Sunday, May 12, 2024

A simple microphone experiment for better vocal sound

At your risk. Needed a microphone, a recording device, could be even a mobile phone, A usual place like a living room, a extra quiet outdoors recording place. One take is recorded holding the mic above head about 12 inch from nose indoors. Then the same outdoors. You can be amazed by the difference outdoors makes. It sounds close, intimate, no s problems, no bluriness, focused, inteligible, less bass heaviness crystal clear, and the singer sounds much younger., It sounds profesional. One reason may be... no close reflections which come back to the mic very quickly since they are from close objects. It is usuful to remeber that the mic has no brain to forget capturing early reflections. See also the Motion Picture Engineering book refered to on older euroelectron posts. If a good mic is used compensated for flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain such as passive inductor Pleiades microphone inline filters, to result can be amazing.

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