Sunday, May 19, 2024

On the chords of Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime - The Korgis

In order to make it simpler to understant these so refined chords, lets's present them in the D minor key which has ony one flat ie B flat, all the other notes are natural or white at the piano keyboard. Bass D, A D F. Bass step descending to C to B natural but right hand keeps playing A and D and F! Bass B flat and code (as on Bach Bass rules pdf) becomes B6 ie Bass bB, bB D G. Repeat the 4 first chords. After "I need your loving which is bass D, A D F, F is kept and bass becomes A, so adding the usual 3rd we have bass A, A #C F, then Bass G, G bB D F then keeping right hand the same and changing only bass to C, bB D F, then the chorus, Bass A, A C E, then B7 ie Bass bB, A D F, then E7 ie Bass E, bB D G (brilliant!), ends at F ie Bass F, A C F. World class masterpiece. Actual key is #C minor (3rd) or bD minor (3rd).

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