Thursday, February 28, 2019
Connecting the SONY ECM-250 electret condenser microphone directly the iPad or iPhone
At your risk.
Is it possible?
By removing the battery from the mic and connecting to + the pin from iPad headphone-mic connector that gives +volts and to negative (spring terminal) the pin giving ground.
It should work the circuit is closed (electrons flow) though the mic FET, the mic output transformer, and iPad's load resitor.
In fact the normal mic output should be available (secondary of its output transformer). If needed a Pleiades R,L filter can be connected to reduce bass heaviness for close mic mouth vocals.
Of course other electret condenser capsules could be directly connected.
Or moving coil mics using a Pleiades K117 single JFET amplifier.
Or an electron tube with Pleiades bias can be connected so that anode current is possible with just the few volts that iPad will give. Heater voltage can then be supplied separately by 1 larger battery. (Always use a fuse in series with any battery for short circuit safety). At the grid of the electron tube through a coupling capacitor an electric guitar, moving coil, printed ribbon or ribbon microphone can be connected. Normally a microphone input transformer should be connected between moving coil and grid circuit to step up impedance or voltage further lowering noise.
How to make disconant intervals with respect to bass sound brilliant
This may be done by preparing the disconant interval to the brain of the listener.
A way it can be done is continuously playing in advance the note which is to become disconant with a future bass. And then add the consonant 3rd with respect to bass in order to make the whole sound even better.
See for example the next post:
Πως κανουμε τα διαφωνα μουςικα διαστήματα να ακούγονται θαυμάσια
Προετοιμάζουμε το διαφωνο διάστημα στον εγκεφαλο του ακροατή και προσθέτουμε το σύμφωνο διάστημα τρίτης σε σχεςη με το μπαςο (την βαςη).
Η προετοιμασία μπορει να γίνει με πολλούς τρόπους. Ένας ειναι η νότα η οποία θα ειναι διαφωνη με μελλοντικό μπαςο να επαναλαμβάνεται απο πριν.
Παραδειγμα στο επόμενο post:
Possibly the best ever major 7th chord presented to the human brain
Chi Mai - Ennio Moriconne
At 4:51
Key is F sharp minor. Ie F, G, C are sharp.
Violins keep playing F ie F sharp since
At 4:25 bass starts to descend step by step
4:25 bass F melody F (Remember all F are sharp)
4:28 bass E melody F
4:32 bass D melody F
4:36 bass C melody F (Remember all C are sharp)
4:39 bass B melody F
4:43 bass A melody F
4:47 bass G melody F (Remember all G are sharp)
4:51 bass G natural melody F ie G major 7th
4:54 and Bach to tonic ie Bass F melody F
Note the 3rd with respect to bass is almost always added by some other instrument in order to make every disconant interval sound amazing.
See also Bach Bass Rules:
A brilliant example of step downwards bass and creating major 7th interval with melody
Summer moved on - a-ha
It begins at 2:51
Morten Harket sings F ie F sharp
Key is B minor ie all C and F are sharp
At 2:51 the vocal is sustained F sharp while bass goes:
B with F
A with F
G with F ie G major 7th
F with F
D with F and B ie D6 (there's an echo repeat of B)
C with F (echo repeat of B)
G with F ie G major 7th (echo repeat of B ie the 3rd from bass)
F and Bach to tonic ie
Note the 3rd with respect to bass is also added on most of these beautiful chords.
See Bach Bach Rules:
An brilliant example of prepared 9th chord
At 4:17 of Wicked Game - Chris Issac Live
Key is B Dorian. So all C, F, Gl are sharp
Bass goes
So that 4:13 Chris Issac sings F sharp sustained with B bass. Then this same sustained note with A bass and then with E bass. The intervals created are:
At 4:13 B with F ie 5th (remember all F are F sharp)
At 4:15 A with F ie 6th (the 3rd from bass added ie C sharp)
At 4:17 E with F ie 9th (and of source some instrument plays the 3rd ie G sharp)
Further reading:
Bach bass rules:
I want to know what love is - Foreigner, Live
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Read medication instructions
At your risk, this is not a medical advice.
For example searching for Angoron on Wikipedia:
One can read about very serious side effects on lung toxicity.
Revox 3500 microphone with Pleiades R,L filter
Signal path:
Male singing voice - Revox 3500 at 2in to 6in - Dunbridge D13A 400mH inductor with resistance ie 209Ω,400mH - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580
At the 400mH setting of the Dunbridge decade inductor box the resistance of the main (x100mH) coil happens to be 209Ω.
This 400mH setting sounded the best with no offensive bass heaviness. On the contrary bass and the rest of the spectrum was very smooth. Pity about the hum since the Dunbridge does not use air core ring inductors but normal air core inductors (coils).
Impedance of the mic is 600Ω so the 209Ω ie about 1/3 resistance creates a certain gentle slope of high pass.
How would a low resistance coil wound on a ring (nanoperm or supermalloy for example) in series with a 210Ω resistor sound like?
Other combination which sounded interesting but bright is (315Ω,37mH) from a Sowter transformer secondary with magnetic lamination core removed:
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Fairytale on microphones and ultraviolet sun rays
On next post featuring, the 2 cats Velvetine, Caneline and their friend the patient tortoise.
Βελούδινα, Κανελινα, υπομονετική χελώνα και υπεριώδεις ακτίνες
Έπαιζαν η Κανελινα και η υπομονετική χελώνα με τα μικρόφωνα τους.
Η Βελούδινα μόλις είχε φάει, γλυφοταν και τις ρώτησε τι ειναι αυτα;
- ειναι μικρόφωνα.
- και τι κανουν;
- μετατρέπουν την παλινδρομική κινηςη μορίων αέρα σε αντίστοιχη ηλεκτρονίων.
- δηλαδή;
- το ακουστικό κύμα της μουσικής σε αντιςτοιχο ηλεκτρικό.
- δηλαδή;
- τα μόρια του αέρα που πάλλονται με το ρυθμο της μουσικής σε ηλεκτρόνια που πάλλονται με το ρυθμο της μουσικής. Θα νιώσεις τους παλμούς καθώς τραγουδάς και αγγίζεις το λαιμουδακι σου.
- γιατι το κανουμε αυτο;
- εχει πλάκα. Σε ηλεκτρική μορφή, δηλαδή παλλόμενα ηλεκτρόνια μπορουμε να κανουμε πολλα πράγματα.
- δηλαδή;
- να μεταφέρουμε το ηλεκτρικό πια ηχητικό σημα σε καλώδιο. Εκεί μεςα χορευουν τα ελεύθερα ηλεκτρόνια. Η να στείλουμε απο εδώ, εκει το σημα μεςω κενού η αέρα οπως στο ραδιόφωνο η την κινητή τηλεφωνία. Ηλεκτρομαγνητικά κύματα. Τα ηλεκτρόνια στην κεραία του δεκτή ζηλεύουν τον χορό αυτών στην κεραία του πομπού, κανουν το ίδιο και ετςι μεταφέρεται το μουςικο σημα με την ταχύτητα του φωτός. Το ίδιο γινεται και σε ενα κυματοδηγο, κοινώς καλώδιο. Παντού τα ηλεκτρόνια ζηλεύουν.
- και τι άλλο μπορουμε να κανουμε;
- να περάσουμε το σημα απο καποιο ηλεκτρικό στοιχείο. Πχ αντίσταση, πυκνωτή, πηνιο, η να το ενισχύσουμε με σωληνα ηλεκτρονίων η κάποιο τρανζίστορ. Η πολλα τρανζίστορ σε ενα τσιπάκι.
- τσιπουράκι, ψαράκι.
- τσιπάκι σοβαρέψου. Φτιαγμένο απο πυρίτιο, λιωμένη άμμο και φωτογραφική λιθογραφία. Πλάκα πλάκα δυο τρια τρανζίστορ, η σωλήνες ηλεκτρονίων φτάνουν, δεν χρειάζεσαι τσιπάκι για εχεις εκατομυρια μικροσκοπικά τρανζίστορ. Οποτε μπορεις να φτιάξεις τον καλυτερο ενισχυτη στο σπιτι με τα καλυτερα υλικα σαν σπιτικό κέικ, χωρις φυνικελαιο η φυνικολιπος που έχουν τη φήμη να φράζουν τις αρτηριες.
- Γι'αυτο όλο τυλιγετε πηνια και συνδέετε τρανςιςτορ με 3 ποδαράκια. Γιατι ολα αυτα;
- για να κανουμε την φωνη να ακουγεται δυνατά αλλα ταυτοχρονα σωστά στον εγκεφαλο του ακροατή οπως στο τραγουδι Castle in the Snow - Kadebostany. Για παραδειγμα να κόβουμε τις αργές κινήσεις των ηλεκρονιων για να μην ακούγεται η φωνη λαςπωδης και υπερμπασαδουριστη. Για να λάμπει σαν ενα εκλεπτιςμενο διαμάντι.
-Και τι άλλο;
- να αποθηκεύσουμε την κινηςη ηλεκτρονίων σε κάποιο μέσο παλι χρησιμοποιώντας ηλεκτρόνια. Αυτο λέγεται ηχογραφιςη.
- και μετα;
- Μετα μπορουμε παλι να το ενισχύσουμε και να το στείλουμε σε κάποιο μεγάφωνο. Αυτο λέγεται αναπαραγωγή του ήχου.
- τι ειναι το μεγάφωνο.
- Μετατρεπει την κινηςη ηλεκτρονίων σε κινηςη μορίων του αέρα. Πάλλεται η μεμβράνη και τους δίνει κλωτσιές χαριτωμένες. Ετςι τα μόρια του αέρα ξανα χορευουν. Σκουντάνε το ενα το άλλο. Μεχρι το τύμπανο του αυτιού μας. Χορευουν αυτα, εμείς ακούμε και χορεύουμε και εμείς.
- Χορευουν οι γάτες;
- γιατι, τυλίγουν πηνια;
Περιεργο που εκανε η Βελούδινα αυτες τις ερωτησεις. Συνηθως δεν μιλαει... Κανεις δεν ξέρει απο που ήρθε. Εμφανιςτηκε μια μέρα στο δάσος.
Αυτες τις μέρες κρυώνει πολυ με τον παγετό και τον λυσσαλέο αέρα.
Για να εμφανιστεί αρκεί να φωνάξεις η να τραγουδήσεις... "Βελούδινο τιγράκι που'ναι το γατάκι; Βελούδινη τιγρουλα που'ναι η γατούλα; Βελούδινο τιγρουλι, που'ναι το γατουλι;"
Και ξαφνικα εμφανίζεται κατα παγωμένη, σαν αρχαία.
Της λες, "Βελούδινα μου..., αγάπη μου...", την παιρνεις στην αγκαλιά σου για να ξεσταθει.
Τον πρωτο καιρό που δεν είταν και τοςο εξοκειωμενη καθώς την αγκάλιαζες έβγαζε μια μικρη πολυ λεπτή φωνούλα. "Μι Μι Μι" η "Μα Μα Μα".
Ο μικρός Ιωνας που φέτος φόρεσε για πρωτη φορα την Αποκριά, τη στολή του μικρού πρίγκηπα που του ήταν φυλαγμένη πριν πολλα έτη απο την Βαρκελώνη, είπε οτι κανει Μι για να σου πει Μη, και Μα γιατι θελει τη μαμά της.
Τώρα η Βελούδινα ερχεται στην αγκαλιά σου και κάθεται οςο μπορει κάνοντας ενα περίεργο σιγανό τρίξιμο σαν σκουριασμένη καγκελόπορτα. Την κρατάς και τη χαϊδεύεις οςο πιο απαλα μπορεις για να μην αισθάνεται εγκλωβισμένη. Καποια στιγμή που θα αυξηθεί πολυ η θερμοκρασία θα πηδήξει απαλα χωρις να βγάλει νύχια.
Τότε θα καταλάβεις οτι μάλλον αυτη σε ζέσταινε τόση ωρα και οχι εσυ.
Η θερμότητα μεταφέρεται και με υπέρυθρη ακτινοβολία που ειναι αόρατη στο ανθρώπινο μάτι.
Αυτα τα ξερει καλα η Βελούδινα οπως ξερει οτι το γατίσιο αυτί μπορει να ακουει ακομα πιο γρήγορες παλινδρομικες κινήσεις μορίων αέρα απο τον άνθρωπο. Τους υπερήχους.
Λεει η Βελούδινα στην Κανελινα και την υπομονετική χελώνα...
Ξέρετε το αντίστοιχο για την όραση ειναι οι υπεριώδεις ακτίνες. Τα ηλεκτρόνια ανεβοκατεβαίνουν απίστευτα γρήγορα. Το μάτι δεν μπορει να καταλάβει χρωμα. Πιο σωστά ο εγκεφαλος δεν μπορει η το μάτι δεν μπορει να στείλει την πληροφορία. Αν είχε χρωμα θα ήταν υπερμωβ. Γιαυτο λέγονται υπεριώδεις ακτίνες. Λέγεται οτι ειναι πολυ ευεργετικές το πρωί η στο ηλιοβασίλεμα. Οτι εισχωρούν στο σώμα βαθιά και θεραπεύουν πιθανότατα ακομα και λοιμώξεις των πνευμόνων. Και οχι μονο. Λίγα λεπτα την ημέρα ιςως αρκούν, παν μετρο άριστο. Αυτα ομως τα γνωρίζουν οι καλοί ιατροί. Κάποιοι πνευμονολόγοι συνιστούν μπάνιο στη θαλαςςα ακομα και το χειμώνα για τους εξοικειωμενους (με δικη σας ευθύνη).
Πεταχτηκε απο την χαρά της η Κανελινα. Ολες έτρεξαν να ρωτήσουν τους σοφούς γλάρους στην παραλια.
Οι σοφοί γλάροι καταχείμωνο πλατσουριζαν χαρούμενοι και μετα κάθονταν στον ήλιο, οπως κανουν και οι γάτες το πρωί. Και τα περιστέρια.
Όλοι μαζι άρχισαν να χορευουν σαν ηλεκτρόνια κατω απο το φως του Ηλιου. Που και αυτο μαζι με την υπεριώδη του συνισταμένη παράγεται απο ηλεκτρόνια στην επιφάνια του που ανεβοκατεβαίνουν πολυ γρήγορα. Με συχνοτητα της υπεριώδης συνιστώσας 1000 τοςα τερα Χερτζ η 1000THz. Ανεβοκατεβαίνουν χίλια εκατομυρια εκατομυρια φορες το δευτερόλεπτο.
Του Ηλιου μας που δεν αφηνει καμια σκια στην αλήθεια.
Feynman Lectures on Physics
Richard Feynmann on youtube
Monday, February 25, 2019
Bach showed to future generations how the game is played
For example:
The Fugue, 2nd movement of Tocatta and Fugue in D minor
The introduction of Dangerous - David Guetta
The introduction of Tubular Bells - Mike Oldfield
Does an omnidirectional moving coil mic exist which has switchable RL high pass filter?
If not it may be a pity.
Omnidirectional microphones connected to an R,L filter, see Pleiades R,L filter would immediately stand out from most microphones. Such filter may not be needed for speech but for singing it is important to reduce bass heaviness and make the vocal part shine trough the backing track.
Such filters can be found on mics such as AKG D1000 where the need also exists to compensate for the proximity effect.
But many omnidirectional microphones which sound bass heavy due to Fletcher Munson or Voice effort curves should benefit too in the quest of flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener' brain [Lowe, Morgan].
They could compete with the best condenser, ribbon, printed ribbon mics which too need such a filter.
Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Charactristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the society of Motion Picture Engineers
It would be nice if doughnut wound air core Pleiades filter boxes are made
A big doughnut wound inductor inside a box and an XLR in and XLR out for passing through a microphone before the signal goes to the preamplifier.
The smoothness of sound of air core Pleiades filters
It is not known yet if this is due to air core or the by product of high resistance associated with inductance.
One can also wind to a high permeability core and then connect a series resistor.
Anyway this is how air core inductors tested.
Signal path:
Male voice singing Swett Harmony - Beloved - Shure VP64 at 1-2in - Danbridge decade inductor box D13A - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The hum is tremendous, see previous post. Perhaps connecting 2 D13A in series anti phase would solve the problem.
But the sound is very nice and smooth without anything disturbing at the bass register.
300mH was found best. The coil resitnave at that point in about 166Ω.
When 100mH is used the sound is a obviously thinner. But the sound of 1x100mH is many times better than 10x10mH. This is because in the latter case resistance is much lower. And it sounds not only thin but midrange honkytonk.
How would air cored ring inductor Pleiades filters sound like?
This is on connecting an inductor at the output of a microphone in order to reduce bass heaviness. The same can be done to a bass guitar pickup in order to reveal mid and treble detail content etc.
Air core winding is inspired by the Dandridge air cored decade inductor box D13A. It works but hum pickup is tremendous. In fact one can walk in a room with D13A connected to Sony TC-D5 Pro mic input and hear the low freuency electromagnetic field content in space due to man made noise etc.
Air core inductors use very long wire to achieve said inductance. So resistance is associated too which can be a good thing as the filter becomes a Pleiades (R,L) even gentler slope high pass. Typically at 300mH resistance can be 100-200 ohms.
But what about hum? If they are wound like a toroidal power transformer it should be eliminated as the coil now becomes a hum backing coil of itself.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Variable mic high pass cutoff according to a frequency dependent side chain signal
It has been found experimentally that as:
A male voice sings higher notes bass exaggeration of a microphone becomes more apparent. This has to do with voice production.
So a higher Pleiades filter high pass cutoff is needed.
Is it possible for a variable cutoff frequency high pass filter to be created?
The higher the singing frequency the less the shunt inductance must be.
Is it possible to create a side chain signal that varies inductance in a similar way as done on the Ortophon STL 631 treble limiter? Apparently this limiter operates by varying the inductance of the output transformer by passing more DC through it? The HF cutoff frequency is thereby changed.
The opposite action is needed here and the control signal must be dependent on frequency and not amplitude. Sort of like FM radio demodulation techniques.
But perhaps it is best for a human operator adjusting this in real time by ear brain perception.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Grommes model GM5 serial number 37895
Amazing looking electron tube 6 channel microphone adder (mixer).
Licensed by Western Electric.
It arrived to Pleiades lab a few days ago.
Customs cost about 300 euros. It came from US but it was found on the site.
Basic and very careful dusting off was immediatly done. Very gentle movement of knobs, potentiometers etc as a soft welcome to the Pleiades laboratories.
Nothing was known about rack mounted Grommes. But then reading on forums it was realized that it is possibly the best on the planet. It was found by curiosity hitting the see other items button of the seller who provided the Shure SM63 microphones. All this equipment belonged to a church so the quality is like new. After a lot of discussion with the seller very long sheets of bubble wrap and styroflex white foam was used to protect it in transit. It arrived intact.
While waiting for its arrival the downloaded schematics were printed on very large A2 paper. A pretty girl was in the queue at the printing office. Having said hello she was often smiling.
The schematic show simplicity and elegance. There must be a cascade stage as well. Most electron tubes are 12AX7 and a 12AU7. A brilliant output transformer too.
The octal base microphone TL 1A transformers measure 1.7H : 440H.
No mains supply has been connected yet. The fuse was checked in case someone had put a thicker wire one. The wire looked thin enough but it has to be rechecked as there is no printed information on the small fuse or information is erased.
Today the Aperex EZ80 electron tube was removed and the pins were found bent. They were immediately straitened on the military tube tester straitening electron tube noval base.
The minus black lead of the YFE YF-3200 digital multimeter is connected to chassis. The red lead to pin 3 on the removed rectifier tube socket. -400mV was measured meaning the electrolytic capacitors were at a reversed polarity state.
Immediatly +6V were applied though a 1.6MΩ resistor in order to gently and gradually start reforming the capacitors. After about 1 hour the voltage across them is about 2.4V. Good news. While writting this it increased to 2.6 volt. It will be left at least overnight to charge reform mode.
How would a Fostex ribbon element sound in a sphere configuration like Neumann M50?
Mounting a printed ribbon element to a sphere creating an exquisite omnidirectional microphone? Then a battery powered electron tube front end amplifier such as Pleiades V6? It can be outside of the mic as the second signal transformer can be outside too so that mic capsule with the first step up transformer feeds a 600Ω balanced transmission line in the normal way.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Mad About You
Mad About You, Live - Hooverphonics
Άρση της απαγόρευσης των 7ων, 9ων μουςικων διαστημάτων σε σχεςη με το μπαςο (βαςη)
Τώρα που έγινε η άρση της απαγόρευσης μπορούν επιτέλους στη χώρα νας να γίνουν μουσικά κοματια σαν αυτο:
Mind if I Stay - Kadebostany
Η σαν αυτο:
Mad About You, live - Hooverphonics
Ναι το μπαςο μπορει να ειναι Λα ύφεση και η μελωδια Σολ, δηλαδή Αb major 7th η Λαb Ντο Μιb Σολ. Η άλλο παραδειγμα Ντο μπαςο με Μι Σολ Σι δηλαδή Ντο Μι Σολ Σι(φυσικό), Cmaj7th, δηλαδή συγχορδία Ντο μεγάλη έβδομη κτλ.
Δεν ξέρουμε πως έγινε η απαγόρευση. Ιςως κάποτε κάποιος-α αντέγραψε κατι λάθος. Τι σημασία εχει; Ένας κακός εφιάλτης. Προχωράμε.
Ετςι σιγα σιγα θα βγει η Ελλαδα απο την κριση η οποία εχει μεγάλη σχεςη με πολιτισμική κριση.
Περισοτερα στοιχεια:
Σχετικα με τη μουσική:
Bach Bass Rules:
Σχετικά με αφοβία:
Εγχειριδιο - Επικτητος
Mind if I Stay - Kadebostany
More music elements:
Bach Bass Rules:
More a-phobia elements:
Enchiridion - Epictetous
Nick Littlemore, Luke Steele, Peter Mayes
(While dong a search on Wikipedia for We are the People - Empire of the Sun)
Playing We Are the People - Empire of the Sun on the piano
A very sophisticated song.
Non trivial chords of the quality found only in the best moments of classical music.
It may be attempted on the piano as follows:
Key is E minor ie all notes white except all F which are F sharp.
Playing the melody at a very high register.
D D D D B B B B (those Bs prepare for the Cmaj7th to come)
E E...
Then the left hand can play (all notes shown below together with pedal for a sustain effect) in the middle of the piano keyboard. An exquisite harmony. It is mostly hroughout non trivial non 1 3 5 chords.
B E G ie E
B D E F ie D69(remember F is F#) bass is B ie B4?
B C E G ie C7 (see Bach's prelude in C)
A C E G ie A7
B D F A ie B7 or B D F G ie go figure
B E G ie E
All these refined chords can be derived by getting their elements from the relation 1 3 5 7 9 etc with respect to bass.
The very strange chord at a moment in the chorus may be a C#6 followed from the beautiful C major 7h (are you gonna leave me now?) then E then C#6 ie C# bass C# E A harmony. Later addition: It most likely C# bass and B E G a very rare chord found in Vivaldi's slow movement of 4 seasons Autumn if memory is corect.
Pop music, popular music at its best. It is no wander on 2008 the world lend their ear towards them.
Shure VP64, Audio Technica AT-804, Shure SM63
These mics are very sensitive.
The AT-804 is 600Ω. It sounds big with a bit or harshness at midrange. But it is a natural sounding mic.
The Shure VP64 is very elegant and impressive. Very loud and sensitive. More bandwidth than AT-804 which may or not be a advantage depending on application.
Signal path:
Male speaking or singing voice - mic at close distance - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The VP64 may sound a bit harsh too at mid midhigh range. But it is a very natural sounding mic. With a Pleiades 330mH high pass filter some bass heaviness is removed when used for singing. With a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter a very bright and treble extended sound can result. This filter is not very suitable for the AT-804 which is 600Ω, different values of R,L must be used.
The SM63 sounds much more bright and less bass heavy possibly making it very suitable for studio singing on a backing track. It has much less handling noise that the other 2 mics.
Wouod the little harshness at mid midhigh range of the AT-804 or VP64 disappear when used with an electron tube booster amp such as the battery powered Pleiades V6?
Lanier Omnidirectiinal MIcrophone
It does not even say a model number. It is champagne finished and looks like a cardiod but it is not. It says 500Ω.
Very inexpensive mic and great sounding.
Yes it is not very sensitive.
It does not sound very smooth at midrange.
But it sounds impressively natural without bass or treble heaviness and this makes it stand out from the rest of many mics.
Fostex M11RP s/n109011
This is just first impression. It arrived today. Serial number is 109011.
Very heavy and impressive microphone.
It sounds smooth.
It sounds big even at 1-2 ft. It is loud or sensitive.
There is bass heaviness due to proximity effect and other known phychoacoustic effects.
Connecting a Pleiades 330mH inductor high pass filter makes the sound comfortably natural at 6in to 12in.
For a more bright high pass but with a gentler slope the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) high pass filter was connected. The mic can sound very bright, detailed but not harsh as more common mics may do.
The back rejection mechanism leaves the very low frequency content to pass through only when at very close (proximity) distance from mouth to back of mic.
Very big impressive mic for its natural ribbon sound quality.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
The printed ribbon on Fostex microphones is not a coil
The idea must have started on loudspeaker membranes being able to move as a whole by printing the electron conductor on the insulating thin film. By reciprocity a microphone is created. The idea is that the membrane moves as a whole and producing an electrical wave as a whole.
The magnetic field is arranged by opposite facing magnets (the membrane in between) so that lines of force run parallel to the membrane. The magnetic field lines must be perpendicular to the moving conductor by sound waves.
The magnetic field reverses mid way so the direction of the printed coil must reverse too. So in fact the coil shape is made up of many U shaped conductors one inside the other and all connected in series. There are additional conductive parts etched, rather printed , on the insulating membrane whose use is only balancing the membrane weight symmetry symemtry so that it moves as a whole. And perhaps also electrical damping as there are currents developed in them as well although they are not connected to the series coil arrangement.
See patent US3922503 by Shunichi Tabuchi, Fostex.
The shape of the coil is very unusual:
Magnepan magnetostatic speakers and Fostex ribbon microphones
They seem to be related through the Gamzon patent of membrane vibrating as a whole.
The inventor from Fostex Shunichi Tabuchi side refers to the Gamzon, Frei US3209084 patent. The Foster (parent company of) Fostex patent is US3922503.
Inventor James M. Winey on Magnepan US4210786A patent refers too to the Gamzon, Frei additional patent US3013905:
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
How would Brian Eno's generative music sound with a Bach-Niedt Bass rule specified?
This is the Bach-Niedt code:
An important rule is preparing the "dissonant" interval with respect to bass for the human brain and then add the 3rd interval with respect to bass to create consonance out of the dissonance. See next post on Veridis Quo - Daft Punk as an example.
Veridis Quo - Daft Punk
On YouTube:
It is clearly using the Bach-Niedt code too. Do great composers do that consciously or unconsciously?
The key is D minor ie Re minore. Ie all B are B flat ie all Si are Si flat.
Bass sequence is:
(Mi passage note)
... all bass notes repeated in a loop
Melody is:
Fa mi fa re fa do fa si...... (Si sustains for a long time until bass becomes La)
So a prepared ninth is created. The 3rd with respect to bass is then added since the chord is La Do Mi. So it's is really La bass and La Do Si.
See also:
Bach bass rules PDF:
If you follow the melody closely you will also see or rather hear a prepared 4rh and 7th created at other moments in time.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
The chords of the E minor scale
A very beautiful sounding scale. Has a love affinity. Example music written on E minor:
Nothing else matters - Metalica
Dangerous - David Guetta
Private Investigations - Dire Straits
Nights in White Satin - the Moody Blues
We are The People - Epire of the Sun
The notes of the scale:
E F# G A B C D (D#) E
So the chords derived are by descending bass step by step:
Bass Harmony or chords
E E G B (D)
D# D# F# A
D D F# A or D F# B for D6
C C E G (B) (one of the most beautiful chords)
B B D F# (A)
A A C E (G)
G G B D (F#)
F# F# A C (E)
Most of the above chords are among the best sounding to a human brain.
Handel could not resist using tye so modern sounding C major 7th ie C E G B in is overture in E minor.
Or course Chopin was a great user of E minor. See E minor prelude.
Listen also to the transcription for orchestra in E minor of Vocalise - Rachmaninov
Sony ECM-250 electret condenser microphone with Pleiades (R,L) filter
Very interesting microphone.
The schematic shows just a capsule, a FET and a 1.5V battery through an output transformer. Almost exactly like a Pleiades V6 or K117 booster amplifier.
It sounds very nice.
But there is some hiss showing that moving coil mics can be quieter. In fact connecting a Shure SM63 directly to Sony TC-D5 Pro produced more output and less noise without a booster amp.
Signal path:
Make singing voice at 1-4in - Sony ECM-250 - Pleiades filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The ECM-250 can sound even more natural than the SM63. But there is breath noise, poo noise. Sibilants are fine and HF detail very nice.
To improve signal to noise ratio a Pleiades filter of 330mH was connected at the output of the mic. Mic can now be used at 1-2in as proximity effect is compensated and signal output is greatly increased.
The gentle slope Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) sounds very nice too with this microphone.
Danbridge decade inductor as Pleiades hi pass filter
Directly connected to mic in parallel.
Nice variable low cut. But unsusable as hum and noise is excessive.
On the other hand winding in a magnetic toroid (ring) core produces no noise at all.
Nevertheless for example 500mH were found suitable for the Audio Technica AT-802. So perhaps it's time to wind a 500mH indictor on a ring core.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Other advantage of Fostex flat coil ribbon
There is electrical symmetry.
Acoustical symmetry.
But also geometrical symmetry. The membrane is circular.
The Development and Design of a Flat Diaphragm Printed Ribbon Microphone Capsule - Shunichi Tabuchi - Fostex Corporation - Tokyo Japan - 72nd convention AES 1982
Anaheim California 23-27
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Pleiades Microphone Collection
Audio Technica
Schaub Lorenz
Fairytale Canelina the cat, the patient tortoise and the microphone Fostex M88RP
Outlines of the fairytale in Hellenic (Ελληνικα) on the previous euroelectron post.
Παραμυθι Η Κανελινα, η υπομονετική χελώνα και το μικροφωνο τυπωμένες κορδέλας Fostex M88RP
Σ' αυτο το παραμυθι η Κανελινα και η φίλη της ανακαλύπτουν οτι υπάρχει το μικροφωνο τυπωμένης αγωγιμης κορδέλας σε σχήμα επιπέδου πηνιου της Fostex Ιαπωνίας. Συνδιάζει τα πλεονεκτήματα μικρόφωνων condenser (ηλεκτροστατικων), και μαγνητοστατικών ribbon, moving coil, χωρις τα μειονεκτήματα που εχει το καθένα.
Το μαγνητικό πεδίο δημιουργείται απο πανιςχυρους μαγνήτες που ο ένας απωθεί τον άλλο. Ετςι οι δυναμικές γραμμές ειναι κάθετες στο επίπεδο πηνιο. Και καθώς η Κανελινα τραγουδάει και παλεται η μεμβράνη του μικροφώνου, ηλεκτρόνια αισθάνονται έλξη και χορευουν πέρα δώθε με το ρυθμο τυς ακουςτικης μουςικης κυματομορφης.
Απλά σκευτονταν να συνδέσουν στην έξοδο,του μικροφώνου ενα πηνιο πχ 40 μιλιχενρυ σε σειρα με μια αντίσταση πχ 140 Ωμ για να κόψουν μπάσα και να ακουστεί λαμπερό και απίθανο. Δηλαδή φίλτρο Pleiades (R,L) απαλης κλίσης high frequency pass.
Επισεις ανακαλύπτουν τα απίστευτα μικρόφωνα Beyer M119, Shure SM63, Audio Technica AT-802, Lanier DM-1525, Foster (μητρική εταιρία της Fostex) DF-72BC. Στέλνουν για τσάι η στο καθαριςτηριο απίστευτα πιο ακριβά μικρόφωνα.
Η Βελούδινα-Τιγράκι απλά τρώει ωραιο φαγητακι, τις κοιτάζει και ειναι χαρουμενη. Ειναι γατούλα με βελούδινο τρίχωμα, στο δάσος, με χρωμα ίδιο με κορμό δέντρου για ξεκάρφωμα και stripes σαν τιγράκι. Άμα πας να την πάρεις αγκαλιά ψιλονευριάζει και αρχίζει να βγάζει λεπτή φωνούλα.
Πως προκύπτουν οι συγχορδίες του τραγουδιου To the Moon and Back - Savage Garden
Χρησιμοποιώντας τον κωδικα Μπαχ, Νιντ:
Αρκεί να γνωρίζουμε οτι το τραγουδι ειναι γραμμένο στην κλίμακα Ντο ελασονα. Αρα ολα τα πλήκτρα ειναι άσπρα εκτός απο Μι που ειναι Μι ύφεση, Λα που ειναι Λα ύφεση και Σι που ειναι Σι ύφεση.
Οι συγχορδίες προκύπτουν απο το σκονάκι 1,3,5 η 1,3,5,7
Ντο Μι Σολ
Σι Ρε Σολ. (Ο κώδικας ειναι εδώ Σι6)
Σολ Σι Ρε Φα
Λα Ντο Μι Σολ
και επαναλαμβάνονται...
(Θυμηθείτε στα παραπάνω να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις σωστές υφέσεις αλλιώς ακουγεται τελείως λάθος.
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Important harmony or chords of To the Moon and Back - Savage Garden
To the Moon and Back - Savage Garden - YouTube
The key of the song is C minor. Ie all key notes are white except E which is Eflat, B which is Bflat, A which is A flat.
The code or harmony of the verse in figured (numbered) bass notation is:
She's taking her
C time, making up the (4 equal beats)
B7 reasons, (4 equal beats)
G7 to justify all the (4 equal beats)
A7 hurt inside, guess she (4 equal beats)
C knows... etc
B7 (figured bass repeats in loop...)
So it is mostly repeating the fabulous sequence C, B6, G7, A7
Let's convert from the great Bach's, numbered notation...
C means C with 1,3,5 ie C bass and C Eb G
B6 means B with G and 3rd added, ie Bb bass and Bb D G
G7 means G with F and 3rd (Bb) added ie G bass with G Bb D F
A7 means A bass with G and 3rd (C) added ie Ab bass with Ab C Eb G
Left hand Right hand
C C Eb G
Bb Bb D G
G G Bb D F
Ab Ab C Eb G
Note flats are automatically derived from key. And everything in fact is automatically derived from key. Ie whether a chord is major, minor, minor 7th, major 7th etc
Bach, Niedt and their colleagues were many hundreds of years ahead of their time.
In order to play this magnificent song not just roughly but with the exact refined chords most of what one needs to remember is the sequence code
C, B6, G7, A7
and the fact that the key or scale is C minor.
Yes music near its highest level is all that simple.
See also Bach bass rules:
Friday, February 15, 2019
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Omnis And Spheres
On the Neumann M50
By Martin Schneider
The Neumann M50 is considered by Al Schmitt the best for recording an orchestra.
See Al Schmitt on vocal and instrumental techniques
CBS historic inventory
From gearslutz:
Neumann U-47a, U-47b, M-49b catalogue and a rare photo of Leonard Bernstein at Columbia 30th street studio
An amazing microphone that can be bought even new
The Shure SM63 small diaphragm moving coil omnidirectional.
Arrived today. Second hand. Ex church. eBay purchase. Made in Mexico, sligthly vintage?
Signal path:
Male singing voice - SM63L at 1-6in - Sony TC-D5 PRO - Sennheiser HD580
Very loud.
Very lightweight.
Very small.
Treble very extended.
Bass not offending. Very good.
One of the few mics on the planet with flat frequency response from singer's, actor's vocal chords to listener's brain.
(Omni moving coil mics have the diaphragm reasonance resistance controlled at mid range for broad band response like condenser directional microphones). See Microphones - Boré, Peus (Neumann)
It is worth noting the excellent sound quality Beyer M119 moving coil omni, serial number 3725 made in the 60's sounds much louder
The Shure SM63 made in Mexico is possibly one of the best microphones on the planet that can be bought new.
No s sibilant or p pop plosive problems.
Fostex M55RP
It has just arrived. Hand engraved on it is Western Recorders.
The grill was slightly dented so it was undented by pushing from inside with the back of a toothbrush. It was also washed and thoroughly cleaned.
Very beautiful mic.
Warm sound and extended treble.
Connecting a Pleiades 100Hz, ie 330mH filter removes bass proximity but a lot of midrange is left again from proximity effect.
A Pleiades gentle slope 130Ω,40mH filter was also connected. The sound is bright. The right values of R,L have to be found experimentally for this 250Ω coil ribbon microphone. The Danbridge D13A decade inductor box which is to arrive soon should be very helpful.
The best recessed XLR male sockets possibly on Fostex mics
For example Fostex M55RP, M88RP.
The finish is almost identical to Neutrik.
There is some kind of silicon internal gasket making a very smooth and tight fitting.
It is recessed so that less of the XLR female connector length can be seen.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Mid Side MS transformer connection
From Gearslutz:
So the idea is:
Mid signal is split by a signal transformer to 2 secondaries.
Side signal is split by another transformer to 2 secondaries.
Left or right signal is the crated by connecting corresponding M, S secondaries in series in phase or out of phase.
The Fostex P400 matrix box uses transformers rated 250Ω for direct connection with microphones. Inductance was measured on either M S or L R output to be about 14H to 15H.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Beyer M119 s/n 7071
Clearly one of the best if not the best moving coil omnidirectional microphone on the planet.
Signal path:
Male voice singing Ordinary Love - U2 - Beyer M119 7071 - (Western Electric 1:2 transformer if needed) - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
Sounds corect to listener's brain without any EQ. Ie flat frequency response from simger's vocal chords to listener's brain. No Pleiades filter is needed.
Amazing signal to noise ratio.
Makes in direct comparison other world class moving coil mics including a ribbon one sound like a joke.
Gives them a run for the money.
Sends them for tea.
Sends them to the cleaners.
In the same league as Grampian DP4, DP6 and possibly better. Direct comparison not yet made.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Perhaps a way traveling to the future is traveling to the past
For example how Fostex mics and information were brought to Pleiades labs.
This is the time sequence:
First, about a month ago, the Fostex M88RP is auditioned using the Sennheiser HD580 headphones by chance on
Too many mics were being auditioned over the years but the Fostex link button was not hit.
It is found impressive that the bass is not offending and the rest of spectrum is smooth.
Then a search on Google revealed by Gearslutz that the Fostex M88RP was used to record the vocals of the song
Too Late to Say Goodbyes - Julian Lennon
Then the song was relistened (after so many years from listening to it in the 80s) on YouTube.
Next the Fostex M88RP was found and immediately bought on eBay.
Then Fostex in Japan was contacted for more information. They seemed really pleased about the Jullian Lenon song.
Then it arrives.
It sounds amazing and synergies greatly with Pleiades (R,L) filters for gentle high pass. Immediately another Fostex M88RP was bought on eBay.
The name Shunichi Tabuchi was found on the Gearslutz thread. The patent was found by advanced espacenet search with the Shunichi Tabuchi name.
Then the Fostex M22RP was dreamed and was also bought on eBay. And some other Fostex printed ribbon microphones such as M11RP, M55RP, M20RP, M77RP.
Then the AES proceedings paper referred on Gearslutz was bought from the AES website. There the name Robert R. Gamzon or referenced as inventor.
Then Robert R. Gamzon on Google revealed the US patent and the names of the Gamson family and the co inventor Efrein Heinrich Frei.
The Gamzon - Frei patents
on coil ribbon:
Dangerous - David Guetta
Acoustic Piano Version
On the acoustic piano version, the key is D minor. Ie all B are B flat.
Most of the chords used are:
D ie D bass with just 1 3 5 ie D F A
B ie Bb bass with just 135 ie Bb D F
C ie C bass and C E G
A7 ie A bass and A C E G
A4 resolved to A3 ie A bass with D resolved to Bass A with C# ie major 3rd (with respect to bass)
In fact in music everything is referenced to bass.
G ie G bass and G Bb D
The very nice riff begins exactly like a riff from Tocata and Fugue in D minor - Bach
Robert R. Gamzon and Ephrain Heinrich Frei are the inventors of the Coil Ribbon Microphone...
Robert R.Gamzon, Herzia, Israel; Devorah Denise Gamzon and Miriam Ganzon, legal heirs of said Robert R.
Ganzon, deceased, and Ephrain Heinrich Frei, Israel
and Shunichi Tabuchi with Fostex the developer with assistance from NHK technical laboratory.
The Gamzon patent is Japan patent No. 35-10420
According to the Shunichi Tabuchi AES paper first prototype was in 1974.
The Development and Design of a Flat Diaphragm Printed Ribbon Microphone Capsule - Shunichi Tabuchi - Fostex Corportation - Tokyo, Japan - 72nd Convention 1982 October 23-27 Anaheim, California - Audio Engineering Society
and Shunichi Tabuchi with Fostex the developer with assistance from NHK technical laboratory.
The Gamzon patent is Japan patent No. 35-10420
According to the Shunichi Tabuchi AES paper first prototype was in 1974.
The Development and Design of a Flat Diaphragm Printed Ribbon Microphone Capsule - Shunichi Tabuchi - Fostex Corportation - Tokyo, Japan - 72nd Convention 1982 October 23-27 Anaheim, California - Audio Engineering Society
Monday, February 11, 2019
A euroelectron summary
All mics can sound bright (not dull or bass heavy) by high pass filtering with Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope shunt R,L, resistance in series with inductance filters. These wave filters are easy to make inside XLR Neutrik adapters and are connected right at the output of the mic.
But then mid and high frequency coloration is left exposed.
Some mics can sound harsh. Especially some very famous ones.
Ribbons will sound more natural, bright and detailed.
Fostex printed coil ribbons can sound much more smooth while keeping the naturalness and detail.
Just bought the Shunichi Tabuchi paper on Fostex ribbon microphones from AES
AES product accept code 5471755.
The web checkout of AES very user friendly.
Can't wait to read the paper including the nice photos.
Audio Technica AT-802
Great sounding microphone.
Signal path:
AT-802 - (Pleiades L, or (R,L)) filter when needed - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580
The cousin Lanier DM-1525 sound great too. It is 200Ω whereas the AT-802 is 600Ω.
Fostex M88RP, Beyerdynamic M260.80, AKG D25 comparison
First the Electro-Voice 635a was used to record on Sony TC-D5 Pro II, singing voice, piano, drums.
Signal path:
Male singing
Piano - microphone - Pleiades L or (R,L) filter if needed - Sony TC-D5 - HD580
Drums or ambience
635a with 330mH Pleiades filter:
Natural but a bit colored and not as detailed as the ribbons
M260.80 with or without Pleiades filter
Detailed on voice. Some bass heaviness.
Very sweet on piano.
Dry and nice on drums.
M88RP with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)
Detailed, with air, naturalness on voice
Amazing on piano especially the very high notes
Nice an detailed on Gabriel drums
The (R,L) Pleiades filter made inside Neutrik modular adaptor was exactly the same finish as the mic
D25 with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)
Natural sounding even at ambience. Detail.
Fostex M88RP
At last a microphone that does not leave something to be desired.
Change of game.
The bass does not get undesirable.
There is proximity effect bass boost.
When connecting a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter, the microphone gives an amazing smooth sound with no bass haviness. And great detail.
The Pleiades (R,L) filter inside the Neutrik module XLR female to male adaptor happens to have exactly the same finish.
The Fostex Microphones
The Fosex RP series of coil printed ribbon microphones.
Strictly speaking they are not moving coil, not ribbon, not condenser yet they are are all the 3 together.
They sound amazing.
Ribbon microphones that can be used outdoors.
The patent US3922503 of Shunichi Tabuchi is with Foster electric company, parent company of Fostex.
A way to stop the great addiction of buying microphones
Is possibly to buy a Fostex coil ribbon microphone such as M88RP. They are also called printed ribbon mics.
Any bass heaviness dues to proximity, Fletcher-Munson. Voice effort curves can be compensated by a Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope high pass filters. For example (130Ω,40mH) for a very bright sound. The mics are so great that the sound is still creamy smooth. With amazing detail and naturalness.
Possibly the best microphones on the planet.
Congratulations to inventors Robert R. Gammon and Shunichi Tabuchi.
Foster DF-72BC microphone
Made in Japan.
Small diaphragm moving coil omnidirectional.
Sounds very natural.
It takes the MAF-400 windshield.
4 pin output.
Low Z was measured 700Ω, high Z was measured 14KΩ or 17KΩ.
Japan is very advanced especially on details
For example precision engineering.
Even the way the Technics SL-1200MK2 lid can stay at any angle. It supports itself even when the lid is completely down leaving just the right clearance so that it is parallel with the turntable. Amazing.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Brendan Power
The harmonica player on Shape of my Heart - Sting
(If there is varispeed used on this song, spectrum formants change to an even sweeter sound).
See also for what type the harmonica used on this song might be:
The sound of a harmonic depends on the whole body of the player.
Brendan Power teaching harmonica:
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Microphone with light green offset parallel stripes?
This was accidentally seen on an Audio Tachnica AT-802. It was held while being transported inside an IKEA opaque food zipper bag with green yellow parallel stripes spaced about 1 apart. With lines perpendicular to mic axis it looked very boring. But when lines are at a different angle it looks quite interesting. The colors of the bag synergies with the champagne color of this beautiful mic.
Royer Labs R-121
According to Wikipedia Royer Labs R-121 ribbon microphone:
"The R-121 Ribbon microphone contained two innovations that delivered the performance levels necessary for professional studio use. Neodymium (rare-earth) magnets produce a much stronger magnetic field than the AlNiCo magnets used by vintage designs, raising the microphones's sensitivity. High-grade output transformers raise the microphone's signal-to-noise ratio."
Further interesting information from including inside photo:
It is like a great condenser mic but with inherent figure of eight response yet it is not an electrostatic mic...
And sends for tea possibly all known mic technologies...while combining them all together.
Gives them a run for the money.
Sends them to the cleaners.
Sings with a Pleiades (R,L) filter.
Can be used outdoors.
What is it?
eBay listings with serial number
These are nice listings that make very easy to prove ownership of a particular item, mic etc.
If a serial member is not in the title most sellers will happily edit the listing including the important serial number.
Microphones on Wikipedia
Would it be nice if there are entries on Wikipedia for each microphone?
A Shure SM58 article already exists:
Thursday, February 7, 2019
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