Sunday, May 12, 2024

Pleiades 2 K117 RIAA 9 Volt powered record player MM cartridge preamplifier operating in class A is ready in box

It sounds amazing and huge and lowest noise, see previous post. The size of the aluminium box is a bit more that a 7" single on one dimention and a bit less on the other. The lid may be made from transparent orange plexiglass. No soldering has been used on this. How? Everything was wirewraped, and small components were inserted in the Nickel brand from Taiwan breadboard. Even on the Neutril beautiful XLR female RCA D type chassis connectors a tiny hole and been created with a circular drill vice for hand making acuurate holes. Then the thing solid core teleco wire was wired around the signal terminal a few turns. Surprisingly perhaps then is absolutely on noise problem on the preamp. Everything sounds so big and at the same time low low even using the low output tiny Stanton EEE AR stylus. For hygenic, possible signal contamination problems, it was decided to stick to perhaps Nasa's point to point mechanical joints but without then using solder.

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