Tuesday, June 11, 2019

You are showing off to small brother

At your risk. This is not a medical advice etc.

Paraphrasing from 1984 - George Orwell.

It is possible that small brother or big brother or whoever this guy might be is not watching you at all.

It is possible that it is us who are exposing ourselves for example on social media.

And 99999 per 100000 nobody is watching you anyway as it is very expensive and you are a good man, woman who can't even harm a fly. In fact you might help a bee if you see her trying to survive swimming on a pond of water.

If someone is interested in our personal details then why?
Because this helps them get a part from the pie of your monthly money.
For example through targeted advertisement.

Your monthly income is related to what you produce as an entity on the planet. No matter what this is. It may be even something abstract like a good idea. And the energy for all species of the planet comes everyday from our sun.

And the sun rises every single day.

Further reading:

Enchiridion - Epictetous - PDF

How to stop worrying and start living - Dale Carnegie

How to win friends and influence your environment - Dale Carnegie

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