Signal path:
room with somewhat good acoustics - male singer at various registers - mic at variable distance - Sony TC-D5 Pro, rec level knob at 6/10 - Sennheiser HD 580 - singer as listener in real time
On these tests REC level was set at a somewhat low value, with VU needle not hitting 0.
All these mics are 600Ω electrical output impedance or greater
Fostex M80RP S/N 100501
Very nice, with detail, more treble
(A Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope low cut was not used on this test)
Uher M534
Very nice, less treble detail
But very very good with its Pleiades (R,L) filter on as bass heaviness disappears and singer can now by closer to 9in (detail at this setting)
Uher M640 (one of the mic)
Very nice, detail
No change in tone color with distance since it is an omnidirectional microphone
Ambient sound sound very natural
No bass heaviness
The mic can be used at 3-4in with no change in tone color, so level increases so much that Rec level knob could be at 4.5/10 for same loudness
One of the very few microphones including moving coil omnis that sound correct ie flat frequency response from singer's brain to listener' brain with no Pleiades filter needed. At any distance
With all above mics the Pleiades clock a few feet away could be heard on headphones.
If memory is correct it could be heard louder with the M534
The Uher mics were connected with small aligator clips and cables (not a good protection safety or quality practice, an accidental noise may ear damage if headphone volume is not very low).