Saturday, July 23, 2022

The great sound of the portable Philips AE6695/00

Yesterday the TDA7000 low IF radio IC was tried connected to - Realistic disco mixer - Sennheiser HD580. Not impressive. On the other hand a forgoten in the cupboard Philips AE6695 s/n 418744 sounds after cleaning amazing. The unsealed fader potentiometer was cleaned with cotton swabs and isopropyl alchol and Cailube. This FM radio can even drive the Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker with great sound on bass boost setting in order to compensate for the small speaker size. On the Sennheiser HD580 the sound is amazing with full sound if not a bit bass heavy. Cymbals are mythical. When taking signal from the potentiometer which is after the bass boost switch but before the headphone amplifier and connecting the L,R mic input of the Realistic disco mixer driving the Sennheiser HD580 there is a surprise sound. This radio uses the IF=10.7MHz radio IC Sony CXA1238M and ST TDA2822 power amplifier.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The chords (harmony) on Alkionides 2 - Zhanna, George recreated from figured bass transcription of previous post

Key is E flat minor so chords are derived as: Actually first bass code is C6 ie bCbEbA. Then bEbGbB, bDFbB, bCbEbGbB, bAbCbEbB etc. Zhanna's melody fits so well and creates such nice 6th, 9th intervals. While I was downstirs she even got the brilliant starting C6 chord by ear creating such refined atmosphere with her melody. Some kind of new age music had been playing at the same time from the PA system of Alkionides at a strange key.

Understanding Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - pdf

Everything is refered to what bass note we have at any time. So if bass is La, a 7th means 7 notes above bass ie Sol, a 3rd means Do etc.

Correcting the previous post ie Alkionides 2 - Zhanna

On melody C should read B ie bB (Si bemol).

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Zhanna 2 Alkionides

Very nice melody by Zhoanna, date time code 22071420, working title Alkionides. Written on the key of E flat minor ie every note is flat except F ie Fa, (even Do is flat).Writting on s s s s matrix:s s s s bass A or C melody s s s D bass A melody E s s s bass A melody s s s G Bass E melody E s s s bass E melody s s s G Bass D6 melody C s s s Bass D s s C G Bass C7 melody D s E s.(s means equal time spaces).Many of the notes are sustained. Part 2 goes with step bass E , D6, C7 or sometimes A9 instead of E. Melody: La s s Sol/ s s Fa s/Fa s Mi s/s s La s/ La s s Sol/ s s Fa s/Fa s s Mi/ s s s s.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The great sound of JVC FX-311 tuner

signal path: JVC FX-311L - Realistic Disco Mixer - Sennheiser HD580. JVC RC-555W sounds great as well using only one of its speakers (point source approximation). Philips Babette 12RL472 sounds amazing driving from tape out the Realistic Disco Mixer and Sennheiser HD580 headphones. How would the Philips IC TDA7000 sound with a bass equilised amplifier driving the Pleiades linoleum Auratone type cube speaker? According to datasheet TDA7000 goes up to 10KHz ie loosing one octave which may be a good thing of spectral balance as 2 octaves are lost in bass by the 5in fullrange speaker.

Overlooked correspondance between the harmonic series and musical intervals?

For example: The very important interval of major 9th can be heard if we multiply the frequency of the fundamental by 9! Same for the interval of major 13th ie major 6th if we multiply by 13! Thanks to an equiry by Zhoanna and some listening tests with Vicky on It makes sense since multiplying (say the frequency of note C ie Do) by 3 gives the sensation of Sol (ie 5th) and then by 3 again ie x9 in total gives the sensation of 5th of Sol ie RE which is the 9th of Do. Neat! Further reading Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF