Monday, June 10, 2019

Are class A power amplifiers environmentally friendly?

It is possible.

More research is needed.

Here are some points that might be useful:

A class A amplifier (electrons flowing all the time) can sound more dynamic and louder that same rating at other classes of operation. One important reason is explained by [Hamm].

On the other extreme what is the point of a 1000W class D amplifier which can sound so bad that it cannot be noticed that music is being played? Somehow brain ignores. Yet hearing protection is very important especially if the sound is like chewing sand.

Could it be that a class A operating amplifier is more efficient consuming a few watts while giving even fewer musically sounding watts filling many rooms with sonic beauty?

Tubes vs Transistors (vs op amps), is there an audible difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

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