Sunday, July 31, 2016

AKG D130 microphone and Pleiades V4 preamplifier

Amazing vocal quality.

The excellent metal wind mesh can be washed. It was washed with a toothbrush and detergent.

A Pleiades low cut filter of only 100Hz  (333mH in parallel to mic) was needed since this is an omnidirectional microphone exhibiting no proximity effect. 

To get a similar flat response from an Electrovoice RE16 with its Low Cut on at 0in distance a 47mH primary inductance transformer is used (Pleiades V5 preamplifier). This roughly corresponds to more than 700Hz cut off if we include the RE16 filter too. It certainly agrees with what we can see on directional mic curves for very small distance where response starts rising below sometimes 1KHz! The added advantage is that the low frequency ambience is reduced too since this is at a far distance having a flat response before even the filter is applied!

One can hear more background ambient noise on the D130 but this microphone  has an amazing sound too.

Signal path:

AKG D130 - Pleiades 100Hz - Canford 400mH input transformer - Pleiades V4 - Realistic Disco Mixer at mic input - Sennheiser HD 580

Note: the cutoff frequency which sounded natural was actually higher than 100Hz as it is defined by the resultant inductance of the Pleiades 333mH and the Canford 400mH.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Portable Pleiades Microphone

It would be nice to have an iPad iPhone headset as follows:

It may be like a normal white iPhone headset with the mic near the mouth. It sounds nice but the signal level is quite low, one has to increase Garageband's mic level to 10 and there is hiss.

So instead of the mic there can be a small mic connector. There we connect an external dynamic mic with Pleiades step up proximity compensating transformer connected to a Pleiadws JFET preamplifier.

All these can be modular or fitted inside the dynamic microphone's body.

The result is:

One cable only being always connected to iPad or iPhone.

The microphone is connected only when it is wanted.

A dynamic mic can give excellent studio quality (for example Michael Jackson on SM7 old version).

The Pleiades transformer made with a Magentec Nanocrystalinne core steps up the signal (voltage) without adding hiss and the number of primary turns dictate how much proximity bass is cut.

The dynamic microphone can then be used next to mouth or within 1in.

The microphone then captures the voice and almost nothing else.

The Pleiades JFET preamplifier further steps up the signal, matches impedances from high to low iPads input and is conveniently powered by the iPad's or iPhone's voltage delivered from therir mic headphone socket.

The signal then is so clean, noise free and high that the GarageBand's recording level control can be at say 4. The iPad's preamplifier cannot then add further noise and we end up with a true studio quality singing or speech.

The setup may be made extremely portable and we may end up with a high quality recording studio on our palm.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A secret to success Ενα Μυστικό Επιτυχίας

The only secret to success may be not to sign anything with anyone.

Keeping free will.

Being free.

Giving all one's intellectual property free to anyone.

Anything we give comes back in multiple ways anyway.

Το μυστικό της επιτυχίας μπορεί να ειναι να μην υπογράψει ποτέ κανείς με κανέναν.

Να κρατάμε την ελεύθερη μας βούληση.

Την ελευθερία μας.

Να δίνουμε την πνευματική ιδιοκτησία μας δωρεών σε όλλους.

Οτιδήποτε δίνουμε ελεύθερα γυρνάει πιςω με πολλούς τρόπους και μας ανταμοιβει.

Και πάνω απο όλα ειναι η χαρά και η ελευθερία του να δίνεις και να κανείς άλλους να μοιράζονται την ευτυχία σου.

Οταν δεν οικειοποιούμαστε τίποτα έχουμε πρόσβαση στα παντα.

When we do not attempt to not possess anything we have access to everything.

Και μπορούμε να ζήσουμε με τον ήλιο τη θάλασσα και τους καρπούς της γης.

And we can live with the sun, the sea, and the earth's offerings.

What microphone did Amy Winehouse used for recording Back to Black Ποιο μικρόφωνο χρησιμοποίησε η Amy Winhouse στο Back To Black

Το μικρόφωνο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ειναι το μικρόφωνο ταινίας RCA 77D.

The microphone used is the ribbon RCA 77DX.

The video on YouTube showing Mark Ronson recording Amy Winehouse on Back to Black

Thanks to Stanley Coutant,, correcting and confirming the mic is a 77DX "with its diamond-shaped escutcheon and its larger thumb nuts"

Sunday, July 24, 2016

A way to take a photograph for non photographers, Τρόπος για φωτογράφιση

Good photography may be about future predicting. Then you hit the button at the right moment.

It is just after sunset.

And the sky is full of ultraviolet light.

And 2 semi familiar girls are trying to selfie themselves in bathing suits. Sea and sky is between the ultraviolet and the girls.

And someone reflects on the beauty in them. Asks to take the tablet in his hands. And he does not look at the screen, he watches them with his bare eyes.

Their body is in the frame as he wants it and they are relaxed and he keeps scanning as much as he can and when their face is the most shinny natural and beatiful he touches the button on the screen.

In a way it is similar to music playing, you just have to hit the right button the right time as J.S. Bach said.

And it is similar to music listening. The girls attitude keeps changing all the time just like music's chord progressions and events.

And when you hear beauty you know.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Definition of Art, Ορισμός της Τέχνης

Art is everything you do not have to do.

Τέχνη ειναι οτιδήποτε δεν είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να κάνουμε.

Brian Eno

Brian Eno J Peel Lecture at the British Library

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why does the moon affect mood? Γιατί η Σελήνη επηρεάζει την συμπεριφορά;

Very unlikely but could it be that its gravitational force moves our brain?

Απίθανο αλλα μήπως ειναι η επηδραςη της βαρυτικης της έλξη μετατοπίζοντας τον εγκέφαλο μας;

Έτσι μάντεψε η Δάφνη.

The moon has very smaller mass compared to the sun but the smaller distance makes a relatively strong gravitational field and greater differential force between for example one side of the earth and the other. Hence it deformes the earth (tides) more than then sun. (The differential effect is similar to the proximity effect of bass increase in microphones when we speak or sing close to them).

When in full moon we have the sun and moon on opposite sides. Could it be that they attract our brain on opposite directions?

When moon is new both moon and sun are on the same side. Could it be that the combined attraction from the moon and sun at the same direction attracts and affects our brain?

Dafne guessed so.

Reference on differential gravitational forces:
Conceptual Physics - Hewitt

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Γράψε την εμπειρία σου για την Ελλάδα.

Μπηκα στην τράπεζα και ο βομβητης της εισόδου απίστευτα δυνατός.

Το λέω στη καινούργια διευθύντρια, απίστευτα ευγενική μου λέει οτι εχω δίκιο και ενημερώνει.

Περιμένοντας τη σειρά μου η μεγάλη οθόνη ακριβως απο πάνω μου δειχνει απίστευτη θάλασσα ιστιοφόρο με τα πανιά κατεβασμένα, η πανέμορφη με το μπικίνι όρθια και μετά ο άλλος όρθιος με μαγιό πιο μακρυά.

Τι το κάνουν το μαγιό ολομόναχοι και τόσο μακρυά απο οτιδήποτε;

Έτσι βρίσκομαι σε μια απο τις τόσες παραλίες με κάποια που της είπα και μου είπε οτι μου αρέσει.

Κάναμε μπάνιο και μετά το σούρουπο άρχισα να την χαϊδεύω και να την φιλάω παντού γυμνή. Δεν πηδηξαμε και έτσι περάσαμε θαυμάσια πολλές ώρες κάτω απο τα αστέρια χωρίς θόρυβο μηχανής και χωρίς απομόνωση σε ένα σκάφος απο το όποιο δεν μπορείς να ξεφυγεις. Και χωρίς τίμημα.

Μια ομορφη τρυφερή αγκαλιά χωρίς κανείς να σου ζητήσει να του πας φορολογική ενημερότητα.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Looking out for Love, Ψάχνοντας για Αγάπη

Δεν ειναι οτι ψάχνουμε για αγάπη, η αγάπη ψάχνει για εμάς.

It is not that we seek love, it is love that seeks us.

Ce n'est pas qu'on cherche l'amour, c'est l'amour qui cherche pour nous.

(Inspired from the song Je t'attends)

Το παρελθόν περνάει Past passes by

Το παρελθόν περνάει αμέσως και κάθε επόμενη στιγμή ειναι καλύτερη απο την προηγούμενη.

Past passes by and every new movement is better than the previous one.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Για να έχουμε οποία γυναίκα θελουμε, To have any woman we like...

(At your own risk, με δίκη σας ευθύνη)

Δεν την πέφτουμε.

We do not make a pass on.

Why musical pitch depends on intensity, Γιατί το ύψος ενός τόνου εξαρτάται και απο την ένταση

Is it non linearity in the ear-brain mechanism when a higher amplitude sound wave enters creates harmonics including a 0 harmonic (DC component). Drift on the basilar membrane excitation point means change in pitch.


Hearing: Its Psychology and Physiology - Stanley Smith Stevens and Hallowell Davies
Armstrong E.H. (December 12, 1914) "Operating Features of the Audion" Electrical World 64 (24): 1149-1152.

Μόνο το φως δεν έχει τίποτα πάνω του Only light has nothing above it

Μόνο το φως δεν έχει τίποτα πάνω του.

Λάμπρος Lampros

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Αρχή μυθιστορήματος, Begining of a novel,

Σημερα έρχονται (φτάνουν) η Τετάρτη και η Πεμπη

Today Wensday and Thursday are coming

Πλησιάζει πρώτη φορά.

Της λέει, θέλετε να βρισκόμαστε τις Τετάρτες;

Εκείνη έκθαμβη του λέει μια δεν σας γνωρίζω.

Αυτή ειναι η ομορφιά, ν' απολαύσουμε ο ένας το σώμα του άλλου άγνωστοι. Αν προκύψει μαθαίνουμε σταδιακά περισσότερα.

Σας περιμένω πάνω απο το γνωστό μέρος όπου βρίσκεται το σπίτι μου την άλλη Τετάρτη σαν σήμερα.. Ας σας φέρνει ο δρόμος σας. Και ποτέ μην αλλάζετε τον δρόμο σας για κανέναν και για τίποτα.

Μα δεν θα ρωτήσετε το όνομα μου;

Θα λέγεστε απλά Τετάρτη για να μην σας μπερδεύω με τις άλλες μέρες.

Η Τερταρτη καθόταν στη στάση του τραμ. Είχε πολύ λεπτή μέση και κουνούσε ελκτικα η απωθητικά τα γυμνά της πόδια.

Μήπως ειναι βιαστής; Μα έδωσε όλα του τα στοιχεία άφοβα. Και εξάλλου δεν υπάρχουν ούτε δράκοι παραμυθιών ούτε βιαστές.

Είχε μια ολόκληρη εβδομαδα να προετοιμαστεί ψυχολογικά...

Monday Tuesday Simultaneously

Approaching for the first time.

He tells her, Shall we meet on Mondays like today?

She brightly blushing says But I do not know you.

This is the point of beauty, we will discover each other's body while being unknown. If we then see fit we can get deeper.

I will be waiting for you above the well known place where my studio is next Monday. If you happen to be passing by. And do remember never to change your path for none and nothing.

But you have not even asked my name.

You will be called Monday so that I won't confuse you with the other days.

Monday had been sitting on an Athens tram platform. She had a slender waist and had been rocking back and forth her bare legs.

Could he be a rapist? But he gave all his identity with Aphobia (without any fear). Besides there are no dragons or rapists.

She had a beautiful week to prepare herself psychologically.

Aphobia a- phobia Αφοβία α- φοβία

Η αφοβία ειναι ένα σπαθί που κόβει τα παντα.

Aphobia is a sword that cuts everything.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Carpenters Karen Carpenter and Electro-Voice RE16 microphone

Karen Carpenter can be seen singing to an RE16 ? on this YouTube video:

Friday, July 1, 2016

Το μυστικό να τραγουδάμε και να ηχογραφουμε αφαλτσα φωνητικά, The secret of singing and recording vocals in tune

Η ένταση στα ακουστικά πρεπει να ειναι παρα παρα πολύ χαμηλή. (Η τονικοτητα ενός ήχου επηρεάζεται απο την ένταση).

The sound pressure level at the headphones must be very very low. (Pitch depends on intensity)

Πηγή, Reference:

Sound and Hearing, Life Encyclopedia, S.S.Stevesns, Fred Warshopsky
Ήχος και Ακοή, Ενγκυκλοπαιδια Λάιφ

All My Life - George Chakiris, score

All my Life - George Chakiris, score
Public Domain