Tuesday, March 6, 2018

How would the Sennheiser MD211N sound connected directly to the grid of the Pleiades V6?

At the moment the primary inductance of the V6 input transformer is 140mH.

This seems low for the MD211N so there is some bass drop.

There is not such problem with the MD21 HN as it is a more bass heavy mic and the compensation makes a great balance to listener's brain.

The MD211N needs to see perhaps a 300mH inductance.

But how would it sound directly connected to the grid of the EF183 through the 22nF input capacitor?

The Pleiades V6 is so low noise that this might be possible and still low noise.

If not even a just 1:3 input transformer can be made to bring the impedance from 200 ohm to about 2000 ohm.

If the 25 ohm Grampian DP4/L (L means 25 ohms) stepped to 2500 ohms by the existing trtansformer of 1:10 ratio sound great an very low noise why not an MD211. The high frequency response is expected to be larger than needed as the mic will almost be unloaded.


Pleiades V6 schematic

Flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain, Sound Picture recording and Reproducing Characteristics - Loye, Morgan - Journal of the Motion Pictures Wound Engineers

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