Monday, June 11, 2018

An electron tube mic booster amp with a 9V battery

How would the Pleiades V6 schematic (below) sound with a 13CW4 Nuvistor electron tube powered  by a 9V battery?

Pleiades V6 schematic

The 9V volt battery can supply both heaters and generously supply the anode if Pleiades or anode bias is used.

So far on Nuvistors the 7586 Nuvistor electron tube was tested on the Pleiades V6 circuit and it worked beautiful with 4V for both heaters and anode. Currently the coupling capacitor on the Pleiades breadboard is 22nF.

9V would possibly underheat the 13WC4 electron tube in the right way. There are at least 3 options of 9V batteries. The standard 9V. Rechargeable 9V batteries that come in higher or lower than 9V voltage according to how many 1.2V elements they contain. It should be a joy to experiment and find the lowest noise condition. Always a fuse should be used in series with a battery for safety. A Bulgin 9V battery drawer holder is very nice and beautiful.

The Pleiades bias resistor from anode to grid will dictate much of the sound and low noise. It is best found by experiment.

Would an 2DS4 with Pleiades bias be able to operate with just 1.5V for both heaters and anode?

More information on Pleiadss bias and the making of the Pleiades V6 head amplifier can be found on previous euroelectron posts including the hand construction of the input and output transformers on Magnetec 070 nanoperm ring tape wound cores.

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