Friday, May 31, 2024

Fairytale summary, How to love your SM58 at studio

The 2 cats, Kanelina and Lucy cry in distress as they cant get their SM57 to sound like studio recordings of Bono, Michael Jackson (SM7), Sade (SM58?). Thay decide to go to the beach to ask the wise seaguls seated on the rock. They do not know either but they study online the schematic of the M7 and sugest that they wind a similar inductor of say 170mH to 240mH (the SM7 manual shows 240mH), put it in an XLR barrel and connect it to their SM58. The 2 cats rush to the forest to find their friend, the patient tortoise to wind the inductor on an Siemens small toroid. The patient tortoise asks for a very thin ie 0.08mm wire. The 2 cats decide to go to Athens city center by metro train. In the train they meet singer Liliya who gives them sesame, honey bars. They then go to Stefos shop asking for 0.08mm wire. Vangelis and Aristotle say the cost of the whole spool is 300 euros, but the kind gentlemen let them wind on a small spool just a few meters... Everything goes well, thwy use the SM58 mic at 24in (apparently to compensate for equal loudness, voice effort curves, (not for proximity effect as there should not be any at 24in antway)), they get an amazing recorded vocal sound. They then all go down to the beach to sing along and dance with the seaguls under the early morning sun who leaves no shadows.

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