Heard yesterday on a dream with Vicky, been played by the radio, this simple melody with simple lyrics.
Only the first 2 verses are reconstructed as the music lasted only a few seconds before waking up.
Apparently it is in F minor.
, , , , c , d c , , d c , , , , (It's the summer time)
, , , , b , a b , , a b , b a , (It's a reason why)
A demo has been made while singing this melody and harmony as:
F bass and F A C
F bass and E G B
D bass and F A C
D bass and E G B
B bass and F A C
B bass and E G B
A bass
(Remember all B, E, A, D are flat)
(And now all notes are sharp since modulation is to A sharp minor)
F bass and A C E
D bass and F A C E
A bass and A C E
G bass and A C E
(The last 4 chords support the melody of Semele)
The demo using Pleyel piano model 9 - AKG MI 200-101 mic - Uher 4200 report stereo 4th (Vicky's ) sounds quite nice.