Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

Ευτυχισμένο Νέο Έτος

Exploring the frequency modulation of Dionne Warwick with a tape player at half speed

While listening to I save a little prayer for you - Dionne Warwick, the magnetic tape speed was reduced from 7ips to 3.5ips just for fun.

The vibrato of the great singer could be heard in detail at the end of phrases. Surprisingly the frequency deviation is about up and down a semitone from the carier note. Like an ambulance.

Is this part of the secret of a great exercised sweet voice?

Thank you 2019

Σ' ευχαριστούμε 2019

Hello to Russia and Poland

Accuracy of inductance, impedance measurements on Pleiades experiments

+ or - 1mH

+ or - 1Ω

This was checked by connecting the Escort digital LCR meter to the Danbrdidge air core inductor boxes and Dunbridge resistance box. All scales were tried on all information sending, receiving
instruments and accuracy was surprisingly very good. (+ or - 5Ω or 5mH is the accuracy at larger Z or L values than usually used in Pleiadss experiments).


Escort LCR meter ELC-120 made in Taiwan
Dunbridge decade inductor type D13A made in Denmark
Dunbridge resistance box type DR4/ABCD made in Denmark

Shure SM59, AKG D190 microphone comparison

(Later addition: there is an error in this post.
The AKG mic used is possibly the D190ER (reporter's  version), label is missing.
It has possibly an internal low cut filter, see 20Jan 2020 posts)

Signal path:

Male singing voice - mic at 2-4 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) high pass - Sony TC-D5 Pro mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - listeners's (singer's) ear, brain

Both mics smooth.

D190 much louder.
More mid focused.

SM59 more smooth.

Fostex M80RP with various Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope high pass filters

2 Danbridge air cored inductor box type D13A connected in series anti phase in order to hum cancel
1 Danbridge resistance box type DR4/ABCD
were used to create a variable Pleiades (R,L) microphone filter.

The Fostex M80RP used was measured with the Escort LCR meter ECL-120 to have an ac impedance of 680Ω.
(DC should not be used as it can damage a ribbon mic)

The microphone was wrapped with very thin food wraping membrane so that singing distance of even 1in can be tried.
The difference between membrane and no membrane turns out to be subtle. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that even at the highest frequency the sound wavelength is much longer than membrane or membrane much much thiner....

(70ω,40mH) nice for 1in
((100-140)ω,60mH) nice for 3in
(140ω,40mH) nice for 3in more HF less mid
((70-170)ω,80mH) nice for 6in resembles AKG D190 with Pleiades (130ω,40mH)
((90-140)ω,100mH) nice for (10-12)in

Pleiades (R,L) filter for the AKG D130

It depends on the kind of singing.

These values were found to approach the sound of the AKG D190 connected to Pleiades filter (130ω,40mH):

(approximate values of series resistance)

Comparison between Electro-Voice RE-15 and AKG D190

The RE-15 was used with its LC filter off.

Both mics give a high output.

The EV more bass heavy.

Both mics we're connected to the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut filter.

Signal path:

male soft singing voice at high register - mic at 3-6 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) - Sony TC-D5 PRO mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - singer's ear, brain

The AKG D112 was also connected to the same inline filter
Very nice sound, more extended bass than D190. Has something of the naturalness of the D25.

The AKG 330BT was also connected to Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)
(All mic settings to flat)
Loud mic more HF than D190

Is the AKG D190 the most natural?

A Pleiades filter for Grundig GDM-121 Sennheiser MD-21

72Ω in series with 70mH and total connected to mic's output sounded very nice.

Otherwise mic is bass heavy for male singing voice.

Very high output mic.

Very extended treble.

The AKG D190 with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) sounds more mid focused and perhaps more natural.

Pleiades ((R,L) filter for closer mic distance

For example (50Ω,40mH) or (50Ω,30mH) instead of (130Ω,40mH) for a mic distance of 2-3 in if an AKG D190 is used.

This was found while adjusting the Dunbridge inductor boxes and resistor box.

AKG D25 vs AKG D190 vs Shure Unidyne III 545 with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope high pass filter

The AKG D25 was used with its low cut full on

Signal path:

Male singing voice from low to high pitch - microphone at 2-6 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) - Sony TC-D5 Pro mono mode (listening as usual in real time through HD 580 headphones - Sennheiser HD 580

Microphones sound bass, mid heavy without the Pleiades filter.

AKG D190
Sounded most loud of all

Less loud
Even smoother midrange
That amazing oomph at low registers but without bass heaviness

Shure Unidyne III
less loud then D25
High frequency emphasis giving some perhaps coldness

Paso M8 microphone with Pleiades L cascaded to Pleiades (R,L) filters

Difficult mic. It had been modified by removing the series low cut capacitor used on its switch and an inductor wound in Magnetec nanoperm toroid was substituted.

Today it was retried adding external a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) inline filter.

With only the in,in filter it sounds nice, warm.

With the internal Pleiades L (inductor filter) added it sounds brighter.

With only the L filter it sounds less bright.

With both filters it was directly compared to the AKG D190 with an external (130Ω,40mH) filter. The D190 sounds even better, more full and much louder.

Sennheiser MD 611 M vs AKG D190, both mics with the Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope HP (high pass) filter

Male singing tried .

Both mics sound almost unbearable without the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) ie a 130Ω resistor in series with an inductor of 40mH and total in parallel with voice coil. The MD 611 M even more bass unbearable, unbearable room bass heaviness added and the D190 sounds mid, bass mid barking.

The particular MD611 membrane had been thoroughly cleaned a few months ago from dust metal particles. A very nice job was possible as the coil had been broken, the membrane could be removed from the magnet assembly so cleaning was extremely easy with a camel hair painting brush etc. the lucky the coil brake could be repaired by inserting the soldering iron tip to the side of the capsule almost by chance as the brake could not be seen, melted solder found its place and joined the very very thin wire. A striped wire wrap wire was implanted on top of where the coil wire coil continues at the side of the capsule to guide the solder. The extremely well cleaned membrane makes the mic sound possibly as new although there is a small hole on the side of the very thin plastic diaphragm. Later addition: if memory is correct the membrane was not removed from the magnet assembly but cleaning was nerve there's possibly by gentle abrupt artist soft natural hair paint brush strokes.

With the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter the MD611 M sounds very bright and detailed. Somewhat like the quality of the When I Fall in Love - Nat King Cole world class vocal. This clearly demonstrates the detailed and focused quality that moving coil (dynamic) mics can give that some condenser mics can only perhaps dream of.

With the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter the D190 sounds very natural with no bass, or treble emphasis. Barking effect disappears. No hype but detail.
With the Pleiades (20Ω,11mH) it sounds much brighter and mic can be approached to 1in.

Signal path:

male voice at various singing registers - mic at 6in or less - Pleiades (R,L) - Western Electric 1:2 step up transformer only in the case of the (20Ω,11mH) filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro in mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - listener's (singer) brain

Inexpensive dynamic microphones with Pleiades (R,L) filter

They sound great.

The Philips N8 207/00 with its AKG? capsule
Much variation between specimens.
The black version sounded of less bandwidth than the brown ones but perhaps closer to the neutrality of the AKG D190.

The Philips EL 1979 with its AKG? capsule great too.

Without the Pleiades filter they sound almost unbearable but with the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) they sound world class.
Bass and mid heaviness is gone forever.
There is still some upper mid resonance on these mics but the Shure Unidyne III 545 does the same although it may sound even more focused and possibly better.

The AKG D190 sounds the most neutral and flat frequency response with the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) gentle slope low cut or high pass filter.

All these mics give very high output on Sony TC-D5 Pro. Ironically the 545 gave the less output. This is possibly because most of these mics are 600Ω output impedance.

The AKG D190 is very high output. Amazing mic.

Monday, December 30, 2019

List of flat (even) frequency response microphones

They can sound amazing.

All that might be needed is an inductor in series with a resistor and the total resultant network connected across the mic's output. For example the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) inline gentle slope high pass or low cut XLR female to male barrel adaptor filter. Microphones of lower impedance than 200Ω may need different values of R,L. Otherwise the sound can be even more bass, mid bass, mid heavy than typical microphones. (The proximity effect can start below 1KHz when the mic distance is a few inch small as can be seen for example on Shure catalogues back pages, SM58 for example).

Without such a filter especially at mic mouth distance of less than 24in, 12in, 6in etc most mics sound bass, mid bass, mid heavy due to proximity effect bass boost, Fletcher Munson (loud reproduction) curves bass boost, voice effort (softer singing than reproduction) curves bass boost. Directional mics exhibit in addition to the psychoacoustic effects mentioned above, the proximity effect.

Mics with rising treble response may have gained acceptance or popularity as the treble rise may be a way to cover up the bass or mid heaviness. But bass heaviness is still there chasing. Once bass heaviness is compensated the harshness of the HF rise is left exposed.

Flat frequency response microphones once bass, mid bass, mid heaviness is compensated shine through natural and detailed with no hype.

And they can approach with proper compensation the ideal of flat frequency response not from mic to loudspeaker but much more importantly from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain. [Lowe, Morgan], [Hilliard].

Here is the beginning of a small list of such world class microphones:

AKG D190
AKG D20, D25
Beyer M100, M101, M260, M81, M810, M64 Electro-Voice RE-15, RE-16 too?
Electro-Voice D054? (not tried yet) Grampian GR1, GR2
Shure SM59
Shure SM7 with its HF reduction LCR filter on
Fostex M80RP, M88RP
Sennheiser MD211 (omnidirectional)
Sennheiser MD409 (not tried yet)
Sennheiser MD441 U3 with its HF reduction LCR? filter on

The flatness of sensitivity versus frequency of these microphones can be seen or read on the respective datasheets. The human ear can recognize the sound quality of smooth.

If you know of more flat frequency response microphones you might like to add on comments.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristcs (flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain) - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the society of motion picture engineers

A Brief History of Early Motion Picture Sound Recording and Reproducing Practice - John F. Hilliard - Journal of the society of audio engineering - vol33 - no4 - 1985 April

Hello to United States and to Hellas

Shure SM59 impression

After cleaning the SM59 shines its beauty.

Foam surround had disintegrated. It was removed.

Made in USA.

First experience, fist time listening to the SM59 in the Pleiades lab.

What a microphone!

Possibly one of the best microphones ever made on earth.

The Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) inline passive gentle slope high pass filter was connected to compensate the proximity effect bass heaviness, equal loudness curves bass heaviness, voice effort curves bass heaviness. [Lowe, Morgan], [Hilliard]

(So just a 130Ω resistor in series with a 40mH inductor and total connected across mic's voice coil or output terminal.)

The sound is amazing, no coloration, no s problem, no p problems, no handling noise. Natural. Can't be described how natural in words. Like a ribbon microphone properly compensated for no bass heaviness.

No tendency for acoustic feedback showing the extremely flat frequency response of this microphone.

The neumatic suspension is a marvel of engineering virtually eliminating handling noise.

Low output. With a world class battery electron tube mic pre booster such as the Pleiades V6 there should not be any low level or hiss problem.

Signal path:

male singing voice at high register - Shure SM59 at 2-3 in - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro as preamp, mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 monitoring headphones - Listener's (singer's) ear, brain


Sound picture recording and reproducing Characteristcs (flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain) - D. P.  Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Jorunal of the society of motion picture engineers

A brief history of early motion picture sound recording and reproducing practice - John F. Hilliard - Journal of the society of audio engineering - vol33 - no4 - 1985 April

Who are then the music industry stars?

Who are they?

The singers?

The songwriters?

The record producers?

The recording engineers?

The microphones?

The microphone passive proximity, equal loudness or voice effort filters?

The microphone preamplifiers?

The electronic or acoustic engineers inventing or designing the equipment?

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The feet melody

Dreamed this simple melody sung by a vocalizing woman while a beat had been playing. It was a full production soundtrack to a film scene.
 And wanted a hug

This is all that could be remembered. Even this would have been forgotten had Canelina the cat not waking me up as she was feeling very cold.

First note sung is B flat.

The key is bE minor.

For simplifying it will described transposed to E minor as E minor has only F sharp.

The melody will be written in a matrix of 16 16ths.

--b-b(oct)-g-f--bb(oct)gf---gfef (6 beats)
f-------------b (repeat)

Bass number code is: [Bach,Niedt]
E   D246 #C7
C7  A7
B45 to B

Or left hand piano notes (harmony) are:
beg  bdeg  b#ceg
bceg  aceg
be#f  b#d#f

Public domain (see later addition)
Next day addition: Vicky pointed out that first few notes of melody already exist on the song Δυο μέρες μονο - Δήμητρα Γαλάνη.


Bach bass rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Protecting a microphone with a thin film outside membrane

At your risk.

While opening a damaged Gamma, German?, microphone. It is not a side address microphone but looks like an AKG D15 or Sennheiser MD4...
(Later addition: a black looking Sennheiser MD42).

Maybe I had seen one like these in a ship radio room when I was a kid.

It has the large Tuchel connector.

The front grill was unscrewed and it revealed a ring with a thin membrane which was sitting on top of the metal resonator of the voice coil diaphragm. Like a drum snare skin nano structure. Perhaps used for making the mic waterproof while the captan speaks near the bridge...

It is made of a very thin transparent material like an extremely thin mica. It makes rustling noise if it is touched.

Surprisingly it does not make much difference to the sound. It just makes it more middle focused.

It did protect the mic from everything, saliva, iron particles, dust etc.

The mic works fine.

Would a thin food wrapping membrane do the same trick on a modern mic? Or even a washed from lubricant and thoroughly dried thin condom?

How would it sound if the usual round stocking type mic pop filter is replaced by a round thin transparent film type? would it stil protect the mic?

Tuesday, December 24, 2019



The first time ever I saw your face - Peter Paul & Mary


Θα μπορουςε να εχει ελληνικούς στίχους; Πχ...
Την πρωτη φορα που είδα τα ματια σου
Ειχαν την λάμψη του ονείρου

The Dorian musical key structure, Η δομή της Δωριας κλίμακας

On previous post

Στο προηγουμενο post.

Ionian key = major key = Ιωνιος τρόπος

These names come from the Hellenic mythology.

Ιων, Δωρος.
Ion, Dorus

So we have the Ionian mode, Ιωνιος τρόπος which is the standard major 3rd key. Eg
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do (all white or natural keys).

We also have Dorian mode, Δωριος τρόπος which is a minor 3rd scale which has a change from the standard minor key towards the last notes. Below is the difference between the two.

A minor or A Aeolean, Αιωλιος

A Dorian, A or Λα Δωριος
A B C D E #F G A

So Dorian mode is:
Tone Halftone Tone Tone Tone Halftone Tone

Thanks to Μαρω for letting me know that the names come from Hellenic mythology.

Examples of Dorian mode:
Breathe - Pink Floyd
The Great Gig in the Sky (mostly the vocal part) - Pink Floyd, Claire Tory
To Get Lucky - Duft Punk
Society's Child - Janis Ian

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Shirley Bassey

I who have, live

Propellerheads, history repeating

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hello to the United States of America

Recording whistling melodies

Nice result was obtained with 2 Beyer M55 microphones connected out of phase fairly close to each other (12in) so that a lot a bass reaction takes place and whistling to one of the mics at about 12in. (Using the Lou Burroughs trick of omni mic noise cancelation connection, the reduction of bass suited whistling voice capture).

An afternoon with Bill Putnam - AES


Playing the piano with both hands, a simple exercise

Some hints:

Bass is into rhythm (rhythm section). So it may be worth thinking the bass while playing.

One can try for example the classic French song, La Mer.
Playing deep bass melody...
and repeat in loop...
Counting 4 1/4s or 2 1/2s for each note.
The adding the melody with right hand.
If left hand fails to keep up with groove an exercise is to try, Do, La, Fa, Sol ie C A F G in loop while playing with the right hand moving it around, touching objects, writting with pen on paper etc while left hand plays in rhythm. A similar exercise may be often done by orchestra conductors for the purpose of obtaining independant movement of each hand.

Recording the drums

A historical journey:

Thursday, December 19, 2019

AKG D190E vs Shure Unidyne B 515SD Mexico both mics with or without the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter

Both mics sung to at about 4in.

The D190 sounds like barking midrange without the Pleiades gentle slope high pass filter. Possibly due to proximity effect boosting mid bass and mid.

The 515SD sounds more bright, less mid heavy than the D190.

With the Pleiades filter the AKG D190 sound amazing, with very clear midrange and nice bass and treble, smooth sound.

With the Pleiades filter the Shure 515Sd sounds very nice, natural sound too but more treble.

A way to derive the Dorian musical key

If we make the usual expansion 1  3  5  7  9  11  13 from bass A:

A C E G B D F (for example playing sustaining notes on the piano).
F does not sound right while #F does.
So we have:
A B C D E #F G A ie A Dorian

Similarly with bass D:
D F A C E G B D sounds superb
D Dorian is:
D E F G A B C D ie
re mi fa sol la si do re
All white or natural keys.

The Dorian key is very important as it is minor but the chord created with bass the 4th note of the scale is major 3rd instead of minor third. Therfore this chord sounds happy and uplifting:

It can be heard:

At the sung vocalise part of the Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd, Claire Torry
The chord progression is G minor 3rd minor 7th to C major 3rd major 7th major 9th

Also on To Get Lucky - Duft Punk

many pop songs that immediatly stand out

Monday, December 16, 2019

Important hints for the operation of the dynamic cardiod microphones AKG D 12 D 25 D 30 D 40 D 36 D 45 related to output impedance with respect to frequency

This document is live on eBay.fr in an item's photos.



Below 300 Hz however the microphone output impedance impedance rises until it becomes twice at 50Hz.

The graph also shows some increase of output impedance at 1KHz.

The paper describes the importance of the amplifier input impedance being greater than the nominal value.

Microphone techniques by Shure


The link has been found from here:

A low mass microphone membrane gives sentimental sensitivity to a microphone

Sentimemtal sensitivity is Vicky's comment while listening to a vocal recorded with the Fostex M80RP while comparing other takes with other microphones.

Pleiades (R,ωL) filter vs 2 omni mics out of phase part 2

(Later addition: there is a mistake in this post, the AKG D190 used seems to be a D190ER version with internal low cut).

There may had been systematic errors on part 1.
One of them is listening with headphones sending sound to one ear as Sony TC-D5 Pro II was used instead of Pro (I) which has a mono switchable mode.

After listening again with Vicky on her hi-fi system, the Pleiades filter seems to win and the first 3 used mics sound the best on the particular male singing voice.

Signal path:

TDK SAX type II cassette recorded on part 1 - Pioneer CT-443 cassette deck - Musical Fidelity Synthesis amplifier - Spendor Audio Systems SP1 speakers

AKG D190E with Pleiades (130Ω,ω40mHΩ)
Great smooth sound

Fostex M80RP with same Pleiades filter
Lower volume, great sound and as Vicky mentioned sentimental detail or sensitivity, it demonstrates how the singer feels

Shure VP64
Nice big sound

Shure SM63
Spitty, excessive mouth noises etc

Beyer M55
Vicky mentioned high frequency peak problem on both Pleiades filter setup or 2 omni out of phase setup

2x Beyer M55 out of phase
Vicky mentioned lack of bass
(perhaps mics were used 2 close to each other canceling more LF content than needed

M55 without Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope high pass filter
Vicky mentioned how unrealistic it sounds, like an amateur recording

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hello to Ukraine, Germany and South Korea

Pleiades (R,L) filter or two omnidirectional microphones connected out of phase while singing to one of them?

There are errors on this post. See part 2:

Signal path:

Male singing voice at high register - mic - Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter - Sony TC-D5 PRO II on one channel - Sennheiser HD580 (signal to one earphone).


Male singing voice - 2x Beyer M55 out of phase - military transformer - Sony TC-D5 PRO II on one channel - Sennheiser HD 580 signal to one ear

The ingenious trick by Lou Burroughs (Electro-Voice) clearly wins. (Later addition: on latter auditions of recording it did not, see part 2).

It is described in his book, Microphones.

Bass or mid bass or mid heaviness disappears together with ugly room ambient noise. One is left with a very clear and bright vocal.

Before trying this trick many good quality microphones were tried today while making a demo of the song Πως θα Ηταν.
A Pleiades filter of (130Ω,40mH) was connected to each mic for reducing bass heaviness to listener's brain.
The following mics were tried:

AKG 190
Nice by mid bass heavy

Fostex M80RP
More treble but bass heavy

Shure SM63
Treble but bass heavy

Shure VP64
Loud but less treble and some bass, mid heaviness

Same for the Shure RadioShack omni microphone

Same for the 600Ω Beyer M55.
Nice but somewhat bass heavy

Then 2 Beyer M55 where connected out of phase to each other to a military transformed used as a hybrid adder (mixing is an incorrect word as it means in electronic engineering multiplication of 2 signals and not addition). The output from the transformer was connected to one channel of Sony TC-D5 Pro II similarly to previous mics. The 2 omni mics were held with the back of each touching the front of each.
Excellent sound.
No bass heaviness, mid bass heaviness, boxiness etc.

Results were confirmed by listening instead of to Sennheiser HD 580 to also the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker with a Tesla 5in fullrange drive unit connected to Sony Tac-D5 headphones output.

A very smooth sound and it sounds professional. On most of these demos male singing voice was recorded together with Yamaha PSS-14 keyboard used for string chords.

Speaking voice sounds very thin but singing male voice sounds just right. Wish I knew this trick when starting playing with electron tube small reel to reel recorders. They always sounded mid bass heavy and I didn't know it was my brain creating the mid bass heaviness.[Lowe, Morgan]

Later addition: A lower value of R or L may do the trick. Or using the Pleiades (130Ω,ω40mHΩ) with the Pleiades V6 booster amplifier with the CV2269 electrometer tube or other electron tube at low anode current so that a second low cut filter is created, see older posts.


Sound picture recording and reproducing characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal if the society of motion picture engineers

If while pressing play on Sony TC-D5 Pro more reactive force is felt do not increase pressing force or something might brake

Friday, December 13, 2019

Hello to Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, and Hong Kong

Euroelectron pageviews now.

Entry Pageviews
Hong Kong

One Henry divided by one Ohm makes one second

Time constant = τ = L/R

Time constant τ is the time it takes for an inductor in series with resistor to get to 63% of full current. Equivalent to a train running at 63% of full speed.

Trains take time to have their speed increased because they have mass.

Inductors take time to have the current trough them increased because they have inductance.

See also Harry Olson (RCA) acoustic, mechanical, electrical analogies.

See also The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leygton, Sands

See also Introduction to System Dynamics - Searer, Murphy, Richardson

1 Ohm times 1 Farad makes 1 Second

Ω x F = s

This is because 1Ω in series with 1F has a time constant of 1 second. This means the capacitor charges to say 63% of supply voltage in one second.


Henry times angular frequency makes Ohm

inductive reactance = ωL = angular velocity x inductance

angular velocity = 2 times 3.14... times frequency = 2πf

R in series with L create a complex impedance:

(R,ωL) ie


This is a vector. It's magnitude and angle depend on frequency.

See also rotating vectors (phasors).

See also:
Engineering Circuit Analysis - Hayt Jr, Kemmerly

Thursday, December 12, 2019

On eliminating the barking effect from some vintage dynamic AKG microphone

It is likely that the mid barking effect comes from the proximity effect increasing mid or mid bass.

AKG D1000E
Sounded great with its (R,C-L) filter
Even brighter when cascading also the Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter.
It sounded too bright with a Pleiades (24Ω,11mH)
It sounded more wide bandwidth than perhaps needed with its low cut off and a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)

Sounded great with a Pleiades (24Ω,11mH) filter.
A flat mic. Ie smooth, flat frequency response ie sensitivity.
Very nice sound with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH)

D130 omnidirectional sounds nice too with Pleiades (130Ω,40mH).

A great advantage of these AKG mics is that the sintered bronze mesh cover is washable (at your risk). There is absolutely no odor.

Pin order 1-4-2-5-3 of German DIN connectors

So that 3 pin and 5 pin thinking is compatible:

Thread on UHER 4200 stereo:

The original key of Vocalise - Rachmaninov is E minor (ie all F ie Fa are sharp)

Vocalise - Rachmaninov - Wikipedia

Listen the orchestra arrangement by Rachmanov conducted by himself in 1929

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Most in music making in a few words, Πως φτιάχνεται η μουςικη με λιγες λέξεις

Ολα ορίζονται και αναφέρονται στο μπαςο (απο την ελληνική λέξη βασις). [Bach, Niedt]

Το μπαςο ειναι σε καθε χρονική στιγμή μια μονο νοτα αλλιώς ακουγεται τελείως λάθος και δεν ειναι πια βαςη.

Τα παντα στη μουςικη αναφέρονται στις λευκές η Natural νοτες.
Αυτες ειναι μονο 7 και δεν υπαρχει τίποτα άλλο στην δυτική μουςικη. Με αυτες τις 7 γινονται ολα απο συμφωνία μεχρι ροκ συναβλια, η ενα απλό θαυματουργό τραγουδάκι.

Το μονο που χρειάζεται να θυμομαςτε ειναι τον απλό κανονα, νοτα παρα νοτα πανω απο το μπαςο.
Αν πχ το μπαςο σε δεδομένη στιγμή ειναι Ντο επιτρεπόμενες νοτες για συγχορδίες η αρμονία ειναι οι
Ντο Μι Σολ Σι Ρε Φα Λα (δηλαδή παλι οι 7 νοτες αφου δεν υπαρχει τίποτα άλλο).
Δεν χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιούμε και τις 7, να συνηχουν όλες μαζι, οπως ένας καλός σεφ μαγειρικής διαλέγει με γούστο τι θα βαλει, ποσο θα βαλει, και δεν βάζει ολα τα υλικα μαζι. Οπως και η ζωγράφος δεν ανακατεύει ολα τα χρώματα γιατι βγαινει μαύρο η καφέ σκούρο.

Στατιστικά στα περισσότερα, μουσικά τραγούδια, συμφωνίες, κτλ:

Το 1 3 5 χρησιμοποιειται συχνά.
Πχ Let it Be - Beatles στο σημείο "when I FIND"
(Μπαςο Ντο, συγχορδία Ντο Μι Σολ)

Αν χρησιμοποιούμε μονο 1 3 5 τα πράγματα ειναι πολυ βαρετά σαν να τρώμε κατι που περιεχει πόνο ενα υλικό.
Ετςι οι μεγάλοι συνθέτες χρησιμοποιουν και άλλες νοτες απο το ανάπτυγμα 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Μπορουμε λοιπόν να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το διάστημα 7ης.
Πχ Old and Wise - Alan Parsons Project
Το τραγουδι αυτο χρηςιμοποιει το διάστημα 7ης σχεδόν συνεχεια. Για παραδειγμα στο "...far as my eyes can SEE". Στο SEE ειναι μπαςο Φα και αρμονία Φα Λα Ντο Μι. Ο τραγουδιστής τραγουδάει Λα ετςι μπορουμε να παίξουμε Φα μπαςο, κάποιο άλλο όργανο Ντο και κάποιο άλλο Μι.

Το διάστημα έκτης εμφανίζεται σχετικά συχνά. Ειναι το 13 στο ανάπτυγμα. Πχ αν το μπαςο ειναι Φα εχουμε Φα Λα Ντο Μι Σολ Σι Ρε. Το Ρε ειναι διάστημα 6ης απο το μπαςο. Παραδειγμα στο τραγουδι A Time for us - Nino Rita. Στη εκτέλεση Ray Conniff στο "for US" το μπαςο ειναι Φα και η μελωδια ειναι Ρε.

Πιο σπάνια εμφανίζεται το 11,13,15 που στην πραγματικότητα ειναι 2,4,6
Δευτερη συγχορδία του Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven
Εχουμε μπαςο Σι και αρμονία Ντο Μι Σολ.
Για να ακουστεί πιο ωραια ο Λουτβιχ έβαλε Σολ Ντο Μι.
Η κλίμακα ειναι Ντο διεση μινόρε. Αρα ολα τα Ντο, Ρε, Μι, Φα, Σολ, Λα, Σι ειναι διεση.

Αρα αυτο που χρειάζεται παντα να γνωρίζουμε ειναι σε ποια κλίμακα η Musical Key, η κλειδί βρισκομαστε.

Αλλιώς η μουςικη, μαγική πορτα δεν ανοίγει.

Περισσότερα στο:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt


All needed to remembered is than when bass is for example C (Do) the chord or harmony can be any of the (C E G B D F A, do mi sol si re fa la notes. Similarly for any bass note. Everything is referred to the 7 white or natural notes. Another important thing to remember or derive is what are the sharps or flats of each musical key. For example the 3rd chord of Back to Black - Amy Winehouse is B D F A, si re fa la but B, Si is flat as the key is D, Re minor.

Preparing dissonant intervals can be like sending arrows of love

For example:

Playing on the right hand
E sustained
then while E sings playing F bass (left hand) and A with the right hand.
(So what is played is F A E but E is played in advance and the interval of major 7th F E is prepared.

A chain can be made for example:

Playing E
Then adding F A as above
Then playing D
then adding E G as above
Then C
then adding D A as above
Then B
then adding C E as above
Then A
then adding B D
Then A resolved to #G
then adding E E
Then A C A

Dissonant intervals do not sound dissonant at all if the composer knows how the game of misic is olayed

All one needs to do is prepare the intervals to the listener's brain.

See next post.

See also Bach Bass Rules.

Τα διαφωνα μουσικά διαστήματα κλαίνε αισθανόμενα παρεξηγημένα

Έκλαιγαν τα διαστήματα έβδομης, ειδικα έβδομης μεγάλης (πχ Φα Μι), και ενάτης.

Έκλαιγαν γιατι ο πολύς ο κόσμος, μουσικός η μη, χρηςιμοποιει αυτήν την στερεότυπη ταμπέλα του διαφωνου.

Τα πειρε στην αυγά λια της η Βελουδινα και τα πήγε μαζι με την Κανελινα στους σοφους γλαρους στην παραλια.

Οι σοφοί γλαροι τους ειπαν:

"Μην μασάτε, είστε υπεύθυνα για οτι ωραιότερο εχει συμβεί στην μουςικη και στην ψυχή όσων την ακούνε"

Πέταξαν απο την χαρά τους όλοι και άκουσαν το:
Qui Tollis - Bach απο την Mass in B minor - Bach.
To χοροδιακο Qui Tollis που ξεκινάει με 6η προετοιμαςμενη με μπαςο Ρε,  στο επόμενο μετρο 7η προετοιμασμενη με μπαςο Μι και στο επόμενο μετρο 9η προετοιμαςμενη με μπαςο Λα, όλες μαζι αγκαλιά, κατω απο τις ακτίνες του Ηλιου που δεν αφήνουν καμια σκια στην αλήθεια.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Updates to Πως θα Ηταν - Public Domain

Using the simple rule that if a note is sung by the vocal it is removed from the chord ie not played.

For example at the lyric Να περπατάμε at τα the note is A, the bass bD, the bass code is D7 and the key is F minor. So the chord is bD F A C but A is not played on the piano as it already exists in the vocal. Instead the C is doubled or it is bD bass and C F C(oct).

Listening, singing while playing on the piano with Vicky, it was agreed it sounds better as it leaves a frequency space for the voice to exist more comfortably.

A similar example of this practice is:
Prelude 20 op.28 - Chopin, at chorus
(The bass note at any time is not repeated on the right hand).

Other example with vocals is Say Something - Gteat Big World, Anguilera

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Can cats react to music composing, jamming?

Velvetine, the cat feels very cold at early morning.

She might grab you and then she rests in your arms, exchanging heat as she rocks her tail up and down.

If one starts singing with height of notes according to the height of her tail at each iteration it may be a fun experiment.

Composing music without electricity

While playing on the piano, listening and discussing masterpieces such as
Vocalise - Rachmaninov in E minor
Prelude 20 op.24 in C minor - Chopin

Vicky suggested how important it must be to compose at dim light, possibly without electricity as it was done those hundred or much more ago.

It is true that one feels differently if disconnected from electricity. Pleiades labs is an example. A sinewave inverter is only switched on to power the house when electricity us needed. Batteries power the inverter, such batteries charged from just a few solar panels through a battery charge controller. Much of what may be done in a day in done with batteries, directly without the use of any inverter, if needed.

A hand crank charged small red torch bought from IKEA is used for dim light. It just converts chemical energy from what we eat, (we rotate the handle and there's dim light).

It is fun.

This iPad mini where these posts are written, edited is powered by the sun.

It is fun that an acoustic piano does not need electricity.

Cats or humans are fun too. They do not need to be charged by USB.

Vocalise op.34 Rachmaninoff

One of the finest examples on earth.

It shows possibly the height of what can be done with prepared dissonant intervals which sound beautiful and out of the earth for the simple reason that the listener's brain is prepared [Bach, Niedt].

The principle of least change in music is used as one chord morphs to the next by changing few notes at a time.

But let's hear or play in practice.
Reading from the transposed A. Gutheil - Boosey & Howkes edition in A minor for medium height voice.

Bass A and A C E (tenor voice begins C B C...)
Bass G and A C E (just like Moonlight sonata - Beethoven)
Bass F and A C E (F maj3 maj7 so much used by Pink Floyd)
Bass F and A B D (morphing begins)
Bass F and G B D (morphing continues)
Bass E and G B D
Bass E and G A C (new preparation for our brain)
Bass D and F A C
Bass C and E A C (C6)
It is amazing how each chord is made to melt into the next.

The vocal at some points in time is creating additional clusters of nearby notes. It is best to read the score, sing and slowly play along in order to study.

See also:

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Neidt

The ordinal key is in C sharp minor

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Shure microphones catalog (past)



Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Αρκετα απο την φυσική σε λίγα δευτερολεπτα

Στο προηγουμενο euroelectron post:

Much of Physics in a few seconds

Most interactions in nature are electromagnetic.

For example friction is an electric force. Hence the sparks...

Even swimming at sea is possible because of electric repulsion of say negative charged electrons on water molecules repelling negative charged electrons on our body. Similarly for a ship floating.

Electromagnetic interactions are described by Mawell's 4 equations.

But here is a summary in words. (Firstly said to me by Alekos Soupianos, splendid Physics teacher at school and home who had read Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman.)

A stationary charge creates an electric field.
For example electrons attracting protons on a condenser microphone membrane when the polarizing voltage is applied between membrane and the electrode behind it creating tension on the membrane.

A moving charge creates a magnetic field.
For example when someone speaks to a ribbon microphone.
The ribbon vibrates by he sound. Therefore the free electrons on the aluminium ribbon vibrate. They create a magnetic field which interacts with the magnetic field of the electrons spinning inside the magnets near the ribbon.
The magnetic force sends electrons back and forth to the edge of the ribbon where we get the signal voltage.

An accelerating charge creates an electromagnetic field.
For example electrons accelerating or vibrating on the antenna of a radio station create an e/m wave, traveling at the speed of light in air, which when arriving at the antenna of the radio receiver, electrons inside it move corespondigly and music is received.
Other example, electrons oscillating in the sun make electrons oscillating on objects around us which make electrons oscillate in our eyes, and we see objects around us. Electrons also oscillate inside the metal coating of mirrors (metal coating at the back of the glass) so we can see ourselves.

See also:

The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynmann, Leighton, Sands

Richard Feynman on YouTube

Conceptual Physics - Hewitt

What was the value of 100 dollars in 1963?

Inflation calculator: