Monday, April 30, 2018

An interesting Guardian article on breakfast cereals

At your own risk. This is not a medical advice.

Drop that Spoon! The Truth about Breakfast Cereals - Guardian

Is 100% barley rusks + black raisins + whole sesame seeds, or oat flakes, or muesli with tahini, water or the Pleiades meal a good alternative?

Hello to Hong Kong and Brazil

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Great engineers are educated in many disciplines

For example Lee De Forest, inventor of the triode electron tube, father of radio, was writing poetry too.

He could climb mountains and feel so young on top of something so eternal.


Father of Radio, Lee de Forest autobiography

Hello to...

South Korea
United States
United Arab Emirates

Γεννιόμαστε για να γίνουμε ακομα πιο καλοί

We are born to become even better

Friday, April 27, 2018

Hello to Finland, Bulgaria and Spain

The great difference between sound absorption and sound insulation

For example:

An open window is:

A perfect sound absorber but not a sound insulator.


Studio Engineering for Sound Broadcasting - members of the BBC Engineering Division - Wireless World - chapter 3 Acoustics and Microphone Placing

Thursday, April 26, 2018

BBC documentary on Tubular Bells - Mike Oldfield

Does rubbing one's hands disinfects or sterilizes?

At your own risk, this is not a medical advice.

Does rubbing hands (Karate Kid style) disinfects or sterilizes due to the high local temperature? Is the peak temperature very high?

Is the local temperature created very high as one can smell an almost burned odor at the palms? This is happening even after rubbing hands for a few seconds.

Does rubbing also get rid of dead cells together with dirt?

Is this related to the recommendation by medical doctor Giangos Karavis in his book of performing daily air bath, sun bath, rubbing the bodyskin with a clean dry towel or hands for general well being?

Is another method of cleaning hands using sea water due to salt and iodine?


Προληπτική Ιατρική (Preventive Medicine) - Γιαγκος Καραβης - ΑΘΗΝΑ 1987 - Πύρινος Κοσμος

Hello to Finland, Bulgaria, Central African Republic

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Hello to United Arab Emirates and Poland

Hello to France and the Netherlands

Are UV Rays giving joy during sunset or sunrise?

At your own risk. This is not a medical advice. Take care not to stay more than is needed. Protect your eyes etc.

Is it the high frequency (ultra violet) photons that penetrate the body? The energy of a quantum of energy or photon is proportional to the light or electromagnetic wave frequency.

Has this area of joy been studied?

It can be very easily observed that even if feeling down and one gets in sea water and then during sunset or sunrise, after using a towel for the excess water, the body dries on the beach surrounded by all this light, the sorrow is gone.


One can see the violet sky, the planet Venus above,  after the sun has set. (Venus orbits near the sun). So beautiful.

The calm water.

We are so greatful that earth is our home.

Is food a way to control population?

At your own risk. This is not a medical advice. It is important that we read with a magnifying glass the ingredients list of a food before it gets inside us.

See also the previous euroelectron post.

Fortunately one can now see that things have much improved. Poor people, immigrants, people in need of food, are donated small bags of whole grain sesame seeds instead of cheap croissants. Cheap croissants contain palm or vegetable oil or fat on the pastry and the filling which have a reputation of clogging blood arteries. On the other hand sesame may be the food with the best quality to price ratio on our planet. And the price to pay is not a possible future heart attack, hospital expenses to the patient or society.

Someone who is poor does not need to be miserable. Nor to have clogged arteries leading to heart problems.

Poor people can be useful like everyone by being happy.

The positive feedback oscillator and clogging arteries

(At your own risk, this is not a medical advice).

It is important that we read with a magnifying glass the ingredients list of food before it gets inside us

For example...

One goes to hospital to unclog arteries after an episode. Say for example a stent is placed.

The patient is then in bed and is asked to tick on a piece of paper menu his preference for next day meal.

The hospital food menu (under the low fat column) may include margarine, rusks with palm oil or fat etc. So arteries may begin to clog again. And the sane person may be found back after some time to the hospital for another stent. We have are repeating phenomenon or oscillation,

The power supply of this oscillator is petroleum oil. It powers everything from the ambulance that brings the patient to the hospital to the lighting of the hospital. Even the equipment that produce and distribute margarine etc.

In fact it is the sun that powers everything.

But in the case of the last hundred years or so mankind has mass found and use petroleum oil which is really sun energy stored over million of years from decaying fish and microorganisms. This is how petroleum oil must have been made in the first place.

And for some reason we think we have to consume this over millions of years accumulated energy in just 200 years. Everything needs to be consumed quickly, so we think. And the ambulance must move extremely fast.

For some reason the system settles at maximum power transfer or impedance matching of source output impedance to load input impedance. Taking into account all anthropological, sociological, economic, psychological conditions.

Maximum power transfer means the quickest possible extinction of the energy source. Is this a way of an ecosystem to protect itself by spending non renewable petrol as soon as possible?

What is economics?

Is it the science that deals on how to spend the resource as soon as possible so that either the civilization is destroyed by global warming and then reborn after many years? Or on how petroleum oil is consumed before destruction and we stay on the same boat?

Fortunately human beings are most clever beings.

They are realizing these issues.

And are beginning to bring the paradise back.

And the hospital is giving the choice. The patient or spouse or their children if they are conscious have the choice to tick margarine or not for the next meal.

There is freewill.

It is even better now that hospitals have removed trans fat from their menu thereby putting an end to the oscillation.

There is paradise.


Conceptual Physics - Hewitt - appendix on non renewable energy and the inability of the human race to understand the exponential function

The most important video you will ever see - Prof. Bartlett - University of Colorado - YouTube

Fringe Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk - (the section on non edible food that ends up in the blood stream)

Positive feedback electronic oscillators

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hello to Germany, Denmark, Russia, United States

The Pleiades 2N3053 amp with PHILIPS AD5046N sound so real...

that a listener while a discussion was going on suddenly turned to ask did something just happened, did someone rung a bell, etc. This was while a few seconds from Sirius - Alan Paesons Project had started to be played.

(Just to remind, this is a setup with just one full range loudspeaker, mono, class A operation)

Much of this is thanks to little nephew, Ionas who wondered very seriously why should 2 loudspeakers be used.  And  his grandfather Nikos who always insists that music diffuses.

In fact much of the Pleiades battery operated electron tube circuits were influenced by Nikos who always insisted that experiments should be done with low (tension) voltage battery supply for safety. (Never forget to use a fuse in series with a battery terminal for safety). Nikos would always buy to his son the best available tools. And helped his kid built the first electronic construction with springs connecting resistors, transistor, capacitor, battery etc. Nikos is an economist and a painter.

Niko's wife, a very dynamic mother always encourages but is also very keen on throwing away electronic constructions etc. For example 2 mono amps would be too much. It is thanks to her that the Pleiades labs were made so that things would not suddenly disappear without notice. Nikos and Rena played also a very important part in giving their son an electronic engineering education at Warwick University in UK.

So there you go, a mono setup that may satisfy anyone including perhaps, Phil Spector or Joe Meek. Mike Oldfield also must have learned, hearing a lot of detail too from the one only speaker of his Dansette electron tube record player when he was a kid.

Signal path, setup:

(Sirius - The Alan Parsons Project, the definitive collection) - Sony CD Walkman from line out - Pleiades 2N3053 mono class A amp, Vbattery=12V - PHILIPS AD5046N (800Ω)

For the schematic please see the reference:


Mike Oldfield - BBC Documentary

Visual Medical History or VMH

Would it be useful to a doctor?

The patient arrives or sends before arriving a VMH.

When the VMH file is opened the doctor sees a picture of the patients body with colored highlights showing all the patient's medical history.

For example if he, she has had a stent a colored point would appear at the place it has been installed. If he, she is using an antidepressant drug a different color would appear at the brain, etc.

The doctor would click on every color of interest to find more details on a particular point of medical patient's history.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Hello to Denmark and Hellas

What is News?

Is it something that has a low probability to occur?

For example:

The sun will rise tomorrow is not news.

A healthy baby is born today is not news.

See also Information Theory - Claude Shannon. Something has information when it is unlikely to occur. For example a morse code can transmit information, whereas a continuous sinewave does not.

It is nice that news channels are beginning not to transmit the unexpected. This gives a sense of security to people. When people feel secure they are happy and healthy. See also the Dale Cargengie book.

Non phobia as taught by Epictetous helps a lot. And it is nice that Epictetous has started to be taught at school or university. Mankind owes a lot to education authority.


How to stop worrying and start living - Dale Carnegie

Enchiridion - Epictetus

Articles on iron deficiency and thyroid health

At your own risk.

These are 2 articles on the subject:

Friday, April 20, 2018

What goes on in your life is not written on the wall

Free will.

It depends on our choices, our freewill.


The films:

The Shawshank Redemption

The Devil's Advocate (staring Al Pacino)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Canelina, Impedance Matching and the Wise Seaguls

On this episode Canelina the cat cries as she does not understand what is impedance matching and that there is then maximum power transfer.

The wise seaguls on the beach tell her that at open circuit conditions the voltage across the terminals of a real voltage source is maximum. When something is connected there is a voltage drop across the terminals.

So any real voltage source behaves as an ideal voltage source in series with a resistance, called internal resistance or output resistance.

When the load is of the same value as Ri the voltage across the terminals has dropped to half the open circuit value.

Maximum power transfer is then possible as at these counditions it is the product of voltage and current which is maximum, VxI. VxI is power. The voltage across the terminals time the current through them. Or the voltage across the load times the current through it.

Canelina jumps from joy, invites her friends and they all dance at the beach under the sun that leaves no shadows to truth.


Electronics, a systems approach - Neil Storey

Hello to Ukraine and United States

South Korea was 3rd this week on euroelectron views

Since May 2010 euroelectron pageviews exceeded 40,000

Thank you all

It is a great encouragement that there are people reading the euroelectron posts. It is certainly due to you, the readers, that some of the Pleiades circuits and euroelectron posts came to existence.

Publishing posts frees mental space for new ideas.

Perhaps even more important is how one feels. It feels different even walking on the street, the forest or the beach knowing that an important group of people are reading those posts, possibly benefit from them and hopefully improve on the ideas. Or creating their own new ideas.

Paradise is here.

Up to now statistics since euroelectron started:

Country, pageviews.

United States, 14102
France, 9533
Hellas, 4320
Russia, 1710
China, 1578
South Korea, 1128
Germany, 565
Mexico, 526
Polland, 470
Brazil, 455

There are more more countries from all continents. Google gives only the top 10 in pageviews.

Top 10 posts up to now:


Pleiades High Pass Microphone Impedance Matching Transformer
Feb 22, 2014
Pleiades Electra Amplifier
Apr 13, 2013
pleiades electra schematics
Jul 6, 2014
The difference between various models of Sennheiser MD441 MD 441
Mar 31, 2016
Loads of information for any microphone and not only at
Apr 11, 2017
The Best Way to Stop something is to Stop it
Apr 1, 2017
Some Music Aphorisms
Apr 4, 2017
Pleiades V5 prototype finished? with circuit discription
Dec 13, 2015
EMI RS61 Schematic
Dec 31, 2014
Μου έρχεται η εικόνα σου και είμαι όλο χαρά
Mar 19, 2017

Σε 150 έτη δεν θα θυμόμαστε τίποτα

In 150 years we won't remember anything.

By Michalis.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Updates on EMI Columbia Athens recording studios

Yesterday the technician Yiannis Dimitriou of the demolished Athens EMI studio (arguably one of the best studios and record factories in Europe) was visited. This recording plant-studio was used by many surrounding countries including Arab counties.

He is born 13/3 in 1932 and keeping well by eating tahini.

He is born in Bordeaux - France by immigrant Hellenic parents from minor Asia. He came to Hellas at 6 years old. Was raised in an orphanage where he attended primary school only and started playing with little speakers etc as a hobby. He was very keen in watching the movies while a teenager. And attended a ship repair mechanics school. He then got a job at Orfanidis radio, record stop in Athens where he was repairing radios learning on his own as the other technicians were secretive. His boss was also selling Telefunken, Pathé, Columbia records. He knew the 51% holder of Columbia Athens factory Lambropoulos. (51% to a Hellenic citizen and the rest to EMI was the only way this entity could legally exist in Hellas). Dimitriou asked if they could get him a job at the Columbia factory and studios. He got a job initially on the record pressing plant. Then for short time had been assistant to sound engineer Kanelopoulos and he started being a technician while the 2 new studios, 1 and 2, started to be built. At this time the studio had an 8in mono adding console. And the preamplifiers were the racked EMI RS61 low level amplifiers. Before using the Neunmann U47 some axial moving coil microphones seem to have been used although he does not recall which. He mentions both type of mics were of exceptional quality in sound.

He said he had installed 34km of cabling in the studios.

The studios were box in a box.

He was instructed to make, install the absorbers. These were prepared in the carpentry shop of the factory. They were big boxes, the size of small cafe windows. The front was perforated. Inside was high frequency absorbing material. The low frequencie were apparently absorbed by roofing felt membranes. It is not very clear but this time he said they may had been internaly glued to each wood side, but his not sure. (Roofing felt and linoleum panels have been used by the BBC. see Acoustics for Radio and Television Studios - Gilford). (Mustn't there have been been some constructions with the membrane absorber before the perforated panel and porous absorber between it and the wall? On a precious interview Dimitriou said yes, on this interview he does not remember. See the reference on the use of membrane low frequency absorbers by the BBC).

Gun shots responses of the room (approximation of delta function response) were being recorded on tape and the tapes sent over to England. The acoustical engineers then would instruct how many of these to put in the other wall and so on. All walls were covered with theses wooden constructions.

He mentions the power amplifiers for the control room and also echo rooms were Leak valve or electron tube power amplifiers.

He is not sure about what speaker was used in each of the 2 echo chambers or echo rooms

Possibly it was Goodmans full range , with a small cone in cone and double voice coil for the high frequencies. (They are possibly of the type described on the Acoustical Engineering - H.F. Olson book).

On artists Yiannis Dimitriou had to mention how he was impressed by song writer Manos Hatzidakis. "A gentleman". And when there was a strike he supported the musicians saying let's not record today. After late night sessions Kanelopoulos would take in his car Dimitriou and Hatzidakis. Dimitriou would be left at his house. And the others would go to Pagrati district, to the café Magemenos Avlos.

Reference:Studio Engineering for Sound Broadcasting - Members of BBC Engineering Division - Wireless World

Perhaps more important than what you know or who you know...

The book:
How to Win Friends - Dale Carnegie

And of course:

The manual of non phobia
Epictetous - Enchiridion


Make your own

It's  already inside us

Monday, April 16, 2018

Hello to Hellas, Ukraine, United States, India

Three only active devices from the mic voice coil to the headphone voice coil

At your risk. Always protect your ears.

Signal path, setup:

Electro-Voice RE15 (low cut on) - Pleiades V5 mic head preamp - Pleiades 2N3053 power amp - Sennheiser HD580

Most previous Pleiades experiments were done with the HD580 2x300Ω headphones been driven either by the realistic disco mixer or the Sony TC-D5 pro.

Since it was recently found that just one 2N3053 bipolar transistor can drive in class A directly the headphone voice coil with superb sound, what would more logical than to connect a Pleiades electron tube battery mic pre preamp directly to it. This Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier uses one 2N3053 transistor per channel and is operated by just a 1.3V battery.

But would it be adequately driven by just 2 electron tubes so that a high intensity sound can be heard by using a microphone? When one just sings softly to the microphone?

Well it does.

The overall gain is such that even birds from far away can be heard through the headphones when the RE15 is connected.

And it is a beautiful sound.

First of all the so low noise floor hiss sounds creamy smooth as everything in this setup is battery powered. Or is it the complete silence of the setup and what is heard as noise floor is now the acoustic noise floor high frequency content?

The sound of male singing voice is very clear as expected from a full class A (electrons flowing all the time setup). Smooth, excellent midrange. Dynamic. Smooth and extended treble. Great bass. But above all natural sound.

There is some instantenious peak limiting at high singing levels as this is a very low power amplifier since the 2N3053 is at the moment powered by only 1.3 volts for ear safety. But precisely is this what makes it sound in the direction of a good reel to reel tape recorder peak limiting at large signals and increasing the average signal level? It sounds a bit like a good quality reproduced voice from a vinyl record source.

In order to get as much gain as possible the signal from the second stage EF183 of the Pleiadss V5 head amp is taken from it's anode through an external 820nF capacitor to the input of the Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier. The input transformer primary inductance of the Pleiades V5 head amp is 47mH and the turns ratio is 1:10. So there is a lot proximity bass compensation and the fabulous RE15 mic can be used as close as 1in-2in for flat frequency response from producer's to listener's brain.

This setup with the 2N3053 power amp should be also be tried driving the 800Ω Philips AD5046N loudspeaker, see reference. How would it sound?


Just 3 battery powered single ended class A amolifiing stages can provide a gain high enough to directly power the voice coil of high Z headphones with source the voice coil of a studio microphone. The sound is fabulous as it is a minimum count component setup. Just 2 electron tubes, 1 transistor per headphone voice coil, one input transformer, 3 capacitors, a few biasing anode to grid collector to base resistors, load resistors and 3 batteries. The electron tubes are powered by just 7-8 volts including anodes (see references). Would it be possible to feed the transistor base directly from the anode eliminating one capacitor? An electron tube is a current output device and a transistor is a current input device. Electrons dancing to the music signal transfer the information by their electromagnetic force interaction.

It is possible to have a light weight, portable, low consumption, minimum electronic component count production reproduction setup of world class studio quality. Operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).


On preserving electron tube transconuctance at as low as 3 volt anode potential - euroelectron

Operating Features of the Audion - E.H. Armstrong

Is it what we don't do that is more important?

For example ABBA records do not have cymbals?


Interview with ABBA's sound engineer - sound international magazine February 1980

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Hello to France, Poland , United Kingdom

It is up to us choosing whether to have good, happy or constructive thoughts

3 books at least may help.

They are all free by searching on Google.

Enchiridion - Epictetous

Fringe Knowledge for Beginners - Montalk

How to win friends and influence your environment - Dale Carnegie
Or how to stop worrying and start living by the same author

But above all it's up to us.

A great way to compensate for the proximity bass effect of most directional microphones

Is an inductor (coil) in series with a variable resistor. (This is the new version of the Pleiades filter and may be inside an XLR female to male adaptor. The first version was just an inductor with only the resistance of the coil as the effective series resistance.)

This is then connected  in parallel or across the voice coil.

So a Pleiades filter was made with a relative low inductance inductor of about 52mH and a variable resistor. Very nice sound. See an older but recent euroelectron post.

Pleiades experiments or V72, 436C, BA-6A, RS61, 2N3053 , Electra II, E88CC driving HD580

Attention: Many of these amplifiers need a constant impedance variable attenuator at the output to protect ears from irreversible damage. At your own risk.

The excellent Sennheiser HD580 have each moving coil at 300Ω which is very nearly to the 600Ω or 200Ω pro audio protocol. So there is impedance match and an amazing sound comes from these world class pre amplifiers.

As of writing this post Insensatez - Antonio Carlos Jobim plays on the Sennheiser HD580 headphones at pristine quality. Each voice coil is driven by just one Pleiades 2N3053. One 2N3053 transistor is used for each channel from CD player to each headphone voice coil. So 2 transistors, 2 biasing resistors, 2 rheostat resistors connected to the base for volume control. And just a 1.3V battery for power supply. And it sounds amazing. Why should it not? It is such a simple and pure signal path.

All the amplifiers on the title of this post have given world class sound quality on the HD580 headphones on various Pleiades experiments.

Exceptional sound for example was from 2 hand built Altec 436C with Sowter octal base transformers for both inputs and output. On those Pleiades versions the modifictaion consulting the Kurt Singer US 2357696 patent was done with fabulous results. (If memory is correct there is description on a previous euroelectron post on this brilliant dynamic patent of supplying side chain feedback from the second stage cathode to the first stage cathode?). 600Ω constant impedance attenuators were connected between the each Altec channel and headphone voice coil. There is an amazing bass sound on this setup. And everything else sounds big too.

As this post is being written track 15 plays on the Jobim CD and the bass is breath taking and smooth. And everything else big too and natural. With just one 1.3V battery and 2 power transistors. There may be some instanteniously peak limiting by the gentle non linearity of the transistors at higher signal level. This is non linearity peak limiting not to be confused with side chain automatic gain control. In the classic electron tube limiters both effects may be taking place at high levels.

At very high level of audio engineering compressors or limiters are normally not needed. See for example Bruce Swedien, Al Schmitt interviews.

So we may be left with EMI RS61, Telefunken V72. On Pleiades experiments many other world class circuits have been built like the classic U47 head amp. It cannot remembered if this was used to drive headphones too. By the way another excellent circuit is the RCA BA-2C microphone booster amplifier. This circuit was not built. Live mic, headphone experiments with RS61 driving the HD580 for example were written up on previous electron posts.

Also on earlier Pleiades expeeiments a E88CC 2 stage log tailed pair for each channel was built. Both input and output transformers were Sowter. It can drive hi impedance headphones to exceptional quality when microphones are connected to its input. At the time only a Shure Unidyne B was available and a no name directional moving coil mic. They were used at about 1ft to minimize some proximity effect. The sound quality by the headphones in real time is so good. A very natural voice in almost binaural. Amazing sound. It was also tested with a direct speaking person and a different listener. Why should it not sound great? Just 2 double section electron tubes for each channel from production to reproduction in real time. The Grampian GR1/L ribbon microphones could not be tested in this way because of the proximity effect. For ways to make them sing at small distance too see other euroelectron posts.

Where might this lead too?

Can the signal path be even more simplified with still better sound and even lower possible noise?

The Pleiades V6 can be thought of as the child of the Neumann U47 amplifier and the BA-2C microphone booster amplifier. See the relevant euroelectron post.

Note: the headphones have been removed. Sound may be too loud for safety. Still on the Jobim CD. All instruments can be greatly heard while the headphones lie on a nearby pillow. How can this tiny Pleiades 2N3053 amplifier sound so big with just a 1.3V battery? Tubes vs transistors (vs op amps) - Russel O. Hamm may be part of the answer.

Back to the Pleiades V6 microphone booster amplifier. It sounds amazing, the electron tube is powered by just a 4V battery. It may even drive the HD589 headphones but not to a high level. Unless it is supplied by 12V to the anode of its electron tube, the triode connected EF183. And at least one driving stage is needed if a mic is connected up.

The Pleiades 2N3053, just one transistor per channel and no input or output transformer can drive the HD580 headphones to a presumably safe loud sound and pristine sound quality. It has also very interesting gentle overload characteristics. In the same game level as the Pleiades Electra II. At the moment the Electra II sound can presumably go to higher level as the 12K5 electron tubes are powered by 9 volts. The circuits are very similar as just one device is OTL or direct connected with no output transformer to the headphone voice coil. Everything in class A (electrons flowing all the time and this also includes the headphone coil themselves). They are single ended amplifiers.

So how about connecting a Pleiads V6 or V5 directly to the Pleiades 2N3053? This should be a world class setup from producer's to listener's brain (in the same room at least) with just 3 amplifing stages at max. For distribution of sound of course the V6 can be used on the mic side and any known channel can be used, and the listener's brain can hopefully enjoy a simple to build Pleiades 2N3053 amplifier.

Advantages of such input (producer's side) or output (listener's side) amplifiers are: Lightweightnesss, portability, power by battery, minimum number of components for the purest possible sound. Class A operation. Everything operating in pure class A.

For example the Pleiades V6 can be driven by a world class omnidirectional moving coil mic such as DP4/L DP4, MD21, MD211 etc.

The Pleiades amplifiers are open source. Relatively easy to built. Even the electron tube versions are portable using battery and can be taken to field. Forest. Beach. Why should someone do this? The sound of nature is already there and so beautiful (acoustics are great).

Other relevant to this post Pleiades experiments not done yet are a mic feeding V6 feeding 2N3053 feeding the PHILIPS AD5046N 800Ω loudspeaker live, in real time. Or an amplifier such as the world class EMI RS61 or Telefunken V72 etc feeding directly this amazing loudspeaker. Each driven be the Pleiades V6 microphone head amplifier.

Does unbalanced sound great?

Possibly so.

So far possibly the best sound from a mic on a Pleiades experiment is the Grampian DP4/L (25Ω) connected to Pleiades V6 connected to Sony TC-D5 Pro at mic in.

Both the DP4/L mic and V6 mic head amp are balanced at terminals.

But at the moment the DP4/L is terminated to a 1/4in  jack. This is how the mic and interfacing cable came from the eBay purchace.  The cable connection has not been converted to balanced yet. A 1/4in to XLR adapter is currently used but still this is an unbalanced connection.

Still there is no noise. And the sound is amazing.

Western Electric at a speech input equipment manual if memory is correct says that unbalanced is great too and balanced should be used only when needed.

The Grampian DP4/L is the Pleiades reference mic as it gives flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain without any EQ needed.

And it sounds amazing with so low hiss or noise.

The world of production and reproduction has to be bridged

At the highest quality level they are talking the same language.

Impedance matching

Moving coils (Microphones or speakers)


No compression.

Single ended (microphone or power amplifiers)

Class A operation (electrons flowing all the time)

Discrete electronic components

As few components as possible

Good acoustics

Fullrange drivers (example Bruce Swedien recommending the Auratone  cubes)

High efficiency

Battery powered amplifiers (hi end reproduction pioneers, Harry Olson experiment on measuring the air molecules thermal noise with a ribbon microphone etc)

Minimum number of equipment (eg Orban white papers)

Hand built equipment (A&R studios, CBS studios, EMI studios etc)

Flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain

Hello to Ukraine and United States

An important advantage of class A amplifiers

Even when overdriven hard and distortion is heard, still then...

on a complex and loud musical material each instrument can be distiguished very clearly as nothing has happened to it.

Example setup:

In the Real World - Alan Parson's Project from the definitive collection CD - Sony CD Walkman line out - Pleiades 2N3053 - Sennheissr HD580


In all these experiments there is no input capacitor to the 2N3053 transistor base. The CD player must be having one.

Is a direct coupled connection possible from front end mic head amp and power amplifier?

For example:

Can the low voltage anode (of the order of 3 volts) of the EF183 on Pleiades microphone preamplifiers be directly connected to the base of a 2N3053 Pleiades power amp driving the high Z PHIlIPS AD5046N (800Ω) or Sennheiser HD580 (300Ω for each moving coil).

So that no capacitor is needed between the two.

The response should be down to the limit of 0Hz.

The only transformer can be the microphone input transformer.

Hearing digital noise with the Pleiades 2N3053

It is impressive, like a sea of noise.

It can be heard by cranking full up the Pleiades 2N3053 on the I Robot  track which comes in very quietly.

Signal path, setup:

I Robot - Alan Parson's Project, the definitive collection CD - Pleiades 2N3053 - Sennheiser HD580

At your own risk. Attention to your precious ears.

It may even be a beautiful noise. Is this the zero crossing point step digital noise? Sounds like FM radio noise combined with whistles and sea noise.

It is time to soon hear the Pleiades 2N3053 fed with an analog signal. Perhaps a record player. Or perhaps even better feeding directly with a live microphone connected to a Pleiades class A microphone head (pre) amplifier, eg V5, or V6.

Ματια δεν σκέφτονται ούτε μυαλά κλαίνε

Paraphrasing words on a public wall.

An important rule

Do not let anyone or anything change your path even for a few milliseconds.

(Changing Lampro's words)

For a very interesting treatise see

Frindge Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk

Enchiridion - Epictetous

Also a very inspiring book to follow your heart and making people around us happy too (for example by giving a true compliment or heartfelt encouragement) is
How to win friends and influence your environment - Dale Carnegie

All the above are free PDF by searching on Google.

It is up to us choosing and keeping our path.

Μπορούμε να μην κανουμε οτι μας βλάπτει

There is freewill.

Euroelectron total page views are approaching 40,000

Thank you

Hello to France, Hellas and Netherlands

How the PHILIPS AD5046N found itself to the Pleiades labs

It was forgotten for years.

In short the history is as such:

The PHIlIPS AD5046N must had been found somewhere in UK.

It was in a perhaps uncomfortable position. The grill was missing and there was no way to tell that it was a PHILIPS miracle. But just a nicely looking full range driver could be seen on top and it was desired to be bought. Then it came to Athens.

It was almost abandoned for years in various storerooms. But on every occasion it was carried with other things to a new storeroom. It was never tried and it must have felt lonely.

The last storeroom was the petrol burning boiler room of a building.

Many people must have seen it but nobody dared to take it as it looked rather ugly without the grill and abandoned.

One day it was decided after buying the fabulous Grampian DP4/L omnidirectional microphone from eBay that no other microphone should be bought no matter what. It all had become too addictive and this mic sounded as flat from producer's brain to listener's brain as possible.

This choice immediately freed time and it was decided to visit the boiler room which over the years had become a gas boiler room.

It was time to send some things for recycling.

A few years ago there was a flood in this store room. And water was there for a whole summer. The loudspeaker must had been wet at some of its surface as there is a very strong discoloration on the right bottom side of the speaker come. This area is very darkened in patterns. Or the cause may had been fumes from the burning petrol. The speaker looked even more apauling and nobody even wanted to touch it.

But of course the only thing from those out of the boiler room that was decided not to recycle and give it a try out of curiosity was this strange and interesting looking speaker.

So after so many years it found itself to the Pleiades lab.

The first thing done was to measure the resistance with a digital YF-3200 multimeter. It could not be believed that it was 800Ω. And was a very cute and detailed click sound. A step voltage function contains all the frequencies. If we hear all this broadband content to our brain we are playing with a very good speaker.

Then the impedance with an Escort digital impedance meter was measured to be 800Ω. The sound of the beep signal was particularly loud. Nice surprises were to come.

By that point the speaker was lifted and the base showed the proud PHIlIPS logo with the AD5046N model number.

Google search was done and it was found that people are impressed by it.

Things were beginning to get very interesting.

The cabinet was cleaned before touching it.

If had to be cleaned about 20-30 times to get all the black stuff from the wood. Petrol burning fumes.

Next thing was it being connected to the Sony CD walkman line out in a noisy area. Sound was soft but interesting.

It was then connected to the Pleides Electra II headphone amplifier. Sound was more promising but the batteries being low and the noisy area made for as loud sound as desired.

It was decided to try it indoors. The Sony Walkman again from low Z out. Then line out. Something was promising and it was decided to get it to play with more volume. A military 8Ω to 600Ω transformer was used to impedance match connected to the CD Walkman low Z headphone out.

The jaw was beginning to drop. The sound was big, clear, dynamic just from a 10mW CD Walkman output. It must had been on the Ingenue - KD Lang CD.

So it was time to try a Pleiades single transistor power amp over the following days.

The rest of the story is described on a previous eureoelectron post.

In short, the first transistor that caught the eye was an RCA/GE 2N3053 transistor.

It immediate sounded amazing with just one such transistor.

It fills rooms with beautiful sound just with 30 milliwatts in class A.

This has become the primary Pleiades loudspeaker reference setup.

Encouraged by the sound it was decided to try driving high Z headphones with 2 Pleiades 2N3053 amplifiers with a lower supply voltage, typically 1.3V.

The sound is amazing too on the Sennheiser HF580 and the 2 setups, high impedance loudspeaker or high impedance headphones sound very similar and world class.

More details and signal path, setup is given on previous euroelectron posts.


The Pleiades 2N3053 and PHILIPS 5046N sound with so much air...

How could they have made such a miracle speaker?

Signal path, setup:

Time - Alan Parson's - Sony CD Walkman D-EJ758CK from line out - Pleiades 2N3053 powered by 12V - PHILIPS 5046N - half tiled kitchen at the Pleiades labs

The open source Pleiades 2N3053 schematic can be found below:

Everything Pleiades is open source

The mono hologram

Listening to a good quality mono full range speaker setup is like listening to a hologram.

It is as if the singer is in the house singing inside one room.

Someone entering the place might immediately say, nice music.

Signal path, setup:

(Time - Alan Parson's Project, the definitive collection CD) - Sony CD Walkman line out - Pleiades 2N3053 one transistor amplifier, Vb=12V - PHiLIPS AD5046N 800Ω loudspeaker

There is so much air in the voice, amazing speaker. And the truly amazing Alan Parson's production.

The speaker at a the moment is at the kitchen of the Pleiades lab. But everything sounds great on any room.

As if the voice has created its 3D hologram as a whole soudfield.

Just like if a real person was singing in one of the rooms.

What was missed all those years.

See how the PHILIPS AD5046N found itself to the Pleiades lab on a next post.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Hello to Hellas

How does the Pleiades 2N3053 sound like

Everything smooth and dynamic between extreme bass and extreme treble

Hello to US

PHILIPS AD5046N speaker vs Sennheiser Hd580 headphones

They both sound amazing with the Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier with just one transistor in class A (electrons flowing all the time like a river, like time) between line out and voice coil.

They sound identical.

PHiLiPS certainly know what they were doing at least more than half a century ago.

Signal paths:

(Time - Alan Parson's Project, CD) - Sony CD Walkman line out - Pleiades 2N3053 powered by 1.3V - Sennheiser HD580

(Time - Alan Parson's Project. CD) - Sony CD Walkman line out mono bridged - Pleiades 2N3053 powered by 12V - one PHILIPS AD5046N

Hello to Ukraine

Hello to France and Poland

The Pleiades 2N3053 like a blue lake

Signal path, setup:

(Frozen - Madonna CD) - Sony CD Walkman - Pleiades 2N3053 1.3Volt - Sennheiser HD580

A great thanks to all the noise around making the Pleiades amplifier designs important means for survival

Hello to China and Japan

How Beethoven creates a great bass on Moonlight Sonata on the piano

It is possibly the missing fundamental created by brain trick.

When out brain is presented with overtones of a missing fundamental it creates the missing fundamental to our perception. For example when 200Hz (2x100Hz), 300Hz (3x100Hz) etc are presented to the ear the brain creates the missing fundamental ie 100Hz.

On the Moonlight Sonata Beethoven plays at some point F#, C#, F#oct at some low register by the left hand. The F# one octave below F# is missing but is possibly created by our brain when we listen as the bass at that point is so deep even for a piano. The right hand plays more on the harmonic series as the chord is F# major.

Note: the 2x, 3x is an oversimplification. A x2 relation in frequency sounds a slightly flat and annoying octave to our brain perception. The same for exactly x3f, ... .Why should it be exactly whole numbers? We are not robots, we are human. Our brain needs slightly more than x2f requency for a beautiful and correct sounding octave. It is how we are made.

This is the difference between an engineering octave and a ear brain octave (euroelectron).

We need enginerring inhamonicity to create human ear brain harmony. It is what came up from hundred of years of evolution of musical instruments so that they sound correct to ear brain and not like an exact x2f, x3f cheap synthesis. For example on a good Steinway piano the strings are so tightly stretched by the correct choice of diameter and strength of the structure (this is called piano string scaling) that every string is stretched to the correct amount for the x2f relation to be increased to the exact amount required by the human brain so that a pleasing octave (the second overone of the same string) is perceived. The the note sounds nice by itself and bit like a sick underirable note. And all this while the same happens for all other overtones when this same string is tuned at the correct pitch. At the same for all strings. This is one reason good pianos sound good. They have the correct engineering inharmonisity for ear brain harmony.

When strings are incorrectly and loose tensioned then the following happens. The overtones become even less than x2 and the strings sound like bells. Even just one note sounds like a bell.

When we say that slightly more than x2 in frequency is needed for a correct ear brain octave do not expect large ratios. For example:

If we have a A440Hz, then 880Hz is the engineering octave and it sounds flat and underirable. Our ear brain may need 881.3Hz (this is just an example, find the right value for yourself) for a harmonically sounding ear brain octave. The actual value in Hz may depends on intensity too. Pitch does not only depend on frequency but on intensity too. [Stevens]

You may find yourself by searching on Google for any online signal generator and just input the frequency numbers you want. (Make sure you keep the volume down to protect your ears. In fact it is possibly at low volume that we hear the correct pitch and therefore can sing correctly too. Pitch depends on intensity as you can very easily verify for yourself with these experiments. When increasing the intensity of 440Hz for example it immediately sounds a flatter A. As intensity is further increased it becomes even more flat.

Frequency and pitch are relating qualities but they are not the same. Frequency is the engineering objective term. It is complete vibration cycles per second. Pitch is the sense of how high is a note to our brain. Why should they be the same?

It is great now that universities and conservatories are teaching this great knowledge that was given to us from authorities such as S.S. Stevens who founded the Harvard Univeristy psycho physics laboratory. His books as sited at the references.

It is also great that the great instruction manual of Bach is being taught at school, university and conservatory throughout the world.


Octave Stretch - Eenst Terhardt

Engineering octave vs ear brain octave - euroelectron

Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life Science Series

Musical Acoustics - Donald Hall

Hearing - Stevens, Davis

Bach Bass Rules (the manual of Niedt, Bach to their students):

Leonard Bernstein Lectures on youtube

The Pleiades 2N3053 driving the Sennheiser HD580 hi impedance headphones

At your own risk. Protect your ear from high sound levels and always use fuse in series with batteries for safety.

The Sennheiser HD580 precision headphones (300Ω for each channel) is connected to the just finished Pleiades 2N3053 on breadboard (Pro-ject board GL No.12).

It is one 2N3053 transistor per channel only driving directly each voice coil which is connected to the collector. Everything operates in class A (electrons flowing all the time) including electrons flowing through the headphone voice coils too.

Just one 1.3V rechargeable battery powers both channels.

The volume control is a variable series resistor from CD player line out to base.

No capacitors or transformers are used in this amplifier circuit.

So it goes down to a limit of 0Hz. And why not as high as a few megahertz as the 2N3053 can go.

The sound is fantastic. So big with just a 1.3V battery and so small output power.

It will not go too loud and this is possibly good news for ears. Still one must be careful when overdriving it as harmonic overtone production gradually increases.

One of the reasons it sounds so big to listener's brain must be the smooth linear sound at small signal levels and the gradual production of harmonics at peaks, (Russel O. Hamm).

Another reason is the response down to limit of 0Hz.

Another reason may be the production of sub harmonics by the presence of the produced overtones at larger levels. We know that when the ear is presented by x2f, x3f, x4f, aka harmonic series and the f is missing, our brain creates f. This is a fabulous effect used on Dansette and similar record players to produce lower bass by the electron tube producing harmonics when generously driven. It is also used by great composers such as Beethoven on Moonlight Sonata. At some point Beethoven plays F# C# F#oct on a very low register by the left hand. This is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th overtone of a missing sub bass. Of course the brain creates it and it is an unbelievable bass sound even for a piano. (Exact x2f, x3f relations are wrong, our brain needs slightly more and this is the difference between the engineering octave and our ear brain pitch octave). See also the next euroelectron post on how Beethoven creates a great bass from the piano to our mind.

Is it that the Pleiades 2N3053 makes it possible for the brain to create information below 10Hz?

Another reason for the big bass may be the impedance matching between the transistor output impedance and the headphone input impedance. See recent euroelectron posts on Nelson Pass constant current driving and euroelectron impedance matching.

Another possible reason is the increase of the average level due to instantaneous peak limiting (similar to FM radio signal processing) when the amplifier is generously harder. Fletcher Munson curves may give the answer. Would this amp make a good mastering amplifier too?

Signal path, setup:

Dionne Warwick definitive collection CD - Sony CD Walkman - Pleiades 2N3053 with 2x50K log in series rheostat at the input and 1.3V power supply - Sennheiser HD580

The 50K stereo rheostat potentiometer has to be increased as at some loud CDs the sound is already loud and even a bit distorted even when fully counterclockwise. Perhaps it is better to include a fixed series resistor and then a series rheostat connected potentiometer. Note only 2 pins are used on each potentiometer.


Tubes vs Transistors (vs operational amplifiers), Is there an Audible Difference? - Russell O. Hamm - JAES

Driving the 2N3053 bipolar transistor with a high impedance source

On the Pleiades 2N3053 single ended class A (electrons flowing all the time) power amplifier the RCA/GE 2N3053 transistor is normally driven by a relative high output impedance and it sounds great.

Is it because the transistor is a current controlled current output device? An electron tube is a voltage controlled current output device. (The output current is converted to voltage by the load resistor, in many Pleiades amplifiers the output current of the device goes directly to the voice coil as for example on the electron tube Pleiades Electra II). But on this this post we are concerned with what happens at the input. There is a nonlinear relation of input voltage to input current in transistors as we are effectively driving a diode kind of curve? So by driving with a high impedance are we making this much better by going towards a constant current condition?

On the mono notblock Pleiades 2N3053 driving the Philips AD5046N 800Ω loudspeaker the 300Ω line output of the Sony CD Walkman is increased by a variable series resistor which is then connected to base. It acts as a volume control. The potentimeter used as a series variable resistor (rheostat) is a 4K7 pot. Only 2 of its pins are used. So at the moments the max series resistor is 4.7K. Sound is still heard but at a lower volume.

On the 2 channel 2N3053 driving the Sennheiser HD580 (on breadboard, first test with a 1.3V battery) the input potentiometer is 50K. It sounds fantastic too. A very big and natural sound at all the frequency spectrum, smooth, with just 1 transistor per channel, the series resistor mentioned and a collector to base biasing resistor to class A. It is easy to bias just by turning the bias trimmer resistor for best and louder sound.

Attention, even with 1.3V the sound may be quite loud. If you do any such experiments protect your precious hearing with all known means.


The Absolute Reference?

Hearing your voice outdoors with your hands a few inch in front of your mouth.

Palms facing you and touching (points of touch belong to a line), each hand slightly angled so that each reflects towards each ear.

Or listening to somebody else speaking or singing outdoors.

At quiet places.

Most Pleiades experiments from singer's brain to listener's brain involving microphone to HD580 headphones are compared to this reference.

Instead of headphones a PHILIPS AD5046N 800Ω loudspeaker driven by a Pleiades 2N3053 class A amplifier may soon be used too.

Friday, April 13, 2018

A interesting documentary on Beatles

Beatles in the studio - youtube

The first mic seen with Paul Mc Cartney is the Shure Unidune III, (vintage SM57).

The Beatles with Grampian DP4 ?, STC 4037A ?

Love me do (live) - Beatles - YouTube

A nice documentary on George Martin on YouTube

George Martin, In my life

Paul Mc Cartney playing the piano with George Martin

Paul Mc Cartney, from the archive - George Martin

When George Martin met the Beatles - youtube

One can also see the great EMI BTR2 electron tube tape recorders, Tye Abbey road studios etc.

The Pleiades Kit

It would be nice if a Pleiades kit existed with a breadboard or springs for quickly connecting components.

It could have an XLR female input at the left and an XLR male output at the right.

The Pleiades V6 battery powered electron tube microphone head pre amplifier could be built.

Or the Pleiades K117 JFET head microphone pre amplifier.

Or the Pleides 2N3053 power amplifier in class A too (electrons flowing all the time). With a very small voltage it can drive studio hi Z headphones. With a higher voltage it can directly drive a hi Z loudspeaker such as the brilliant Philips AD5046N.

Or the Pleiades Electra II or III headphone amplifier with only 2 tubes, one per channel, and almost nothing else.

In fact many of the Pleiades circuits were made this way. (Or just crocodile cable clips for the 2N3053 for example). Attention to safety, a fuse should always be in series with the battery terminals.

The Pleiades Electra and Pleiades V6 were built on breadboard or project board.

Breadboards from K and H products, Taiwan were used. Mostly the small one KH-102. The bigger GL No.12 looks very interesting too.

Octal bases for transformers, noval base for the electron tube were soldered to all their pins with the right length of copper wire. So then the base would plug to flush with the project board and make life very easy. Attention, these circuits even if they may use electron tubes use just no more than 3 to 12 volts which can be considered safe. They sound great with very low noise and are electrically safe. Nevertheless it is very important that batteries are used in series with a fuse. Operation with low voltage is possible by neutralizing the space charge by a high Megohm resistor from anode to grid, see references.

At the moment the Pleiades 2N3053 is being connected up to the larger Pro-ject board in order to attempt to connect the Sennheiser HD 580 headphones with the amplifier powered by just a 1.5V battery. Attention also to using headphones. They should never be worn while experimenting and intensity should always be kept low to protect our precious hearing.


On preserving transconuctance of an electron tube at low anode potential - euroelectron

Operating Features of the Audion - E. H. Armostrong

Hello to Ukraine and Australia

Impedance matching

The maximum power transfomer theorem is:

"Maximum energy is transferred when impedances are matched."

The output impedance of the generator is equal to the input impedance of the load.

Otherwise energy is reflected back.

Some examples of mismatch:

Standing waves by acoustic waves, (sound) bouncing of walls due to impedance mismatch.

A tennis ball bouncing of the wall due to impedance mismatch.

Trying to harm a mosquito with a 10Kg mass in our hand. It is much more likely we will do damage to ourselves or the surroundings.

Some example of matching:

Phil Collins placing his hands in front of mouth and microphone at 6:20 on:
Or he might be making an acoustic reasonant filter.

But definitely horn loaded speakers and horns from ancient times are used to impedance match the acoustic wave from a heavier vibrating source to the light air.

The gearbox of an automobile. We impedance match for different conditions so that we can optimize the energy transfer from engine to kinetic energy of the car. Note when speed increases torque decreases by the diameter ratio or angular velocity of gears. This is a mechanical transformer.

A bit on transformers:

Power equals voltage time current on electrical systems. On mechanical systems it equals torque times velocity. It is by the conservation of energy principle that when voltage is stepped up by a transformer that current must go down. So impedance is changed. And transformers can help to impedance match. In electrical transformers, the step up voltage ratio is equal to the insulated wire turns ratio. Impedance change is found by the square of this. So a 1:10 transformer will make voltage ten times more, current ten times less therefore the impedance will become 100 times more.

Matching impedance can sound good too.

An example is a good quality transistor or electron tube amplifier that has an output impedance that is not much different than the speaker impedance.

An interesting article is this:

The Pleiades Electra III is an example towards a current source with an EF183 electron tube triode connected, operated at just 12V, with anode connected to the Sennheiser HD580. A high (typically 1-2MΩ resistor from anode to grid makes operation possible, cathode is grounded. The output impedance of the electron type at these conditions (5ΚΩ?) is way higher than 300Ω yet the sound is exceptionally good and extended in both extremes of the frequency spectrum. Some mid bass accent may be observed. Also a series resistor can be seen in the speaker output of the B&O Beocenter 2600 to the headphone output. It sounds great.

It seems logical to play the game neither towards ideal voltage source (0 output impedance) neither towards ideal current source (infinite output impedance) but somewhere in between ie impedance matching? So that there is both a healthy current and voltage.

Just a 2N3053 transistor connected to a 800ohm PHILIPS AD5046N speaker can sound phenomenally good and unbelievably loud for just being driven by 30mW. Example is the Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier operated with 12V. Power can be increased or decreased by changing the supply voltage and adjusting the collector to base bias resistor. Especialy at higher powers a heat sink should be used to avoid thermal runaway, or snowball like increase of current. The 800Ω speaker is directly connected to the collector. It operates in class A (electrons flowing all the time). The electrons are also continuously flowing through the voice coil. Extremely low noise, and superb sound quality.

Also the Pleiades Elctra II headphone amplifier with just one deliberately cathode underheated 12K5 electron tube per channel driving the 300Ω voice coil of the Sennheiser HD580 headphones. Again the impedances are fairly nearly matched and the sound is fabulous.

Transformers are not used in the above examples as the output impedance of the active device is very near to the voice coil load impedance.


Introduction to System Dynamics - Shearer, Murphy, Richardson - MIT - Addison Wesley

Electromagnetism - Grant, Phillips

Pleiades Electra II schematic - euroelectron

Pleiades 2N3053 schematic

Musical Acoustics - Donald Hall

Electronics, a systems approach - Neil Storey

Definition of Impedance

The definitions are from the book Dynamical Analogies - Olson (Acoustical Research Director of RCA, inventor or pioneer of the ribbon microphone,...)

Electrical impedance is the complex quotient of the alternating electromotive force applied to the system by the resulting current.

(Complex numbers are vectors or 2 dimensional numbers. For example a,b or a+ib, a+jb, x,y or x+iy etc. The X axis is the real axis and Y axis is the imaginary axis. Why using complex numbers? Because it is only when a pure resistance is used that voltage and current are in phase. Reactance on the other hand is 90 degrees out of phase. Try for example moving back and forth a door at various frequencies. You will feel the phase difference between force applied and velocity. A door has mass which is the mechanical systems equivalent of inductance in electrical circuits (systems). You will also feel that the reactance depends on frequency. The higher the frequency the more the door reacts. Ie reactance or the imaginary part of impedance changes.)

Electrical resistance is the real part of the electrical impedance. This is the part responsible for the dissipation of energy.

Electrical reactance is the imaginary part of electrical impedance.

(Inductance and capacitance have reactance, they store electrical energy and may give it back).

Inductance in an electrical system is that coefficient which, when multiplied by 2π times the frequency, gives the positive imaginary part of electrical impedance.

Capacitance in an electrical system is that coefficient which when multiplied by 2π times the frequency, is the reciprocal of the negative imaginary part of the electrical impedance.

Mechanical impedance is the complex quotient of the alternating force applied to the system by the resulting linear velocity in the direction of the force at its point of application.

Mechanical resistance is the real part of the mechanical impedance. This is the part responsible for the dissipation of energy.

(Mechanical resistance is friction)

Mechanical reactance is the imaginary part of mechanical impedance.

Mass in a mechanical system is that coefficient which when multiplied by 2π times the frequency gives the imaginary part of the mechanical impedance. The unit is grams.

(For example trying to oscillate a door at high frequency we may immediately feel what is mass is and what mechanical impedance is).

Compliance in a mechanical system is that coefficient which when multiplied by 2π times the frequency is the reciprocal of the negative imaginary part of the mechanical impedance.

Acoustical impedance is the complex quotient of the pressure applied to the system by the resulting volume current.

Acoustical resistance is the real part of acoustical impedance. This is the part responsible for the dissipation of energy.

Acoustical reactance is the imaginary part of acoustical impedance.

Inertance in an acoustical system is that coefficient which when multiplied by 2π times the frequency, gives the positive imaginary part of the acoustical impedance.

Acoustical capacitance in an acoustical system is that coefficient which when multiplied by 2π times the frequency, is the reciprocal negative imaginary part of the acoustical impedance.

Some notes or examples:

π is the Pythagoras number 3.14...... The quotient of circumpherence to diameter for any circle.

A coil has inductance. I'd tries to keep the current thought it constant. If for example we connect a coil in series with an amplifier output all we wil hear from a loudspeaker will be bass.

The analog to inductance in mechanical systems is mass. A train or a boat or anything that has mass really tries to keep its velocity constant.

Capacitance tries to keep the voltage across it constant. For example we may charge a capacitor. And then light up an Ed gif relatively long time.

The analog of capacitance in mechanical systems is compliance. It tries to keep the force constant. For example our hair protecting our head. Other example is springs which have compliance.

A mass and and spring can oscillate. Friction or resistance damps the oscillation.

So,do a mass inductance connected to capacitance. The tune circuit self oscillates. Resistance damps it until oscillations stop. The heat of a radio transmitter is a capacitance and inductance.

In a analogous way the inertance of a bottle neck and the acoustical capacitance of a bottle volume create a reasonant acoustical circuit. We can hear the reasons at frequency. And we can blow to it and it will produce a tone.

Putting some cotton in the neck will damp the oscillation as this is acoustical resistance. It converts the vibrations of electrets to heat.

See also impedance matching in the next euroelectron post


Dynamic Analogies - H. F. Olson

Introduction to System Dynamics - Shearer, Murphy, Richardson - MIT

Engineering Circuit Analysis - Hayt, Kemmerly - McGraw-Hill

The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

Conceptual Physics - Hewitt

Electromagnetism - Grant, Phillips

Hello to Russia

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Playing Dionne Warwick

On the Pleiades reference system.

Signal path:

(The definitive collection - Dionne Warwick, CD) - Sony D-EJ58CK battery powered CD Walkman line out - Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier, 12V battery powered - one PHILIPS AD5046N - the Pleiades kitchen

Still everything is connected up with crocodile clip little cables including the RCA/GE 2N3053.

After about 40 years there is the sense, it sounds true, leave it alone.

The open source Pleiades schematic is in the reference. Everything Pleiades is open source.


When the mind is light from published ideas...

we give ourselves the opportunity to let a butterfly show us the way.

Ideas should be published.

Hello to Ukraine and United States viewers

Hello to Poland

πρέπει να έχει λουλούδια για να έχει πεταλούδες

Know yourself

Whenever you hear "you can't", it's the best news you've ever heard

An example:

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hello to United States

Thank you too

Prometheus Myth Revisited

Everything unquestionable in particular begs to be questioned.

Could it be that the father of gods was right not wanting mankind to mess up with fire, burning wood, petrol oil and all that stuff?

Is it possible that by eating food that does not have to be cooked the brain  functions exceptionally?

(Attention this is not a medical advice).

Does food that needs not to be cooked help create new ideas?

Why? Is it that by no use of fire or heat nutritional ingredients survive? They already have energy of the sun within them.

If this is true and mankind realizes it may we will have a new civilisation?

An example meal is the Pleiades meal defined on a recent eurolectron post.

We can possibly feel exceptionally well after such a meal.


The Pleiades meal

Hello to Germany

Thank you too

Πολυκυκλωματιστης 1002, 501B, Two fantastic electriconic kit construction games

Polykyklomatic 1002 and a smaller but powerful moder 501B.

They were on sale in Athens during the 70s, 80s.

They had springs to instantly connect electronic components.

The heart was 2 germanium transistors on either side around the central area. It had a great manual with drawings even of electrons as little kid creatures flowing or dancing in the circuits, inside wires etc. It even explained how capacitors are charged or discharged so that one can feel the time constant by lighting up a small bulb.

One could built a radio, sirens, a miracle amplifier (single ended class A).

Everything was powered by a 9V battery.

My dad built for me the first construction schematic and showed me the way.

There was a tiny output transformer too.

If one connected a larger car radio full range speaker the sound was fantastic.

At some point the 2 kits were interconnected. So the AM receiver came from the 1002 and the power amplifier from the 501B.

Then it was possibly the Sony headphones that were connected. There was of course a volume control, even just a few milliwatts can be very loud on class A amplifiers.

My grandfathers and my great grandfather were very happy listening to the radio news at pristine sound quality from this class A (electrons flowing all the time) amplifier.

There were also the excellent Josty kits from Denmark. We were buying these from the Athens shop radio Katouma. My cousin also had built a HF-65 kit so we could both broadcast at FM with this tiny circuit board. The coil was printed on the circuit board itself. He had connected 2 antennas for increasing the range. In the afternoons we we talk to each other from our houses and we could hear each other from a Metz FM Quartz PLL tuner, made in Germany, part of our parents hi-fi system. There were LEDs to show how strong was the recieved signal. We were proud, happy when the green LEDs were lit 5 out of 5.

Music was transmitted too. A small omni microphone, the less expensive one could imagine, was pressed against a Beyer Dynamic open headphone and the Metz amplifier was cranked on treble so that FM preemphasis could be achieved and that the result would sound as correctly as possible to the listener's brain from a JVC portanle radio. This setup could broadcast at excellent sound quality many block of flats away. The Metz record player was the source.

Some page views from United Arab Emirates too this week

Thank you too

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

How about leaving space for God doing the air mix

This is paraphrasing Quincy Jones phrase of leaving space for letting God walk through the studio.

How would it sound like?

Doing the mix by air molecules rather than electrons inside an adding amplifier?

For example in a radio broadcast where...

Everyone is around a world class omni mic such as MD21 or DP4 feeding a Pleiades V6 front end amp.

The acoustics of the room are optimized. Especially by membrane, panel elastomer bass absorbers. (How would this experiment sound outdoors in a quiet forest for example?)

Music can be played live by instruments around the mic.

Speaking or singing voices around there too.

When recorded music is to be played it comes out of the world class Philips AD5046N full range speaker close to the mic. This 800Ω speaker is fed by a Pleiades 2N3053 millipower class A battery powered amplifier.

Does the PHILIPS AD5046N sound so good that it can be miked?

For example a broadcast where the anouncer uses a world class microphone such as Elecro-Voice RE15 feeding Pleiades V6 and then when music is to be played the microphone is just moved from the announcer's lips to near the speaker cone powered by the Pleiades 2N3053 amplifier.

What would be the frequency response from a test warble tone  CD when using a reference Bruel & Kjaer sound presure level meter in front of the AD5046N speaker when it is powered by 2N3053?

How would the Pleiades V6 sound driving the Telefunken V72 driving the PHILIPS AD5046N

It would be just 3 electron tubes from mic to loudspeaker. Everything operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time). Other interesting amplifiers driving the brilliant world class 800Ω loudspeaker are: EMI RS61, Altec 436C compressor, RCA BA6A limiter etc.

What should be between PleiadesV6 and Pleiades 2N3053 so that the latter can drive the loudspeaker? A Pleiades K117, or should this be a front end, then V6 then 2N3053? This should be a great portable setup. Possibly for driving an echo chamber etc.

The Pleiades meal

At your own risk, this is not a medical advice.

It is a meal containing non cooked food yet it is not boring. And after eating one feels happy.

Also after eating the plate has not become dirty and can be easily washed by just hand and water. So presumably it is friendly inside us too.

The dish is filled with crushed oat flakes.

Then whole sesame seeds are added.

Then water so that it starts becoming soft.

Then black raisins for sweetness and all the good ingredients they have.

Then Goji Berry.

Then nuts.


Then pistachio nuts.

Then almonds.


Ceylon Cinamon for taste.

The order is not really important.

It has to be eaten slowly as all food.

The advantage of the meal is that it is prepared in a few minutes if every ingredient is in its glass jar.

First 30 milliwatts

Following up the great work of Nelson Pass, the first 30mW are extremely important.

Hello to United States

Thank you too

Another promising tube

The 6C4 electron tube.

Remember a kid at school had made an self oscillating FM transmitter using just one 6C4. He was proud of covering the sea city of Glyfada near Athens. He used to say the tube radiates.

How would a Pleiades amplifier sound with relatively few anode anode clots and the trick of biasing from anode to grid with a high Megohm resistor?

Driving headphones one has to be very careful to take all precautions for ear protection.

How would the 6C4 sound direct driving a Philips AD5046N 800Ω speaker?

Would the electron tube oscillate with just 6-12V on FM biasing less negative from anode to grid?

So far the best results on Pleiades experiments are with the EF183 triode connected and operated with 3.9V on the Pleiades V6 microphone front end amplifier, or the V5 with 2 stages and slightly higher voltage. The 2N3053 driving directly the Philips AD5046N speaker. And the 12K5 driving the Sennheiser HD580 headphones on the Pleiades Electra II circuit.


On preserving transconductance of electron tubes at as low anode potential as 3 volts - euroelectron

Operating features of the Audio - E.H. Armstrong

Pleiades V6 schematic

Pleiades Electra II schematic

Hello to France

Je vous remercie 

Hello to Netherlands and Polland euroelectron viewers

Thank you too

Could the Son of Jen Amplifier be single ended?

This is the interesting article of the Son of Jen amplifier.

Could the MOSFET used be made to a single ended Pleiades power amplifier of low power with the DC current passing through the speaker making it too metaphorically operate in class A (electrons flowing all the time)? The speaker becomes the load resistor itself. The circuit is derived by further simplifying the Jones circuit.

So far on Pleiades experiments great sound on driving a loudspeaker with just one transistor is made with the following. Using a single 2N3053 operating in class A driving a 800Ω Philips AD5046n speaker. An alternative is a 2N3050 driving an 8Ω speaker but it is less efficient due to impedance mismatching. The AD140 sounds nice too but it may be more difficult to current drive. An OC81 type transistor looks promising as it is shown to be close to 8Ω on the article by A. Kinloch. The 2N3053 being RF too just sings through all the frequency spectrum. The 2N3053 if all ear protection procedures are observed should be great for supplying studio quality hi impedance headphones (attention to levels a low supply voltage should be used, typically 1.2V?). Just a small DC (a typical value may be around 3mA)  current can pass through each headphone driver, see for example the Pleiades Electra II one electron tube only per channel power amplifier driving the Sennheiser HD580.

This is another interesting article on high Z out amplifiers which refers to the First Watt Nelson Pass amplifier:



2 Transistor Miniature A.F. Amplifier by K. Jones - page 41 - Audio Amplifiers - Edited by J. R. Davies - Data Publications Ltd - London

2 Watt 9 Volt Audio Transistor Amplifier - A. Kinloch (from the same book as reference 2)

Hi impedance full range speakers re developed in Ukraine

This is the link:

Another member is giving full hearted support.


If they are sensitive, these speakers should sound nice too with the Pleiades 2N3053 amplifier operating with just 12V, 6mA.

If only on grounds of protecting the environment a hi Z protocol,should be developed. Hugh impedance speakers have the unbelievable advantage of not being current hungry. So just one typical hfe ie current gain transistor can drive the speaker. Just one transistor form line out to loudspeaker. And the power consumption can be very low at only a few milli amperes. And efficiency can be high by the maximum power transfer theorem of matching source and load impedance.

Safety is important for high voltage output amplifiers. A new protocol of safe connectors for connecting amplifiers and speakers may need to be developed.

It is moving how the other member encourages the effort.

The earth is a nice place, a paradise.

There are 25V or 70V high Z audio power distribution systems for PA.

There are transformers from Hammond to convert an 8ohm speaker to hi Z and vice versa.

Bulgin should have great connectors for safety.

So a high Z system may have the option of instantly be converted to the usual 8 ohm case.

it is great that the Philips 800ohm speakers are accused on the internet by people who have never heard them in a modern situation. They generously help keep the price down to many zeros.

And of course it does not matter whether anything will be commercially successful. The point is listening to great sound quality music before or after going to the beach or forest or what our paradise offers.

While this post is being written Maria Magdalena - Sandra play relatively loud and very dynamic through the 800Ω Philips AD 5046N driven by the Pleiades 2N3053 driven by the Sony CD Walkman. The battery lasts days of continuous playing, then it is charged by the sun.


It would be nice if 600Ω or 800Ω full range speakers are in production

If they are not already.

They can give to newer generations the joy of listening to the world class quality of low power class A operating (electrons flowing all the time) power amplifiers.

Advantages are:

They can be directly connected to collector or drain of transistors, FETs or anode of electron tubes though this may be dangerous and all safety precautions should be observed. Connection can even be without an output transformer so the response of the power amplifier may go down to 0Hz.

The line is 600Ω so no thick cable is needed.

A high sensitivity hi Z speaker can sound relatively loud with just one small power transistor. For example the Pleiades 2N3053 power amplifier using just one 2N3053 bipolar transistor operating in class A and powered by only 12V at 6mA. And it is made of just 3 components including the transistor.

Another fun part is how smooth and dynamic such amplifiers sound.


Hello to Germany

Thank you too

Hello to Portugal

Thank you too

A one transistor only battery powered class A electric or acoustic guitar power amplifier

This is just one transistor direct driving a 800Ω speaker or an ordinary 8Ω speaker through an output transformer that can take typically 10mA of DC current. The transformer can be smaller or of fewer primary and therefore secondary turns for an electric guitar since the first octaves after 20Hz are not produced by a guitar. A radial heatsink is used just in case to protect from transistor thermal runaway.

On preliminary tests it give a much louder sound than a 12K5 electron tube power amplifier.

And it has interesting overdrive distortion too. The source used is a Sony CD Walkman player with a John Barry James Bond compilation CD. The guitars were brilliantly reproduced as if someone wa playing in the room.

Power output should be typically 30mW. It sounds loud, filling with sound more than a few rooms, hopefully without annoying neighbours.

Consumption is only 7mA at 12V.

Many nearby euroelectron posts are dedicated to this miraculous sounding little amplifier.

It operates in class A meaning electrons are flowing all the time. And they flow all the time even through the speaker. In fact it is very easy to turn off the amplifier by just disconnecting the speaker or having a switch in series with the collector circuit.

The schematic is open source as everything else Pleiades and can be found at the referenced post.


Pleiades Electra II vs Pleiades 2N3053 on driving a loudspeaker

Still the 2N3053 sounds much louder. The loudspeaker used is the PHILIPS AD 5046N which is 800Ω. Many geniuses must have designed this remarkable speaker and its amazing Philips 9710AM full range driver (from 40Hz to 19KHz?) driver.

This may not be very fair to Electra II as it was designed to drive hi Z headphones.

Nevertheless a 10.5V voltage was connected to Electra II and output was taken from one channel and directly connected to the 800Ω PHILIPS AD 5046N. The sound was of very good quality but very quiet even when anode current was 3mA. The input potentiometer could be fully clockwise without distortion suggesting that more voltage may be needed to drive the 12K5 at higher power.

So perhaps an input transformer may be used.

And if a low Z speaker is to be used an output transformer may be used too.

So the schematic would be similar to the Pleiades V6 front end microphone amplifier but with higher voltages. An EF183 should be suitable by carefully connecting perhaps 47V and taking all safety precautions, or with many precautions a WE417.

Whereas the single 2N3053 is generously driven since it requires a bit of current which is more easily given by the 300Ω output impedance of the line output of the Sony CD Walkman used in these experiments.

And of course the point is that just a 2N3053 can give a world class sound just on its own.

No input transformer needed, no output transformer needed if the speaker is 800Ω.

The only other components are a battery, a biasing resistor form collector to base and a series input attenuating resistor.

The schematics of the refered circuits can be found on euroelectron blogspot by a Google search. They are open source as everything Pleiades.

Solar Powered Pleiades 2N3053 class A amplifier

It operates in class A (electrons flowing all the time and gives a respectable power output of typically 30mW.

With a sensitive speaker 30mW sounds many times louder than we expect since the ear brain perceives loudness logarithmically.

But the main advantage is the amazing sound quality and big smooth and dynamic sound of just one 2N3053 bipolar transistor from source to a direct coupled speaker.

And the consumption is only 6mA at 12V.

So it can be easily be solar, or photovoltaic powered or even powered by rechargeable batteries that are carefully and protectively sun charged under many a direct sunlight or ambient light condition.

And there is no hiss or any other kind of noise since it is battery powered.

For the schematic, see the reference. If a great quality 800Ω speaker is not available then a 8Ω speaker impedance can be stepped up by an output transformer that can take those milliamperes of collector current without saturating. For extended bass a relative big size should be required. The good news is that many such transformers are available since the are used for similar electron tube single ended output stages.
