Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music is not only boomy muddy bass

There must be people who appreciate this.

Wouldn't Auratone speakers appeal to a wide range of music lovers?

Even hearing impaired people should appreciate the clarity or direct intelligibility of their sound.

Speaker size matters

A small speaker should produce less sound wave diffraction effects reciprocally like a small microphone.

Great Auratone speakers.

Never heard ,I Want to Know what Love is - Foreigner, sound this way

The inventor of Auratores must have been a genius.

It is all all there.

Amazing drum sound.

With just one speaker. Hi hat sounds localized behind.

Voice is forward, crystal clear.

Bass drum attack transient detail, amazing.

Everything in focus at different layers of depth.

The speaker also reveals the excellence of a one transistor power amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).

Signal path, setup:

Producer's brain - I want to know what love is - Foreigner, CD - Sony CD Walkman line out L,R bridged - Pleiades 2N3055 only amp with 10KΩ bias resistor from collector to base - linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C cube monitoring speaker with Tesla TVM ARX-130-20/4 5in fullrange drive unit - reverberant room - listener's brain

Where does the linoleum for loudspeaker enclosure idea come from?

It comes from:

Acoustics for radio and television studios - Gilford - BBC

Quoting from page 158 on membrane bass absorbers:

wood paneling remained as a source of low frequency absorption...until

"... 1947 when C. W. Goyder used sheets of Linoleum stressed over shallow air spaces as low frequency absorbers in the studios of All-India Radio in Delhi. These absorbed strongly over a narrow band surrounding the reasonance frequency determined by the mass of the linoleum and the stiffness of the enclosed air..."

There is little harshness at mid range...

on the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker. Although linoleum seems to get rid much of what happens inside a box.

It may be other parts of the chain but it seems to be the leftover mess happening inside a speaker box.

Perhaps using perforated thin wood or perforated linoleum will leave leftover mid energy to escape from bouncing inside a box.

Hello to Portugal, Germany, United States, Unknown Region

Disconnecting the collector to base bias resistor on the Pleiades one transistor amp...

Gives such modern sound distortion.

It almost sounds like modern songs produced with this sound as an effect.

Are they using a Pleiades amplifier without bias?

It has just been tried on
To have and not to hold - Madonna
Only peaks pass through, the song can't be recognized.

The linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker could make a great reverberation chamber feed

See next today's posts.

Hello to Portugal, to Germany, to Argentina

Welcome to Argentina

Thank you

How would drums sound by gain riding of FSK tones

This was tried by chance while listing to the Alan Parsons sound check CD.

The computerized EBU, SMPTE time code tracks sounded so nice and loud on the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker that ears were finger closed. The drum patterns wer played by selectively opening left, right ears in rhythm of imaginary bass drum, snare, hi hat etc.

It may be a useful (gating created) sound for a song.

Transient detail accuracy is sparkling

On Insensatez - Jobim

Playing through the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker fed by Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor power amplifier in class A (electrons flowing all the time). Electrons flowing all the time through voice coil as well as it is DC coupled, (no capacitor used).

See next posts:

Increasing power out on the Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor power amplifier

At your risk.

Protect your ears.

Amplifiers operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time) can sound very loud.

They are accused of being power inefficient.
Well if they sound so loud (even when they are low max power out), they are not.

See previous post:

See also:

Tubes vs transistors (vs op amps), is there an audible difference? - Russel O, Hamm - JAES

Feeding the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers with more power

At your risk.

Ears should be protected from high SPLs.

The 17KΩ collector to base biasing resistor has been changed to 10KΩ. A fresh 12V battery was used. Quiescent collector, speaker voice coil current increased to 280mA.

The Tesla drive unit quiescently defletcs more when battery is connected but it can operate as it is a high power handling speaker.

French wrench heat sink for 2N3055 transistor is getting warmed.

(Always use a fuse in series with battery for safety including fire hazard).

The sound is quite loud gombe heard satisfactorily in many rooms away from the listening room.

Saxophones on Jobim CD sound  scaringlly real.

The transient of connecting power to 2N3055 transistor sounds amazing. This transient is so short it contains at huge frequency bandwidth.

Listening to the Alan Parsons Sound Check 2 CD through linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker

Quite impressive.

Signal path:

Alan Parsons Sound check CD - Sony Walkman line out L, R, bridged - Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor power amp at approx 100mA - Linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker - reverberant room

Amp was tried with low bias, and as 12V was discharging, collector quiescent current dropped to 80mA.

Yet the steam train track did feel like shacking the rum at only about 70dB.

Still at 80mA, battery at 10.4V the sound was nice.

How did it sound?

Very impressive.

Especially on sax.



Electric bass.

Natural guitars.

Pipe organ.

Square wave.

16KHz sine wave sounding so loud and clear.

In fact it is the first time the music material on the Alan Parsons sound check CD was so enjoyed.

It was listened for the first time from begining to end.

Some strings did so sound perhaps as good as expected.

The flue sounded a bit strange. But the pin point accuracy of wind and sound was sparkling.

The plane was so and so.

Female voice amazing.

The little cube speaker can also make an excellent echo (reverb) room feed speaker.

Frequency response of the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker

Signal path, setup:

Alan Parsons Sound Check 2 CD pink noise 1/3 octave bands - Sony Walkman line out bridged - Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor power amp - linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type with Tesla drive unit - reverberant room - Bruel & Kjaer 2209 at 1 foot from speaker axis

The 4133 condenser capsule was connected to the impulse precision sound level meter which is free field equalized. If knowledge is correct it can be pointed towards the source rather than at 90 degrees grazing incidence. Ie presure doubling effect is compensated.

Almost a surprise...

Reference level was chosen 70dB by approaching meter at 1 foot from speaker.

It turned out to be + or - 3dB from 100Hz to 14KHz but...

There was a +8dB resonance at 8KHz. Repeating frequency response at about 3.5ft showed +4dB above reference 1KHz of 60dB? (at such distance).

And something like +4dB at 1.6KHz.

Where is this 8KHz resonance coming from?
(Later addition: it must be coming from the drive unit, see its frequency response curve).

Later addition: with a 17KΩ collector to base bias resistor response seems more flat than with 10KΩ.
If driving the speaker directly from Sony Walkman headphone out, response may be even flatter, this was measured at a distance of less than 12in. About 10 to 20 degrees of axis reduces the 5+dB at 8KHz to almost flat 0dB. This may be good news as listener is rarely spot on axis. Measurements should be repeated at free field conditions.

Perhaps a passive Pleiades filter CR or LR making response flat to 50Hz instead of 100Hz may make an even better speaker at expense of efficiency.

Frequency bands on the test CD showed balance, with mid band naturally scoring a few more dB. Also mid bass, this may be from room resonamce as this test was tried at more feet away from speaker.

Experiment should be repeated at free acoustic field conditions eg speaker hung from a tree etc.

Time to use Bruel & Kjaer measuring equipment

See next post on Linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker

Could Velcro tape be used to join sides of linoleum for making a speaker box?

Also using balsa wood columns for frame etc. Linoleum be firmly attached to them with Velcro.

Hot glue gun only also worked for joining ends while making a Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker with enclosure made from light green linoleum.

Hello to Ελλας, Bulgaria and Romania

Thank you.

Looking at what you are reading just reminded the Pleiades EF183 battery powered electron tube power amplifier.

It should be tried with a suitable output transformer with the 4Ω Tesla fullrange on the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type cube monitoring speaker.

If electric fields could talk what would they say?

If magnetic fields could sing what would they sing?

If electromagnetic fields could play music what would they play?

Strange as it seems it happens every day.

This how radio works.

This is how the electric field inside a speaker cable brings music information to the loudspeaker. It's membrane then vibrates and we then listen and sing or dance.

This is what the electromagnetic field does inside the cable wave transmision line.

And electrons dance too all the time. Inside electron tubes or transistors too.

But what if electric fields were alive entities in a fairytale at least? What if electrons could feel? The idea of a fairytale with various force fields came from (Spyros?, Panyiotis? narrating about alive
fields on the bus).

A great book on electromagnetism by Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman.
Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

The little linoleum cube speaker plays bass

It is just 6.5in times 6.5in times (5+3/4)in.


Ray of light CD - Madonna - Sony CD Walkman line out bridged - Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor amp - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker with Tesla 5in fullrange - a reverberant small room - listening to it from various rooms

It sounds better than expected.

Very focused mid range.

Nice treble but not hyped.

There is bass.

How to lean all major seventh chords

Staring with an easy one. Eg C maj 7th.
Ie C E G B, all natural notes or white keys.

Then while playing transposing each finger one semitone.


C E G B     (Breathe - Pink Floyd)
C# E# G# B#   (The Power of Love - FGTH)
D F# A C#   (A man and a woman - Lai)
Eb G Bb D  (She's the one - Robbie Williams)
F A C E (Old and wise - Alan Parsons Project)


This was inspired by Vicky's persistent questions.

Μουσικός ιςως ειναι...

Οι νοτες να ονειρεύονται με εσενα.

Ενα τραγουδι να χτυπά στον ρυθμο της καρδιάς σου.

Κατι όλων να ειναι και δικό σου.

How would the Tesla 5in fullrange speakers sound if recoiled for 70 or 600 ohms?

And connected to a Pleiades one transistor power amplifier?

70Ω for example would possibly create a more efficient energy transfer match for a one transistor 2N3055 amplifier operating with 12V.

Equal or higher  Z could be used with 2N3053.

A higher Z coil could be used with a direct coupled electron tube in a low voltage battery operated with Pleiades bias from anode to grid (grid still negative but less so) amplifier.

How would baby linoleum Pleiades Auratone xC type cube speakers sound like or look like?

The 5C linoleum ones look great.

How about 3C or a cube at the size of Rubik's cube look like?

It could be held inside our palm.

How would speakers made of perforated wood sound like?

The sides of loudspeaker boxes seem to be transparent to low frequencies anyway. This must be since low frequencies have a very long wavelength and the panel thinkness is small. So they are bad insulators.

So perhaps then it would not make mich difference to LF if the sides are made of perforated panels.

A possible advantage is that mid and high frequencies will not be trapped inside the box creating a crappy sounding internal soundfield.

For example how would oak wood panels with 1.2cm x 1.2cm squares every 1.2cm sound like when making for example a Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker? The square, square hole, square wood structure could allow nice wood side joint.

The drive unit could just be mounted with or without making a round 5in diameter hole.

Would perforated wood vibration on the other hand create an efficient low frequency cube acoustic radiator?

Monday, April 29, 2019

Hello to the United States and Ελλας

Should membrane or other absorbers be distant from loudspeaker sides?

See next post

Building a loudspeaker like a room in a room (floating room) studio

It was noticed that the Linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker emits sound from all sides of the box. It is not a bad sound as linoleum must be absorbing much of the mess reverberation happening inside the small box. The sound coming from the drive unit is clear as things must be more civilized inside the box.

It was noticed that on the Sony AMP-078 speaker, see previous today's post, the sides nearly do not emmit sound.

So how would such a speaker sound like:

Drive unit inside a Linoleum box.

Then this box floating separated from an outer wooden box with porous absorbing material etc. possibly porous absorbers should be placed inside the linoleum box.

BBC, EMI studio building practice has bass membrane absorbers at a distance from walls, see older posts for references. Why should it be otherwise on a much more difficult case of a small speaker (studio) enclosure with a drive unit singing loudly into it?

The mess that happens inside can be remitted from the drive unit thin membrane.

Porous absorbers in studios are only used for mid at best and treble.

Why not treating a loudspeaker like a recording studio space?

Or just using linoleum, one box only?

When driving the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker with higher power bass and treble increased

At your risk. Protect your ears.

Much less than 1W must have been used (Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor amp in class A) but it sounded loud enough around most rooms.

Bass and treble increased as this is how our ear brain perception operates. Fletcher Munson curves.

Connecting a series 8Ω resistor from iPad's headphone out to Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker

The higher output impedance reduced the level but increased high frequency response.

Ie mid was less.

This possibly happens because the importance of speaker increases with frewuwncy.

See also posts referring to driving loads somewhere between constant voltage and constant current.

Connecting Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker to a Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor power amplifoer

At your risk.

Collector current is 120mA.

Since amp is DC coupled, 120mA pass through the Tesla speaker drive unit voice coil.

Nice sound.

No capacitors in the signal path:

Signal path:

Ray of Light - Madonna CD album - Sony CD Walkman line out - Pleiades 2N3055 with 1.7K from Collector to Base 17KΩ - linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker - reverberant room

Comparing Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker to a 2 way bass reflex

A nice Sony APM 2 way speaker was used.

On Sony much more bass but boomy bass.

Very nice treble but too much for balancing while producing.

Voice on Pleiades Auratone 5C type very natural as it is coming from one place, not woofer and tweeter.

Equal loudness curves (Fletcher-Munson) explain why Auratones do the trick of balancing

This is how Auratones must be doing their nice job.

The sound is mid oriented.

Producer makes it sound right, ie decreases bass heaviness etc. voice sounds correct.

Then voice sounds sparkling bright to other systems.

It also sounds great on other systems at low volume as treble sensitivity loss of ear brain is compensated.

Producer reduces volume of vocal so that it does nit stand out so much.

So then vocal sounds smooth and well blended with music (not sticking out) on other systems. For example Frozen - Madonna.

A great thanks to architect, sound engineer Spyros Hatzinikolaou for pointing me to the importance of Auratones.

Where are the major seventh chords on some Kadebostany songs

Where is it on Mind if I stay - Kadebistany?
Don't look down yet, try to find out by listening.

At 3:21

Also on
Castle in the Snow - Kadebostany
Don't look down yet

1:49, voice singing B, bass C.

Save me - Kadebistany

At 1:15

More listening tests on Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker

Listening by connecting to headphones out of iPad mini the speaker with box 6.5x6.5x(5+3/4) inch cubed made of linoleum with Tesla 5in drive unit with the huge magnet.

Mind if I stay - Kadebostany

Sounds nice. Voice still bright.

Can't believe how important the Auratone idea is. If one can make it sound good on these it may sound great everywhere.

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Goodmorning to Germany

Taping on linoleum speaker box produces a soft sound

This makes a similar sound to taping a drive unit cone with plastic surround.

Taping by a finger for example is an approximation to a delta or impulse force function.

It lasts for short time therefore has a large force bandwidth. Heinsenberg's uncertainty principle in acoustics, electric signals etc.

How a material sounds then is a manifestation of their response to this impulse, their impulse response ie to their frequency reponse ie reasonances etc. This applies to linear systems whereas in nature almost nothing is linear. Linearity is only approximated for small signals.

Other examples: Taping a drum produces its sustaining sound.

Similarly taping to a string.

Taping a mass wooden enclosure produces a high pitched tone.

Gently taping a drive unit reveals much of its properties. For example taping a lightweight paper cone produces a quick sound.

Taping the Tesla 5in drive units produces a softer sound possibly due to the complient souround.

Taping a linoleum speaker box produces a soft and easy sound.

Taping a carton speaker box produces a higher pitched sound but not as high pitched as a full wooden enclosure with thick sides.

Taping the Tesla 5in speaker membrane while listing to the back opposite side of a carton enclosure, 8in x 8in x 6in, one can hear some bass coming from this side as it sympathetically vibrates. This has just been tried on the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker with this somewhat larger box made of carton.

Trying the same to the 6.5 x 6.5 x (5+3/4) inch^3 Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker box made from linoleum with a same Tesla 5in fullrange unit as previous example produces less bass at the back side. All sides vibrate with a soft softer sound. Playing music makes the sides vibrate making a softer sound quality than the carton box giving more bass but sounding more harsh.

An Auratone 5C is not available for comparison.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Hello to France

Comparing 2 Pleiades Auratone type 5C speakers

An Auratone 5C is currently not available for comparison.

The first made is larger ie 8 x 8 x 6 inch cubed.
It is a carton box.
It sounds more treble harsh, possibly because it emits less mid.
Possibly also because carton absorbs less low mid frequencies than linoleum having elastomer hysteresis properties.

The second made is exact dimensions as Auratone ie 6.5 x 6.5 x 5+3/4 inch cubed.
It is made of linoleum.
There is more mid, more focused sound. Possibly due to the smaller dimensions. The inventor of Autatone must have tried so many different dimension boxes.
There is balance with low and treble perception.
The sound is less harsh possibly due to Linoleum killing or attenuating box wall reflections thereby standing waves.
It sound soft and smooth.
This is the first Linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker.

Apparently some perhaps somewhat deeper bass than anticipated from experience is produced by these speakers from thin sides, back side panel vibration thereby acoustic radiation? This is from memory comparing previous experience with more conventional wooden boxes. Bass is not much but sound is balanced on the linoleum example and the speakers have not yet been tested with a power amplifier. (Attention to hearing protection from high SPLs).

Speakers were connected in turn directly to iPad's mini, headphone out on one channel while listening  from YouTube to great music tracks.

Frozen - Madonna for example sounds with so natural voice. Nothing forward, treble but not hyped treble, like Madonna being in the room.

The speaker with Linoleum is not perfect. There are still some mid reasonances. More investigation needed.

This guy's in love - Herp Alpert sounds without mid problems


Linoleum Speakers Work

It sounds like much of the harshness from wood made loudspeakers is gone. No porous absorbing material was used inside. The acoustic waves inside the box see the woven burlap backing of Linoleum. Internal linoleum vibration is converted to heat. The waves possibly see a terminating impedance or infinite space? More investigation needed. Externally the sound emmited from each enclosure side does not sound bad.

The loudspeaker sound is soft and smooth.

The exact Auratone dimensions were used ie 6.5 x 6.5 x 5+3/4 inch^3.

All sides of the box were made with linoleum.

The drive unit used is the Tesla TVM ARX-130-20/4

One Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker was connected to iPad's headphone out.

Πως λειτουργεί η μουσική με λιγες λέξεις, A few words on how music works

Most of it is on Bach Bass Rules:


See also other posts like the next one:

Το Pleiades Λινολεουμ cube τύπου Auratone 5C μόνιτορινγκ ηχείο ειναι σαν στραβόχυμένος λουκουμας

Ακομα δεν εχει κολληθεί με thermal glue.

Με ελπίδα το Λινολεουμ να αποσβέσει μεσαίο μπασους συντονισμούς και αντίστοιχη αντιχηση μεςα στο κουτί.

Οπως επισεις η σχετικά μεγάλη επιφανεια να ειναι αποδοτική πηγη ακουςτικης ακτινοβολίας στις χαμηλές συχνότητες κοινώς μπάσα στη μουσική.

Η λέξη μπαςο προέρχεται απο την ελληνική λέξη βαςη. Πανω τις στηρίζονται η αποκτούν νόημα οι υπολοιπες συνηχουμενες νοτες που αποτελούν την αρμονία.

Οι σχέσεις τους με αναφορά την βαςη, μπαςο μπορει και να ειναι οχι μονο 1 3 5 δηλαδή συγχορδία ματζορε η μινόρε αλλα και:

1 3 7 πχ Ντο Μι Σολ Σι

1 3 6 πχ Σολ μπαςο και Σολ Σι Μι (A time for us - Nino Rota)

1 3 9 πχ Λα μπαςο και Ντι Μι Σι  (Just hold me - Maria Mena)

1 4 6 πχ παραδειγμα σε προηγουμενο σημερινό post

Γενικό παραδειγμα που εχει παρα πολλα ήδη κωδικα μπάσου:

The Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd

Mass in B minor - Bach


Bach Bass Rules:


The look of love

The Look of Love - Bacharach, David, Soringfield, producer Ramone

According to Wikipedia this was recorded at London Philips studios.

This sounds amazing on a single Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker 8in x 8in x 6in depth made from a carton box and using a Tesla 5in fullrange drive unit. Just connected to iPad's headphone out, one channel. Great bass too. The sax solo sounds like the sax is in the room.

Η συγχορδία 4 6

Στο επόμενο post με παραδειγμα το κουπλέ του Χίλιες Βραδιές - Πλεσσας, Λυμπεροπουλος, Βανου

The 4 6 chord

For example:

Let's assume key or scale is D minor. Ie all notes white except B which is B flat,

Bass code:

D ie D bass and 1 3 5 ie D F A

D46 ie D bass and D G B ie D G Bb (remembing all B are flat)

Effectively it is like playing G minor chord D G Bb but with bass D instead of G. D pedal bass on the following musical example. Sounds great.

Example (at begining of verse):

Χίλιες Βραδιές - Πλεσσας, Λυμπεροπουλος, Βανου

See also:

Bach Bass Rules:

Mr Yiannis, aged 97 eats a small spoonful of tahini everyday

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Tahini should be 100% sesame seeds, (checking the small ingredient letters).

He is amazing, talks about electron tubes, radios, speakers as if he is a kid. He keeps playing.

Does Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) reduce bad cholesterol levels?

A your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Daddy tried it and it worked. The blood results were excellent where as one month ago the were horrible.

He tried for about ten days leaving a few cloves in water overnight and drinking in the morning. (Lampros).

He of course takes care not to eat anything containing margarine, cheap vegetable oil, palm oil, palm fat found in so many cheap snacks, cheap ice cream, cheap chocolate, cheap croissants etc. If arteries get clogged all those cheap stuff may turn out very expensive and painful if one gets to the hospital at best.

Everyday as mum does drinks a few drops of sour orange on water for vitamin C.

He also eats whole tahini.

Comparing Staren and Tesla 5in drive unit

So far they were listened on a carton box larger than the dimensions of Auratone 5C and they were connected to iPad's headphone's out one channel. Bridging channels gives amp out distortion.

The Tesla sounds less mid, less treble and if one is careful possibly more natural as bass, mid, treble is balanced.

Pleiades filters for speakers?

At your risk.

Some 70s battery radio cassette players equalize what goes to the speaker for increasing bass from the small radio enclosure. Examples could be JVC radio cassette players, or a Beolit radio etc.

Would Pleiades RL or RC wavefilters do the trick as a last resort in case a satisfactory small fullrange speaker cannot be made?

For example an inductor in series with amp output and a resistor in parallel with inductor.

Or a capacitor in series with a resistor and the total in parallel with speaker or amp out.

But then they are the inverse of Pleiades filters for microphones.

Would a straight microphone amp small speaker chain sound flat frequency response to listener's brain?

Possibly not, as the problem might be the predominance of midrange. Different turnover frequency may be needed for mic or speaker. Not sure yet.

Wave filters can equalize at the expect of sensitivity, efficiency.

It is hoped that the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker with the Tesla 5in fullrange drive unit might not need EQ as it is less sensitive at midrange. It is hoped at at small distance it can be connected to just headphones out.

If marketing is giving consumers what they want...

Then when they buy cigarets, cheap packaged food made with trans fat, cheap vegetable oil, margarine which have the reputation of clogging blood arteries, cheap beverage, etc does this mean consumers are anti life?

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Καλη Ανασταση

Hello to Germany and Ελλας

Preparing the 1st Pleiades Auratone 5C clone cube monitoring speaker with Linoleum

It was decided to use the Tesla 5in speaker, type TVM ARX-130-20/4, see yesterday's posts, and to keep the original Auratone 5C dimensions ie 6.5in x 6.5in x (5+3/4)in

Linoleum can be bent if it is not cut all its thickness through since at the back it has a burlap base.

Linoleum made by Tarkett is used.

The shape to draw is a cross made up of 6 squarish shapes. 3 of the squares then continue to box like foldable sideears so that the box can keep closed.

The squares create the shape of a cross.

From bottom to up:
sideear - square - square - square with speaker hole - square

From left to right:

sidear - square - the square with the speaker hole - square - sideear

Since the thickness of linoleum is 1/8in...

The dimensions of the sharish shapes are:

From bottom upwards:

6.5in x (6.5-1/8)in

6.5in x (5+3/4)in

6.5in x 6.5in    speaker hole created with metal leg compass

6.5in x (5 + 3/4)in

From left to right:

6.5in x (5 + 3/4 - 1/8)in

6.5in x 6.5in with hole as above

6.3in x (5 + 3/4 - 1/8)in

Before cutting everything is drawn with white BASF magnetic editing pencil.

The cross shape has already been cut. The other sides cut or rather engraved at half depth and then bent.

Will it work?

Later addition: Perhaps more ear sides are needed, not tried to assemble it yet. The Pleiades logo and serial number must be engraved on linoleum before closing the box. Should not Auratone 5C type copy be written as well? Serial number from dat time code is 19042717.

The intention is not selling these, worst case giving as gift a few to friends etc. If Auratone is written this may be an infringement of trademark? If it is not written it may be disrespect for not attributing? It may sound horrible with a box made of Linoleum. If it sounds bad then it compromises the Auratone name. Who knows?

Later addition: Radius of hole for drive unit mounting is 5.67mm. Perhaps not ideal it was deliberately made a bit smaller but it worked. The tool used for making the hole is a vintage Hawksley 7in spring caliper divider 1943.

It is a joy playing with linoleum

At your risk. Take all safety precautions including not inhaling powder while cutting etc.

The material can be cut with an Exacto like butter, especially if it is cut under the sun while Linoleum is warm.

Songs that concentrate on future, not past?

Je Reviens te Chercher - Dalida


A way to test support

Perhaps presenting to others something that you know it proved to be important but they do not know it.

For example the Auratone speakers.

How many will be supportive and how many will ask "will it work"?

Publishing, making is perhaps what can make such issues irrelevant.

Change of impedance with respect to frequency of reactive elements can aid flat frequency response to listener's brain

(Inductors (coils for example),  capacitors are reactive elements.

For example amplifiers of not very low output impedance driving a fullrange moving coil speaker. See previous post.

Other example:
A coil in series with a resistor (Pleiades R,L gentle slope pass filter) connected across the voice coil of a microphone in order to reduce bass, mid heaviness to listener's brain or achieving flat frequency reponse from producer's brain to listener's brain.

See also:

Sound picture recording and reproducing characterizes - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Increasing the frequency response of a fullrange speaker

This may be done by driving it with an amplifier of not very low output impedance.

So if the impedance of the speaker increases as it usually does at higher frequencies so does the voltage output of the amplifier for constant voltage input . Possibly very neat.

This is possibly another reason for the nice sound of low or no feedback amplifiers.

Amplifiers operating in class A and speed

Class A operation means electrons flowing all the time [Gray].

No matter how loud or soft we play our music through these amplifiers power consumption is the same.

It follows that the higher the output power the cooler the amplifier or its active devices get. [Gray]

Electron tubes get hot for example by electrons striking at very high velocity the anode or plate thereby giving their kinetic energy to it. [Gray]

Before there is a transient an amplifier operating in class A is already full on, fully awake. No more average current is demanded from the power supply.

Such amplifiers, for example single ended electron tube or transistor ones with no negative feedback sound amazing.

With no negative feedabck there is no abrupt change between non distortion and distortion. So non linear or harmonic distortion tends to 0 as the signal tends to 0 and non linear distortion progressively or gradually increases as signal gets larger and larger. Just like nature.

Just like the very esoteric amplifiers used in mastering studios.

Great microphone amplifiers are also single ended class A. For example the Neumann U47 internal amplifier, the Pleiades V6 battery powered electron tube booster amplifier etc.


Applied Electronics - T. S. Gray - MIT

See also:
Tubes vs Transistors (versus op amps), is there an audible difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

En Casa De Irene - Nico Fidenco


Speed in bass

What possibly meant is transient detail in bass. Perceived by our brain.

It can be heard on great fullrange speakers for example, on electron tube portable record players with oval fullrange speakers, on simple transistor amplifiers operating in class A driving fullrange speakers etc.

Usually amp output impedance is not very low.

Paper or other material cones are very light, ie accelerate quickly with less force (Newton's laws). Mabe this is what makes bass appear quick to our brain.

Also harmonics of a bass guitar for example instrument come with fundamentals at the correct time to our ears as full range speakers are close to point sources.

It is a joy to hear the sweeping drums on
En Casa de Irene - Nico Fidenco through such a quick in transient response system.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Hello to Romania

Welcome to Slovenia

The old experimental rule of symetric bandwidth

If memory is correct it can be found on the Harry Olson (RCA) book called Music Physics Engineering.

If memory is correct the title of this post means that for every octave cut on the left side of frequency spectrum same number of octaves should be cut on the right side. An empirical or experimental observation.

For example 80Hz-5KHz -3dB points is preferred by listeners brains to 80Hz-20KHz or 20Hz-5KHz.

The former would sound too bright. The latter too dull.

Today while removing one Staren 5in driver and replacing it with the Tesla 5in referred to on a previous today's post this important rule was remembered.

Although the Tesla is not as bright it may be more suitable.

And the point of Auratones is simulating radio.

But then the point is a radio made when?

Nevertheless although the Tesla is not as bright, it sounds natural on Billy Jean - Michael Jackson with voice not piecing shouting at you. Mabe that's the point.

The Tesla have a certain dip at mid range too.

Book on Autarone?

Would it be a good idea?

History of Auratone, the inventor, different version, plans on how to make etc.

It might be a marketing tool for making them known to newer generations.

How would Pleiades clones sound made by linoleum? How would they look with different interesting linoleum colors? Would linoleum absorb mid low reasonamce?

How would they sound using the Tesla ARX-130-20/4 full range drive unit?

Cube or 5S broadcasting version?
As of writing this, a 12inch x 10inch x 3in is being tried using as enclosure an Asus Eee PC carton box.

Auratones use acousticwood

This is what can be seen on a vintage ad shown on the SOS review of the Auratone 5C speaker.


Searching on google for what is acousticwood showed this result.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Fear does not even exist, Ο φοβος ούτε καν υπαρχει


Epictetous - Enchiridion


Εγχειριδιο - Επικτητος

Why recording, reproducing?

Still an unanswered question.

Year of the Cat - Al Stewart

Amazing C major 7th. (Do Mi Sol Si) or (C E G B)

Hello to Germany and the United States

Listening through headphones and at the same time through speakers sounds very big, great

This was tried by chance on Uher. The RadioShack mixer had been connected to line out.

Signal path:

                                       - Uher monitor speaker
Uher 4200 reproducing -
                                        - Realistic disco mixer - Sennheiser HD 580 headphones

The reason it sounds so nice could be:

The direct sound at speed of light from headphones and the speaker sound at speed of sound in air therefore time delay from speaker to ears effectively create what a revebaration chamber does.

A similar effect happens when recording with a mic and at the same time a loudspeaker plays in the room (from the output of the recorder) what is being recorded. It is effectively an echo or reverberation chamber with feedback.

Adjusting mic from speaker distance adjusts time delay.

It sounds like (is) artificial double tracking.

Monitoring from Uher report 4200 oval speaker

It sounds very nice when the recording is of great quality.

On Pleiades recordings done so far it does not sound nice as the sound is dull, somewhat mid, bass heavy. The reason is possibly that so far when recording on Uher report 4200 no Pleiadss filters have been used yet in parallel with the microphones used.

Signal path, set up:

Fame original soundtrack CD, 2nd track - Sony CD Walkman line out - Uher 4200 report stereo line in - BASF SM911 tape - Uher 4200 report reproducing through its oval speaker or through Sennheiser HD 580 headphones

High frequency detail is great. Sometimes there may be some harshness to sound especially at higher volume but overall great.

It sounds great too outdoors, perhaps even better.

On the particular Uher used speaker monitoring can be done while recording.

So artificial double tracking or echo, reverberation chamber, room effects etc can be created in real time while recording.

Connecting Sennheiser HD580 headphones to Uher 4200

At your risk.
Volume should always be kept down low to protect your precious hearing.
When you feel like increasing volume, it is time to decrease it.

This may be done by connecting to speaker out in parallel 220Ω and in series to headphones 560Ω.

This is just guide values. More series resistance may be needed to protect ears. 220Ω omission has not been tried yet.

It sounds nice. Keep volume down especially on headphones.

The idea of using series resistance comes from Bang and Olyfsen Beocenter 2600.

Pleiades (R,L) air core toroidal windings as Pleiades Filter or booster transformer

As just a (shunt to mic output) inductor it works great.

As a step up booster transformer the results are so far appalling.

See next today's posts.

Sennheiser MD441 U3 with Pleiades air toroid (R,L) high pass filter

The (111Ω,13.7mH) winding connected in parallel with the great mic worked even better than with the higher R,L winding.

The sound is bright and natural without bass, mid, (Proximity effect, Fletcher Munson, voice effort) heaviness.

The Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) inline XLR filter sounds mid heavy and strange with this microphone.

Signal path:

Male voice singing (The Power of Love - FGTH) - Sennheiser MD441 U3 at 1 foot - Pleiades air ring shape coil (111Ω,13.7mH) - Sony TC-D5 Pro - singers ears, brain

Using both windings as a 1:3 step up pre transformer and then feeding Sony TC-D5 Pro created a bass deficient sound, too treble heavy. More investigation needed.

Fostex M88RP 600Ω with air core toroidal Pleiades (R,L) filter

Great natural sound.

Without bass or mid heaviness to listener's brain.

The excellent Fostex M88RP 600Ω sounds superb at 1 to 2 ft.

Without the somewhat treble harshness of Unidyne III or AT802 for similar setup conditions.


male voice singing (The Power of Love - FGTH) - Fostex M88RP 600Ω at 1-2 feet - Pleiades air (264Ω,61mH) - Sony TC- D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580 - Singer's ears, brain

Hello to Germany, United States and Netherlands

Met yesterday Yiorgos, Stefanos playing music outdoors

The idea came to hung a microphone from the wooden structure above them.

Ambient noise may be too much.

Strange was that while changing batteries earlier on, on Uher 4200, Giatras had been making the 12000 turn air core toroidal microphone filter.

Then met Yiorgos, Stefanos who sung brightly.

Then met by chance Vicky.

Today found out that the air toroidal coil wound by Giatras happens to have specifications very close to Vicky's settings for the Audii Technica AT802 microphone.

Do all these suggest the following?

Yiorgos, Stefanos singing - AT802 mic - Pleiades air toroid (R,L) filter -  Uher 4200 report - Vicky listener's or producer's ear, brain

Not necessarily.

Hello to the United States of America

First test of Pleiades 1st air toroid (R,L) microphone filter

Signal path, setup:

male voice singing (The Power of Love - FGTH) on F minor - Shure Unidyne III - Pleiades air toroid (R,L) filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580

Firstly the gentle slope Pleiades (R,L) filter was connected on its own to Sony's mic input in order to access hum, buzz pickup. Both existed but they were low. Changing toroidal coil orientation almost nulled them.

And of course when the low Z mic is connected whatever buzz may be remaining, disappears.

Sound is very nice and natural.

Firstly tye 4000 turns winding was connected across mic output with alligator cable clips. Sound is very bright.

Then tye 12000 turns winding was connected. The sound is natural to listener's brain. When disconnecting or removing coil from circuit bass and mid heaviness return.

As mentioned the 4000 turns sound very bright. And there is some harshness to sound. So does perhaps Pet Sounds - Beach Boys sounds, Nrian Wilson using a Unjdyne III for his vocals.

Connection as a 1:3 booster transformer before input transformer has not been tried yet.

Conclusion: It sounds like unwanted bass, mid heaviness are removed while leaving the rest frequency spectrum unchanged.

Resistance, Inductance of Pleiades first air core microphone gentle slope high pass filter

First air toroid for a Pleiades (R,L) microphone filter. Pleiades serial number is 19042416 as it was wound by Dimitris Giatras yesterday at around 16:00.

4000 turns to 12000 turns have been wound on a plastic toroid by Giatras transformers.


264Ω,61mH (69mH shown on Giatras Escort LCR 131 meter)

Wire diameter for both windings is 0.2mm.

Dimensions of toroid are given on the previous euroelectron post:

Can the Uher 4200 report speaker be used as a truth monitor speaker?

Not sure yet.

Here are some considerations:

The Auratone 5C cube speakers with 5in fullrange are called the truth speakers by a great producer such as Quicy Jones and used while mixing great songs such as Billy Jean - Michael Jackson.

The Uher 4200 report contains a 3in x 5in fullrange (oval) drive unit.

Pleiades recodings on Uher 4200 sound great on Sennheiser HD-580 but not great (although somewhat realistic) on the Uher 4200 speaker. But this may be a problem of the Pleiades recordings not being that good. Pleiades microphone filters have not been used yet on Uher 4200 to increase treble, reduce bass heaviness.

How to proceed?

Perhaps re-recording on Uher 4200 report Billy Jean - Michael Jackson from a good source and listen to how it sounds through the Uher speaker. If it sounds great and amazing then all is set. Ie it may be concluded that if something sounds amazing on the Uher monitor speaker it will sound amazing on most speakers?

It would be also nice if speaker output is provided while recording takes place if acoustic delay is needed. (Some time takes for the acoustic wave in air to travel from monitoring speaker to microphone, (attention to feedback, volume should be low)). Would this be useful for example when recording outdoors or indoors? Can Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers be connected to Uher 4200 report for monitoring or creation delay together with original, artificial double tracking purposes?

Later addition:

Speaker sounds nice. Great treble detail too.
See future post:

Monday, April 22, 2019

Brilliant bass line

At 1:11

Tocatta and Fugue in D minor - Jacques Loussier


A horizontal speaker on top of table for tablets.

With good quality 2 fullrange drive units.

Open back or closed back?

See next today's posts.

Bar fullrange speakers

Possibly open back?

Like those put below a TV but with good quality 2 full range units only. Left Right. Good new stereo.

See previous post.

Mounting a fullrange speaker without a cabinet

It sounds like an ant but it sounds nice.
It may be tiring to the ear too due to front back radiation comb filter addition subtraction effects or (drive unit reasonance) etc.

As this is written a fullrange alnico? speaker is sitting on top of table and directly connected to Sony CD Walkman headphones out on one channel.

It is firmly mounted on the table by gravity and the U shaped magnetic circuit. So inclination is about 30 degrees which is almost perfect for the speaker pointing towards listener's ear while listener is siting on a chair near table.

Sound is very nice except disadvantages just mentioned.

Less colored than the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers inside a carton cube box.

The speaker used is a larger diameter, 6in, Star Vox CX-612.

Can't wait to try this is stereo.

Also tried a vintage alnico? oval 4in x 7in small speaker. Very nice too. It says E 10 18/39 716.

Some of the bass in this setup comes from table vibration.

Later addition:

Stereo with 2 6in speakers sounds great, the speakers directly connected to iPad's mini headphone output.

Amazing treble and mid.

What is needed is a bit more bass.

Could this be done by cutting a wide bar like sheet of linoleum, mounting each soaker on each end somewhat like back door car radio speaker mounting.

Would linoleum vibration do the trick for extending bass wile at the same time provide an asymmetric baffle.

Since it would have the same inclination the iPad mini can be supported at the centre of this and that would be it.

Table home cinema.

Or analytic monitoring.

So far the iPad mini was supported between the 2 drive units (at the same angle). Bass increases possibly by the baffling effect (partly separating Bach and front acoustic radiation) of the iPad's mini physical presence.

An alternative mounting arrangement could be just a thin rectangular orizontal mounted wooden baffle one drive unit to the left, on to the right side and iPad at the centre. Just one or 2 small rubber feet for angled support in table. Not tried yet.

What has been tried yet is supporting the iPad mini on a glass jar in table and one drive unit to the left and the other to the right.
The brilliant bass line at 1:11 could be dustiguised:
Tocatta and Fugue in D minor - Jacques Loussier

How would a fullrange speaker sound mounted on a linoleum sheet membrane baffle?

Not tried yet.

Another way to hear the sound inside a speaker enclosure?

At your risk. A way has to be found for breathing that does not compromise your health in any way. If you are not sure do not try.

Keep listening SPL extremely low.

Placing a presure moving coil microphone  inside the enclosure has been mentioned on a previous post.

This is even simpler and possibly better or more obvious. Take all safety precautions.

Connecting the speaker to headphones out and placing one's head inside the cabinet with the back open (air breathing considerations are very important, do not try for example if there is already any of the usual dangerous damping materials inside). It sounds horror of horrors but not as bad as expected. It was tried inside the carton cube box of a Pleiades Auratone 5C type speaker. More standing waves are expected to be found inside a stronger wooden box as there is much more impedance mismatch between air and the strong wood ie reflection ie standing waves due to reflection.

How does it sound? Bassy.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Many euroelectron page views yesterday from Ukraine

Hello to Portugal, Finland, United Kingdom, Ελλας, Romania

The best place to hide is under the sun


Η καλύτερη κρυψώνα ειναι στο άπλετο φως


How would baby linoleum Pleiades Auratone type speakers look or sound like?

Cubes (used as loudspeaker enclosures) can possibly be made with linoleum sheets.

Linoleum apart from its low, mid frequency absorption quality can be bent and still remain very strong. This is due to burlap reinforcement.

If cubes can be made like carton boxes, manufacturing ease and speed could be achieved.

The speaker front face could be press perforated with holes of different diameter in order to protect the speaker while passing sound through.

They should also look brilliant as they come in great colors.

If efficient drive units are used they should be able to operate just by being connected to headphones output, not needing an external power consuming (usually sound quality compromising) amplifier.

How would they sound like?

How would they sound directly connected to Tascam Porta 02 headphones out giving 2x100mW? If drive units with 91dB per meter per watt are used and listening distance is smaller a huge sound pressure level should be able to be achieved in excess of 90dB which could be dangerous for prolonged listening. Amplifier distortion may be high at such levels anyway so lower SPLs should be used.

Protecting ears is first priority.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

There are some air leaks around the drive units of the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers

The cardboard box used as an enclosure has one layer or 2 layers (including folding ears) cardboard at different places.

Is this a good thing sound wise?

Hello to Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden

ΩMA showing how their speakers are made


Side wood joinery construction.

Trans fat clogged arteries and climate change

If trans fat clogs blood arteries then people with clogged arteries may not be able to think as clearly and possibly be more irresponsible for the environment.

Caring about climate change while eating trans fat may be nonsense.
By the time the planet is saved you could be dead by heart attack etc.

On the other hand, saving our healthy selves with joy may save the planet.

The importance of transformer fat vegetable oil in pensions

At your risk.
This is not a medical advice.

Vegetable oil, palm oil, palm fat, margarine etc have a reputation of clogging blood arteries.

If one dies the passion money is given to someone else who still lives.

See also next post in Hellenic language.

See also:

Wikipedia, trans fat, margarine, etc

Η συμβολή των φυτικών λιπαρών στην εξυγίανση των συνταξιοδοτικών ταμείων

(Με δικη σας ευθύνη.
Δεν ειναι ιατρική συμβουλή.
Το παρών post ενδέχεται να ειναι τελείως λάθος.)

Πολλα φυτικά λιπαρά έχουν την φήμη να φράζουν τις αρτηριες αίματος.


Την σύνταξη σου την παίρνει κάποιος άλλος.

Δεν φταίνε ιςως καθόλου οι εταιρίες που παρασκευάζουν, διανέμουν, πουλάνε τρόφιμα που περιεχουν, φυτικά λιπαρά πχ υδρογονωμένα, με φυνικελαιο, φυνικολιπος, φυστικιβουτυρο με φυνικολιπος, φουντουκοπαστα με φυνικολιπος, παγωτο, γκοφρέτα, χωνάκι, κρουασάν με φτηνιάρικα φυτικά λιπαρά κτλ. Ο καταναλωτής εχει την ευθύνη να ενημερώσει τον εαυτό του.

Πχ, βικιπαιδια, τρανς λιπαρά, μαργαρίνη κτλ.

Friday, April 19, 2019

History of Tarkett


They also make excellent sheets of linoleum.

It may be possible to use the beauty of linoleum composed with its low frequency absorption qualities for:

Membrane spaced from wall bass absorbers in recording or boardcasting studios

Membrane spaced from sides bass mid absorbers of speaker enclosures.

Making loudspeaker enclosures using the thin material itself.

Damping drums by spacing linoleum sheets inside.

Would it be possible to make Pleiades Auratone 5C type cube motoring speakers with nice colored linoleum membranes?

Inside JBL GO2

Bass test - Speaker Tech

Sub bass information on these music tracks? Or is it amplifier intermodulation (non linear) distortion?

Powered by 150W - audio curiosity

(Travelling speaker?)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Fat Old Sun - Pink Floyd


Written in the key of G major or Sol majors.

Sol means sun.

There is something majestic about the musical key of Sol majore or G major.

All notes are white except F which is F sharp.

Do small vents shim gaps etc help reduce boxiness on a speaker enclosure

It is possible.

It is time to read again after years the
Great Sound Stereo Speaker Manual by David B. Weems
There is a section on aperiodic design for making impedance much flattter at LF reasonance by a vent, opening covered with cloth etc.

It is nice having 2 Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers on the table ...

around you while eating for example a Pleiares meal and listening to Billy Jean - Michael Jackson.

It sounds phenomenally good from YouTube and an iPad mini connected directly to the passive speakers through its headphones output.

Quite easy to solar (photovoltaic) power setup.

Everything euroelectron, Pleiades is open source...

and any entity is free to use, make, manufacture, sell etc. (Making sure that other rights, patent etc are not infringed).

The Pleiades, euroelectron names, logos etc should be respectfully used.

Hello to Germany

How would nice colored linoleum made speaker boxes look or sound like?

For example making a Pleiades Auratone 5C type cube speaker enclosure with Tarkett or Armstrong Orange colored linoleum sheets and a Fostex fullrange 4.7in monitoring speaker?

An e-shop in Athens selling such materials:

The Etrusco Tarkett series for example has amazing colors for nice personalized looking possible speakers.

Would these materials make self damping at low frequency and mid frequencies thin speaker enclosures?

Would low frequencies radiate from all the surfaces to increase low frequency radiation efficiency?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Another example of step bass

Qui Tollis - Mozart
See full score:
Qui Tollis begins at 18:30

How does a 6th chord sounds like

Very important chords too. Made by a voice being 6 scale steps above bass. The 3rd is added. [Bach, Niedt]


G bass and G B E or B E B etc

F bass and F A D

C#bass and A E A

It sounds great progressing for example from:

A C E ie A to
G B E ie G6 to
F A E ie F7
Note 6th, 7th are prepared for the listener's brain


Tell Him - Dion, Streisand
at 0:14 bass is G and guitar plays E
both G and E are flat since key is A flat minor
This does not make a difference as everything in music is referenced in notation to white or natural keys
However the A flat key gives an ethereal character

Other example:

Qui Tollis, Mass in B minor - Bach
The first chord:
D bass and B D F
F is sharp since key is B minor

A sixth chord or harmony can also be thought as playing a minor chord but changing the bass to the second note of the harmonic triad.

For example:

Instead of playing B bass and B D F# playing
                              D bass and B D F# as on Bach's Masterpiece

Bach then uses prepared 7ths, 9ths on Qui Tollis

See also:

Bach bass Rules PDF - Bach, Niedt

Harmony - Piston

Adding lemon to the Pleiades meal (oats, tahini etc, raisins)

At your risk.

It suits beautifully.

It almost tastes like a lemon pie.

The lemon is better cut from the tree the same day.

Jim Morrison vocal chain

from gearslutz:

Billy Jean - Michael Jackson


This sounds phenomenal on the Pleiades Auratone 5C type speakers.

Deep bass too.

An extremely interesting interview of Bruce Swedien on Sound on Sound including his love of Auratones including the Quincy Jones quote, "the truth speakers":

Bruce Swedien Recording Michael Jackson - Mike Senior - SOS

Hello to Germany αnd Ελλάς

Hello to Russia and Ukraine

How is the heavily distorted sound possibly done on modern songs

One way should be passing the signal through a one transistor amplifier and forgetting to connect the power supply or battery. (Always use a fuse in series etc for safety).

Example is a Pleiades one transistor power amplifier not powered or powered by adjusting the collector to base resistor in such a way as to minimise collector current and obtain that rectified sound.

This should be also a great effect for intermodulation of voice with bass drum or bass heard on modern songs with female for example vocals.

Or a distorted bass drum or bass.

For example?

Boy with Luv - BTS FT Halsey

When we all fall asleep where do we go - Billie Eilish