It has to do with the finite power output of humans (is it 39Watts?), entropy, fear (which does not exist anyway other psychological or psychophysical reasons, mass inertia (inductance in electrical systems) physics laws etc.
Rushing to do something increasing the probability of an accident.
Pouring quickly something in a glass jar and overshooting.
Running fast and over shooting, see Pink Panther Cartoons.
Withdrawing your hand in haste from the record player 1000 euro cartridge taking it skipping with you.
Breaking a glass. (Entropy increasing again).
Marrying the wrong person by a quick decision. (Possible entropy increase)
Signing the wrong contract or in fact a contract.
Cutting a cable or trousers too short.
Eating (by a quick decision feeling hungry without reading the ingredients) list something cheap that contains vegetable oil, margarine, palm oil, trans fat etc that have a reputation of clogging blood arteries, see next post with title "the world is becoming a better place".
Making in haste the wrong decision.
Following in haste the wrong path.
Painting in haste the house with an unsuitable color.
Painting before doing repairs.
Starting unneeded repairs instead of doing nothing (see Pink Panther cartoon episode).
Overturning the paint bucket by rush, (entropy increasing).
See other examples and some elementary theory behind on nearby euroelectron posts on physics versus human brain time perception.
Cartoon example: Shocking Pink - Ponk Panther - YouTube
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