Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Cat, human interaction kills pain to both

The best friend in a hospital is the one reminding you who you are?

Bach's Concerto in F minor, Largo

great signal path: producer's brain - outdoors square - cajon, cymbals (Andreas), electric guitar (Alexandros) - Fostex M55RP at say 9 feet - Sony TC-D5M - TDK SAX - Sony TC-D5M - JVC 9425W amp - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker - living room - listener's brain

Recording outdoors kills so many sibilant, bass heaviness problems, reverberation radius is so large

No one can fire me if I am not employed my anyone

Kanis den mpori na me dioksi an den aniko se kanenan

Recording outdoors is an amazing experience with great sound quality

Angry people can be more effectively controled?