Wednesday, June 5, 2019

(Chord) F major 3rd, major 6th introducing herself

Hello, my name is
F (major 3rd major 6th)

(It could be the begining of a fairly tale...)

All my name means is that the interval above my first name F which is the bass, (my base) is a major 3rd abive bass ie the note A. The other interval above my bass is a major 6th ie note D.

So I am:

F bass and F A D

I am similar to the more ordinary F chord ie F major 3rd chord usually named just F major which is
F bass and F A C but I sound completely different. This is due to the absence of the perfect 5th ie A and due to the fact that I have a 6th major interval above my bass. I am quite unique.

So here I am:
or F major 3rd major 6th
and you can hear my sound for example on the song:

Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed

You can hear me whenever bass becomes F ie thoughtout most of the song as the song mainly consists of bass C to bass F to bass C to bass F and so on.

On this particular song it is the guitars that play my characteristic note which is note D creating with bass the characteristic interval of major 6th. The major 3rd is added too so that I sound beautifully nice.

In fact master Bach says: just add to the bass the 6th and the 3rd. He codes me as F6.

The scale is C major ie all notes are white. So the 6th note is D and the 3rd note is A. All natural. So the 3rd major and 6th major intervals are automaticaly created.

Enjoy me:

See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt

Later addition:

F A D can also be thought an inversion of D minor chord D F A, but clearly the atmosphere is different.

In Doo Doo Doos... Lou sings E...E E D C. So when bass becomes F there is also a C (a perfect 5th with respect to bass) in the harmony. Ie F A C D. This can also be thought as an inversion of chord D (minor 3rd, minor 7th) ie D F A C inverted to F A C D. Again atmosphere is different. See also Prelude in C [Bach] which shows how such chords or most chords on our planet are created eg C D F A D, B C E G C etc.

Lou Reed's voice sounds with correct frequency reponse from producer's brain to listener's brain. Ie bass heaviness which would be created by listener's brain is with one way or another removed at production. See also [Lowe, Morgan].

Later addition:
Toward the end of the song, violin sustains a high G. Therefor when bass becomes F, we have F together with a high G ie the beautiful sounding atmosphere of a 9th interval, with respect to bass. So with G added armony becomes F A D G ie F major 3rd, major 6th, major 9th.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Prelude in C major - Well Tempered Clavier - J. S. Bach

Further reading:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Harmony - Piston

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