The Pleiades 2N3053 amplifier and Philips AD5046N speaker mono setup helped at last distiguishing how these 2 beautiful voices move.
What happens sounds so refined, complex, sophisticated because it is much simpler than ordinary 3rds moving upland down. It is in fact much more lazy. One voice may stay at times to the same note while the other voice is singing. Like pedal bass.
The song is written in the key of D sharp minor. So all D are sharp, all E are sharp (ie F), all F are sharp, all G are sharp, all A are sharp, B is natural, all C are sharp.
Music is possibly written or thought or composed referenced to the white notes always. For example the music notation staff has positions for the natural white notes. We indicate sharps or flats separately. So we will talk for example D but we will mean in the case of this song D#.
Examples of pedal voice used:
On he-llo dark-ness-my-old-friend. The 1sr voice sings the main melody. The other voice is singing D D D D D D C.
On I've come to talk to you again. The 2nd voice is C C C C C C C D.
On the voices of the prophets are written on the subway walls. The 2nd voice is B B B B B B B B B B B B A.
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