Saturday, November 30, 2019

Galaxy 92MHz FM played Love is the Air

Hello to Ukraine, Germany, Hellas and Russia

Producing a great vocal sound with almost any microphone at any distance

What needed is flat frequency response not from mic to loudspeaker (which can sound very bass, mid bass and treble heavy) but from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain [Lowe, Morgan].

A suitable adjustable setup could be as follows:

producer's brain - singer's vocal chords - mic at a suitable distance - passive variable slope low cut filter - small turn ratio step up transformer or input transformer to a one electron tube or JFET active mic booster - mic preamp - recorder - monitoring headphones or loudspeaker- producer's brain or listener's brain

(Making sure the following preamp is not transiently overloaded or s problems will occur).

The variable slope passive high pass filter can be a box with switchable inductors which are connected in series with a variable resistor or potentiometer. The L R in series combination is then connected across pins 2,3 (microphone's output).
Indicative values of inductance can be 10mH, 20mH, 40mH etc.
A variable resistor of 1KΩ should be adequate.

Once suitable favorite values of L, R are found, a neat and compact filter can be made inside a Neutrik XLR modules barrel, see Pleiades (R,L) filters inside XLR female to male adaptor made from Neutrik modules bought from Mouser.

The passive step up transformer can be a 1:2 or 1:3 turn ratio.

The active JFET mic booster amp can be a Pleiades K177, see schematic.

The active electron tube booster amp can be a Pleiades V6 which is powered by a single battery, see schematic including use of CV2269 electrometer tube requiring only 1.2V for both filament and plate.

An active bipolar transistor booster can be a Pleiades BC109, using the BC109 bipolar transistor as used on the EMI TG 12345 mixer.

An added advantage of above setup is very low noise ie high signal to noise ratio, world class or possibly state of the art.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Grampian GR1/L ribbon mic on close vocals

This is another signal path that produced a very nice male vocal sound with no bass or mid heaviness, excellent treble, transient detail, high signal to noise ratio, and no p or s problems.

Some low cut was done by the use of specially made low inductance transformer of about 9.7mH primary inductance and about 1:9.3 turn ratio. A very small Magnetec nanoperm glass metal ring core was used, (smaller that the Magnetec 073).

Then one K117 JFET resistance coupled amplifier was fed.

Then the extra low cut needed was done by turning the LF control fully counterclockwise on the Tascam porta 07 (running cassette at double speed) which was used for the recording.

Setup, signal path:

Male voice singing She gives me love - Whitney Houston at 4-6 in, mic also 1ft from Pleyel upright piano - Grampian GR1/L - Pleiades 9.7mH, 1:9.4 step up (high pass) transformer - Pleiades K177 booster mic pre running with 1.2V - Tascam Porta 07, gain trim at max, channel fader at max, master fader at 0dB - TDK type II cassette - Sennheiser HD 580 or Bang & Olyfsen Beocenter 2600 amp and loudspeaker

Friday, November 29, 2019

How is Parmesan cheese made



Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Μπορει ενα (χαζό) μικροφωνο να εχει εγκεφαλο;

Η χαζομάρα των μικροφωνων έγκειται στο οτι δεν μπορούν να αγνοήσουν τον θόρυβο οπως κανει ο εγκεφαλος μας. [Hollywood]

Ετςι ακομα και ηχογραφηςη με το καλυτερο μικροφωνο ακουγεται σαν χαβούζα σε θορυβώδες κακογουςτο χαμαμ αν δεν ειναι απόλυτα ελεγχόμενη η ακουστική.

Επισεις η ανθρώπινη φωνη μορει να ακουστεί με τόση έμφαση στα μπάσα σαν λάσπη η βόθρος αν δεν αντισταθμιστούν ψυχοακουστικα φαινόμενα οπως, ισοφωνικες καμήλες (καμπύλες) και voice effort curves. [Lowe, Morgan]

Στο προ προηγουμενο post περιγράφεται η εφαρμογή ενος κόλπου απο το βιβλιο του Lou Burroughs της Electro-Voice για μείωση του θορύβου και της ψυχοακουστικης έμφασης του μπάσου στην ηχογραφιςη ανθρώπινης τραγουδιστικής φωνής.


Cinema Engineering - Hollywood - (εισαγωγή)

Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Microphones: Design and Application - Lou Burroughs

A way of creating a mic with a brain?

Mics cannot descriminate between wanted signal and noise like our brain does (see Cinema Engineering Hollywood book).

On the previous post there is a very useful trick by Lou Burroughs.

2 out of phase Shure SM63 microphones on close vocals

Is this a way of creating a mic with brain?

At your risk. Protect your hearing.

This is revisiting the trick described in the Microphones - Lou Burroughs (Electro-Voice) book on deliberately connecting 2 omnidirectional or pressure mics out of phase and singing to one of them for noise canceling and reduction of bass heaviness.

Signal path:

Male voice singing at high register - 2 SM63 connected out of phase in (electrically) series - Sony TC-D5 Pro, in mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - listener's (singer's) brain

Mics are connected as:
Pin 2 of mic 1 to pin 2 of preamp, pin 3 of mic 2 to pin 3 of mic 2, pin 2 of mic 2 to pin 3 of preamp.

So total impedance is 400Ω and mics are out of phase.

Then singing at about 1in from the in phase mic.

When mics are at say 2 ft apart the sound is bass heavy and there is ambient low frequency noise.

As mics are approached ambient noise falls dramatically until only a small high frequency hiss can be heard.

A distance of about 2in between mics gave the best sound with no bass heaviness and nice mid and treble detail.

Then the mics where again taken apart about 2 ft and a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter was inserted between in phase mic and preamp. The sound was even more bright with less midrange.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Δεν υπαρχει θα.

Θα - Χαρυ Κλυν

Στα αρχαία ελληνικα δεν υπαρχει λέξη θα.
Ειναι πχ. λύω ενεστώτας, λύσω μέλλοντας
Το θα προέρχεται απο το θ(ελω ν)α.

(Και στ' αγγλικα το will σημαινει θελω, σημαινει και διαθήκη.)
<br />
<br />
<br />
Μπαίνει και το πρεπει και γινεται κουλουαχ, κουλουαχατα.
Τα Χριστουγενα θα πάμε στην θεία Πιπιτσα.
Θα ειναι και η θεία Μελπωμενη και ο Μητσος.
Θα φορέσεις η θα πρεπει να φορέσεις γραβάτα.
Ποιος θελει τι;

Θα μ'αφησεις;
Μην μ'αφησεις.
Δεν πρεπει να μ'αφησεις.
Δεν θα πρεπει να μ'αφησεις.
Και η γκομενα φεύγει πρωτη.
"Χαρη σου κανει"(Μιχάλης).

Ενω μπορει κανεις να περναει καλα χωρις θα. Φτάνει να το θελει.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Τραγούδια αντικαριολισμου, αντικαριολιστικα τραγούδια

Δεν κλαίω για τώρα - Βίκυ Μοσχολιού του Ακη Πάνου

Αυτος ο αλλος - Νίκος Γούναρης

Pleiades (R,11mH) filter experiments with the Sennheiser MD 441U3, Fostex M55RP, Electro-Voice RE15

At your risk. Protect your hearing.

After experimenting yesterday with a Pleiades (R,L) filter for the Shure VP64 (see yesterday's post) it has been decided out of duriocity to try such a (low R,11mH) filter with a Fostex M55RP, Sennheiser MD 441U3 and Electro-Voice RE15 microphone.

All these mics are of the order of 200Ω so a 1:2 transformer with 1 Henry input inductance was used to step such impedance to 800Ω and then feed the Sony preamplifier.

Signal path:

Male voice singing at a high register - mic at 1in - Pleiades (R,11mH) gentle slope low cut or high pass filter - Western Electric 1:2 signal transformer - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580 - singer's brain as listener's brain

With the yesterdays filter set at (37Ω,11mH) the M55RP sounded amazing.

So did the the MD441 U3.

The RE15 sounded reasonant at some high frequency band. In fact the sound might had been similar to the VP64.

Encouraged by the beautiful, easy, sparkling and natural sound of the M55RP, and MD 441U3 the multi turn variable resistor was adjusted while singing in order to find sweet spots.

After finding a nice adjustment the crocodile cable clips are disconnected from the variable resistor and its value is measured with a digital voltmeter,

It is stricking that repeating the experiment 2 times with the M55RP the values measured where 19Ω and then 20Ω.

Then while performng the experiment with the MD 441U3, the value measured was 24Ω.

So a Pleiades filter of about (22Ω,11mH) gives a beautiful sound with both mics at 0-1 in.
A bright sound but with no s artifacts. An amazing sound reminding the vocals of The Power of Love - Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Or the amazing When I Fall in Love - Nat King Cole

It is amazing what can be done with just an inductor connected in series with a resistor and the total connected in parallel with the mic's output or voice coil.

This Pleiades (22Ω,11mH) filter will possibly be built inside a Neutrik module XLR barrel adaptor. The color stripe in the centre already painted by nail varnish is light green, Annie color code 257.

The (130Ω,40mH) filter used with 600Ω Fostex microphones has a blue (Annie 245) stripe adaptor housing.

What is the difference in sound between the M55RP and MD 441U3 with such a Pleiades filter?

Hard to describe in words. Both mics sound amazing. They have the detail of ribbon mics. It is surprising that the MD441U3 may have sounded even more neutral. But the M55RP has perhaps some more presence. This is perhaps expected as the MD441U3 has a flat frequency response.

If a Pleiades Fikter is not connected, all that can be heard is bass and mid exaggeration by the well known objective and subjective effects described in the Lowe, Morgan paper.


(Flat frequency response not from mic to loudspeaker but from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain) Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hello to Germany, Hellas and Romania

The power of love

The Gabriella Aloin cover version is in B minor (so that female voice remains warm at a low register). B minor means that only F and C and A are sharp.
So chords move from B to G7 ie B D #F to G B D #F

The original version is in F minor which best suits the male voice to shine on a high register.
See older posts for figured bass (chords).

Altec 604 and 211 electron tubes

Discovered about Altec 604E on Wes Dooley interview, see link on yesterday's post.

This amps driving them seem to be single ended class A, 211 electron tubes.
Test Altec 604-8G:

Crowley and Tripp microphone patent

After reading the Wes Dooley interview (link in yesterday's post), Crowley and Tripp ribbon microphones were mentioned, technology bought by Shure.

Then a Mixonline article revealed some patent titles.

A European espacenet patent office search found this patent:

Shure VP64, Fostex M80RP and Pleiades filters

At your risk. Protect your hearing.

For many or most applications any mic may need a gentle slope low cut filter.

A directional mic will need it due to the proximity effect and also for subjective (Fletcher Munson) and voice production voice effort spectrum curve compensation [Lowe, Morgan].

A non directional mic will need the gentle slope low cut filter not for the proximity effect but for the other effects.

On previous posts it had been described that a suitable gentle slope Pleiades (R,L) filter for the Fostex M80RP, M88RP both 600Ω Japanese versions is a (40mH,130Ω)

Can a Shure VP64 omnidirectional microphone sound as good or close with a suitable choice of R L values ie Resistance in series with inductance and the total connected in parallel with the mic's output?

This test are done while singing which normal needs more low cutting than speaking especially when male voice is singing in a higher register (counterintuitively). But this is what seems to be happening in practice while singing and listening through headphones in real time.

The Fostex M80RP, is possibly 600Ω. The Shure VP64 is about 300Ω. It was stepped up by a Western Electric 1:2 transformer to 1200Ω using a previous setup used for the Shure Unidyne III, see previous experiments.

Signal path:

Male voice singing Πως θα Ηταν in F minor ie first voice note is high C - mic at 2-3 in - Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope low cut filter - WE 1:2 transformer used only for the VP64 mic - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580 - listener's brain

As mentioned above a nice sounding Pleiades filter for the Fostex M80RP is (130Ω,40mH)

A nice filter found by experiment for the VP64 is (37,11mH)
The sound is very loud, bright, harsher than the Fostex M80RP with no bass heaviness.

Other useful combinations are (64Ω,11mH,), (29Ω,11mH), (42Ω,11mH) and (25Ω,3.8mH) which is more bright.
The (130Ω,40mH) was tried at 1200Ω, nice but perhaps harsh. 2 Pleiades filter were also tried in cascade ie (130Ω,40mH) and (240Ω,11mH) but still the low resistance 11mH filter was preferred.

Very good quality sound is possible with just one Resistor and Inductor added to a mic line.

The omnidirectional moving coil seems to sound loud and clear with some or little harshness at high frequency but cannot match the smoothness or HF detail of the coil ribbon mic. Both mics sounded great.

Latter addition: Such Pleiadss filter with low resistance and 11mH inductance sounds also very nice on the Sennheiser MD 441U3 and Fostex M55RP, see next day's post.


Motion Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristcs - D.P. Lowe, K.F. Morgan - Journal of the society of motion picture engineers

Friday, November 22, 2019

Hello to South Korea and to Switzerland

Hello to Ireland

Is there an encyclopedia of record producers or recording studios?

Or record companies?

Or microphones?

Or a dictionary of recording engineering terms?

Or an encyclopedia including most key people is sound production, reproduction.
For example Allan Blumlein, Lee de Forest, E. H. Armstrong...

Or an encyclopedia encompassing very important people in areas related to music. For example:
Piano manufacturers
Microphone inventors
Synthesizer inventors
Record producers
Electronic engineers

For example
J. S. Bach
Allan Blumlein

An encyclopedia that would include important bands too such as Pink Floyd

An encyclopedia that in order to be kept small would include the most important

Hello to the United States and Hellas

A simple melody

This came about while jamming on the small miraculous
compute-a-tune keyboard by Waddingtons, UK

This 70s computer produces nice analog (square wave based?) sound without any hiss or noise at all, sending to tea or to the cleaners so many sought after equipment.

This melody came after playing
Oxygene - Jarre
and after remembering what Bach or Oldfield do at Tocatta and Fugue in D minor or Tubular Bells in A minor respectively.

The note sequence is:

Key G minor ie all notes are white except E flat and B flat.


The echo switch is on with plays each note 3 times and sequencer speed is set at max.

A nice sound.

Wes Dooley discussing ribbon mics

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Μερικα ηχητικά, ψυχοακουστικά πειράματα με ενα πιάνο

Στο επόμενο euroelectron post:

Sound experiments with a piano or keyboard

How does a C sound together or before an E? (interval of major 3rd)

How does a C sound together or before an E flat? (interval of minor 3rd)

How does a C sound together or before a higher B? (interval of major 9th)

How does an F sound together or before a higher E? (interval of major 7th)

How do intervals of major 6th sound like?


Can one be self taught to remember their sound by heart without the presence of a piano or keyboard needed?

Intervals is the source material of music.

Perhaps like alphabet for language.

Voltaire - Domenico Mondugno

Sennheiser MD441 microphone

Io Che Amo Solo Te - Sergio Endrigo live

Io Che Amo Solo Te - Sergio Endrigo

Hello to Hellas and the United States

Στίχοι του Πως θα Ηταν, Lyrics of Πως θα Ηταν

According to Stelios Giannakopoulos (engineer of Columbia studios Athens), the lyrics define the structure of a song. For example a chord progression may be repeated but lyrics may change, so the lyrics sheet shows what is happening.

The chord progression, harmony or numbered bass is here:
Mon 28 Oct 2019

Some phrases are sung by only man, some by only woman, some by both. Verse 1 by man only, verse 2 by woman only, verse 3 by woman only. On chorus both man and woman on some phrases.

Vicky plays a very important role in determining the structure and other preproduction aspects of this song including writting the score.

Πως θα Ηταν - Public Domain

Πως θα ηταν
Στην αγκαλιά σου σαν παιδι
Να περπατάμε στη βροχή
Τ' ονείρου

Πως θα ηταν
Σαν πεταλούδα να πετώ
Και την δροσιά του ουρανού
Να νοιώθω

Σε κήπο
Κήπο μαγικο
Άνθη σου διαλέγω
Πρωτη εγώ

Σε κήπο
Κήπο μαγικο
Άνθη σου διαλέγω
Πρωτη εγώ

Πως θα ηταν
Στην αμμουδιά να με κρατάς
Και γελάν' απο ψηλά
Τ' αστέρια

Σε κήπο
Κήπο μαγικό
Άνθη σου μαζεύω
Πρωτη εγώ

Σε κήπο
Κήπο μαγικο
Άνθη σου προσφέρω
Πρωτη εγώ

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

How are electron conduction cables being made?

General Cavy factory showing wire drawing

It's funny how many can't live without such technology yet youtube views are only 100.

Amphenol Space Connectors

The BNC connector name comes from Baby Neill Constant

This was found while searching on Wikipedia for Amphenol after searching for the MC4 photovoltaic connector.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Stereo headphones output from Yamaha DX7 II.D

The trick is to connect 2 1/4in jacks to the L R line outputs to make the synth understand you want it in stereo mode. Uncabled 1/4in jack adaptors may be used.

Then headphones will play in stereo too.

For example one patch can then be sent to left channel and another or the same patch to right channel.
This is done by used the Dual, Pan press knobs etc accordingly, see operating manual.

The same patch sent to each channel makes for a very nice stereo effect.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Linear FM synthesis

Synthesizer Keith Channel

Hello to Germany and the United States

Comparing various mics while singing a higher pitched phrase of Freelove - Depeche Mode

This is the first time on a Pleiades test that a made in Mexico Shure mic beats one made in USA.

As many microphones as possible were tried as quickly as possible on such a subjective auditioning test.

Here it is:

Signal path:

Male voice singing the high pitched phrase "Hey Girl" from Freelove - Depeche Mode, in the correct key - mic at a distance from 1-2 in to 12in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter - SONY TC-D5 Pro preamp in mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - Singer's ears and brain

Vivanco DM200
Not bad at all, very bright, interesting.
An x(-1) adapter was not used as this mic is internaly wired out of phase.
(The particular Sony TC-D5 used phase reverses from XLR mic in to phones out).

Fostex M80RP
Possibly the best on this test, smooth, detailed, a sense of the good side of a good condenser mic too, no bass problems.

Revox AKG variable D, D19C/200
With its low cut on, at higher distance.
Amazing, very loud, detailed.

Beyer M119
Big but confused sound.

Beyer beaten up M61
harsh, resonant

Sennheiser MD211 omnis, 2 were tried, one with more bass
Too much bandwidth

Fostex M55RP handheld printed ribbon
More bandwidth than needed but much better.

RadioShack, made by Shure omni
Very nice.

RadioShack 33-3039 omni

Audio Technica AT802 omni

Audio Technica AT804, Lanier (better one), Lanier, AKG D130 omnis

Beyer Dynamic M88
Very very loud.
Very nice at a higher distance.

Shure Unidyne III
Nice but a bit harsh like on Pet Sound's album use of this mic by Brian Wilson.

Shure 515SB, made in USA
Very nice but a bit bigger than needed.

Shure SM58, made in Mexico
Same to worse.

Shure 515SB, made in Mexico
Great, one of the best mics on this test, in fact it was used as reference due to its neutrality, smooth sound, treble detail, no bass offensive problems.
The first mic I have ever bought?

Beyer dynamic M260.80 (ribbon)
Amazing detail and naturalness at higher distance without the Pleiades filter.
Somewhat bass heavy.
Drills etc picked up from a far off block of flat's works in progress, sounded amazing.

Revox M 3500 600Ω
Too bright.
Without a Pleiades filter better at a distance of 2ft but room acoustics spoil the result.

BRC (ITT?) small Omni mic
Resonant at mid range.

Shure SM63
Very nice, very extended treble, very loud.

Paso M601 M
Very harsh.

Shure VP64
Nice and big.

Criticism of this test:

Different impedance mics will react differently with the particular fixed (130Ω,40mH) Pleiades filter. In fact this test may be an effort to find the best sounding mic with the particular filter for the particular male singing voice at a high register.

Subjective conclusion:

We are trying for something that has already found us - Jim Morrison.

The first mic I had ever bought sounded perhaps the best and most natural on this application.
I could not have appreciated this 20 years ago as I did not know at the time what a Pleiades filter is or could do (an inductor in series with a resistor connected in parallel to mic's output to reduce subjective bass heaviness).

The beaten up Fostex M80RP flat coil ribbon sends to the cleaners most of the mics on this test. Loud too. Smooth and detailed.

Most of the mics on this test without a Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope high pass filter sound like a cheap cassette recorder electret condenser mic. Conversely a cassette recorder with a good dynamic mic connected to a Pleiades filter can sound like a finished product.

The best singer in the world with an unsuitable or wrong signal path may sound incompetent.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A patent of the Shure SM59?


Shure microphones live

Foolish Man - Killer Whale (live from a rooftop)

The best sound absorber and worst sound insulator is the open window.

Οι συγχορδίες, αρμονία η κώδικας μπάσου του τραγουδιου Freelove των Depeche Mode

Στα παρακατω posts.

Freelove - Depeche Mode

Hello to Germany and Hellas

Making music simpler

Why using 4 part harmony when 2 part harmony can be used?

This idea came about while trying to accompany singing Freelove - Depeche Mode on glockenspiel using just 2 mallets.

It sounded great!

In fact it is 3 part harmony.
The male voice and the 2 notes played on glockenspiel.

In fact it is more than 3 part harmony as the notes on glockenspiel sustain a lot. So while playing the new notes then previous ones as still subtly there. This creates amazing prepared intervals which sound great.

What was played on glockenspiel goes somewhat like this:

D F        if you' ve been hiding from
D bB      love
D F        if you' ve been hiding from
D bB      love
D bB      I can understand where you're coming
C E        from , i can
bD  F     understand where you're coming from
C bE

D F  (similarly 2nd verse)

         and I'm only here
F bA
F bE to bring you
bB F freelove, let's make it
F bA clear
F bE that this is
bB F freelove, no hidden
bB F catch no strings att-
C bE -ached, just
F bA freelove
bE bA no hidden (bE is passing bass note)
bB F catch no strings att-
C bE -ached, just
F bA freelove


When the next note to be played is the same as the previous it can be not played as it already keeps singing

It is very easy.

All that is needed is knowing the bass code of the particular music.

And knowing the scale ie what flats or sharps for which note.

For example if the bass code is C7 we play 1 3 5 7
C bE G bB (E and B are flat as on chorus the scale is F minor)

See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt, PDF

Harmony - Piston

The bass code of Freelove - Depeche Mode

This only thing needed to play perfectly any music is to remember the rule 1 3 5 7 9 etc above bass but actually play the least needed for an intellectually simple result.

For example the beginning of chorus of Freelove - Depeche Mode:
All needed to know is that the bass is F.
(The scale or key happens to be F minor ie all notes A, B, D, E are flat).
So using the rule 1 3 5 ...
We play:
Bass F and F bA C
We may omit the F as it is already on bass and so play:
Bass F and bA C
We may omit bA as it happens to be sung, and so just play:
Bass F and C, to give you...

B7           Freelove

Here is the bass code ie full harmony of Freelove - Depeche Mode:

D minor key (ie all B are bB)

Every bass note last 4 beats
Key becomes F minor (bA, bB, bD, bE)
B7 (ie this means bass bB with bD (and F) and bA)
C7 (ie this means bass C with bE (and G) and bB)

F7 (ie bE added)
F actually E bass and F harmony


Middle eight
B79 hey girl
B79 let go
B79 and there no price to pay



See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Harmony - Piston

Bruel & Kjaer condenser microphone cartridges data

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Blind my Mind - by Flunck

Just played on Galaxy FM radio.

There must be a nice C major 3rd major 7th chord (Do Mi Sol Si) near the beginning.

B&K studio microphones


Bruel & Kjaer application notes:

The use of B&K microphones for modern recording

Signal path for the Depeche Mode vocals

Some interesting information can be found on:

anyone knows what mic Dave Gahan used on Ultra

some gear appearing are:

Shure SM7
B&K 4006
Neumann CMV

LA2A election tube compressor

Freelove - Depeche Mode

Friday, November 8, 2019

Vocal double tracking and pedal bass

These 2 songs have just been transmitted by Galaxy 92 FM:

The Sun - Parov Stelar & Graham Candy

Double tracking on vocal

L' Embrasade - Monsieur Minimal featuring Ursula

Pedal bass (is bass playing La all the time?)
Double tracking on vocal

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Would a society be possible where members do not ask, only give?

Our sun is such a member.

Hello to Germany and hello to hellas

Addition to the Pleiades Meal

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Addition of 100% organic cocoa powder. Criollo variety. (It is amazing what one can buy with just 3 euros).

A hint is to add the dry cocoa powder to the crushed oat flakes and other ingredients, stirring before adding the filtered water and a bit of sea water.

Together with moist oats it creates something tasting like chocolate milk.
Quality food can taste very nice too.

Marmot Mountain Works

This vintage catalogue includes information on Gore-Tex.

Top quality gears.

Just like sleeping in a warm cloud?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Euroelectron total pageviews have just become 74000

Hello to Sweden, Hellas and Ireland

4 voice harmony, Air - J. S. Bach

Air on the G string (with score)

A few hints to understand what is going on are the following:

The composition is in the key of D major. Ie all notes are natural except F which is F sharp.

Bach used step bass and at the same time bass moving up and down in octaves.

While the bass moves step by step other voices may remain constant creating for example prepared 7ths, 9ths etc.

Together with a 7th, 9th with respect to bass, the 3rd is added by another voice (part or melody).

For example at the beginning the violas and the violins play A D #F ie the chord D major (derived by the simple 1 3 5 rule with respect to bass D, ie D bass and D #F A).
Bass steps down the scale note by note while other parts remain A D #F. When bass becomes B the part playing A becomes B ie parts play again 1 3 5 wrt bass, the B minor 3rd chord.
Then bass keeps going step by step down the D major scale. Upper parts already play B D #F which is really looking ahead to the creation of the G B D #F chord when bass eventually becomes G. This fantastically sounding chord is therefore ingeniously prepared for the listener's brain. It is called G major 3rd major 7th, the name derived from the name of the intervals of the other parts with respect to bass.

Throughout the composition exquisite musical intervals such as 9ths with respect to bass are created in a prepared way for the human brain and another part or voice is then simultaneously playing the interval of 3rd with respect to bass.

See also:

Bach bass rules - Bach, Niedt

Harmony - Piston

Hello to Germany and to the United Kingdom

Revox M 3500, another mic without an LRC filter needed to reduce high frequency peak

At your risk. Take all safety precautions. Protect your hearing.

According to above discussion the M201 uses an LRC filter to tame the high frequency peak.
(Later addition: it still has a peak, see datasheet:

This LRC filter can be seen in the datasheet:

A similar LRC filter used inside an SM7 to create flat electrical frequency response.

(L is series with R in series with L is connected in parallel to moving coil output, as seen in above Shure SM7 datasheet).

It may be interesting to create a Pleiades in line Neutrik module LRC filter for the M 3500 microphone.

Hello to the United States of America

Les Paul

Les Paul CNBC interview 1991

Les Paul shows his guitar, omnibus

The easiest way to avoid crossover distortion is to making it all single sided - Rubert Neve

Rubert Neve - The SOS interview - YouTube

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hello to Hellas and Germany

Welcome to Malaysia

Hello to Argentina

Εκμεταλλεύονται οι πολυεθνικές η οι λιγοεθνικές δισκογραφικες εταιρίες τους δημιουργούς;

Στο προηγουμενο post στ' αγγλικά η:

The Problem with Music - Steve Albini - the Baffler

The Problem with Music - Steve Albini - The Baffler

Steve Albini - Wikipedea

Steve Albini

While watching the Capitol studios video on YouTube, dosing off, after waking up this video had come up on recording drums, mics, impedance etc by Steve Albini:

Capitol studios, how the echo chambers look like etc

On YouTube 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Hello to Germany

Adopting the rights-based model: music multinationals and local music industries since 1945 - Gerben Bakker

see also:

The Making of a Music Multinational: PolyGram's international businesses, 1945-1998 - Gerben Bakker

this has been found as reference on the Wikipedia article on PolyGram

Friday, November 1, 2019

Electron tube DF97 at low supply potential?

At your risk.
Take safety precautions.
A fuse should always been used in series with a battery for fire protection.

An dvantage of such electron tubes is the low filament current consumption, typically less than 25mA if underheating is used.

Some preliminary measurements were done today. DF96 has not been tried yet.

Supplying 1.5V at filament cathode.

Then control grid left open (at space potential).

Then screen grid used as anode electrode.

Vg2        Ig2
9V          0.1μA
18V         1μA
27V        18μA
36V      106μA
48V      350μA

Vb is approximate as 9V batteries were used in various discharge state.

Then an 8.2MΩ was connected between Vb and grid for pull up bias or Pleiades Bias.

Vg2          Ig2
9V            26μA
18V        122μA

A microphone booster amplifier such as Pleiades V6 should be possible even at Vb=9V.

See also:

Operating features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong

Τα ζώα κανουν οτι οι άνθρωποι δεν κανουν

Animals do what people don't.

Ocean Way Recording