Thursday, August 9, 2018

Just a semitone

For example transposing Chariots of Fire - Vangelis one semitone down while playing on the piano, it sounds almost like a joke.

The original key is C# major, almost all black keys, it sounds brilliant, full of atmosphere or mystery.

At C major, all white keys it sounds almost like a joke. If this is so, why?

Could one dare to say that if the same musical composition was played in C major or D major it would not have had an Oscar award? Of source at a different key it would not had been the same composition.

On the other hand compositions such as Whiter Shade of Pale - Procol Harum sound great in the original key, C major.

Iakoumakis and Orfanidis - Galaxy radio were encouraging in following up such observations.

A key is opening the door to a particular atmosphere.

See also:

Musical Acoustics - Donald Hall

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