7th chord. (Re# is the prepared 7th and Sol# is the 3rd note (above) with respect to bass Mi added [Bach].
Bach Bass Rules PDF:
Vocal mic at Finos Film?, Το μικροφωνο φωνής στα τραγούδια της Φίνος Φιλμ;
Γαϊδαράκος - Χατζιδακις, Σακελάριος, Βουγιουκλακη
What was the vocal mic of these late 50s, 60/ recordings?
The vocal mic must have been an AKG D25. Giannis Back who had been there in the 60s said it was an AKG and drew something that looks like a D25 or D45?
Spyros Anactoridis mentioned that the reel to reel recorders used at Finos Film at that time were Studer electron tube ones.
The adding (mixing) console had been designed, made by electronic engineer Mikes Psalidas who also had made one for Vangelis.
See some references at the similar today's post.
Capsules same or different on AKG D12 AKG D20 AKG D25 AKG D30 AKG D45
ESA and others give very interesting info.
Some info on paper like or transparent diaphragms on AKG D36 and dates
Connecting 2 cardiod mics for omni behavior as on AKG D30, D45 cancels proximity effect
2 Shure Unidyne B 515 cardiod mics were placed with their capsules side by side facing opposite directions. Like how it's done inside an AKG D30, AKG D36 or AKG D45, capsules one on top of the other facing opposite directions. (See photos on an AKG D36 listing currently on eBay.)
Signal path:
male singing 515SB USA
- - WE D163851 1:2 transformer - Sony TC-D5 pro - HD580
voice 515SD MEXICO
The 2 mics were connected in series and in phase. Ie pin 2 of USA mic to pin 2 of XLR out, pin 3 of USA mic to pin 2 of Mexico mic, pin 3 of Mexico mic to XLR out.
When mics are held facing onsite directions the bass heaviness effect disappears as the 2 bass heavy components cancel. Very nice sound. Very natural.
Then electrical phase was changed on one mic to create figure of eight response. Bass was somewhat heavier at very small distance compared to cardiod. But treble was more on figure of eight at larger distance than cardiod. (This experiment has problems as comparisons were done by switching off a mic for cardiod comparison. Impedance drops and LF response increases since they drive the WE transformer). But the figure of eight sound was very nice too at large 1-2 ft distance. Nice and bright.
Vocal mic at Finos Film?, Το μικροφωνο φωνής στα τραγούδια της Φίνος Φιλμ;
Γαϊδαράκος - Χατζιδακις, Σακελάριος, Βουγιουκλακη
What was the vocal mic of these late 50s, 60/ recordings?
The vocal mic must have been an AKG D25. Giannis Back who had been there in the 60s said it was an AKG and drew something that looks like a D25 or D45?
Spyros Anactoridis mentioned that the reel to reel recorders used at Finos Film at that time were Studer electron tube ones.
The adding (mixing) console had been designed, made by electronic engineer Mikes Psalidas who also had made one for Vangelis. Could inductors were made for the presence EQs etc by his friend Tasos Fousekis who wound them at a basement of Syntagm Square, below the offices of an airway company.
Discussions with all the above people involved.
Οι Οκτω Κύκλοι - Τάσος Φουσέκης (Ανέκδοτο)
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Comparing Shure Unidyne B 515SB USA to 515SD Mexico
Signal path:
male speaking or singing voice - mic - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter - WE D163851 1:2 transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
Both mics sound quite good at about 12in.
The sound is very bass heavy at 1-2in.
Including the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut highly pass filter the sound is amazing at 1-2 in. The filter is just a 40mH inductor in series with 130Ω and total connected across voice coil.
But it was amazing on the vintage USA model. On the newer model the HF now exposed sounded harsh, unclear, distorted.
The USA model sounds with great mid range, clear non distorting treble. Very impressive sound.
The signal to noise ratio is hotly increased as the mic singer distance is very small.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Is a Pleiades V6 mic booster electron tube amp possible with a DC90?
Referring to the Pleiades V6 schematic.
Filament cathode current of the DC90 triode electron tube is only 50mA.
Would it work with say 12V at the anode and Pleiades bias (a high R from anode to grid)? Thus letting grid intersept [Western Electric] the electron beam. Grid would still be negative wrt cathode by the proximity of the electron space charge but less so making anode current possible at low plate voltage. Only 50-100μA or even much less anode current is needed for great mic sound and low noise. Graceful instantaneous peak limiting should be possibly when mic is driven by higher SPLs.
1 or 2 very small 12V type garage remote control type batteries for anode supply should last for weeks or months. 1 AA 1.2V rechargeable battery for filament cathode should last for at least 20 hours.
(Always use a fuse in series with a battery for safety).
Principles of electron tubes - Chapter 5 grid controlled tubes - Western Electric - Bell Telephone Labs series
Friday, December 7, 2018
More electronics books
These should be very interesting too:
Fundamentals of Engineering Electronics - G. W. Dow
Foundatiins of future electronics - David Bulkeley Langmuir, William Delmar Hershberger
Irving Langmuir
...currents were small because the charges in the electrons in the free space between the leg of the filament shielded the negative leg from the accelerating filed due to the positive leg...
Extract from:
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Principles of Electron Tubes - Western Electric
Includes construction details of 6AK5, WE 417A etc
RE-15, MD441, 330 BT, 190E, RE-16, with Western Electric 1:2 transformer
Signal path:
Male singing voice at close distance - directional mixing. coil mic - (Pleiades 130Ω,40mH) needed with some mics - Western Electric D163851 transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro at XLR mic in, mono mode - Sennheiser HD580
The following direction dynamic mics were tried:
Paso 960X nice, bass exaggeration reduced by WE transformer
AKG D190E natural, possible to sing near without Pleiades filter
AKG 330 BT interesting, the mid position of bass cut sounded best
Electro-Voice RE-15 very impressive, it's low cut on, with Pleiades filter possible to sing at 0-1in
Sennheiser MD441 U3 smooth, bass exaggeration even at >14in, with Pleiades filter great at small distance
Paso M980 nice at 10in with WE, natural, too bright with Pleiades filter
Electro-Voice RE-16 with its LC on, impressive, detailed and so alive like RE-15, larger grill does not allow to get as close to diaphragm, So perhaps less bass with Pleiades R,L filter. RE-15 even more punchy,
They all sounded bigger with the inclusion of the WE transformer which also compensates some bass heaviness thereby bringing voice forward. Signal to noise ratio was also better as the impedance is stepped from say 200Ω to 800Ω. The WE transformer makes the sound bigger.
Monday, December 3, 2018
A simple way to play almost anything on the piano
For example playing the Little Drumer:
Recorded with an iPad mini and its mic.
Left hand plays harmony or chords. The little finger normally can play the lowest note in frequency ie bass. The right hand can play the melody.
135 (harmonic triad ie adding the 3rd and 5th to bass) with respect to bass is used in this example for example G bass B D. Exception is G46 ie G C E on 2nd bar which is an invention of C E G.
The principle of least change in music in not used on this example. It was tried to play all chords 1 3 5 for the shake of clarity in example.
See also Bach bass rules:
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Great information on AKG D12, D20, D25
And on repairing:
Bechstein pianos
Making Bechstein pianos
Aliki Vougiouklaki, Αλίκη Βουγιουκλακη
Music by Manos Hatzidakis
From the movie Aliki Joins the Navy
Music by Mamagakis
Στον Ηλιο του Μεσιμεριου
with Dimitris Papamichail
Patent behind AKG D12, D20, D25 microphones?
It was found by searching espacenet with AKG applicant and year span 1950, 1960.
It describes acoustic impedance machine arangments at the back of the membrane. (When we have impedance matching the wave is not reflected. When the characteristic impedance of a transmission line is terminated by an equal impedance there is no reflection. The line behaves as a infinite line. Like light (electimegntic wave for example) keep forever traveling through free space without obstacles).
AKG D20, D25
Information on CK-12 capsule
Saturday, December 1, 2018
AKG circuit for 6072 electron tube low noise selection tests
Cathode resitor 2K7 in parallel with 33μF.
Grid to ground resistor 200MΩ in parallel with 200pF.
Anode resistor 100K (this should be a low noise one?).
1μF capacitor from anode to primary of a 10:1 output transformer. Other side of primary to ground. Secondary is connected to to a 60dB amplifier. (A psophometer should be great too?). Then there is a Sennheiser UPM550 filter.
The cathode of the other triode section is shown connected to ground.
Ug max 3.8mV eff.
A weighted Ug Max 2.5mVeff, 1.9mV eff normal?
Psophometers are equipment for measuring electrical noise
Measuring thermal motion of electrons ie hiss.
Great examples should be by Rohde and Swartz, Siemens, Bruel and Kjaer, Hewlett Packard,...
More information on AKG C12 condenser microphone
Includes a photo including the designer Conrad Wolf:
Pinewood Studios
Linwood Studios - Oxford Digital Media YouTube channel
Friday, November 30, 2018
Pleiades R,C highpass filter with AKG D112
Signal path:
Male singing voice at 1-4 in - AKG D112 - Pleiades R,C filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The Pleiades R,C is a gentle slope low cut or high pass made with a series capacitor shunted by a resistor. A 50K linear variable resitor was used and a Heathkit capacitor box.
First impression was that just a C may sound nice.
Second impression was that an R is needed too.
Third impression was that R,L in shunt sounds better, see Pleiades R,L filters.
Nevertheless 2 values that sounded nice with nice treble are 47nF, 42KΩ.
Other interesting combinations.
68nF,οοΩ (only C)
47nF,26.7KΩ (this possibly sounds better, less bass heavy than 130Ω,40mH)
This may be placed inside an XLR to XLR Neutrik modules barrel female to male adaptor. 2 capacitors and 2 resistors of the corect value may be used for better balanced operation.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Finos Film
According to initial information by Spiros Anaktoridis they were possibly recording on Revox electron tube reel to reel.
Mixing (adding is the correct word in electronic engineering) console with electron tubes and inductor passive EQs was designed and made by electronic engineer Mikes Psalidas. He had made another one for Vangelis. He was very carefuly studying flat frequency response from producers brain to listener's brain from publications such as Cinema Engineering, Elements of Sound Recording - Frayne, Wolfe. Finos had asked his help on improving the sound quality of movies in Hellas. Mikes Psalidas suggested they subscribe to the Journal of the Socienty of Motion Picture Engineers. And they did. See previous posts.
Μες αυτη τη βάρκα - Hatzidakis, Hatzidakis, sung by Vougiouklaki
More information on the demo sung by Nana Mouskouri and lyrics:
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
AKG D112 with Cinema Engineering 4031-B or Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)
The AKG D112 had been bought through eBay as it has a very similar frequency response curve to the Neumann U47. The idea was to connect it ie its moving coil element to a step up transformer and then to the grid of an electron tube powered by battery, see Pleiades V6. Underheated electron emitting cathode like the VF14 electron tube in Neumann U47.
Of course proximity effect compensation, Fletcher Munson curves compensation and voice effort effect compensation is needed to reduce the bass heaviness and archive a flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain [Lowe, Morgan].
This post focuses on D112 and wave filters only. Mic is connected to passive wave filter. The output of the wave filter is then connected to a standard preamp. So no mic booster amp such as Pleides V6 is used on these experiments.
Signal path:
Male singing voice at 1-5 in - AKG D112 - passive filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro at XLR mic in - Sennehsiser HD580
A phase inverting XLR to XLR is also used before Sony as for some reason the particular one used phase inverts.
1 The D112 is connected directly to Sony TC-D5 Pro. Very bass heavy sound.
2 The Cinema Eng passive EQ is connected between the two. At -10 for Low Frequency (100Hz?) setting the sound is remarkably nice. Boosting a bit at 3KHz makes presence even better. Unfortunately there is hiss as the EQ has insertion loss (14dB?) [Tremaine]. It should be connected after a mic booster front end amp or a preamp.
3 The Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut passive wave filter is connected between mic and preamp. Just a 130Ω resistor in series with 40mH. The resultant connected in parallel ie to pins 2.3 inside a Neutrik Module XLR to XLR barrel. The sound is very nice and big. There is almost no hiss as the Pleiads filter just subtracts what is not wanted. Sound could be further improved by optimizing the R, L values. A variable box should ideally be built. Series C in parallel with variable R should be tried too as an alternative to gentle slope low cut.
Later today's addition. By connecting L=85mH and R(330R log pot) with cable clips a combination of 85mH is series with 100Ω sounded very nice and natural with D112 at 3-4in. The 85mH inductor is made by winding a small grey colored Siemens Epcos (Siemens Matshushita) ferrite ring core which fits inside an XLR female to male barrel adapter. The core type should be R 12.5.
Singing together with Yamaha PSS-14 synth strings chord backing, the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) sounds more edgy, with more bandwidth on both sides of spectrum, with less mid range giving a sense of a smoking singer, while the Pleiades (100Ω,85mH) sounds more clear with more focused midrange while still having treble. Bass frequency spectrum content of voice is natural in both cases. The latter filter has more focused presence. Pehaps with the backing harmony the first example is more suitable as the edginess makes the voice stand out. Another interesting R value is 73Ω. More experiments are needed, for example varying R,L parameters while singing to a backing track. See also Pleiades R,C filter on tomorrow's post.
Sound picture recording and reproducing characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - JSMPE
Audio Cyclopedia - Howard M. TremaIne
Freedom is...
having the choice to do otherwise
From Vangelis interview quoting a definition of Aristotle
Extract of Vangelis interview, how music is composed?
Πώς έρχεται η μουσική σε εμάς; «Υπάρχει το εξής. Κάποιος γράφει ένα μουσικό κομμάτι. Μπορεί να το γράφει επειδή το σκέφτηκε, είναι δηλαδή κάτι υποκειμενικό, που μπορεί να είναι και πάρα πολύ ωραίο. Μπορεί να μη σκέφτεται τίποτα. Τότε το γράφει η ίδια μουσική. Χρησιμοποιεί, δηλαδή, η μουσική κάποιον ή κάποια προκειμένου να γραφτεί».
How does music come to us?
"Somebody records a musical composition. It may be recorded due to thought, something subjective, it may be very nice. Somebody may not think of anything. It is then music recording itself. Music uses a man or a woman so that she is recorded."
Rough translation from a Vangelis interview quote.
Interview in BHμαγκαζίνο.
Know something? I know your melody - Vangelis
"Ξερεις κατι, ξέρω τη μελωδια σου"
"You know something, I know your melody".
This is what Vangelis when a kid was saying to someone he would meet irrespective of age.
They would smile. And would caress his hair.
When you watch nature closely, she would tell you everything. - Vangelis
Interview of Vangelis:
Painting is art, music is science - Vangelis
From this nterview of Vangelis:
Another way of measuring subjective equivalent input noise resistance
At your risk. Proctect your hearing.
Short circuiting the input. Listening for hiss. Then increase the terminating input resistor of a just noticeable difference (JND). Measure this terminating resistor.
Since this may corespond to a change of 3dB [Stevens] (doubling of power) this method may give similar results to objective VU meter ewuivant noise resistance measurements [Pearson]?
Sound and Hearing - S S Stevens, Fred Warshopsky - Time science series
Fluctuation noise in Vacuum Tubes - Pearson
Interview of Vangelis
In hellenic language:
and another interview:
Electronic engineer and director Alfred Hitchcock never won an Oscar award
Same for Charlie Chaplin.
Interview of Vangelis:
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
The first few chords of Skyfall - Adele on Bechstein piano
Skyfall - Adele intro played on Bechstein piano
Monday, November 26, 2018
Beyer M55 types
An excellent sounding omnidirectional moving coil microphone.
There are many variations according to period of manufacture.
This is a very rough guide.
Older types are chrome with grey cable and dual impedance. Typically the low Z pin measures 180Ω, hi Z around 40-80? KΩ. For some strange reason some may be inverting, so phase attention is required unless one may like to use the noise canceling effect of 2 omnis out of phase, see Lou Bouroughs microphone book.
Newer types are black. Impedance usualy 470Ω.
There are also chrome ones with black cable. Dual mpedance but low Z was measured 470Ω.
A chrome one was found which is 500Ω.
They all sound excellent with no bass heaviness and nice unhyped treble. Great midrange. No s problems. No pop problems. No handling noise.
They sound great connected to Sony TC-D5 Pro, to Uher 4200 report, to a Pleiades V4 front end battery powered electron type amplifier.
If analog tape can record the hiss of a preamplifier...
this possibly means that it can record the thermal motion of electrons.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Girls in the Sun, the full movie
Featuring music recorded at Columbia EMI studios Athens
Sending line out to Sony TC-D5 PRO XLR mic in
At your risk.
This may be done by a 50KΩ or more series resistor and a 330Ω shunt resitor.
A simple potential divider that may have an output impedance of nearly 330Ω simulating the output impedance of a microphone.
Low noise experiments on Sony TC-D5 Pro
At your risk. Protect your ears.
A multi turn wire wound potentiometer was connected at the XLR input as a variable resistor.
Limiter switch is on.
When resitor is at 0Ω the noise is lower and rec level may carefuly be increased until noise is heard.
Then the multi turn potentiometer is careful turned until subjective noise becomes double.
The measured value of the resitor was 327Ω, giving a measure of equivalent subjective input noise resistance.
Simulating a very low music level 300Ω microphone output for low noise preamplifier tests
At your risk. Protect your ears.
This was done by connecting a series 10MΩ resistor to line out of a Sony Walkman CD player and then a 330Ω shunt resistor.
It may be better to use a 200Ω wire wound resistor as many mics have such output impedance.
Then another such attenuator was connected in cascade.
(A very important source of noise is thermal noise. Ie agitating electrons in a conductor due to thermal energy which we all receive from the sun). Hiss. See also Johnson thermal noise.
Signal path:
ABBA Voulez Vous CD - Sony CD Walkman line out - 10MΩ, 330Ω potential devider - 10MΩ, 330Ω potential devider - (in fact another one may be needed) - Sony TC-D5 Pro, limiter on - Sennheiser HD580
After the second attenuator or potential devider music is buried in noise as if listening to a very distant radio station. The noise heard should be the 330Ω thermal noise only on a good preamplifier.
When music is so low that it is almost inaudible adding a Western Electric 1:2 step up transformer stepping up the impedance to 4x ie 1200Ω makes music clearly audible.
This may show that the signal to noise ratio of Sony TC-D5 can be improved by a good quality passive or active mic booster amplifier. Examples are a good low turn ratio transformer or for example a Pleiades V6 electron tube battery powered preamplifier respectively.
And it may also show that when we accuse tape of low noise we may be in fact be acussing
preamplifier noise or thermal noise which has nothing tho do with analog tape itself.
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