Friday, July 31, 2020

Setting up a turntable cartridge?

At your risk.

Would a good way be to adjust everything possible, eg azimuth, VTA etc for minimum audible distortion when distortion is magnified by using a ridiculously low tracking force?
Attention. This may result in record damage as stated by Ortofon:

A  problem may be that VTA for example will change when the tracking force is increased to normal values.

But the point is this. Trying to do anything possible in the best possible way so as to get the cartridge stulys sing  at the minimum possible tracking force.

How does the Stanton 680 cartridge operate?

This cartridge sounds very nice.

This is a summary on what was understood by starting reading the Stanton patent, US3546399.

There are great similarities to a single ended amplifier with output transformer, to a ribbon microphone, to a condenser microphone.

Here is how:

Coil is stationary.
Magnet is stationary.
It is only the tiny stylus cantilever that moves through a magnetic field.

There is a coil. Very like a transformer with one winding.
This coil is the output of the cartridge.
There are magnetic materials creating a magnetic field conductive path which passes through the coil. Very like laminations we use on transformers.
But this path consists of magnetic permeable material (pole pieces) in series with a permanent magnet in series with a tiny moving magnetically conductive element which is a part inside the stylus cylinder assembly.
This is the only non stationary element, it moves with the music signal on record, faithfully as it has very low mass.
The change in magnetic flux creates an EMF by Faraday's induction law on the coil.
So we get the output music voltage signal.

So it is like a single ended class A amplifier where the electron tube changes the current through the primary of output transformer.

It is like a ribbon microphone where a ribbon of aluminum which conducts an Electric field vibrates inside a magnetic field.
The analogy on the cartridge is that only a small thin of Magnetically conductive wire vibrates to the music signal. It conducts the Magnetic field.
On a ribbon microphone we out the output form the secondary of a transformer.
Such a transformer already exists in this record playing cartridge as explained above.

It is also like a condenser microphone.
On a condenser microphone there is a source of EMF (the polarizing voltage, or electret material electric potential is cases of electret capsules).
The electric circuit is completed by a series resistor where the output voltage is created before feeding a FET or electron tube.
Here in the cartridge there is a permanent stationary magnet which creates the MMF (magneto motive force). The magnetic circuit is completed by magnetic material (conductors of magnetic field) in series with a moving conductor of magnetic field.
On the condenser capsule the change of capacitance by music creates a changing voltage drop at the resistor.
On the cartridge the change of inductance by music creates a changing MMF drop in the magnetic circuit.
The coil converts a changing magnetic field to a changing electric field. In fact a changing magnetic field automaticaly creates a changing electric field (electromagnetic theory). We get the voltage music output from the ends of the coil.

There is another such transformer coil structure for the other channel ie for stereo.
The magnetic fields are at 90o. Each B in in an inclination of 45o, like Blumlein microphone pairs.
Actually the 90o magnetic field pairs are invented by Blumlein too for the purpose of stereo disc recording.

There is also the obvious similarly to electric guitar pickups.

See also:

Patents referred to in the Stanton patent, such as the Blumlein patent.

The Pickering Patent

Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

MMM (moving magnetic material) record player cartridges ?

At your risk. A new name may create even more marketing confusion.

(summary: it is a small lightweight (small mass) magnetically permeable material that vibrates
By magnetic material is meant a magnetically permeable material and completes the magnetic flux circuit. Neither a moving magnet nor a moving coil since these are stationary inside the cartridge it may be called MMM. Small mass means easy acceleration.

A material which conducts a magnetic field. Analogous to a conductor conducting the electric field.

The term moving iron may be misleading (is magnetic reluctance the original term?), one may imagine something with a high mass moving along with the disc stylus.
Not nessesarily so.
The moving iron or magnetic permeable material may be just the cantilever itself. For example on some Stanton cartridges.
For example on the following patents:
US2538164 by Norman C. Pickering
US3546399 by Walter C. Stanton, Laurel Hollow

Low mass means faithful reproduction and minimal wear to record.

No wonder some Stanton cartridges go easily past 40KHz. [Stanton Product Catalogue]

There is similarly to ribbon mics. Just a length of material vibrating to sound. Of course the ribbon is so so much lighter.
On ribbon mics the signal voltage is taken from ribbon itself then feeding a transformer.
On MMM cartridges the signal voltage is taken from a stationary coil around magnetic circuit. In fact it may be thought as an impeded transformer so that the cartridge can feed an MC input or f
with  more coil turns of insulated fine wire an MM phono input.

Playing song Lady Lady Lady - Giorgio Moroder

A record mat with recessed central part...

so that the record label (which is thicker than the vinyl itself) won't cause inclination of record plane with result of reading diamond needle azimuth error.

Later addition:

It is done on the Technics SL1200 rubber mat:

Varispeed leaves time for the singer's brain to think

and seems to make the vocal so fresh.

Are Sleeping Satellite - Archer, To France - Oldfield, The Great Gig in the Sky - Pnk Floyd, Torry recorded this way?

Analog technology is self marketed by sound...

Is digital technology marketed by words?

Just listening to Lady, Lady, Lady, - Moroder, Forsey feat Esposito on Technics SL1200MK2 with Stanton moving cantilever (iron) cartridge (680?)

On Puting out Fire - Moroder, feat Bowie...

...there is a nice crush cymbal pattern at the intro.

Notating it on music paper?
It should be a nice (simple?) exercise.

Το παιχνίδι της αλλαγής ταχύτητας The Varispeed game

For example listening to Sleeping Satellite - Tasmin Archer on the LP and then trying to adjust the speed of the other tracks so that the voice retains the character of the hit single.

Early attempts need a say +5 on the Technics SL1200MK2

Helping an insect find its way crates a fruitful day

A way to set stylus azimuth by a mirror or by ear?

At your risk.

I am newbie.

A nice way to make sure (after or before using the cartridge alignment protractor?) the azimuth is correct is to remove mat and place a piece of mirror (without the plastic or glue!) on the platter. (Turntable should be checked to be level), It immediately reveals if cartridge is misaligned as far as azimuth is concerned. But what we need to have azimuth aligned is not the cartridge shell, nor the cartridge but the cantilever with the diamond.

But this is difficult to see in detail even with a magnifying glass.

So what was done?

A ridiculous low tracking face was set, for example 0.5g.

The record sounded awful but it sounded much worse if azimuth was out even a little.

The trick of unlocking the cartridge shell twisting a tiny bit (it natural foul play) then fastening it again made a difference. So it may be used as a way to set azimuth correctly?

Tracking force was then set by ear too. More than the optimum point and all easiness in sound, treble, bass is lost.
A bit like adjusting bias on a Pleiades BD139 class A single ended amplifier with loudspeaker DC coupled. If too many elements flow through the speaker cool DCwise, bass is out to lunch. It seems the resonant frequency is changing by increased stiffness in both examples? The sound becomes stiff.
Vicky immediately noticed after days of sound memory that something was clearly wrong when tracking force had been set by accident a bit higher.

And antiscating. It can make a difference in depth, easiness of bass.

VTA has not been auditioned too yet.

Signal path:

LP Great Expectations - Tasmine Archer - Technics SL1200MK2 - Realistic disco mixer - Sennheiser
HD580 - listener's ears, brain

Similarity between ribbon microphones and moving iron phono cartridges

I wrongly new or assumed that all cartridges that look like MM are mocing magnet.

Few days ago  Stanton 680 look alike cartridge (with missing moder sticker) had been setup on a Technics SL1200MK2 and the sound was impressive and easy, deep and detailed. Very extended high frequency response.
Some sibilant problems but not sure yet whether this sibilant information is already in the record!

Reading patents
US2538164 by Norman C. Pickering
US3546399 by Walter C. Stanton, Laurel Hollow

reveal that the diamond moves a thin metal which then completes (varies) the magnetic circuit inside the cartridges created by a non moving (stationary) magnet. Coils in the magnetic circuit sense the change in magnetic flux and by Faraday's law an EMF or voltage (the music voltage signal) is created.

This looks very nice as a relatively heavy magnet does not have to move. Only a lightweight cantilever peace of iron moves. Magnetically saturated.

It is a bit like ribbon microphone with the difference that the voltage is not taken from the iron itself but by the coil.
So it reminds a bit moving (but not moving actually) coil microphone.
It also of course reminds electric guitar pickups, the steel vibrating wire being the cause of variable magnetic conductance of flux through the coil.

Many turns of wire create the normal say 1000Ω output which needs to be terminated by 47KΩ and capacitance.
Few turns of wire create a say 100Ω or less output impedance to be connected to an MC input, input transformer, Pleiades V6 front end etc.

A lightweight iron cantilever has small mass ie accelerates easily, and less tracking force is needed. For example the Stanton non DJ aftermarket stylus inserted on the unknown Stanton (680?) cartridge starts tracking at 1.4g.

A smooth sound.

At the moment treble is too extended. But vertical tracking angle has not been looked at yet.

Today searching on Google:

"Post by bauzace50 » 01 Apr 2010 16:24 true enough! Curiosity killed the cat, and that's behind the premise of this thread. Is the Moving Iron principle more beneficial, in and of itself? Why not MM? Why not MC? The all-MI-Grado contingent seems aligned WITH MI (at least, BY DEFAULT, if not by militance!). Other MI owners have not really manifested themselves about this. Think about owners of Stanton 681 series, Decca, ADC XLM (et al.), Sonus, General Electric Variable Reluctance, (some of Garrott Bros.???), Acutex, Bang & Olufsen, Ortofon Super OM, Ortofon VMS, SoundSmith and...any others? The difference cannot be caused by low inductance-and-resistance,
because only the Grados qualify (with the exception of a few MM-LoZ Pickerings and Stantons). The true operational cause HAS to be the MI principle...I think."

So are MI carts giving MC cartridges a run?

See also:

Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

Friday, July 24, 2020

Colored happy notes are easier to learn


Χαρούμενες χρωματιστές νοτες μπορούν να εμπεδωθουν πιο ευκολα


Styli types - Ortofon

Patent links of Stanton 680 series etc?
Patent by Stanton
Patent by Stanton

(Patent numbers found on the box of D6800 HP replacement stylus).

and 2 cited patents from 2nd above patent
Patent by Stanton
(Patent by Blumlein)

This is one of citing documents (in German)

Some patent links of Norman C. Pickering related to phonograph reproduction

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Searching with interest at espacenet advanced search for Norman C. Pickering patents

For example, electromagnetic sound reproducer (moving magnet cartridge?)

It begins by explaining how is stylus tracking force needed

How was the Audio Engineerung Society formed?

These were found on google while searching with keywords:
Norman C. Pickering PDF

Elasticity of violin strings - Norman C. Pickering

Very interesting paper, on string hysteresis etc

Norman C. Pickering

Does the wikipedia article mentions at the moment that Pickering...

...Norman formed a partnership with two other individuals in 1945 to exploit Norman's invention for a phonograph pickup, and the partnership was succeeded by Pickering & Co. in 1946. In November 1948 Norman was president and chief engineer of Pickering & Co., and at that time Walter O. Stanton joined the corporation as vice president and he was placed in charge of sales. Norman served as president and as chairman of the board of directors of Pickering & Co. until October 13, 1950, when he resigned those offices and took a brief leave of absence due to ill health. Norman was succeeded in said office by Walter O. Stanton. Norman subsequently returned to Pickering & Co. as director of research and as a member of the board of directors...[1]


found as reference 1 in:

The amazing story of Pickering and Stanton through a legal document

Link found on the Wikipedia article on Stanton magnetics.

The story goes on:

Πάντα γελάω όταν σε σκεύτομαι

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

Technics SL-1200MK2-E SER.NO. GE5CS47307

At your risk.

Amazing Quartz direct drive turntable system.

Remembering fondly DJing with 2 of them at school parties with John (Yiannis) renting them from Vasillis at Monastiraki in Athens.

Amazing quality to detail.
There is no wonder it is still being made?
Is it the most successful turntable of all time?

Recently cleaning (an older addition to the Pleides lab) for hours.
And aligning azimuth after having lightly sprayed Kontakt 40 long time ago to loosen the tiny screws.
Watching the relevant YouTube video.
It had been decided to loosen the tiny screws with a very small and short screwdriver bought ages ago from Katoumas store.
One does not even need to remove the platter in order to make space for the screwdriver. Just removing the felt mat and taking advantage of the 2 large handling holes on the plattter. It has to be done very carefully and the information on this post may be wrong.
When the tone arm was set at the rest position (parallel to platter?) a workshop right angle free standing metal triangle was used for alignment.

Then the Stanton (680?, missing sticker) cartridge shell, cartridge, cartridge cables, cable pins had been cleaned for hours.

Then cartridge had been aligned with a nice strong and beautiful paper Ortofon alignment protractor.

Other things such are parallel adjustment of tonearm to platter had been done long time ago.

Then tracking force was set at 1.7g. Anti scatting too.

Then it was connected.

Signal path:

Great Expectations - Tasmin Archer (German LP print) - Stanton (680?) with imitation elliptical stylus - Technics SL-1200 MK2 - Realistic Disco mixer (the one with lower headphone volume, see previous posts) - Sennheiser HD580

Breathtaking amazing sound quality.
So nice and smooth sound, so extended treble and so nice bass and middle frequency information.
It makes you a better person just by listening.

There is some sibilant problem on Slepping Satellite at some points in time.
But the track overall sounds amazing.

Varispeed was used on the other tracks at say +4 in an attempt to make the other track vocals sound as fresh as Sleeping Satellite,
There was some success but still the magic vocal of Sleeping Satellite could not be matched.




Sending an electrical signal to a coil

It is amazing if one thinks about it, what it does. A coil of insulated wire.

We can take an electrical signal from a coil. For example from the coil of a microphone.

But we can do the reverse too.

Sending a music electrical signal to the coil of a magnetic recorder head and we record magnetism on magnetic tape music.

Or sending a music signal to a cutter head coil and engrave vibrations to disc and we therefore can make a record. An LP or 7in single or maxi single.

Or to a coil at the last stage of a transmitter and then feed an antenna and send music on air!

All this due to the work of so many brilliant scientists and engineers such as Ampère, Oersted, Faraday, Tesla, Maxwell, Hertz,...

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Rearranging the Pleiades V6 1H4 schematic

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
A suitable battery should be connected in series with any battery for fire hazard protection.

Not tried yet.

Both transformers connected at the Vb (not high tension on Pleiades V6 case) circuit ie at the top of the schematic. So that input transformer and output transformer are at the same height.

See also previous post.

1st test of revisited Pleiades V6 1H4 with male or female voice

At your risk:
Take all safety precautions.
A suitable fuse fuse should be connected in series with any battery for fire hazard protection.

Signal path:

male or female voice - Shure SM59 at 16in to 30in - Pleiades V6 1H4 with Altec input, output transformers - Sony TC-D5 Pro or Realistic Disco Mixer - Sennhesier HD5800

Very natural, smooth sound with nice articulation, clear sound

SM59 going direct to Sony sounded with a bit more treble but more bass, treble heavy sound.

Pleiades V6 1H4 feeding Realistic disco mixer had much more treble detail than other combinations.
This is possibly because of much less loading on the Pleiades pre preamp by the (10KΩ?) Realaistic Disco Mixer input impedance.

Female vocal sounded very nice at 30in.

At less distance there was proximity bass boost effect.

Even at such high distance with soft singing and the excellent SM59 great sounding but low output mic there was a good signal to noise ratio due to the very low noise figure of the Pleiades V6 front end.

There was buzz when connecting to the unbalanced Realistic but it disappeared when touching the transformers. The bug is that the pins 3 of XLR (needed really for both balanced or unbalanced connection) are not connected yet. Effectively it means that shields of transformers are not directly connected to the unbalanced ground.

It may take some thought as by looking at the Altec transformers schematics and the Pleiades V6 schematic, the metal body of each transformer would be at a different potential which may cause a problem if the 2 are accidentally short circuited. The battery will become short circuited.

It is being considered therefore to rearrange the schematic with both transformers on the Vb circuit.

The resultant schematic looks interesting with electron tube at the bottom, capacitor to the left of grid input transformer secondary above it, Pleiades bias resistor from anode to grid, output transformer primary above anode, Vb eg 12V connected at secondary of input transformer and primary of output transformer, heater 1.5V battery connected to direct filament cathode.

A fuse must be connected in series with any battery for fire hazard protection.

It begins with Do Mi Sol Si Re ... ie C E G B D F A C E ...

these are the tools on almost any song to a symphony.

Notes taken at odd numbers ie 1 3 5 7 9 11

The whole series C E G B D F A C E G B D ...

From this is derived:


A very good composer such as Etic Woolfson may put them in the right order for a song:

The notes played together on each line below form the introduction but they also appear on the verse (some lyrics shown in para thesis)
A C E  far as my
G B E eyes can (G bass with 6th ie E above it)
F A C E  see
A #C E A

Old and Wise - Alan Parsons Project

See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Alan Parsons

Old and Wise- (Parsons, Woolfson) the story behind the song

Eric Woolfson

Extract from Wikipedia:
On every (Alan Parsons) Project album, (co songwriter, co producer) Woolfson would sing a guide vocal track for each song, which the album's eventual lead vocalists would use as a reference. Some of these tracks can be heard on the new remastered editions of various Project albums released in 2007. Woolfson himself was the actual singer on many of the Project's biggest hits, such as "Time", "Don't Answer Me", "Prime Time" and the band's signature tune "Eye in the Sky", which peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 16–30 October 1982.

Old and Wise sung by Eric Woolfson

Woolfson, Balsamo - Eye in the Sky

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hello to Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, United States

Hello to

United States
United Kingdom
Netherlands. 4

Δεν πιςτευω σ' αυτα που μας φοβίζουν

Πιςτευω σε ανθρωπους τσακάλια, ντομπρους, που έχουν τσαγανό, ακεραιότητα, γοητευτικό βλέμμα.

Οταν παίζουμε μουςικη πρεπει να ειμαςτε ακροατές του εαυτού μας

When playing music we can be listeners of ourselves

The role of the grid "leak" resistor should not be to bias...

At your risk.

The role of the grid "leak" resistor should not be to bias (ie change the space charge potential of the grid of the electron tube) but to return the grid to this potential at a certain time constant influenced by said resistor.

Is this what is being done on a Neumann U47? For example by arranging the cathode resistor so that connecting or disconnecting grid resistor would make no change in grid potential therefore no change in anode current?

So there is no grid current (current through this resistor) and possibly much less noise.

More investigation needed.

Ιςως οςο πιο γρήγορα τελειώσει το πετρέλαιο τοςο πιο γρήγορα θα τελειώσει ο εφιάλτης

See also:

The most important video you will ever see - Professor Bartlett - Colorado University - YouTube

Δεν μας ενδιαφερει τι κανουν οι άλλοι ούτε μας αφορά

Ακους δεν μπορεις να το κανεις, χτυπάει το καμπανάκι που σου λεει οτι μπορεις

Το καμπανάκι αυτο ποτε δεν κανει λάθος

You don't do much yet much is being done


Πως να πλύνουμε και στενωςουμε στο χέρι πουπουλένιο μπουφάν Who to hand wash, dry a dawn jacket

We find a rainy day and let it soak on the street. (Just joking).

At your risk.
It has not been tried yet on dawn sleeping bags. It has been tried on Vaude and Marmot dawn jackets.

Με δικη σας ευθύνη.
Δεν εχει δοκιμαστεί ακομη σε πουπουλένιο υπνόσακο.
Δοκιμάστηκε σε Vaude και Mormot πουπουλένια μπουφάν.

Αν θυμάμαι καλα μου το είπε τη διαδικασία ο Μενελαος που χρηςιμοποιει ενα απο τα καλυτερα γαλλικά sleeping bags στον πλανήτη.

Διαλέγουμε μια καλοκαιρινή μέρα με βόρειο άνεμο (αρα ξηρασία).

Ξεκινάμε πρωί.

Γεμίζουμε λιγο την μπανιέρα με χλιαρό νερό και ρίχνουμε λιγες νιφάδες σαπουνιού ελιάς πχ Αρκάδι. Ο Μενελαος μου είπε σαμπουάν για ξηρά μαλια.

Ανακατεύουμε με γάντια.

Τοποθετούμε το μπουφάν ξαπλωτα απλωμένο.

Πιέζουμε απαλα σε ολα τα σημεια με παλαμες.

Ξεβγαζουμε όμοια ξαπλωτο γεμίζοντας λιγο την μπανιέρα με καθαρο νερό.

Ξανα ξέβγαλμα πιέζοντας απαλα με παλάμες.

Αφήνουμε ξαπλωτο για λιγες ώρες με τη βοήθεια της βαρύτητας να φυγει στην αποχέτευση νερό.

Τυλίξουμε απαλα σαν ρολο. Το μεταφέρουμε στην βεράντα σε τουλάχιστον 3 τεντωμένα σχοινιά.

Απλώνουμε ξετυλίγοντας και το στερεώνουμε ξαπλωτο παλι με μανταλάκια.

Αφήνουμε τον ζεστό καλοκαιρινο αέρα και λιγο ιςως κατευθείαν ήλιο να κανουν την εργασία τους.

Προς το απόγευμα αρχίζει να στεγνώνει κσι να αποκτά το σχήμα του. Χτυπάμε λιγο απο κατω με τα χερια κτλ για να αρχίζουν να φουσκώνουν τα πούπουλα.

Αφήνουμε νυχτα και επόμενη μέρα. Οταν ειμαςτε σίγουροι οτι έχουν στεγνώσει τα πούπουλα το τινάξουμε προς όλες τις κατευθύνεις και το απλώνουμε σε κρεμάστρα για να φυγει καθε επιπλέον ίχνος υγρασίας. Ξανατιναζουμε.

(Κάποιοι συνιστούν να το αναποδογυριζουμε οταν ακομα ξαπλωτο.)


We do as less as possible, (difficult for humans).

We dilute soap flakes in uncold water inside a bath tub.

We let it lie in bathtub and we gently tap it with glove palms.

We re add clean water and rinse it in a similar way.

We re add clean water and rinse.

We let it lie as is for a few hours to drain as much water.

We roll it and carefully transport it outdoors on 3 at least srings. It lies again sleeping horizontally. We let the summer warm from the sun air or wind do their perfect job.

Whe can occasionally tap it from below. When it dries we can shake it in various directions or tap in impulses firmer.

Τελικά καταλήγει αντί να χρειάζεται κανεις χρήματα και μετα να το κουβαλά και να πληρώνει απλα το βάζουμε να ξαπλώνει, και κανουμε οτι θελουμε σπιτι.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Connecting a Shure SM59 microphone to the Pleiades V6 1H4 battery powered front end electron tube amplifier

At your risk.
Take all,safety precautions.
A suitable fuse must always be connected in series with a battery to prevent a fire hazard.

Today's updates:

The Altec 4722 green input transformer is connected.

There is a narrow band hiss.
This possibly comes from the thermal noise of transformer secondary.
Narrow band as the very high (almost infinite?) input impedance of the grid at space potential creates a very high Q (quality factor) thereby a broadband resonance.

When an 0 ohm XLR (short circuit) is connected hiss almost disappears in an impressive way.

When a 200ohm (wire wound resistor) XLR is connected hiss increases a bit indicating the amplifier can read the thermal noise of a 200 Ohm resistance.
This simulates the perfect mic at complete silence.

Then connecting the Shure SM59.
Somewhat higher varying in time hiss indicating ambient acoustic noise higher than mic's equivalent noise.

Very nice smooth and clean sound.
Lower noise figure (higher S/N) than connecting mic directly to Sony TC-D5 PRO.

Signal path:

Bedroom - Shure SM59 - Pleiades V6 1H4 - Sony TC-D5 PRO - Sennheiser HD580

Schematic is as Pleiades V6 but with an anode supply 12V tiny battery in series with fuse.

An advantage of this front end amplifier is it's low power consumption. Just 50mA for heaters and 50μA for anode circuit.

Thank you God. The first time on my palm a portable battery powered low noise electron tube microphone front end amplifier.

Updates to Pleiades V6 1H4 ref, Tempur thump

By today's investigation it turns out that it may not be the Tempur mattress that causes the low frequency thump.

It seems to be an indirect effect.
gently touching the mattress makes some wire vibrate. Change of capacitance is read by amplifier and sound is created.

It remains to find out why gently touching hair produces sound through this setup.

Updates to the Story of Making Sleeping Satellite - Tasmin Archer

It is interesting that as time goes by vintage vinyl records sound better standing out in sound quality to what is currently around us

For example, a week ago a 90's? Great Expectations - Tasmin Archer new old stock record had been bought from a local record shop, waiting all those years.

The disc had been printed in Germany and it says made in EEC.

The sound quality is so nice with so extended and smooth treble.
I had almost forgoten such a nice sound can exist.

Signal path:

Sleeping Satellite - Tasmin Archer on LP - Dual 505 turntable with Ortophon mocing magnet cartridge - Realistic disco mixer as MM pre and headphones driver - Sennheiser HD 580

Monday, July 13, 2020

On observing changes in electric charge at a distance with an electron tube, grid at space potential, by observing the ac signal produced itself

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
Protect hearing by use of limiting, small sound pressure level etc.
A suitable fuse must be used in series with any battery to avoid fire hazard.

(Later addition:
By today's investigation it turns out that it may not be the Tempur mattress that causes the low frequency thump
It seems to be an indirect effect.
gently touching the mattress makes some wire vibrate. Change of capacitance is read by amplifier and sound is created
It remains to find out why gently touching hair produces sound through this setup.)

This is some thought on little understood yet audio microphonic effects while testing the Pleiades V6 1H4 battery powered front end amplifier on top of a Tempur mattress.

Such amplifiers are supplied with deliberately low anode voltage, 12V in the case of medium μ 1H4 but it can be as low as 1.5V in in other electron tubes. This is in order to avoid secondary electron emmision effects etc. Heaters are usually underheated in order to avoid for example secondary emmision of electrons from an electrode by radiation (photons of light from heater sticking an electrode). These amplifiers give the impression of great sensitivity or low noise figure. For references and relevant papers see older euroelectron posts.

See yesterday's observations.

A possible explanation of such high sensitivity at a distance is electrostatic variation captured by the electron tube grid which is left unconnected ie at space potential.

In fact the apparatus may be thought of as a condenser capsule with associated amplifier but the electrostatic capsule is the varying capacitance of nearby objects, ie the capsule is the environment itself.

It is well known that electrometer tubes or electron tubes used as electrometer tubes can deflect a micro ammeter needle according to a detected minute change in charge. But the needle time constant effectively measures a DC component ie a detected component.
Yesterday while taking hearing safety precautions the output of the amplifier was connected to the microphone input of another amplifier with its audio limiter on. Audio level could be adjusted at the output.

Even the gentlest touch on the Tempur mattress produced a very low frequency thump lasting a few seconds. This is assumed to be time it takes the mattress to get back to its shape but the minute acoustic mechanical wave produced.

Other strange very sensitive effects included caressing human chest hair (2 ft from the front end amplifier) and hearing the resultant sound through the apparatus.

See yesterday's post.

The Tempur mattress is on top of a double bed. On top of Tempur mattress is a water resistant sheet, then an ordinary cotton sheet.

Very sensitive microphonic effects while testing a Pleiades V6 1H4 front end amplifier built in a plastic box base with electron tube at space potential

Not sure yet if this due to electrostatic (charge) variations in time.

See nearby posts.

Later addition:
By today's investigation it turns out that it may not be the Tempur mattress that causes the low frequency thump.
It seems to be an indirect effect.
gently touching the mattress makes some wire vibrate. Change of capacitance is read by amplifier and sound is created.
It remains to find out why gently touching hair produces sound through this setup.

Pleiades V6 1H4 electron tube battery powered microphone pre preamplifier revisited

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
A suitable fuse must be used in series with any battery for fire hazard protection.

1st prototype was made on bread board.

This is the 2nd prototype made inside a white small Legrand electrical box which holds 3 Finder octal bases with 8 screw terminals each. These nice looking cyan colored octal bases are for the input transformer, the 1H4 electron tube and the output transformer. Electrical connections are much firmer this way and less contact noise or other noise is expected.

An alkaline 1.5V Fujitsu battery is used for heater. A 12V miniature Fujicell battery is used for the plate supply.

Grid is open ie at space potential.
At such conditions anode (plate) current is 50 micro amperes.

Schematic is based on the Pleiades V6 with the 12V battery added to the anode circuit.

Signal path:

Pleiades V6 1H4 with Altec magenta 15095 output transformer wired to 10:1 - Sony TC-D5 PRO at XLR mic in, limiter on, mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580

A Tung-Sol 1H4 electron tube is used.

It happened that 1st time of operation is on top of a bed with a Tempur mattress.

Nothing is connected to grid except one terminal of the input capacitor with nothing connected to the other side of this capacitor yet.

This amplifier is extremely sensitive.
Headphone potentiometer level on Sony is at 3.
When the mic input level is advanced the electron flow noise can be heard but it is very low.
At the same time the slightest moment or very gentle taping by finger on the Tempur mattress creates a loud sub sonic sound with a few seconds of sustain!

The other side of capacitor was short circuited to ground in order to investigate where all those strange noises come from. They disappeared except the glass noise of hitting gently the electron tube with imdex fingernail.
This indicates that the electron tube is picking very effectively electrostatic noise.
Just touching the headphones! cable could be heard. It is suspected that this is electrostatic noise too of hand rubbing the rubber cable.
Even gently rubbing finger to chest hair produced a sound at the headphones.

It has just been confirmed by having everything switched off that the sound is not originating from acoustic transmission from cable to headphones.

If the white box is lifted up from one of its sides by hand, operation of the amplifier halts for about 4-5 seconds. A possible cause may be electrostatic change by plastic deflection (piezoelectric effect?) charging negatively the grid, grid goes to cutoff and then comes back to space potential after a release time of these few second.

Nothing else is connected yet, not even the input transformer.

The ground pin 8 of the Altec output transformer had been accidentally connected to anode rather than to Vb trough fuse. When connections were reversed the effect was less apparent but connections are left this way and the effect can be comfortably observed.
How would such a sensitive grid sound connected to a condenser or electret condenser microphone capsule, piezoelectric microphone, or a dynamic microphone connected to an input impedance step up transformer?


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Making electron tube microphone preamplifiers in bed

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
A suitable fuse should always be connected in series with a battery holder for fire hazard safety.

Why not?

Currently a Pleiades V6 1H4 electron tube microphone battery powered pre preamplifier prototype is being made. A white plastic Legrand box is used as well as modular cyan color Finder octal bases for the input, output transformer, 1H4 electron tube etc. suitable fuse should be used in series with any battery holder for safety.

Here are a few of the advantages especially if the bed is very comfortable for example on a Tempur mattress.

One may immediately fall asleep for a few hours. Meaning one had been really tired and should not have been making electron tube preamplifiers anyway. After sleep, tirelessness prevents mistakes and increases quality.

One is very relaxed, movements are slower, detail is better, quality goes up.

Tools can't be dirty as the white sheets will immediately get too. So absolute cleaningness is instantly demanded. Cleaningness is very important for high impedance low level signal amplification work.

And there are many critical things that end up being done in bed which otherwise would be left undone. For example metriculus cleaning of the Neutrik XLRs contacts etc with methylated spirit and cotton buds.

Electrical or power tools are out. Holes are drilled with hand powered ways or tools. So quality hoes up and slow flowing time magnifies attention to detail or preventing a mistake early. Even the ability to correct a mistake before it gets happening. Of course fillings are left to fall by gravity to a container on the floor away from the white cotton sheets. Bed and sheets should be thoroughly cleaned or washed after work is done anyway.

So some critical mechanical and perhaps time delaing or borings tasks can be done in bed at total relaxation, at a high standard of quality and then other bits that can't or shouldn't be done in bed can take place elsewhere.

On pop music it is often that the singer begins notes before the beat

For example:
Forever J - Terry Hall (Just heard this on Easy 97.2 FM)

A way to hear this is taping 1 2 3 4 while each bar of the song plays.
Or taping each of 4 fingers at the time, index finger tapping for example 1 ie each beginning of a musical bar.

Then we can see that many sung notes begin before 1 ie before the beginning of a bar.
And some words begin exactly at beginning of a bar.
This irregularity creates a very interesting contrast.

A way to writing music down, Ενας τρόπος για να γράψουμε μουςικη σε χαρτί

See today's earlier post:

How does a condenser microphone work, what is a condenser microphone, Neumann website

Wire wrap hard wiring on the Soyuz 017 FET amplifier condenser microphone

Shown at 1:09

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Τι ειναι copyright

Εδώ μαθαίνει κανεις, τα αλλα ειναι οδοντόκρεμες.

Copyright, Design and Patent act

see also millennium

Maintaining Audio Quality in the Broadcast Facility - Orban, Ogonowski


So many important sections including tape recorder maintenance, monitoring speaker environment etc

Προσέγγιση καλλιγραφίας στη μουςικη γραφή σε πενταγραμο

Στο επόμενο post:

Ο Μανος Χατζιδακις έλεγε τις γραμμένα νοτες παρανοϊκές μαύρες κουκκίδες (μάλλον στο βιβλιο του τα Σχόλια του Τρίτου).

Χρωματιστές φαινονται καλυτερα.

Οπως και να εχει ιςως ειναι πιο σημαντικο πρώτα να παίζουμε μουςικη και μετα να την γράφουμε. (Φυσικά με ενα μαγνητόφωνο μπορουμε να την καταγράφουμε ταυτοχρονα). Μπορουμε και με ενα mother keyboard να παίζουμε και το computer software να τυπώνει παρτιτούρα.

Η γραφή ομως με το χέρι ειναι ιςως μια απο τις πιο σημαντικές τέχνες που δεν πρεπει να εξαφανιστεί.

Βοηθαει επισεις στο να γράφουμε λιγες νοτες και να αποφεύγουμε την φλυαρία.

Πάντως οπως και με την ομιλία η σωστή σειρα ειναι οπως:
Πρώτα μαθαίνουμε να μιλάμε, μετα να γράφουμε, μετα να διαβάζουμε, μετα να γράφουμε δικά μας κτλ
Πρώτα μαθαίνουμε να παίζουμε μουςικη, μετα να γράφουμε, μετα να διαβάζουμε, μετα να ξαναπαίξουμε και να γράφουμε δικά μας η και αλλων κτλ.

Δειτε επισεις:

Music Notation - Gardner Read

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt, PDF

Music Notation calligraphy using a squared paper

This is the approach that is being co-developed with Vicky.

A3 size paper is currently being used having aproximately 80x54 squares, ie aprox 80 columns and 54 lines.

The use of squares approach has been inspired by examining some so beautifully written commercial editions of scores, examining the 16 LED matrix of the Rolland TR-606 drum machine, TR-909 etc.

So 18 squares are used for each measure in order to give some left right margin.

A typical approach would be from left to right:

Line, Sol clef etc, sharps or flats, rhythm indication, one square (space), 16 squares, one square, bar line, one square, 16 squares, one square etc.

Notes are written inside a square.
Stems are guided by the columns.

Different colored markers are used throughout, for drawing the 5 line stave, notes, clef etc.

But how notes are actually written?
One way is mimicking what a TR-606 does or how it thinks.
For example counting 16 1/16ths for every bar.
How is this done?
One way is O O O One
                  Two o o o
                  Three e e e
                  Fo  o o our
immediately back to O and loop

Or simultaneously tapping four fingers one by one and loop.
Finger number for example 1 2 3 4
                                             1 2 3 4
                                             1 2 3 4
                                             1 2 3 4
and this is done while listening or playing to the music we wish to write down.
In this way we immediately find on which square of the 16 matrix each notes begins.
When we add all notes correctly for each bar then we add (specify) correctly their duration.

See also:

Music Notation - Gardner Read

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

How is it made, Royer Ribbon microphone

How stuff is made - Royer Ribbon Microphones

See also:
Royer Labs - A factory tour

How is it made, Neumann U87 microphone

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Did the Queen use Varispeed too ?

See previous post.

Varispeed can change the formants of the voice making it sound even more fantastic.

A great example of pedal bass You don't Fool me - Queen

This post is about pedal bass but it turned out to be about Varispeed.

It has just been played on Easy 92.2 FM radio station.

Then it was found on YouTube. While doth were playing there was a noticeable difference in pitch.

Did the queen use too Varispeed in order to make even better the formants of the vocals?

Then this youtube video was played and it sounded at a difference pitch too:

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

No Wikipedia article yet on Colin Sanders inventor, founder of SSL ?

SSL history

Consoles used (for example in the 80's) by Trevor Horn, Julian Mendelsohn, Bob Clearmountain etc.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Studer A800

Varispeed capability can be seen in microprocessor block diagram of tape transport control.

Monday, July 6, 2020

A Pleiades snack

At your risk.
This is not a nutritionist or a medical advice.

It is very simple made of just 3 ingredients.

Hand separated walnuts.

Black raisins.

Top quality Zeas or Dinkel sliced bread made with no oil.

This sandwich tastes great.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A very simple almost arpeggio riff

Playing 1/8ths.
Above middle C.


It reminds Sounds of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel

It sounds very nice on EKO em10 on harpsichord voice.

Using rose water for cleaning the pitch roller of reel to reel tape recorders

At your risk.

This is a hint given by Yiannis Bothos, mastering engineer at Minos EMI.

Attention to the sticker on BASF EMTEC new old stock tape reels

At your risk.

3 seconds of neglect can cause hours of delay.

When the tape is new one has to remove the light blue end sticker that holds the beginning of tape in place.

The glue behind this sticker can decorate over all those years. At a sufficient high ambient summertime temperature the glue will be left to the adjacent back coating of the next turn of tape.

If then the tape is loaded to a reel to reel tape recorder, the glue will be left to the pitch roller.

Then for every revolution of the pitch roller the tape will catch and this will be a curse of erratic motion. It can be so dramatic as to even affect the smooth operations of the take up spool.

It may take hours to remove this glue from the pitch roller and capstan.

For example making sure the back coating is clean. If not cleaning it with isopropyl alcohol?

Perhaps it may be even better to remove the contaminated segment of tape.

The Uher 4200 report which was contaminated by the glue was cleaned:
With isopropyl alcohol for the capstan and rose water for the pitch roller.
But the glue is so sticky that isopropyl alcohol had to be used for the pitch roller too. But then the isopropyl alcohol may start melting the rubber if left for more than a few seconds. It is very tricky.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

More answers will be added on the making of Sleeping Satellite - Tasmin Archer, this time by co-producer Julian Mendelsohn

Life's a dream.

Producer Julian Mendelsohn agreed too to share the story of Sleeping Satelitte.

Soon a new answer will be here:

On judging the electron emission of an electron tube by simple means

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
Always use a suitable fuse in series with a battery for injury or fire hazard protection.

The simple idea is feeding the heater with heater voltage through a suitable fuse.

Then measuring with a high input impedance voltmeter the potential between reference cathode and grid which would be negative if cathode emits electrons. And the more electrons are emmited the more positive would the cathode be or less negative would the grid be.

Further reading:

Operating features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong - 1914

Revisiting the 1H4 electron tube

At your risk.
Take all safety precautions.
Always use a suitable fuse in series with a battery in order to avoid injury or a fire hazard.

A used 1H4 Tung Sol electron tube was used on Hager octal basse. (See older posts).

1.5V from an alkaline battery is feeding the heaters.

When heaters get hot, the grid becomes negative since cathode has become positive by losing electrons to the electron cloud.

When a miniature 12V battery is connected to anode, anode current become about 50μA which may be plenty for a mic booster pre preamp. See previous posts and schematic of Pleiades V6.
And this is a condition of grid at space potential since nothing is connected to the grid.

Grid can be made less negative by a high megohm resistor to cathode or to anode.

So the anode current can become much greater if needed for perhaps lower noise or more bass.

But then extra bass to listener's brain should be reduced by connecting to a microphone a Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope high pass filter.

On how the verse chords of Sleeping Satellite - Tasmin Archer may be derived

Did we fly to the moon too soon...

Tasmin centers on note F. Effectively this is a pedal F existing on any chord of the verse.

Bass goes the F minor scale from tonic F in step down mode, ie F then E then D...

Since the key is F minor all B, E, A, D are flat.

So since bass goes down step by step and voice stays up at F we have the following bass code:

E9 with 3rd added (see Bach Bass Rules)
D7 (the 3rd above bass is already added by the note F)

So we have from the simple rule 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 above bass (we choose what notes sound correct or we like)
And by taking the correct flats we have:

F bass and F bA C which we may rearrange as Ab C F

So we have

F bass and Ab C F
Eb bass and G bB F
Db bass and Ab C F (C creates a major 7th)

So effectively it reminds a lot the standard sequence described by Bach:

But the ingenious difference is that the second chord is created by repeating the note F thereby creating the interval of major 9th above bass.


So in fact it is really the simple rule of avoiding cosectutive 5ths and using a step down bass. But implemented in a great way.


Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

I wash my clothes, I give myself 10 euros

A simple post written in ελληνική language on the previous post

Πλένω τα ρούχα μου, δίνω στον εαυτό μου 10 ευρώ

Καθαρίζω τον χώρο που μένω δίνω στον εαυτό μου 20 εαυτό.

Φροντίζω το σώμα μου δίνω στον εαυτό μου 50 ευρώ.

Φροντίζω το μυαλό μου και την ψυχή μου, δίνω στον εαυτό μου οςα ευρώ θελω.

Είμαι πλούσιος. Παντα ειμαςτε που τη στιγμη που γενιομαστε.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Ιςως δεν ειναι οτι ψάχνουμε εργασία για να περάσουμε καλα, ιςως ειναι οτι περνάμε καλα και μετα μπορει να έρθει και η εργασία

It may not be that we look for a job in order to have a good time.
It may be that we have a good time and then the job may come.

See also:
Enchiridion - Epictetous - PDF

Δειτε επισεις:
Εγχειριδιο - Επικτητος