Monday, September 30, 2019

Σαν βγεις στο μονοπάτι για το δάσος

(Με δικη σας ευθύνη.)

Σας βγεις στο μονοπάτι για το βουνό...

Κανεις δεν θα σ'ενοχλησει.

Ούτε ο καλός λύκος.

Ούτε η Κοκκινοσκουφίτσα.

Ούτε ο κυνηγός.

Θα έρθει η Βελουδίνα, η γατούλα του δάσους να σου τραγουδάει και να παιζει μαζι σου.

Θα της δώσεις λιγο καθαρο νερό και θα σε προσέχει.

Μονο ενα κουνούπι θα σ'ενοχλει ολη νυχτα για να σου πιει λιγο αίμα.

Και ετςι θα περάσεις ομορφα ατενίζοντας εκατοντάδες λαμπερα, μακρινά αστέρια παρέα με την Βελουδίνα.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hello to Germany and Ukraine

Recording with Shure VP64 and Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) on portable cassette recorders

The Sanyo TRC-2500 excecutive cassette notebook and the Sony CFS-W301S had been used.

Thanks to grandma Elene who had the Sony CFS-W301S almost little used in her kitchen table, it could be tried too. If Play and Pause are pressed it can reproduce information arriving at mic input in real time, serving as a PA.

Without the Pleiades gentle slope high pass filter, sound is almost horrible with extreme bass and more extreme mid heaviness. A howl feedback can be very easily be excited too.

With the Pleiadss filter the sound is usable or has the quality of a commercial vocal recording.

This is more apparent on Sony as the Sanyo has a built in low cut filter. Even so on Sanyo the sound is much better with the Pleiades filter.

Vocal sound quality as heard reproduced from
Sony TC-D5 Pro II - Sennheiser HD580 is more natural when recording is made on Sanyo TRC-2500 than Sony CFS-W301S. This is possibly due to the less frequency response of the Sanyo TRC-2500 concentrating information capture on vocal and less bass heaviness.

Signal to noise ratio and modulation level is greater on Sony CFS-W301S.

The Shure VP64 is an excellent mic and synergies very well with the above mentioned resistor in series with inductor Pleiades filter.

Signal path:

Male singing voice at 1-2 in - Shure VP64 - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) - mic in of portable cassette recorder - TDK SAX 60 type II blank cassette

The cassette recorders used are designed for type I normal cassette but for some reason type II worked. Not known yet if this is the reason of tape under modulation or if the reason not connecting a say 1:2 or 1:3 step up transformer between mic and transistor recorders so that the impedance of the mic, typically 200Ω, is transformed to more than say 800Ω.

Thanks Βάβω Βαμπολέιρο, I miss you so.

Later today's addition:

Normal type I FUJI DR 60 cassette has been tried too:

Modulation increased on both recorders.
Less treble and more natural sound.
Lack of bass tape noise modulation rumble hiss.
Sanyo sounds again better without the 1:2 Western Electric transformer adding mid.
Sony sounds much much bigger with the WE 1:2 transformer. Modulation approaches 0VU at soft singing voice.


The Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter sings with the Shure VP64 microphone.
Big sound with the WE 1:2 transformer on Sony recorder.
More natural or illusion sound, less loud on the Sanyo recorder, and better without WE 1:2 step up transformer.

Yesterday's euroelectron pageviews

Peaking at 12am.

United States
South Korea
Sweden                                          1

Recording a melody played on Amstrad CPC 464 Muisc Box on Sanyo TRC-2500

Good fun.

After loading the cassette software Music Box on Amstrad CPC464 a tune had been played using the computer keyboard. Then software help menu is very helpful.

Then the Q button had been pressed for playback and then a Sanyo TRC-2500 portable cassette recorder was approached to the little Amstrad speaker for recording.

All sorts of artifacts, speed variation etc made for a funny interesting analog processed computer AY chip sound.

How was the California Dreamin' sound made, Aquarious, Wall of Sound etc

Interview of electronic engineer Bones Howe:

Music box

Sesame seeds, open sesame in fairytales etc...

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Are sesame seeds in the list of the most important food on our planet?

Δεν υπάρχουν λαθια στην ζωη, υπαρχει μαθημα

There is no mistake in life, there is lesson learned.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Life is much more exciting than theater or the movies

Η ζωη ειναι πιο έντονη απο το θέατρο η τα κουνιστρούλια (movies, κινηματογράφος, cinema).

Learn NO is OK because it frees you to go someplace else - Bones Howe

Friday, September 27, 2019

An ingenious recording engineer, record producer, electronic engineer, Bones Howe

The man behind Aquarious - 5th Dimension

Pleiades (R,L) microphone filters on PA systems

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions including hearing protection.
Any voltage or current can be dangerous.

Public address systems may benefit too when using a suitable Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope low cut filter. Suitable values of Rrsistance in series with Inducatnce (and the resultant in parallel or across preamplifier inout or mic output) can be used for approaching the ideaL of flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords or even brain to listener's brain [Lowe, Morgan].

On PA work, same as on pop music vocal production, the human voice is made louder that it's acoustic natural SPL so our brain perceives more bass [Lowe, Morgan] or even more treble.

The class A (electrons flowing all the time) Bouyer ST 3 amplifier had been used for demonstration and experimenting which has a gentle low cut and high cut:

Nevertheless the sound from most mics tried left much to be desired. They sounded mid or bass heavy as if someone is singing in a bad acoustically bathroom..
By inserting as an example a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) high pass filter, the sound immediatly cleared up becoming artistically usable. Experimentation is needed for most suitable values of R, L according to mic used, it's output impedance etc.

Mics used:
Sony F96 high Z
Sony F96 high Z specimen with more bass, mid heaviness
Shure SM63
Shure VP64

Signal path:

Male singing voice at 1 to 2 in - omnidirectional moving coil mic - Pleiades (R,L) filter - German XLR to 1/4in step up transformer - Bouyer ST 3 - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker with 5in Tesla fullrange drive unit - bedroom - singer's ear, brain

Speech has not been tried yet on this setup. It is expected that a Pleiades filter may not be needed as bass exaggeration is more apparent on singing. Counter to intuition some music applications such as a vocal may need less electronic bandwidth for flat bandwidth from record producer's brain to listener's brain.

Playing: Broken Wings - Mr. Mister


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducng Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The oil used inside oil filled capacitors or transformers is said to be carcinogenic

It is always best to read and never touch it.

Writting on musical score paper

Even if someone knows nothing about music it should sound nice as score paper forces automatically writting to a particular key ie using a particular set of 7 notes.
So nothing may sound out of tune.

Of course it is always great to have a piano or other good imstrument to try things out.

A great book on how to write:

Music Notation - Gardner Read


At your risk.
Any voltage or current can be dangerous.
Take all known safety precautions.

The word YouTube comes from electron tube.
A special case of electron tube is Cathode Ray Tube or CRT.

Cathode-Ray Tubes - Chuck DeVere - Tektronix

See also Cathode- Ray Tubes and associated circuits Army/Air Force TM 11-671, 1951

Θα μπορουςε να κατασκευαστεί ευκολα χειροποίητος μετασχηματιστής ανυψωςης σηματος (η εμπεδησης) κεφαλής κινητού πηνιου;

Δικη σας ευθύνη.

Στα προηγούμενα posts.

Inductance of STC 66122X step up transformer

It is a relatively small cute input transformer.

Inducstnce had been measured as follows:

Primary winding 1 or 2
180mH at high frequency say 1028Hz
620mH at low frequency say 97Hz

Secondary winding 3 or 4
756mH at said HF
3H at said HF

Hand winding MC to MM disc record playing cartridge impedance matching transformers?

At your risk.
Any voltage of current can be dangerous.
Take safety precautions.

It may not be so difficult as it may seem.


An MC, moving coil cartridge is low impedance. So few turns of wire are needed.

If a tape wound or other toroidal (ring) core is used, the magnetic circuit is so efficient that even less turns will provide the required inductance of each winding.

Now it can be read my web search that people may use microphone step up transformers such as world class Haufe for MC to MM applicatiins.

If moving coil microphones (typically 200Ω output impedance) are higher impedance than a typical MC cartridge, this means that more turns are used on microphone transformers.

So less turns may be a more efficient way for MC if they are lower impedance Therfore needing lower primary inductance for given low frequency response.

Somewhat turns may also aid in many other respects such ease of construction, extended high frequency cutoff etc.

In fact it has been read on:
that the STC 66122X may beat everything else.

Such a transformer has just arrived from an eBay and inductance had been measured. See next post.

Hello to Spain, United States, Hellas , Portugal

Carlos Eleta Almaran

Songwriter of Historia de un Amor:

No Wikipedia page yet?

An example of a diminished 5th chord

Historic de un Amor - Almaran sung by Luz Casal

For example on the song above.
The chord comes from bass code D7, when the scale or key is C minor. So generalizing such chord may appear if we take any minor scale, and use the second ascending note of the scale with the basic rule 1 3 5 7 above bass.

So it is:

D bass and D F bA C

It can be heard throughout the beginning of verse and chorus of the masterpiece song written by
Panamanian songwriter Carlos Eleta Almaran.

Such chord can also be heard as the second chord of
Concerto 40 in G minor - Mozart
A bass and A C bE G
But Mozart does the trick of keeping bass G, pedal bass, so it is:
G bass and A C

See also:

Bach bass rules - Bach, Niedt

Harmony - Piston

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reference to European Commision directive on trans fat elimination

On the previous post in Hellenic language.

Φρυγανιές σικάλεως, ειναι αλήθεια οτι βουλώνουν αρτηριες;

Δεν δικη σας ευθύνη.
Δεν αποτελει ιατρική η διατροφολογικη συμβουλή.

Μπορει κανεις να ερευνήσει για το αν ναι η οχι με διάφορους τρόπους. Πχ...

Μεγενθυτικο γυαλί στο πιςω μερος της συσκευασίας για το αν περιέχονται φυτικά λιπαρά, φυνικελαιο, φυνικολιπος, κοκοφυνικελαιο, κοκοφυνικολιπος κτλ που έχουν τη φήμη οτι φράζουν αρτηριες αιματος και βοηθούν στην εξυγίανση των ασφαλιστικών ταμείων, παθαίνεις, την σύνταξη σου την παίρνει κάποιος άλλος που ζει ακομα.

Search στο Google, Wikipedia κτλ για trans fat, τρανς λιπαρά. υδρογονωμένα λιπαρά, μαργαρίνη κτλ.

Ανάγνωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Οδηγίας για τα τρανς λιπαρά. Απ' οτι φένεται σε δυο έτη θα απαγορεύονται απο τα ράφια.

Steven's Power Law


It is S.S. Stevens who has co-written the amazing book
Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life Science Series

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The science of musical sounds - Miller

This book is used as one of the references of
The Electronic Musical Imstrument Manual - Douglas, page 48 section in electronic valve or electron tube oscillators.
On page 47 of the Douglas book, means are shown on how to limit feedback by resistor in order to obtain a possibly clean sinewave from and an LC circuit oscillator.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ενα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για την κατασκευή του Μεγάρου Μουςικης

Some elements on the Athens Concert Hall.

A Pleiades Nuvistor cascode electron tube microphone 2 channel preamplifier

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
Any voltage or current can be dangerous.

After a (somewhere around 2000) suggestion in a phonecall, by Allen Wright author of the Tube Preamp Cookbook (found at Papassotiriou bookstore in Athens) to use more involved circuits for pro audio it had been decided while reading the book to build such a preamplifier.

It has Sowter transformers 4935f for input.

2 Nuvistor 7586 electron tubes per channel on Penta bases supported inside the 1U chassis with nuts soldered on base and bolts in such a way that they look like UFOs from the electronic game Space Invaders.

Output transformers are Belclere EM 20014 ZH5951 with a brilliant white Bel logo.

PSU is a ground connection to chassis, fuse,  toroidal transformer made by Giatras, 6X4 rectifier, low voltage electron tube voltage stabilizer possibly after the 2 possibly Fraco electrolytic capacitors and then 4 Vitamin Q Spraque big can capacitors.

Output impedance of preamps is 600Ω and can be finely adjusted by varying the heater voltage.

Input inductance of Sowter transformers is 9.8H.

The output transformers are wired as 1:1 and inductance is 7H or 8H on the other channel transformer possibly due to manufacturing variation?
(Transformers had been measured while in circuit which may not be a good idea.)

How does it sound.

It has not been powered up for years. At that time Pleiades (R,L) filters had not been made. It is remembered it sounded alright, but without gentle slope high pass filters it should had sounded bass heavy as all flat frequency response amplifiers connected to flat frequency response microphones.

Pleiades (R,L) filters consist of just an inductor in series with a resistor and the total in parallel with mic's output or voice coil if it is a moving coil microphone.

Hello to France and the United States

Hello to Hong Kong

Hello to Hellas

Δεν πάω, δεν πάω Pegaron, θα μείνω με τον Megaron

Saturday, September 21, 2019

audio engineering using only digital technology, μηχανική ήχου χρησιμοποιώντας μονο ψηφιακή τεχνολογία

Η ειναι σαν αυτοκινητο χωρις ρόδες η

Σαν να έχασες το τρένο χωρις να περίμενες καν στην αποβάθρα.

Is like an automobile without wheels or

Missing the train while not even waiting in the platform.

Lenz's law of conservation of energy in practice, ο κανόνας του Λενζ της διατήρησης της ενεργειας στην πράξη

Στο επόμενο post με ιςχυρους μαγνήτες και πλάκες απο χαλκό.

On the next post with string magnets and copper plates.

Electrons at work

For example:

the brilliant video:
Copper reaction to strong magnets:

Much of nature in a few words:

Stationary charges create electric fields

Moving charges create magnetic fields

Accelerating charges create electromagnetic fields ie light (in a generalized sense, not just visible light ie radio waves, microwaves, X-Rays etc).

See also:

The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

Is Lambrakis concert hall the best in acoustics in Hellas? Ειναι η αίθουσα Λαμπρακη η καλύτερη στην ακουστική στην Ελλαδα;

Rumor has it.

Ετςι λένε οι φήμες.

Πως προκύπτουν όλες οι μείζονες κλίμακες στον πλανήτη μας χωρις να χρειάζεται να θυμομαςτε τίποτα.

Στο προηγουμενο post:

Writting down or playing major musical scales

It should be good and instructive fun.

Beginning with one of the most difficult on out planet which is D flat major (has so many black keys, for example Chatiots of Fire - Vangelis).
Actually playing Chariots of Fire will teach you the nice and uncommon sounding scale.

Then moving up a perfect fifth ie A flat major which has one fact note less.

Then moving up to Eb major which has one flat less...

Until one gets to the familiar C major scale (all natural notes or white keys.

Then moving on a perfect fifth again to G major which has one sharp.

Then moving to D major which has 2 sharps.


And finally arriving to C sharp major which has so many black notes and is the same as D flat major which is the sale where we started from and the circle of 5ths completes.

What do you notice happening to the pattern of flat or sharp notes while visiting each consecutive scale or key?

Also notice that all minor scales are relatives to the major one a minor 3rd above. For example A minor and C major had all notes natural or white keys.

See also:

Musical Acoustics - Donald Hall

Friday, September 20, 2019

Perfidia - Alberto Dominquez

A nice version of the extraordinary song with female voice very nicely recorded had been listened to yesterday from Galaxy 92MHz FM Athens.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Quotes by Harrold Gennen

Harold Geneen interview

Dec 1984

Variations on a theme of business conducting

No shortcuts to long term business success.

Standard Telephones and Cables


Harold Geneen

psyops Psychological warfare

The autobiography book of Andrew Lloyd Weber is currently at a bargain price on eBay

The book is called Unmasked, Andrew Lloyd Weber

The brilliant musical interval of major 9th

A nice example:

All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Weber

A major 9th interval can be heard for example at the beginning of male singing melody line and the beginning of female singing melody line.

These examples are bass C and melody D.

The interval C to D(oct) is called 9th as we count 9 white or natural notes from C to D. Or nine line and spaces on a score.

Further it is called major because D belongs to the major scale starting from the lowest note of the interval which is bass C. [Piston]


Harmony - Piston

See also:

Bach Bass Rules

How can a sinusoidal transistor oscilator transmitter be created?

At your risk and at your responsibility.
Any voltage or current can be dangerous.

Is class A operation (electrons flowing all the time) possible on oscillators?

The mice book by Donald Stoner says:

"Class A operation is seldom found in a transmitter circuit other than for oscillators.
This mode is characterized by a pure sine-wave output independent of the flywheel action of a tank circuit.
Class-A operation results in a freedom from harmonic generation and improved frequency stability.
This condition is difficult to achieve in oscillator circuits because the transistor usually swings violently between saturation and cutoff and the output approaches the appearance of a square wave.
The flywheel action of the tank circuit helps restore the sine waveshape but it is seldom perfect if the original shape is badly distorted.
To obtain true class-A operation, careful attention must be paid to such details as biasing, impedance matching, and, most important, to drive level of the feedback energy."


Does for example the nice, simple and famous Jostykit HF65 oscilator broadcasting to the FM band creates unwanted interfiering harmonics or overtones?

If likely yes, what can be done to improve it?

It is a nice grounded bass oscillator. A tank of LC circuit resonating at say 100MHz on the collector circuit.
A tap near Vb supply on said inductor for the low impedance antenna.
A 3pF capacitor for positive feedback between collector and emitter. (In grounded base configuration the emmiter signal in is in phase with amplified signal from collector.
But collector output is relative high impedance and emitter inout is low impedance.
Would this circuit operate better by impeadnce matching?
For example using the 75Ω or whatever tap to connect the 3 pF capacitor to feed energy to the low impedance emitter. (Instead of connecting 3pF from collector to emmiter.)
Would it work?
Would the use of a transistor not going very high be an aid too? For example a pnp one as used on the Jostykit HF365?
And also using a varicap as in HF365 for better modulation fidelity?

Do electron tube circuits benefit from the grid rectification effect of electron tubes effectively creating automatic gain control? [Armstrong]. Would a diode and then a similar to grid leak bias help a transistor in this direction?


Transistor Transmitter for the Amateur - Donald Stoner - First edition - page 25

Jostykit HF65 schematic

Jostykit HF365 schematic

Operating Features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong

A great book on music notation

Music Notation - Gardner Read

The author says it is the minimum any aspiring musician should know.

Teaches how to clearly write music notes on paper. As many channels or parts one wishes without having to carry a computer or feed it with electrical power.

Much fanstastic music is made of a few parts. If for example one part is the bass, other part is a seventh or ninth with respect to bass and other part is a third with respect to bass, it may be all needed to be specified and it can sound fanstastic.
Listen for example to Four Seasons - Vivaldi, Air - Bach (in 4 part harmony).

Music notation can be perhaps thought as writing the software. It fact it is low level like machine code ie closest to the humans or musical instruments. Therefore it leaves space for correct intonation, expression, interpretation. It is perhaps a bit like DNA.

For example an octave is specified.
Then it is the responsibility of the player or instrument be it human or machine to play that octave with such frequency and intensity that the octave sounds correct to the human brain.
So the x2 in frequency (flat or shrinked) octave can be avoided. [Terhardt]


Streched Octaves - Terhardt

See also:

Engineering versus Music octave - euroelectron

In ancient Hellas letters had been used as symbols for musical notes

About 3000 bc letters had been used for musical notes [Reads].


Music Notation (1st chapter) - Gardner Read

Saturday, September 14, 2019

On the sound of Finos Film studios, Athens

On the previous post in Hellenic.

Vangelis (Papathanasiou), Chariots of Fire, Blade runner soundtrack etc fame, had too been given an electron tube mixing desk designed and built by electronic engineer Mikes Psalidas with inductor filters or EQs.

Ακουγοντας το Γαϊδαράκος - Χατζιδακις, Βουγιουκλακη σε σαράντα πεντάρι 45ρι μονοφωνικο

Μου έφυγε η μαγκιά.

Signal path:

Γαϊδαράκος - Χατζιδακις, Βόυγιουκλακη σε 45αρι Fidelity mono - Dual 501 πικαπ - Realistic disco mixer - Sennheiser HD580 ακουστικά

Η φωνη της Αλικης ακουγεται τοςο λαμπερή σαν καλογυαλιςμενο διαμάντι.

Τοςο καλη ποιοτητα ηχογραφισης θα μπορουςε να ακούσει κανεις αν ηχογραφισει ζωντανά παλι, με μικροφωνο σε μαγνητόφωνο ανοιχτής ταινιας που τρεχει γρήγορα.
Και παλι αν απλα χρησιμοποιηθεί ενα μικροφωνο επίπεδης απόκρισης συχνότητας θα ακουστεί η τραγουδιςτη φωνη μες τα μπάσα και μεσαία (κοινώς σαν βουλωμένη χαβούζα) για διάφορους λόγους.
Οπως, μη σεβασμό στις:
ισοφωνικες καμπύλες (Fletcher, Munson)
Καμπύλες φωνητικής προσπάθειας (voice effort curves)
Φαινομενο εγγύτητας (bass increase mic to mouth proximity effect)
(Παραπομπή στο άρθρο του Χόλυγουντ των [Lowe, Morgan]).

Στην Αλίκη Βουγιουκλακη στις ηχογραφισεις των τραγουδιών στο στουντιο της Φίνος Φιλμ στη οδό Χίου σύμφωνα με συνομιλία με τον Γιάννη Μπακ το μικροφωνο ήταν το κινητου πηνιου σε μαγνητικό πεδίο AKG D25.

Το μικροφωνο πέρα απο τον (τους;) απίστευτους θαλάμους πιςω απο την μεμβράνη (δειτε προηγούμενα post και αναφορα στην πατέντα ακουςτικης προσαρμογής εμπεδησης πιςω απο την παλλόμενη μεμβράνη του μικροφώνου)...
Εχει εσωτερικά διακόπτη δυο θέσεων για να κόβει μπάσα.
Πιθανοτατα λοιπόν εχει οπως τοςα Πολλα μικρόφωνα της ίδιας εποχής, πχ Elctro-Voice, AKG κτλ πηνιο ηλεκτρικά συνδεμένο μεςω του διακόπτη παράλληλα με την έξοδο του μικροφώνου. Δηλαδή ηλεκτρικά παράλληλα με το κινητό πηνιο που παλεται μαζι με την μεμβράνη που με την σειρα της πάλλεται απο το ηχητικό ακοθςτικο κύμα της φωνής.
Ιςως υπαρχει και αντίσταση σε σειρα με το εν λόγω πηνιο ωςτε το υψηλοδιαβατό συχνοτικα φίλτρο να εχει μικρη κλίση εξασθένισης συναρτήσει συχνότητας, βλέπετε Pleiades (R,L). Ακομα και αν δεν υπαρχει αντίσταση υπαρχει η αντίσταση σε σειρα του low cut αυτου πηνιου.

Δεν τελειώνει ομως εκει.

Σύμφωνα με συνομιλία με τον Μικέ Ψαλίδα, ηλεκτρονικού μηχανικου που σχεδίασε και κατασκεύασε την κονσόλα μίξης (πρόσθεσης) της Φίνος Φιλμς...
Ειχαν επιδοθεί με τον Τάσο Φουσέκη σε φίλτρα φτιαγμένα με πηνια σε pot cores για να μπορει ο ηχολήπτης Μικες Δαμαλας να πετύχει επίπεδη απόκριση συχνότητας απο τις φωνητικές χορδές της Αλίκης Βουγιουκλάκης στον εγκεφαλο του θεατή της κινηματογραφικής ταινιας [Lowe, Morgan]. Και μετα τοςα έτη και στον δικό μας εγκεφαλο.

Τα φίλτρα με τα πηνια τα σχεδίασε ο Μικες Ψαλίδας και τα τύλιξε ο Τάσος Φουσέκης σε υπόγειο αεροπορικής εταιρίας στην πλατεία Συντάγματος [Φουσεκης].

Η κονσόλα φτιάχτηκε με ενιςχυτες σηματος σωληνες ηλεκτρονίων η αλλιώς σωληνες κενού (electron tubes η vacuum tubes) κοινώς λάμπες, λαπες, λαμπιόνια. Τα λέγαμε ετςι η αλλιώς η πασαλιμανιώς η μουσειακά αντικείμενα ιςως υποτιμητικά. Ιςως γιατι δεν γνωρίζαμε οτι ελέγχουν κατευθείαν την κινηςη των ηλεκτρονίων καθώς αυτα χορευουν μεςα στο κενό (χάριν στη στεγανοποίηση του γυαλιού) ενισχύοντας με θαυμαστό τροπο την φωνη. Τώρα που υπαρχει Ίντερνετ και γνωρίζουμε οτι στα καλυτερα στουντιο ηχογραφισης του πλανήτη καθημερινά χρησιμοποιούνται για το επόμενο ραδιοφωνικό χιτ...

Ολα αυτα έχουν ευτυχώς αλλάξει και στην καινουρια Ελλάδα χρησιμοποιούμε με σεβασμό οτι καλυτερο απο καθε δεκαετία με σεβασμό στο μέλλον.

Απ'οτι φαινεται απο συνομιλια με την κόρη του Μικέ Ψαλίδα, τέτοια κονσόλα είχε δωθεί και στον Βαγγέλη Παπαθανασιου.

(Μεταγενέστερη σημείωση): Ενας άλλος τρόπος για να μειωθεί το πλεόνασμα των μπασων η χαμηλών συχνοτήτων την ωρα της ηχογραφισης τραγουδιστής φωνής ειναι το κόλπο του Lou Burroughs (Electro-Voice) με δυο παντοκατευθυντικα μικρόφωνα κινητού πηνιου συνδεμένα επίτηδες αυτος φάσης και τραγουδώντας μονο στο ενα [Burroughs]. Περισσότερα στοιχεια σε προηγουμενο euroelectron post οπου αναφέρεται δοκιμή με το φορητό μαγνητόφωνο ανοιχτής ταινιας Uher report 4200.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Motion Picture Engineers

Οι οκτώ κύκλοι - Τάσος Φουσέκης (μάλλον ανέκδοτο αυτο βιογραφικό βιβλιο)

Microphones: Design and Applicatiins - Lou Burroughs

The Z80 MPF-I micro-proffesor for assembly experiments's-manual.pdf

Zilog Z80 assembly programming

At your risk and at your responsibility.

By the inventors:

Z80 assembly language programming manual - Zilog

It can be found at

A nice book for transistor transmitters

At your risk and at your responsibility.

Transistor transmitters for the amateur - Donald L. Stoner W6TNS

It even mentions toroidal core coils, transformers

It can be found at

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Pleiades one electron tube EC92 FM music radio transmitter

At your risk and at your responsibility.
Such circuits can create overtones or RF harmonics.
They can also create electromagnetic interference.
Any voltage or current can be dangerous.
Take all safety precautions.

See previous posts.

Some more information may be added here.

It is derived from this schematic found in radio morning star kindly sent by

A varicap circuit for FM modulation had been added by consulting another schematic.

Varicap is connected as follows:

Modulation input connector in series with 100nF. This 100nF in series with 10KΩ.

At the other side of 10KΩ is connected the varicap dot pin. The other terminal of the varicap is connected to ground. Varicap is BB105 or BB103.

The other side of the 10KΩ resistor is also connected to a 3-6 pF capacitor whose other terminal is connected to EC92 anode.

220KΩ is connected in parallel with this small capacitor.
10KΩ is connected in parallel with varicap diode.

This project had been abandoned for many years but it is revived recently in Pleiades after rediscovering the following very simple trick to make the sound fantastic.

If CD player line out is directly connected to mod input, the sound is horrible with bass and mid heaviness as all radios have the specification of cutting treble so that hiss or FM noise is cut.

So the transmiter must boost highs at 75μS or 50μs depending on the country where the radio had been bought.

For treble boost the very simple Pleiades (R,L) high pass filter is used. It is just a 160KΩ resistor in parallel with a 390-470 pF capacitor.
From Physics we know that R times C or resistance times capacitance makes time.
Ie 1 Farad times 1 Ohm is 1 second.
If we multiply 160KΩ times 400pF we get approximately 75μS or microseconds.

So bass heaviness and mid heaviness is reduced and treble sparkles.

This RC filter is connected in series between CD player line out and modulation in.

But signal modulation is low if a CD Walkman line out is used.

So the CD Walkman output is stepped up by a signal transformer.

Very nice sound. Big like commercial radio stations.

So setup or signal path is:

Sony Walkman CD line out - Altec 15095 step up transformer from 600Ω to 15KΩ - Pleiades (R,L) high pass filter - Pleiades EC92 FM transmitter

It may be worth trying an RF choke instead of 10KΩ load resistor so that power supply can be reduced. And trying a battery electron tube such as 1U4? so that a portable electron tube FM transmiter of too quality can be made. A fuse must be used in series with any battery for fire hazard safety.

Ξι φαλτσορε

Απο τον Ηλία

Fair use of copyrighted material Το copyright και πότε δεν θεωρείται κλοπυραιτ

A baby FM transmiter can sound big Ενας πομπός FM μωράκι που ακουγεται μπομπα

At your risk and at your responsibility.
Με δικό σας ρίσκο και δικη σας ευθύνη.
Such circuits can create electromagnetic interference.
Τέτοια ηλεκτρονικά κυκλώματα μπορούν να προκαλέσουν ηλεκτρομαγνητικές παρεμβολές.

The Pleiades one electron tube EC92 FM transmiter sounds better but it is much more bulkier, heavier, power consuming. For this transmiter see nearby posts.

Later addition: if the varicap diode is biased to its linear part of capacitance reverse voltage characteristic better sound quality should be possible. See next day's posts on how varicap biasing is done on the schematic of the electron tube oscillator.

One day, walking by Dr. Smith's (vacuum devices course) laboratory at Warwick university's physics department...

The door of his lab was open as always.

So naturally curiosity led me in.

He had been building an amplifier which looked almost like a strange insect. All components soldered together without box, without circuit board. It was like a small paper after wrapping it in your fist before throwing it to the bin. A 3D amplifier.

When asked why, he casually replied that he wanted the highest possible bandwidth. So stray capacitances or inducstnces should be minimized by shortest possible leads, no box capacitance etc.

How high was the bandwidth?

It can not remembered but maybe the answer to the high side might had been on the GHz area.

But it is very clearly remembered when he was asked if he can measure how low the low cutoff frequency is, he replied...
You can't live long enough to take a measurment.
It took some time to understand the answer.
But then it was realized that if the low cutoff were for example 0.000001Hz that would mean the period (f=1/T) or time from crest to consecutive crest of a sinewave would be 1 million seconds.
If frequency is much lower, it can be years.
So we burst to laughs.
He needed very low frequency response so that he could measure response of materials at such low frequencies.

Many years later on,..., inspired from this way of constructing an amplifier, a small 2N2219 FM oscillator had been built by a soldering components in such as way.

It worked but it did not sound as good as expected and as always with such projects, frustration got in and the little bug was abandoned in a special FM drawer.

But today after so many more years in worked great and sounded as big or bigger than a commercial radio station. With nice treble detail too.

The only thing that needed to be added was a Pleiades high pass filter, an (R,C) filter, to emphasize treble or reduce bass or mid heaviness so that sound is correct on the de emphasized commercial FM radios.

It is a similar situation to RIAA treble boost on cuting of vinyl records for reducing HF noise.

This baby transmiter is very simple and operates with just a 9V battery.

No input transformer is needed as full FM modulation can be achieved by the line out of a CD Walkman for example.

Signal path, setup:

I Want to Know What Love is - Foreigner CD - Sony CD Walkman line out - Pleiades (R,C) filter - one 2N2219 transistor FM oscilator - no antenna - JVC Nivico vintage radio 9425W - Pleiades linoleum made Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker with Tesla 5in fullrange drive unit

The R,C treble boost or high pass filter is just a 160KΩ resistor in parallel with 390-470 pF.

The FM modulated oscilator consists of a 2N2219 transistor in grounded base configuration as follows:

A circuit similar to Jostkit HF65 but no input transistor is used. A variable capacitance diode or varicap is used instead.

There is a BNC female chassis connector so that the likes of Orban vintage analog optimod pressesors can be used but it may not be needed. The simplest the signal path the best the sound quality can be.

This BNC is the input of the FM exciter. A very small core coil or solenoid, around 25 turns is used to bloc RF in or out. After this choke a 10KΩ resistor is connected (in series). After this resistor s rectangular small varicap (dot mark at thus side) is connected. After this resistor a small 10μF 63V capacitor is also connected at its negative terminal. The other side of said electrolytic capacitor to transistor base.

Other side of varicap is connected to ground or metal part of BNC female socket. To this ground are also connected: Batterry minus, ie battery holder black lead. An 100Ω emitter resistor the other side of which is naturally connected to transistor emmiter. A 10KΩ whose other side is connected to base.

To base is also connected another 10KΩ whose other side goes to battery plus terminal. Use a fuse in series with any battery for fire hazard safety. Each of these 2 10KΩ base biasing resistors which form a potential divider have a 470pF ceramic capacitor in parallel. So base is effectively grounded base to ac signals. So oscillation can take place by positive feedback from collector to emitter by the use of a 3.9pF capacitor from collector to emmiter.

Frequency of oscillation is dictated by a tank resonant circuit connected to collector. It is a coil, diameter 1cm, of 4 close turns of tinned wire in parallel with a small variable capacitor of 20pF. The other side of this CL (equivalent of spring and mass) is connected to plus supply (remember battery fuse).

This nice little transmiter which sounds rather very nice was held on hand while writting this post.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Low power radio

At your risk. At your responsibility.
(directive begins at page 9)

Kits not covered, see end of directive.

International Telecommunications Union

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hello to South Korea, France, Germany, Netherlands

Sir George Martin

The microphone in front of Celline must be an electron tube amplified condenser AKG C12 or Telfunken Elam.

This song has step up bass, note by note ascending the C major scale.

The hass code is similar or identical to a Bach's composition in F major. It must be from a concert of Bach.

The code in C major is

D7 (so previous chord C on upper part is used as prepared 7th)
E45 to E35


C bass and C E G
D bass and C F A
E bass and D G B
F bass and C F  A
C bass and C E G
D bass and C F A
E bass and D G B
E bass and E A B to E #G B
A bass and E A C

See also:

Bach Bass rules - PDF

Music engineering

There is so much similarity between music playing or composing and electron engineering that this term may be appropriate.

For example see other today's post.

And of course another obvious similarity is that electronic engineering is the control of moment of electrons whereas music engineering is the control of movement of air molecules if we are referring to sound transmission of an acoustic instrument or orchestra or output from loudspeaker or control of movement of electrons if we refer for example to what happens before a loudspeaker be it a symphony orchestra recording or a synthesizer or a band recording or PA etc.

See also:

Bach Bass Rules:

Doing thinks differently, eg Tame Impala, Parker

See for example

layering the same voice many times

or on the use of pedals the other way round, distortion after reverb

Repetition, lists in lyrics and step down bass chromatically

About an hour ago this nice song had been transmitted on Pepper FM radio Athens:

Borderline - Tame Impalla

It uses effectively the nice trick of classical composers such as Vivaldi, Bach, Purcell of bass going chromatically down.

This song is written on the scale or key of C minor. Ie all notes write or natural except E, A, B which are flat.

Chromatically means semitone by semitone. Semitone is also called halftone.

So bass goes down from
C.  to

A very nice moment is (as on classical music) when bass becomes bA. By using the code 1 3 5 7 the chord or harmony is
A C E G and using the correct flats (see above) the harmony is:
bA C bE G
One of the best sounding chords on our planet.
It is called: A flat major 3rd major 7th
(In music engineering all intervals are referenced to bass just like in electronic engineering all electric field potentials are referenced to ground 0 volts. In this example bass is the lowest note, the note A.

Just before it bass is A natural.
Can we think that this song music passes by the C Dorian scale (which has A natural) and then resolves to default A minor scale or key?

See or listen also:

Bach Bass Rules - PDF

Harmony - Piston

Suitable examples of classical music may be:

4 seasons Automn, slow movement - Vivaldi
Dido and Aeneas - end movements -  Henry Purcell
Et Incarnatus Est - Mass in B minor - Bach

Monday, September 9, 2019

Hello to Netherlands and Spain

An electrolytic capacitor with 1 million hours useful life at 40 degrees

For example Vishay 118AHT rated 125 degrees Celsius.

Would these be nice for a ZX Spectrum, vintage keyboards, a Compute a Tune Waddingtons vintage keyboard sequencer etc?

On Prepared pair of dissonant notes to listener's brain

This happened yesterday while playing with Vicky the simple harmony in the key of E minor (all F sharp).



B D F (remember F is sharp)

Vicky while trying to learn to play it by ear she accidentally played


So harmony became:

B E F to B D F
A E F to A D F
A D E to A C E

Such sounds brilliant and out of this world. Especially when sung by a choir.

The pair of E F can be thought as prepared pair of dissonance expanding on (Bach, Niedt)'s Bach Bass Rules.

Remember on above example all F are F sharp otherwise it sounds nonsense.

See also original post on how this little composition can develop.


Bach Bass Rules - PDF

Γιατι να ξοδεύεις εκατοντάδες ευρώ την ημέρα για να γράψεις μουςικη σε στουντιο οταν μπορεις να την γράψεις σε χαρτί;

Why spending hundreds of euros for recording music in a studio when it can be recorded on paper?

Κουβαλάς μονο χαρτί και ωραιο χρωματιστό μαρκαδόρο.

Only needed to carry around with you is a paper with sets of 5 lines and a nice colored marker.

Πλεονέκτημα ειναι οτι οτι και να γράψεις, ακομα και στην τυχη μπορει να ακουστεί καλα αφου η παρτιτούρα αυτόματα σε περιορίζει σε καποια μουςικη κλίμακα (πχ σύνολο 7 διαδοχικών διακεκριμένων νοτων απο μια νοτα μεχρι την οκτάβα της).

Other advantage is that even writing down on paper by chance can eventually sound good as a score automatically constricts you to writing using a defined scale (set of say only 7 consecutive notes from a nite to its octave).

Other advantage is the unexpected. It can happen also while playing to a nearby keyboard. A wrong accidental note may take off the harmony. See next post.

Άλλο πλεονέκτημα ειναι οτι ενα λάθος που μπορει να συμβεί και παίζοντας ενα κοντινό αρμόνιο η πιάνο μπορει να απογειώσει την αρμονία σε κατι απροσδόκητο. Παραδειγμα στο επόμενο post.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Γιατι δεν τα μαθαίναμε αυτα στο σχολείο;

Πάντως κάναμε για αντιστάσεις, πηνια και πυκνωτές.

Ευτυχώς στην Ελλαδα που αναγεννάται, τα σχολεία ήδη έχουν αρχίσει να έχουν πειράματα στο μάθημα της φυσικής που να γινονται με προσοχή και ασφάλεια ωςτε οι μαθητές να βλέπουν η να ακούνε τι μπορει να κανει ένας πυκνωτής η ενα πηνιο στον ήχο πχ της μουςικης.

On making an FM transmiter radio station sound big with just a step up input signal transformer

At your risk.

See previous posts in English and Hellenic.

Ωραίος και δυνατός ήχος πομπού στα FM με ενα τρανζίστορ η λυχνία (σωληνα ηλεκτρονίων)

Με δικη σας ευθύνη.

160KΩ x 470pF = 75μs
75 μικρο δευτερολεπτα η αλλιώς εκατομυριοστα του δευτερολέπτου ειναι η σταθερά χρόνου στις προδιαγραφές εκπομπής  στα FM ωςτε να αυξάνονται τα πρίμα στην εκπομπή, να μειώνονται στο ραδιόφωνο στη λήψη, η απόκριση συχνότητας να ειναι γραμικη και ετςι να μειώνεται το φύσημα η θόρυβος των FM.
Γι'αυτο στα ακόλουθα χρησιμοποιειται αντίστοιχη αντίσταση παράλληλα με πυκνωτή και το σύνολο σε σειρα μεταξύ μουςικης πηγής και διαμορφωτή ταλαντωτή.

Μακάρι να το ήξερα αυτο οταν ήμουν 14 ετών.
Παιδευόμουν ομορφα με ενα Jostykit HF65.
Για να μεταδίδεται μουςικη απο δίσκο (στρουμφάκια, Δευτερα κατι εχω, την Τριτη δεν αντέχω...) το μικροφωνακι κινητού πηνιου ακουμπούσε στα BeyerDynamic ανοιχτού τυπου ακουστικά που έπαιζαν μουςικη με τα πρίμα στον Metz ενισχυτη τέρμα.

Σημερα μετα απο 30 τοςα έτη απλα συνδέθηκε η line έξοδος 300Ω ενος Sony CD Walkman με έναν μετασχηματιστή ανύψωσης σηματος Altec 15095, μωβ χρώματος σε οκτάλ βαςη. Μετα σε σειρα μια αντίσταση 160KΩ. Παράλληλα με αυτη ένας πυκνωτής 1nF η 470pF και μετα το σημα μεςω 100nF και 10KΩ στην varicap του αυτοταλαντωτου πομπού.

Ακουγεται δυνατά, καθαρα και ωραια. Περίπου σε ιδια ένταση με τους εμπορικούς σταθμούς, χωρις ομως βραχνάδα απο τοςο processing.


Χρειάζεται μπριμπιλεμα για βελτίωση, μέτρηση απόκρισης συχνότητας και πιο σωστή επιλογή του RC premphasis φίλτρου οπως και προσοχή η διαμόρφωση να μην ξεπερνά τα επιτρεπτά όρια, κτλ.

Αλλα στοιχεια στα προηγούμενα σημερινά posts.

A least active component count from CD disc to FM radio transmission

Following Bob Orban's advice that the best radio station would be the one of minimum processing or signal path from disc to antenna...

See previous post for a just a one active device oscillator FM transmiter with input transformer and an RC preemphasis filter.

Preemphasis for an EC92 electron tube FM radio transmitter

At your risk, and at your responsibility.

160KΩ x 470pF is equal to 75μs.
75 microseconds is the FM broadcasting specification preemphasis so that there is nice treble, no bass or mid heaviness, ie flat frequency response from transmiter to (deemphasised) FM radios.
So similar combinations of resistor in parallel with capacitor and the total,in series between music source and modulated oscillator are tried on these experiments.

An IM-81/UP, indicator standing wave chassis with its transformers, chokes were used as power supply and housing for an EC92 oscillator. A VR150 electro tube for stabilasation of voltage. Paper in oil capacitors for filtering. 6X5 rake train tube for rectifier.

Plate supply is about 75V.

Radios have deemphasis (reduction of treble) do premphasis (boost of treble must be used at transmission).

A (variable) resistor in parallel with a capacitor (heathkit capacitor box) was used in series with the Sony CD Walkman line out.

Just by listening and comparing the sound to nearby FM radio stations values of
R=140KΩ and
were found suitable as a first approach.

On a Jostykit HF65 transistor FM oscillator disabling the input transistor and feeding directly to the oscillator transistor values of
and a series 24nF capacitor were chosen to feed the base.
Frequency response had been measured to be flat.

Then this filter was connected to the EC92 transmiter oscillator. It sounded very nice.

Sound is not as loud and bug as the nearby commercial radio stations. Possible cause under modulation by signal lost at the series resistor.

So it was decided to connect instead of an active device an expensive Altec voltage input transformer. Impedance step up ratio from 600Ω to 15ΚΩ. An Altec Lancing 15095 purple color octal base line transformer.

Sound became big and as loud as the commercial radio stations.

Wish I knew this when I was a fourteenager.

Signal path:

To Have and not to Hold - Madonna CD - Sony Walkman line out - Altec 15095 wired as 1:4 - (170KΩ,1nF) preemphasis (treble boost) filter - one active device exciter or FM oscillator

Later addition:

Monitoring is with a 70s vintage JVC 9425W FM radio connected to the Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C monitoring speaker with a Tesla 5in fullrange speaker

While Vicky had been listening to a Jobim CD thought this setup system she adjusted the Heathkit capacitor box to 470pF for a more bright sound and more depth as she described it. This is effectively the already existing 390pF fixed capacitor in parallel with 470pF.

Vicky commented that the sound is very nice, big and clean with the Jobim CD compared to the Madonna CD. A reason may be that the transformer ratio is large so that the Madonna's CD (which is louder anyway) over modulates the transmiter. Transormers of lower turn ratio may be tried too.

Lester Smith - Abbey Road, some information on Allan Blumlein electronic engineer

Lester Smith and Abbey Road microphones

The apple and biscuit microphone, Coldplay and Calenina the cat fairytale

Fairytale with well known elements of the STC4021 microphone on the next post fairytale written in Hellenic language.

Το μικροφωνο μηλαρακι και μπισκοτάκι STC 4021

Η Κανελινα η γάτα, η φίλη της η υπομονετική χελώνα, και η φίλη τους γάτα Lucy, (Λουσι) απο Αγγλία άκουγαν ραδιόφωνο λιγο πριν την επιστροφή της Lucy απο διακοπές.

Ξαφνικα μπήκε το τραγουδι Trouble - Coldplay.
Η Lucy αρχισε παλι να κανει τρελή φιγούρα...
Ακούστε, ξεκινάει με Φα διεση, Σολ, Φα διεση, ρε, Σι στο πιάνο.
Το μπαςο που μπαίνει στην κατάληξη ειναι Σολ.
Αρα η συγχορδία ειναι Σολ μεγαλη τριτη, μεγαλη έβδομη.
Τι ωραια που ακουγεται...

Χαμογελασε μεςα απο τα μουστάκια τα γατίσια της η Κανελινα γιατι καταλάβαινε πια.
Ποτε τελικά δεν ειχαν απαγορευτεί αυτες οι συγχορδίες στην Ελλαδα. Ήταν παρεξήγηση. Ειναι απλα 1, 3, 5, 7 σε σχεςη με την βαςη η μπαςο Σολ. Δηλαδή Σολ, Σι, Ρε, Φα. Το Φα είναι Φα διεση αφου η συγκεκριμένη κλίμακα ειναι η (Μι μικρη 3ή) η Μι ελασονα (3ή) στην οποία ειναι γραμμενο το κοματι και η μουςικη σκάλα αυτη εχει καθε Φα να ειναι Φα διεση δηλαδή το αμέσως μαύρο πλήκτρο δεξιά απο το Φα.

Η υπομονετική χελώνα άκουγε και τύλιγε τα πηνια της για φίλτρα μικροφώνου.

Η Λουσι ομως συνέχισε.
Να!, μπαίνουν τα ντραμς.
Έχουν πιθανοτατα ηχογραφηθεί στο Abbey Road με το μικροφωνο Apple and Biscuit, αγαπημένο μικροφωνο του BBC. Παντοκατευθυντικο με σχεδόν τελεια απόκριση γωνιακή αφου ειναι μπαλίτσα σαν μικρη μπάλα του μπιλιάρδου. Και εχει βαςη πλακέ η αλλιώς επίπεδη, το μπισκοτάκι.

Η Κανελινα που δεν καταλάβαινε τίποτα τρεχει κλαμένη στους σοφους γλαρους στην παραλια...

Οι σοφοί γλαροι γέλασαν και της εξήγησαν οτι ειναι μικροφωνο κινητού πηνιου του 1930 σχεδιασμένο απο τις μεγαλύτερες εταιρίες στον πλανήτη, την Western Electric με συσχετισμό Bell Telephone Laboratories, και την Standard Telephones and Cables, STC που το κατασκεύαζε στην Αγγλια και ετςι το BBC και το Abbey Road studios το έχουν.
Το εχουμε και εμείς στην Ελλαδα, φαινεται σε φωτογραφια του στουντιο ραδιοφωνίας του Ζαπειου.
Πρεπει να το εχουμε σε τελεια και εμείς κατάσταση αφου τέτοια πράγματα τα προσέχουμε. Δεν τα απαξιώνουμε. Δεν τα θεωρούμε απλα μουσικά αντικείμενα. Ειμαςτε και εμείς έτοιμοι να τα χρησιμοποιούμε σε ηχογραφιςη οπως καθε συμαντικο αντικείμενο καθε δεκαετίας.

Γιατι ακουγεται τοςο ωραια;

Γιατι ειναι μπαλάκι το σχήμα του και ετςι εχει την ίδια ευαισθησία σε καθε κατεύθυνση προσεγγίζοντας το ιδανικό μαθηματικά μοντέλο παντοκατευθυντικοτητας. Γι'αυτο ο παραγωγος, ο μηχανικος ήχου η οι Coldplay το επιλέγουν για την ηχογραφιςη του διαχεομενου ήχου των ντραμς τους.

Δυστυχως κάποι το είδαν σε φωτογραφια μάλλον κάποιου εξώφυλλου η φυλαδιου CD των Coldplay και η τιμη στο eBay ανέβηκε λιγο.

Το σημαντικο ειναι οτι υπαρχει στην Ελλαδα και πιθανοτατα θα βρίσκεται στα χερια τυς ελληνικής ραδιοφωνίας.

Πετάχτηκε η Κανελινα απο χαρά. Και φώναξε ολους και χόρεψαν και τραγουδιςαν Clocks - Coldplay κατω απο την χαρά των ακτίνων του Ηλιου που χαρίζουν απλόχερα αλήθεια με καμια σκια.


Φωτογραφια (το μιςκοτακι προς το ταβάνι και το μηλαρακι απο κατω) απο το αφιέρωμα του 9.84 - Μουςειο Ραδιοφωνιας Αθηνα 9.84 - Τεχνόπολη Δήμου Αθηναίων - Πειραιώς 100 - Γκάζι - σελιδα 4 Ραδιοσταθμος Αθηνών Ε.Ι.Ρ. φωτογραφια 3 απο πανω, Ο Γιώργος Καρτερ εκφωνεί δελτίο ειδήσεων, πανω στο τραπεζι εκφωνιςης (διπλα στο Neumann U47 σημαντικότατου μικροφώνου για την σημερινή δισκογραφία εξωτερικού) - Εκδωσεις Άγκυρα

Λεπτομερής περιγραφή του STC 4021 μικροφώνου και ακουστικό παραδειγμα:

Αρχειο BBC - YouTube

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Grounded base oscilator

At your risk. And at your responsibility.

For example the Jostykit HF365 uses this neat simple oscilator. How would it sound in Nino rather than stereo as a simple FM radio transmiter?

If sometimes computers or synthesizers sound inhuman this could be a human programming error

For example early or contemporary programmers may assume that an octave is doubling of frequency.

(Later addition: The MSX MUE music editor sending to the AY sound generator may have good sounding octaves, there are at least 2 YouTube videos).

It is close but it is not. Human brain perceives a doubling of frequency as a flat octave [Terhardt]. Even more so at higher intensity since pitch depends on intensity [Stevens].

Frequency is measured in Hz (no of vibrations per second, from the name of the physicist Hertz). Pitch, the human brain perception of height of tone is measured in Mels (from the word melody).
Perhaps it is stating the obvious but computer programming for musical purposes has to be done by human brain ear or brain. Or the user given the tools to program each note, such as on Yamaha DX77ii or Korg Triton [euroelectron].

Now that tools exist musical temperament should be adjusted for the particular musical key used in a composition. Frequency relation of overtones of instruments adjusted too for best or harmonic relation to human brain, (if the fond harmonic is x2 it sounds flat). Exactly the same principles as on good, say Steinway pianos or good quality orchestra or choir intonation.


Streched (engineering) octaves - Terhardt

Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life science series - chapter 5, The mind's Influence,  page 77

The Pleiades equal pitch temperament for DX7 or Triton - euroelectron

Friday, September 6, 2019

Machine code, assembly microprocessor language may be nice...

At your risk and at your responsibility.

On analog electronic circuit constructing or designing one plays or communicates directly with electrons.

For example connecting the right bias (positive pull up bias while keeping grid still negative) to the control grid of an electron tube so that electrons can find their way to a very low voltage anode. A music signal can find its way to the anode at pristine sound quality. Even the faintest signal fed to grid can be amplified without being buried in a sea noise of thermally or otherwise agitated electrons.

See also as reference to above example:

Pleiades V6 schematic

Pleiades bias - euroelectron

Pull up bias

Operating features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong

It's worth being different

Αξίζει να ειναι κανεις διαφορετικός.

Power of writting

Recording does not only mean recording to tape or disk.

It can also mean writting down on paper.

Words can be written. Notes can be written.

An obvious advantage is no need of computer except your brain. No USB charging needed escort eating good quality food to get chemical energy.

Writting can even be done at daylight from the sun.

Any action of recording on tape, disc, paper etc has an automatic copyright if the work is original.

See copyright law.

Writting down notes can be a good ear training - music teaching exercise. Masters like Vivaldi, Bach, Beethoven must have perfected their art by writting down.

If a neat job is done by writting on a large paper with a nice colored marker it can look very beautiful and professional. Blown up music writting pads can be very useful for writting nit tiny but bigger notes with accuracy.

A nearby keyboard, piano or even an toy keyboard can be handy for verification of what is going on. But in a while with practice hours one might not even need it at all.

on MSX computer programming the analog output AY chip in Basic (music macro) language

The digital to analog converter on the General Instruments AY chip controls the envelope. The actual raw music production is a square wave coming from a dividing in frequemcy a very high frequency clock (MHz) oscillator, just like say Solina String Ensemble. So this D to A should be like a volume control knob adjusting level is steps. It is not actual steps in the carier signal itself.

A potential problem may be that on the music macro command, notes are specified by names of notes , A, B, C. Octaves by number of octave. If octaves are internal defined as x2 in frequency then they will sound flat to listener's brain.

A way round can be to program in MSX Basic but using the Sound command instead of the Play command. So registers can be input directly to the AY chip. The programmer can then specify as much greater than 880Hz is needed for a high octave of say A 220Hz. Or should we call it 219Hz or whatever is needed for a lower octave of A440Hz!


Datasheet of AY8910

Yamaha CX5M

An FM synthesizer which sounds very nice.

Another case of digital to analog convention which does not sound bad

Sony PVM, and sound with nice octaves from play station

Even a D to A converter can sound nice if octaves are correct ie stretched from engineering x2, x 4 etc octaves. Is this the case here on the game at 2:14?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Digital systems without digital to analog converter can sound nice

An exemption can be the Yamaha DX7 which has a D to A and can sound nice too.

Examples can be:

Elctronic musical instruments havinf as source of sound a direct square, triangular wave etc.

For example:

Solina String Ensemble

An Italian EKO organ

A Farfisa? organ (Tubular bells intro for example?)

An Amstrad CPC464 or other vintage computers' AY sound chip.

Even a 300 year old pipe organ may be considered a digital system without a D to A. Musician plays keys. Mechanical levers (array) arrange which flue pipes will open. Then analog pipes vibrate (molecules inside them vibrate).

Definition of analog:
A quantity which has infinite values between 2 values.

Definition of digital:
A quality which has finite values between 2 values. For example the number of persons in a room.

Thinking about it a square wave is analog as from 0 to say +Vb electric potential quickly passes from all values.

But in fact nothing is true analog. Even in analog electronics we have resolution of electrons but it can be thought of as almost infinite bit resolution.

A Fisher Price toy cassette recorder can send for tea a mega digital computer.

CDs useful for winding a toroidal coil?

At your risk.

A compact disk, in fact 2 of them were seen lying on the street. Most of the label had been wiped off by the adverse conditions.

So these CDs looked like opaque disks with a hole in the center.

Is this a nice toroid (ring) core for winding air wound mductors?

The only problem is that for microphone low cut filtering, many many turns of wire would have to be wound which can be very tedious or even a relaxing exercise. We are talking thousands of turns unless the mic is of very low impedance.

So a Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope filter with hum bucking properties is possible. R can come from the wire resistance itself. Then the coil connected across the microphone output terminals.

Williams memory tube

Whirlwind I computer

The only one IC inside the Compute a Tune Waddingtons keyboard

is a Texas Instruments TMS1000
micro controller
ie computer

Four chords progression

Key is E minor ie all notes natural except F which is black key or #F.

Using Bach bass code:

G6 ie G B E
B ie B D B or D F B etc (remember F is #F)
D6 ie B D B or D F B
A9 ie C E B (the 3rd wrt bass taken too, Bach Bass Rules)

So it is based on B pedal or sustained at the right hand or a high part.

a simple melody that could go with...

G . . F E . F G . . . . . . . .
F . . E D . E F . . . . . . . .
E . . D G . . F E . . . . . .

Later addition:

Harmony that can go this is shown evolving at:

Bass can be G B E-------- (E at first beat of bar), similarly below
F A B--------
A D F---------
G B A -------

Other melodies added such as:

-------- (sustained A)
----------(sustained G) G A F EF

Remembering all F are F sharp

Musical composition can evolve as a Bolero - Ravel like composition, or Canon in D - Pachebel with parts continuously being added while previous played ones repeat in a loop.

For example violins at 1/16ths starting at a high G going to E a minor 3rd below it.


Reference :

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Amstrad CPC464 data

A 70s electroning game with square wave generator and sequencer

A great toy.

The Wasdington's Wizard. A Simon like game but with more game features.

It plays with you the game of playing notes and then you have to repeat.

But another electronic game it offers is music making.
One can play notes and pauses. The sequencer repeats.


Communicating with space

At your risk.

If there is a faint electromagnetic signal from a far away solar system carrying information for the purpose of communicating with us...

What would be a good receiver to capture such a signal taking so many years to arrive to earth?

Would a bipolar or a JFET transistor or an electron tube front end be the best?

If it is JFET or electron tube would open gate or open grid (grid at space potential) be best?

If it is an electron tube open grid would a Pleiades V6 circuit impementation be best as it operates with clean battery power and low anode voltage minimising secondary emission effects. Would it be better having such an amplifier in space powered by a small solar panel?

If signal is coupled to grid through a capacitor grid is not disturbed. What desired is getting as much information from as few photons coming from space translated to as few electrons arriving to the control grid.

What is the input impedance of an electron tube at open grid conditions?
If the grid is open grid current is zero.
Positive grid current and negative grid current are balanced.
Grid settles to a negative value since cathode is more positive with respect to it since cathode has lost electrons by thermo emmision.

If a pull up bias resistor, either connected to cathode or anode is used there is grid current because there is outside path for electrons to return to the positively charged cathode. Amplifier can operate with the minimum anode voltage, eg 2 volts.
At such condition the input impedance of the electron tube may be typically 100KΩ.

When grid is at space potential more anode voltage is needed for similar anode current, say 30V. What is the input impeadnce at open grid or grid at space potential?

If grid is biased negative typically more anode potential may be needed. If the grid is biased negative input impedance can be very large. But is it larger or smaller than open grid conditions?

If a LC tuned circuit is connected to almost infinite input impedance, the Q (quality or magnification factor can be very high) especially if the coil is made of silver wire which has very low resistance.

But a high Q means self ringing for a long time. Like an electric guitar string vibrating for many seconds. Or a steel tuning fork.

Ringing at the receiving end means the information transmitted must not change more quickly as ringing would mask the information. Ie only low bit rate can be sent, say slow morse code.

This is another way of looking at Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applied to signals. The more certain we are of frequency, (high Q or sharp frequency response peak) the less certain we are of time variations.

And we are neither certain of frequency as we do not know at which frequency a transmission would be.

But if we do not know the frequency at all taking the Heisenberg's principle in reverse we may know exactly when the event takes place. This means the transmission lasts for a very short time, like a short pulse, an impulse, what may approximate to a delta mathematical function.

If there is life outside of earth wanting to communicate, would they transmit extremely short bursts of electromagnetic energy?

The design team behind Amstrad CPC464 computer

The team behind Amstrad COC464 personal computer

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

People were trying to communicate with machines and this resulted to Internet

For example see previous post.

How was it like to program a computer in the 1979? Assembly language

At your risk.

See also:

Datasheet of a CPUs eg Z80 family CPU user manual - Zilog

Monday, September 2, 2019

AM/FM Radio Receivers

At your risk.

Are we worst at the area we have graduated?

At your risk.

Today a nutritionist said she did not know that palm oil is used on cheap toast bread, cookies etc and that it can clog blood arteries.

Many medical doctor do not know it.


Are educated subjects targeted to be manipulated?

There is someone who have studied electronic engineering at one of the best universities.

Had he not made self study and experiments for many years after graduating, he would still believe that op amps and digital are good for music production or reproduction.

Of course the opposite may well be true and not only the advantages but the shortcomings of analog class A amplifier electronics are advantageous [Hamm].

Same for music. If someone had studied music chances are that he, she would never had come across the manual of Bach to his students [Bach].


Tubes vs transistors (vs op amps), Is there an audible difference? Russel O. Hamm - JAES

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Bipolar transistor online finder cross reference search by inputing parameter values

MEO412 ME0412 transistor equivalents

At your risk.

This post may be wrong. Correct spelling seems to be MEO412

If this is the spelling (most unlikely) is  ME0 then: NTE126 is equivalent

Any similarity with 2N412? AF127?

But the Jostykit HF365 manual says MEO 412 is used.

From searching for MEO412 on web and books:




The MEO412 is used as the FM oscilltor transistor of the Jostykit HF365 FM stereo coder, transmiter oscillator. An important point seems to be that transistor should not go beyond say 100MHz so that overtones or harmonics on carier are reduced.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

You got to be - Des'ree, Ashley Ingram


Ashley Ingram

No great Wikipedia page yet?

also member of band Imagination:

For example the master song:

Just an Ilusion - Imagination

History of the Casio keyboards

Amstrad CPC Manuals

Music on Amstrad

The Amstrad CPC464 manual

MIDI recording on Amstrad CPC

Amstrad CPC the Music System

20 BBC computer micro chip tunes

The Advanced music system for Amstrad

The sound chip of BBC micro datasheet

The Joy of Music, member of Imagination playing on The Software Show 1989 BBC

It's shown before the Hybrid Music System.

The Music System software for Amstrad, instructions