Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A very useful trick on composing music

is possibly while writing or playing to think forward in time.

For example anticipating a chord and leading towards it.

For example preparing the 7th of what would become a seventh chord.

For example the chord sequence leading to the chord of (C major 3rd major 7th):
G bass D G B
C bass E G B
(B is prepared as it already exists in the G major chord)

Another example is:
Vocalise - Rachmaninov
From the very beginning chords gradually morph to what they become.

This principle may be attempted while writting down the song Πως Θα Ηταν - Public Domain. Gabriella suggested writing it down in a simplest possible way defining harmony and leaving arrangement for later on depending on whether it may be used as a song in children's play etc. She expressed admiration for it after listening live with Vicky on female vocals and Vicky's influence on much better selected keys or musical scales for both male and female part.

It will also be tried to think of 3 or four part harmony even while writting for piano, as if scoring strings or a choir. It seems best to think of a part or voice as an individual melody, a beautiful singing entity of its own. This can ally to bass too. Air, the French band think of bass as a beautiful carpet.

See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt

Cascading 2 gentle slope high pass inductor resistor microphone filters

It happened by chance while singing the song Πως θα Ηταν - Public Domain in F minor key and playing with cable crocodile clips on the recent LRC addition. Capacitor had been removed out of curiosity.

When both filters are connected, one in parallel to the other any remaining bass heaviness to nail singing voice in high register disappear.

Signal path:

male voice singing at high register - Shure Unidyne III at 2-4 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) - Pleiades (150Ω,11mH) - Western Electric 1H to 4H transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580

Even an inexpensive German Dynamisches Mikrofon sounded nice with this setup.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Stranger in Paradise - Carerina Valente

Played on Galaxy 92MHz radio earlier on today.

Based on the famous composition by Borodin.

Hello to Austria and the United States

Updates to the song Πως θα Ηταν

Updates to Πως Θα Ηταν - Public Domain:

Vicky insisting that the verse leaves something to be desired...

It has been decided by trial and error that male voice should be in a high register while female voice in a low register.

So instead of using the C minor key...

The key of F minor is used leading to a high pitch male starting note C just like The Power of Love - Frankie Goes to Hollyeood in the F minor key.

Then a modulation from F minor to G minor on next verse lets the female vocal be at a low warm register.

On chorus the relative B flat major key is used and both male and female voices can coexist comfortably.

Then a modulation to A minor can define the space for a piano solo.

Then chorus in the relative C major creates a brighter vocal from both voices.

Then a modulation from concluding E major to D major for the outro.

So in summary chord progression is in Bach Bass Rules notation:

Key F minor
F247 (just like the a Power of Love). Or just 3 car horn notes, see end of this post.)
verse male voice
C#3 (C major 3rd)
D24 passing bass note
G minor key
Verse female voice
Chorus both voices
E24 bass passing note
modulation to A minor for piano solo and backwards playground recording.
E#3 ie E major 3rd
Final chorus in C
E E479 ie E bass with D major E Outro in D major
D (G#FGA...melody from a previous post but starting with #G)
Fade out

Public Domain

Later addition:

After suggestions from Vicky on:

Perhaps having a subtle traffic car horn noise for introduction with car horns playing the first 3 notes of the intro, ie C F D.
Adding some more of the lyrics.
Perhaps pausing piano solo part...
after experimenting many times on the piano...
It is being decided to change accordingly the intro, using part 1 of sunle piano solo, then another verse, then second part of subtle piano solo in the form of high notes falling like drops of water, then chorus and outro.

The added verse will be:
Πως θα ηταν
Στην αμμουδιά να με κρατάς
Και να γελάνε απο ψηλά
Τ' αστέρια

The second piano solo part just after this verse leaves space or time for the listener's brain for imagination before the arrival of chorus.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Life is paradise

Hello to Ukraine and hello to Hellas

Life is paradise

Google scholar search vs general Google search

At your risk.
This is not a medical advice.

While searching whether asbestos fibers can be removed or not from poisoned lungs:

A general search on Google gives the impression that this is not possible.

While a search on Google scholar gives the impression that the human body will do what it can to get rid of asbestos fibers as much as possible.

Also a Google scholar search shows an article that asbestos interacts with iron in lungs:

A general search on Google on possible asbestos poisoning symptoms includes finger clubbing:

This article found on Google scholar states that nail clubbing does not mean lung cancer:

Also this article showing that nail clubbing is reversible even at a worst case scenario:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wondrous Place - Billy Fury

In the key of La Dorian ie A Dorian ie all notes white or natural except Fa or F which is sharp, happens to be a black key.

Voice has possibly the double tracking effect or artificial double tracking with delay.

Modular microphone passive filters, EQs, L XLR, R XLR, C XLR module etc

At your risk.

It may be done by using for example:

One XLR female to male barrel adaptor with an inductor L inside.

One XLR adaptor with Resistor R inside.

One XLR adaptor with Capacitor C inside.


The difficult part is how to make to above work while XLR adaptors are connected one after the other wile Legos.

The difficulty arises from the fact that an R,L gentle slope Pleiades low cut filter requires R in series with L and the resultant in parallel or shunt to microphone's output.

Similarly an R,(L reactance - C reactance) Pleiades band attenuating filter requires R in series with L in series with C and the resultant connected across microphone's output. See for example the high frequency peak attenuating filter (or presence boost) inside a Shure SM7.

The difficulty can be overcome as follows:

Each XLR adaptor has pin 2 female connected to pin 2 male and pin 3 female connected to pin 3 male in the normal balanced signal pass way.
But pin 1 female is connected for example to inductor L and pin 1 male of same adaptor is connected to other end of said inductor L.
Similarly with other adaptors including other values of L, C, or R.

So by connecting for example 2 such XLR adaptor in tandem, (cascade or one after the other), an L can be connected in series with R.

Another XLR adaptor just after the mic and another just after the filter does the job of connecting such composite filter in parallel with signal line 2, 3 (live, return).
Suitable connections for this job are done on the male section of input XLR adaptor and female section of output XLR adaptor. All needed to be done is arranging that the series combined elements are connected in shunt with signal line 2, 3.

Female part of input XLR adaptor is normally connected as signal to pins 2, 3 and 1 connected to the metal part of adaptor.
Male part of output XLR adaptor is normally connected as signal to pins 2. 3 and 1 connected to the metal part of adaptor or chassis.

So XLR protocol is preserved and all 4 adaptors in said cascade combined modular example are compatible with any mic and mic preamplifier.

Various implementations of Pleiades R,L or LRC filters can be almost instantly implemented if an adequate supply of Pleiades L, Pleiades R, Pleiades C Neutrik modular XLR adaptors are available. Each can have its color central stripe code. All resultant filter combinations can aid the goal of flat frequency response from record producer's brain to listener's brain in a hopefully vast selection of microphones or recording environments.

How is it done?

Male of input XLR adaptor is connected pin 3 to pin 1.
Female of output XLR adaptor is connected pin 2 to pin 1.
L, R, or C adaptors as described above is each component from pin 1 to pin 1 of same adaptor.
All adaptors have connections from pin 2 to 2 and pin 3 to 3 of same adaptor.
Input of input adaptor and output of output adaptor are connected in the known industry way, pin 1 to metal part, and 2, 3 signal live, return, see Jensen transformers website pin 1 literature.

Γιρλάντα με μάλλινες κολοκυθες

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


At your risk. This is not a medical or nutritional advice.

Yesterday at night an aged lady has been seen walking with fluency compared to previous months when she could difficulty walk and used a stick aid.
When asked, she replied that a friend retired doctor advised her to take MSM for her pain in her knees etc.

From Wikipedia it can be read that MSM (Methylsulfonymethane) can even be found in the air above marine areas.

Sourdough on wikipedia

Το σάντουιτς Pleiades

Με δικη σας ευθύνη. Δεν αποτελει ιατρική η διατροφολογική συμβουλή.

Στο προηγουμενο post.

The Pleiades sandwich

At your risk. This is not a medical or nutritional advice.

Best quality ingredients used:

Bread made from spelt or Zea flour and sourdough.

If such bread can be bought or made in the shape of a thick pizza (for example 14in) base, it is cut into 4 quadrants for making 4 sandwiches.

Each bread quadrant is cut in half, (top and bottom).

Adding some drops of virgin olive oil.

Adding some freshly cut green lemon pealed skin.

Adding some best quality walnut pieces.

Adding best quality black raisins.

Adding best quality honey.

Adding whole grain sesame seeds.

Adding squeeze drops from fresh cut lemon.

Adding Ceylene cinnamon.


Proposition 65, right to know on dangerous chemicals, state of California

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hello to France

Painting a central orange stripe to the 1st Pleiades transformer inside Neutrik module XLR

This transformer had been built and housed long time ago inside a Neutrik module XLR barrel.

Today an orange central tripe had been painted with nail varnish, Annie No 417.

Re measuring transformer inductance:
Primary 30mH at around 1.24KHz , 55mH at around 103Hz
Secondary 20H at around 103Hz
So turns ratio should be around 1:20
The magnetic core used is a Magnetec 073 ring core, a nanoperm (nanocrystaline or glass metal) core.

This is how painting of the stripe is done:

Only the recessed area of Neutrik KMX module is painted.

Scotch 3M Magic tape is used to protect area not to be painted. So 2 stripes of it are placed on either side of machined recess valley by Neutrik and they are guided by said gap carefully while watching trough a magnifying lens placed close to the module. Tape must not be pressed firmly or it may brake while removing it.

The nail polish color container is shaken before use. A thick layer is attempted in one layer go, visiting with the small paint brush the nail polish color container about 3 times.

The Neutrik barrel is somehow rotated afterwards in an attempt to distribute more evenly the paint.

The scotch tape must be carefully removed almost immediately, before paint starts hardening. While paint is very wet, uncured, no traces of the tape will be left by the self healing diffusion (entropy) of the wet paint varnish.

If things do not go well paint can be removed with methylated spirit.

It things go well it is time to rotate it a bit more by hand in a careful way.

It has to rest for at least 24 hours on a clean from dust area. The whole Neutrik module can rest on the male part NM3MXI which has a flat surface.

Hello to Serbia

Charles Howard Vollum
Link found on Wikipedia article on Tektronics.

Hewlett wrote Packard to hire Vollum, he never did it.

Vollum is one of 4 behind Tektronics.

Tektronics cathode ray tubes and manufacturing plant, employee interviews

Tektronics CRT - a look back - YouTube

Sunday, October 20, 2019

YFE YF-3200 digital multimeter

At your risk.

This is the main Pleiades portable digital multimeter, auto range, auto power off.

Electrolytic capacitors inside:
1x 22μF 22V 105oC
3x 10μF 25V 105oC

KAD7001 445B
Philips 74HCO4D UB515MME CRn9514   B

It uses only 2 AAA batteries which last for ages

When newly bought a short circuit on probes did not zero the ohms reading. It was thought there was a problem possibly due to accidentally connecting voltage while taking a resistance reading.
It turned out the factory probes were of lesser quality.
With new probes CAT.III it zeros exactly.

Yesterday a liquid crystal display problem developed after it dropped from only a few inches. Some segments would not lit.
Everything had been taken apart. LCD dismantled, the elastic connectors washed and cleaned. They were air dried as even a cotton towel leaves cotton residue at hands.
It turned out that some small dust, paper particle found itself between LCD and its contacts.
Initially LCD did not operate satisfactorily. 2 small folded paper shims were inserted between the LCD lock fasteners and LCD structure near the contacts side so that contact fit to LCD crystal is much tighter. Factory had installed such a shim which gave out the idea on improving that way. Now perfectly operates.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bodum glass jars as great percussion shakers

They sound great when shaken gently while Beolit radio is playing at the kitchen.

A small one filled with flux seeds.

A medium size one little filled with wholegrain sesame seeds sounds great too.

The quality of the glass is important.

Comparison between Unidyne III and SM58 Mexico

Unidyne III is made in USA.

If any of these mics is directly connected to a flat electrical frequency response setup, the familiar bass heaviness, mid heaviness becomes apparent as happening with other mics as well.

In order to EQ for approaching flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain, 3 passive filters had been used between mic and preamp. All filters are connected in parallel with mic's output.

A Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass to reduce bass, mid heaviness.
A Pleiades (240Ω,11mH,68nF) to tame the reasonant HF peak of these mics at around 6KHz. A similar filter to what's inside an SM7 for making it electrically flat frequency response (presence switch).
A Western Electric transformer, 1:2 turn ratio, 1H:4H for increasing signal to noise ratio and getting rid of any very low frequency rumble by its 1H primary inductance.

Signal path:

male voice singing Feel - Robbie Williams - mic at 2-3 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) - Pleiades (240Ω,11mH,68nF) - Western Electric 1:2 transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD580 - singer's brain

Without the 3 filters sound is tremendously bass and mid heavy even at more than 4-5 in.
Unidyne III sounds even less usable.

But when the 3 filter are connected both mics sound mich more natural without any offending bass heaviness. Midrange is very nice. The treble peak is attenuated making a full warm sound with sparkle.

The SM58 sound nice.

But the Unidyne III sounds exceptional. More detail, brighter with less sibilant problem.

The Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) is inside a Neutrik module XLR adapter. It should be fun making the same for the Pleiades (R,L,C) filter so that these filters can be connected in cascade (one after the other).

Why do vintage microphones sound much better?

A few decades ago it had been much easier to extract oil.
Cause it had been less scarce.
Energy had been cheaper.
Quality of life possibly better.
Sourcing of quality manufacturing materials possibly cheaper.

Manufacturers were more listening than measuring.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Day's euroelectron pageviews

Hello to

Entry Pageviews
United States

Welcome to Nigeria

Strawberry Studios - England

Poor Man's Moody Blues - Barclay James Harvest

They were bullied by a journalist as being poor man's Moody Blues and they wrote a great song with this title. Then their album stayed for countess weeks at the Gerrman charts...

How nice.

Poor Man's Moody Blues - Barclay James Harvest - YouTube

Gone to earth (album) - Barclay James Harvest - Wikipedia

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cleaning female XLR

At your risk.

It has been tried today for the first time at Pleiades labs.

A (about 2mm diameter) wooden toothpick is used.

The pointed end is cut so that a wooden cylinder of approx 2mm diameter is created.

One layer of tissue kitchen paper (more than 1/4in wide) is very tightly wound around the wooden toothpick end.

This is the moistened with enough methylated spirit. Again paper is re tightened, secured by a twisting motion in order to avoid nasty surprises while cleaning.

Then it is inserted without force and gently turned inside the female XLR metal connector holes.

The paper immediatly gets dirty, an indication that this works as a cleaning method.

It might be nice if such cleaners could be bought.

On playing glockenspiel

For example on this YouTube video:
Evanescence -My Imortal on the Glockenspiel (Bells)

Next moves, future notes are predicted so that all the hands have to do is play a note at the right time.

60 seconds - Audio Delux

In D minor, ie only B (Si) is flat

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hello to Ukraine

Hello to Germany, France, Poland

Approaching the sound of Shure SM7 with an SM57 (Unudyne III) and passive components

At your risk.

Just as cooking uses food ingredients, spices etc, electronics use resistors, capacitors, inductors ie passive devices and active devices like transistors, electron tubes etc.

Pleiades does nor have an SM7 microphone, neither an SM57. But it has a Unidyne III which is the father of both, (first such mic capsule impementation?) and it is made in USA. It had been bought at as non working and it works flawlessly. No PayPal item significantly not as described case had been opened to claim that it actually is in great working order.

Here is some SM7 story by Shure:

This family of mics including the SM57 and SM58 have a high frequency rise from similar capsules.

But the SM7 uses a switchable LRC filter to reduce the broadband accentuation and make flat frequency response:

As can be seen in figure 4 of above link, this is done by 11mH in series with 220nF in series with an unknown resistance which must be the wire resistance of the coil creating the inductance L.

By inputing the numbers to the known resonance equation:
we get about 3.5KHz and this is where the broadband notch attenuation is centered.

Whenever a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter had been used with Unidyne III in order to attenuate bass heaviness, the high frequency peak had been left exposed, prominent and gave the impression of a harsh sound.

Today has been the time to play with that.

By looking at the Shure 545 Unidyne III datasheet we see that the broad band peak is centered around 6KHz. It was nevertheless decided to stick with a 11mH inductor and play with capacitance values and then series resistance.

Fortunately 11mH already existed as a very small Magnetec ring nano perm core with about 30 turns of orange wire wrap wire.

A few Philips orange MKT capacitors were taken from another drawer. Values at 100nF, 100nF, 68nF etc.

And a vintage NOS resistor of 240Ω.

Signal path:

Male singing, speaking or hissing noise - Unidyne III - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut filter - Pleiades LRC band rejection filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580

Firstly, no Low Cut, and 11mH in series with 100nF had been connected across or in parallel with mic's output.

The mic sounded warm without loss of high treble. By gently hissing to the mic it is just the sibilant content or noise that disappears.

Then a 330mH or 160mH was also connected as bass cut. Sound was bad and had a tubby quality with or without the LCR. No 600mH inductor is at the moment available.

The gentler slope Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) had been connected and the bass performance on singing voice became very nice. But treble peak had been left exposed.

Then the 11mH,100nF filter had been connected and the sound became smooth.

The 240Ω series resistor had been added to reduce the effect of the filter. Still a very nice and natural sound.

Then 68nF had been connected in parallel with 100nF making a total 167nF capacitor. Singing voice is very natural.

It should be well worthwhile placing this LRC filter inside a Neutrik module XLR box or barrel adapter.

It may also be worth using a 1:2 or 1:3 input transformer after the filters as a mic preamp passive activator or a Pleiades V6 battery powered electron tube activator front end active amplifier for possibly the ultimate in resolution or low noise.

STC 66122X input transformer with Shure Unidyne III (SM57)

Signal path:

Male singing or speaking voice at 2in - STC transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro with new batteries - Sennheiser HD580

(A phase reversal ie x(-1) XLR adaptor is also used as the particular TC-D5 used phase reverses from mic in to headphones out)

Without the Standard Telephones and Cables transformer the sound is bass heavy and there is hiss due to low signal level driving of the TC-D5 preamp.

By just connecting in parallel to Unidyne III out the 620mH inductance of the transformer primary bass heaviness disappears together with rumble and other low frequency noise. Signal is still low under modulating the following Sony preamp. But mic can be approached closer so signal to noise ratio is actually better.

Then the transformer was connected as 1:2 and then as 1:4. Signal become much hotter with a bit more bass. A big sound. Much improvement in signal to noise ratio.

Practical knowledge may be the ticket to fruitful theoretical guess

Hello to (day euroelectron pageviews)

Entry Pageviews
Hong Kong
United States

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How would a long tailed cascode pair sound like with input and output transformer?

At your risk.

It may be like a Cloudlifter CL-1 (see previous post patent) but with input and output transformer.

It could look like a Langenvin preamplifier but with the active devices on top of each other instead of side by side, see previous post on Allen Wright's Tube Preamplifier Cookbook.

How would it sound with JFETs or bipolar transistors or electron tubes operated with relatively low plate voltage and Pleiades grid bias?

Welcome to Maldives

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Shure SM7 seems to have a presence cut filter...

Not a presence boost filter.

It can be seen on the schematic that an inductor in series with a capacitor filter is switched to attenuate the inherent presence peak:

So how would SM57, SM58, Beyer M88 etc sound with such a passive LC filter connected in parallel with their output? The Sennheiser MD441 seems to have a similar filter.

Would it be nice to have such a Pleiades filter inside a Neutrik XLR module female to male adaptor?

Next day's addition:

A more accurate title should be...
The SM7 seems to have a high frequency reduction filter ie a presence filter.

It can be read that the SM7 has a similar although not identical capsule to the Unidyne III, SM57, SM58 etc.

This suggests that there is an inherent high frequency broad peak or rise. It can be seen on the frequency response curves of all theses microphones.

The LC filter is a broadband attenuator designed to reduce such rise and make frequency response as flat as possible.

So high frequency reduction when the filter is activated by the switch means that mid band, say 2.5KHz is now louder compared to high frequency. This means increased presence if we look at Fletcher Munson equal loudness curves.

It may be fun experimenting with LC R values for the other microphones too.
At reasonace the reactance of L in ohms equals the reactance of C in ohms. Since the vectors are of opposite direction, total reactance becomes 0 and we are left with the resistance of the L coil plus any extra R added in series. R is the real part of impedance. Reactance is the imaginary part or the vector representing it is at right angles.

If R is arranged to be half the output impedance of the mic, the mic output drop at reasonace will be to half voltage broadband ie -6dB.

So by playing around with L, C, R a mic could approach the fiat frequency response of an SM7 which seems to have such a filter designed to it like a glove.

How would Shure Unidyne III sound with an LC filter like the SM7?

It could give an option of reducing the high frequency rise to flat

similarly to the Shure SM7 switchable options including another inductor switchable filter for high pass

How would feeding a Pleiades V6 battery powered electron tube microphone preamp activator sound?

Hello to United States and to Hellas

Another microphone preamp activator

From simply sound company

From oscilloscope gain stages to the Cloudlifter

Balanced cascode circuit.

See previous post.

Patent or schematic of Cloudlifter microphone activator?

This is what came up on a goggle search of Cloudlifter patent:

Later today's addition:

Patent document was downloaded from espacenet and double side printed on A4 paper.

A great idea. After skim reading the patent document, the greatest impression is of the long tailed pair cascode configuration with 2 JFETs in cascode for the + input and 2 JFETs in cascode for the - input. The cascode circuit by Wallman.

It is interesting that Allen Wright in his Tube Preamp Cookbook (1994?) shows, describes in detail such circuits, schematics with electron tubes as evolution from Tektronics or HP oscilloscope schematics or gain stages adding (combining) the cascode configuration to the long tailed pair configuration. Allen Wright had been wondering why the pro audio community had not been using such circuits yet?

Bravo to inventor Rodger Cloud for his invention of the Cloudlifter front end amplifier.

Patent is US9668045

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Hollywood in Wikipedia

Παραδειγμα δυναμικού μικροφώνου SM7 σε γυναικεία φωνη

Πλάκα δεν εχει;

Ξοδεύονται εκατομυρια δολάρια σε μάρκετινγκ για να πειστείς οτι οι ωραίες φωνές στα στουντιο ηχογραφισης γινονται μονο με πυκνωτικα μικρόφωνα και οταν τ' αγοράσεις με εκατοντάδες η χιλιάδες ευρώ ανακαλύπτεις οτι ακούγονται σαν να είσαι ψεύδος η σαν να φτύνεις.

Ενω ταυτοχρονα για παραδειγμα στο Capitol studios, ενα απο τα καλυτερα στουντιο ηχογραφισης στον πλανήτη η παρακατω ζωντανή ηχογραφιςη έγινε με δυναμικό μικροφωνο. Δηλαδή μικροφωνο κινητού πηνιου μεςα σε σταθερό μαγνητικό πεδίο. Το μικροφωνο ειναι η το vintage SM7 η το καινούριο SM7 της Shure.

She's a Rainbow - Lola Marsh (Capitol studios live)

Το μικροφωνο εχει με διακόπτη επιλογής παθητικό φίλτρο με πηνιο η πηνιο πυκνωτή ωςτε να μειώνεται το πλεόνασμα μπασων στην αντιληψη του ακροατή και ετςι το τελικό αποτελεςμα στον εγκεφαλο του ακροατή να μην ακουγεται σαν χαβούζα βουλωμένη.

Δειτε επισεις το προηγουμενο post και Pleiades (R,L) filters.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristcs - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers - Hollywood

How does the Shure SM7 microphone sounds on female vocals?

This may be a good example from Capitol studios in U.S.  and their famous echo chambers.

She's a Rainbow - Lola Marsh

Is this the contemporary SN7 or the vintage one?

This mic uses switchable inductor filters for reducing bass heaviness to listeners brain [Lowe, Morgan]. And a switchable capacitor, inductor, CL filter. See schematic on

See also Pleiades inductor high pass filters, Pleiades (R,L) filter etc.


(Flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain)
Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Sound Engineers - Hollywood

Saturday, October 12, 2019

She's a Rainbow - Laura Marsh

This post may be wrong.
For example in this version (Capitol studios live)
The equivalent of
C bass and E, A
B bass and D, A
F bass and A, F, E at vocal
but one halftone down is possibly played.
ie key G sharp minor (attention many sharps):

It may initially appear as A minor to an F major 7th chord progression but it actually is a halftone below, ie:
A flat minor to F flat major 7th ie
bA bC bE (A flat minor 3rd)
bF bA bC bE (F flat major 3rd major 7th)

Or if it is thought as written on the G sharp minor key, it is:
#G B #D
E #G B #D

So many black keys on a song possibly give a mysterious sound.

See also:

Bach bass rules - Bach, Niedt

Harmony - Piston

Sunday, October 6, 2019

John Barry

Unknown interview 1981

BBC documentary

Friday, October 4, 2019

Hello to

(euroelectron 1 day pageviews)

United States
South Korea
Netherlands    1

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


See also:
Z80 Assembly Language Programming Manual - Zilog