D minor 3rd
G Bb D F
G minor 3rd, minor 7th
Bb D F A
Bb major 3rd major 7th
A C# E G
A major 3rd minor 7th
A minor 3rd minor 7th
These chords appear for example on Careless Wisper - George Michael
Stepping Stone - Duffy
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Concerto for oboe in D minor - Marcello brothers, Bach
They can be derived from the key or scale of D minor and the rule 1 3 5 7 with respect to a bass note belonging to the scale. The D minor scale has all keys white except B which is Bb. Some times C is C other times it is C sharp.
So the chords are automaticaly created.
For example for bass B.
Using the rule 1 3 5 7.
B D F A which is played
Bb D F A since any B is B flat on the planet of the scale of D minor.
See also previous posts on how intervals are named referenced from
Harmony - Piston
Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF
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