Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pleiades Aloyone Amplifier

World first introduction on eBay of the schematic of possibly the first amplifier using 2 JFETS only and no other component.

Item number: 330906669619

Designed by Aetoulis.

Pleiades Electra Amplifier

The first copy of the schematic of  the Pleiades Electra Amplifier will be sold on eBay on (Apr16, 2013 22:00:25 PDT).
Item number: 330904770508

This is possibly the first amplifier using no other components except 2 electron tubes. Designed by Aetoulis. First sale since such (no other components) products were introduced by Aetoulis on eBay in 2010.

Friday, April 12, 2013

pma tnenopmoc on

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