Sunday, June 30, 2019

Baffles and low order loudspeaker designs such as open back, closed back should send to tea everything else

The best should be the baffle are it has the least low cutoff slope, best phase response which is critical for transient response.

This means detail.


Then still acceptable should be the closed enclosure design. Greater slope but still relatively gentle. No wander the Thriller - Michael Jackson was mixed by Swedien and Jones on closed back unvented Auratone 5C monitoring speakers.

One drive unit speakers may send everything else to tea as well as they have the least phase errors (no multiple driver time delay etc).


Loudspeaker phase measurements
transient response and audible quality - Henning Moller - page 13 
Bruel & Kjaer application notes

How would Pleiades linoleum triangural base pyramid full range speaker sound on electric bass or guitar?

Bass should be excellent as the tetrahedron and linoleum combination use the side areas of the pyramid to radiate bass.

How would sound compare to the possibly excellent sound of linoleum baffle?

How would a single ended transistor amplifier sound for electric or bass guitar?

At your risk. Take all safety precautions. Any voltage or current can be dangerous. Hearing protection is needed.

A one transistor amplifier such as Pleiades BD139 etc can sound very loud (see previous posts)

Has gentle overload like electron tubes or produces harmonics of low order as it is just one transistor.

Has low battery (always use a fuse in series with battery for safety) energy consumption at a rate of only 12V times 50mA.

Phase response would be excellent at such low simplicity.

Is very easy to make.

Frequency response is down to 0Hz as it is direct coupled to speaker or low frequency response adjusted by an output transformer.

A darligton (2 transistor connected together) should be used for much more gain or overload capability. Bias can be from collector to first base. Added advantage is the gate effect of reducing electric guitar noise.

How would a baby Pleiadss linoleum triangular base pyramid USB player sound like?

With a good efficient fullrange speaker and a one transistor amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).


Just line in?

Or a radio?

Or a CD player? CD loading on which side.

Bass Heaviness in recording male vocal again

It was tried to make a quick demo of the song Πως Θα Ηταν, with male voice and glockenspiel.

Signal path:

Sony F-96 omni mc mic - Sony ECM-280 cassette recorder - TDK SA60 - Sanyo MR-410 (playback)

It sounds very bass heavy and dull. There is almost nothing wrong with the recorder or playback cassette player.

The possible fault is that Fletcher Munson curves and voice effect curves had not been compensated.

An earlier recording made with Sanyo MR-410 fed by the Pleiades T1 K117 booster mic preamp fed by a modified Jensen input transformer sounds not dull but bright and lively. The Jensen mod is removing many laminations so the primary inductance falls and also reducing the number of primary turns for the same reason. So there is low cut in the attempt to approach flat frequency response from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain [Hilliard].

A Pleiades (R,L) filter should have been used in today's demo for a gentle slope high pass towards above objective.

After all it is not a fault of cassettes, dynamic mics. etc. It is just that psychoacoustics, psychophysics must be respected.

On this post there is the same reference:


Christian Fall, record producer of Seven Seconds Away - Dour, Cherry, McVey, Sharp

Other producers on this song:
Booga Bear
Jonny Dollar

Record Producer - Wkipedia

Really worth waiting

And not reacting. As in real life. Reacting may create a problem from nothing.


Cheap stereo to mono 3.5mm adapter broke inside Sony TCM-280 headphone socket.

How to get the broken tip out?
A thin needle like object was used. After many attempts, it was free but it ended up inside the machine, rattling around with the danger of causing a short circuit somewhere.

It was time to open the Sony.

But it was not opened. It was a delicate operation on such a small cassette recorder.

Opening was postponed. Sony was placed inside an opaque bag and inside a cupboard, sleeping.

After many months it was held again, that bit still rattling around.
But now the idea came to just open the cassette lid and try to shake the recorder just in case...

The metal bit after a few shakes just fell off to the floor.

Now Sony plays Seven Seconds Away - Youssou N'Dour, Neneh Cherry, Cameron McVey, Jonathan Sharp

Advice by Hliana

The one transistor amplifier on Sony TC-158SD

It is at the headphone output:

A single ended one transistor amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).

With output transformer.

Metz Mecasound CX4962 cassette cassette deck S/N 64577 care

At your risk. Any voltage or current can be very dangerous. All safety precautions should be followed.

Multi switch for play, rec was toggled many times back forth by hand.

Unfortunately it was not soft started as the switch was at ON while powering the unit. Electrolytic capacitors should be slowly reformed by switching ON for milliseconds then OFF for a while. Back ON for a bit more etc.

Almost nothing worked.

All multi cable connectors were unpluged and pluged back.

It worked. Motor stared to turn. Nanotube? VU lights went at last on. Logic circuit on etc.

Transport was softly started.

Heads were cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and cotton buds. Capstan too very carefully.

Pitch roller with rose water.

It works. Speed is very low.

There is hum from headphones even at 0 volume control setting.

Looks like electrolytic capacitors need to be carefully replaced.

The best fridge is nature

At your risk. This is not medical advice.

One just cuts the lemon and makes a fresh lemon juice full of vitamins.

It is hard to image how one doing this could get ill.

See also vitamin C, Pauling.

The best fridge is no fridge

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

The best capacitor is no capacitor

At your risk.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Pink Panther pizza

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Laughter is great for health.

The Pepperoni King

Importance of not connecting an old battery to an inverter

At your risk. All safety measures should be followed. Any voltage or current can be very dangerous.

Cause of malfunction of the sine wave inverter must had been the following:

Old battery developed an increased output impedance.
Once inverter was switched on under load the battery voltage dropped.
The digital protection electronics were asleep.
2 oitput mosfets were cooked.
IRF740 mosfets were very carefully replaced within a few days and inverter is back to work.

When one acts as being rich will always be rich.

After all we are always rich as the sun rises for each one of us.

The inverter too gets its energy from the sun by solar panels.

An impressive Maxell high position II cassette

It is called XLII-S 46
Super Silent-Phase Accuracy Cassete Mechanism

It does exactly as it says.

It runs smoothly on the Sanyo executive talkbook  TRC2500

Very nice sound quality.

Viva to analog.

Later addition:
It did not run as easily on Metz which needs belts replacement as say TDK SA?

Taking care of the Fostex M80RP microphone

At your risk.

Some time had been given today to careful cleaning of a Fostex M80RP. Wooden toothpicks and cotton buds soaked with methylated spirit were used to clean the screw heads.

Screws were carefully tightened while watching them with a magnifying glass near them. Rocking motion of mic body disappeared.

The silicone flange around the male XLR connector was reoriented so that now the female connector fits smoothly and clicks to place at the end of inserting excursion.

The male XLR pins were also cleaned with methylated spirit and cotton buds.

Excellent quality flat ribbon microphone made in Japan.

It sings with a suitable gentle slope Pleiades (R,L) filter, dialogue or vocal equalizer. See previous posts.

Dialogue equalization and Pleiades (R,L) microphone filters

Referring to this paper:

It is clearly seen on page 276 Fig.3 the importance of gentle slope bass reduction below 1KHz for flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain.

Similar principles apply to vocal recording.

An inline XLR Pleiades (R,L) filter consists of just a resistor and inductor in series placed in parallel with pins 2,3 of microphone. The first prototype had been made inside Neutrik XLR modules and has a blue color stripe in the centre.

Motion Picture Sound Engineering


This book is mentioned on the paper on this post:

Sound Motion Picture Recording and Reproduction is also mentioned published in 1938 by the research council of the Academy.

Reinforcing linoleum loudspeakers

At your risk. Take all safety precautions.

The best method is possibly your method.

A drive unit cone can be of large mass. On the Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker there is a bit of change of front side angle by weight. Mabe a good thing as deliberate lack of symmetry is important in acoustics.

Larger triagular pyramid enclosures may be more sensitive.

Ways round this may be the use of internal reinforcements, such as:

Small round white backside A4 paper binders which have a crossection similar to airplane wing.

Reinforcements may of bent stripes of linoleum.

Welding rods.

A metal wire structure as suggested by Vicky.

Or using an internal support for the heavy magnet between magnet and base of pyramid or other shape enclosure.


All the above should be possible to be glued by thermal glue, PVA, melted welding rod etc.

But it should be best if size is such that reinforcement is not needed, or using a more efficient lighter magnet speaker such as a neodymium magnet speaker.

Why Phase Response?

Loudspeaker phase measurements
transient response and audible quality
BRUEL & KJAER application notes

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Friday, June 28, 2019

Hello to Russia and Germany

Why Linoleum Loudspeakers?

Linoleum is a natural usually 2.5mm thick sheet membrane material. It may be said to be responsible for part of the bass clear sound of modern recorded music history. Why?
Initially acoustic spaces had wood paneling near walls for bass (reverberation) absorption. Disadvantage is wood reasonamce coloration by such re reflected energy.
Linoleum is possibly the first elastomer material used in place of wood.
Firstly used by C. W. Goyder at All India Radio in Delhi, then BBC decided to use as an alternative betumin roofing felt absorbers for its elastomer properties [Gilford]. Possibly so EMI or other recording studios made use of such elastomer materials [euroelectron]. These elastomer hysterisis loss materials when sound falls on them vibrate. By vibrating they dissipate energy to heat.
They will not significantly heat the room but they will remove most of the bass mode reverberation acoustic mudd or bass heavy sound ugliness.

So why linoleum for speakers instead of wood, plastic etc?

Wood has its important place for production. For example on making a guitar, a piano, a woodwind. But at reproduction we desire non coloration. Linoleum does not have a sound. It just absorbs. And if it re radiates the sound would be much less colored.

It is thin. So most of the acoustic energy is not trapped to multiple mirror reflection vibration inside speaker enclosures as would be using thick sound insulating materials such as wood.

It is very beautiful. It comes in many extraordinary colors made of natural pigments [Tarkett].

It is expensive. So virtually excluding cheap pirate copies.

It is cut very easily. Using ordinary common sense adequate safety measures.

It is bent very easily and its strength remains as the juta reinforcement backing retains the strength.

It cannot withstand large mass at large areas (unless used as a baffle). This limits speaker dimensions to relatibely small with the advantage of accuracy, good imaging, soundstage, less diffraction effects, nearly point source radiation, use of one only fullrange speaker etc.

The sides of enclosures will vibrate at bass frequencies in a damped way making the bass deeper than their size would suggest.

When used on tetrahedron (Triagular pyramid) Pleiades speakers for example, the sides radiate a clear and amazing quality deep bass which can be reinforced if desired by approaching the speaker near room boundaries. Near the corner for example the ingenious Klipschorn effect can be used by making the walls parts of the bass horn.

It is a natural material made from natural recyclable ingredients [Tarkett], so it is friendly to the environment.

It has a desirable non synthetic odor.

It is enjoyable to hold and its vibration absorbing properties are felt even by touch.

The first ever made loudspeaker using only linoleum is possibly the Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type monitoring cube speaker. Date time unique identification number is 19041715. Ie 17th of April 2019 at 3:00pm.

As with any analytical speaker of exceptional transient response immediately reveiling any sound problem, no feedback, few component class A (electrons flowing all the time) amplifiers must be used such as the Pleiades one electron tube or one transistor amplifiers. (Taking all safety precautions, at your risk).

The joy is in playing.


Acoustics for radio and television studios - Christopher Gilford - IEE monograph series 11 - 1972 - page 158 - sound absorbers - membrane and panel absorbers

Other euroelectron posts on BBC, EMI acoustics

Tarkett linoleum catalogues and data

Equal loudness curves, voice effort curves

Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook - Borwick

An important handbook edited by John Borwick.

Mathematical and thorough.

An extract:

9.2.4 Accurate time domain transient response

While virtually all single loudspeaker units exhibit minimum phase response, virtually all multi-unit systems do not [10]. For the case where the highs arrive today and the lows tomorrow, it is clear that a non-linear phase response has led to a deteriorated system accuracy [11].


[10] HEYSER, R C, 'Loudspeaker phase characteristics and time delay distortion', J. Audio Eng. Soc., 17, Part I, 30-40 (1969); Part II, 130-137 (1969).

[11] HILLIARD, J K, 'Basic sound recording and reproducing practices between 1927 and 1940', J. Soc. Mot. Pic. and Tel. Eng., 92, 207 (1983)

See also:

Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook - John Borwick - Butterworths - First Published 1988

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Talk Tetrahedron at Wikipedia

More tetrahedron speakers

Here is some discussion:
Also an argument of non parallel sides

The KWorld DP0400u D4 2.0 Dark Pyramid Speaker

The Pleiades linoleum Vicky tetrahedron has a very promising sound as excellent bass and no midrange comes out of the vibrating self damped linoleum triangular pyramid sides. It can also exploit the corner of the room as extension of the bass created horn by the boundaries somewhat like Klipschorn speakers.
The bass horn is created by the vibrating linoleum and wall boundaries.

So far it has not been tried with a one transistor or one electron tube Pleiades power amplifier in class A (electrons flowing all the time).

Other triangular pyramid speakers:

With 2 speakers.

The Philips type 22AV1993/O1
Speaker is parallel to base sending sound to a 360 degrees reflector

Other tetrahedron speakers by more searching on Google images with keywords triangle pyramid speakers.

Hello to 2nd euroelectron follower

Hello to Hellas and Germany

Marketing, public relations or religion should not be confused with science, engineering or art

Although all may involve science or engineering or art the goals may not be the same.

See also next post:

On bringing more science to audio engineering

This may be a rather bold statement.

After more than 50 years of global experimental listening evidence there must be some areas of audio or electronic engineering which must be redefined.

For example:

Steering away from the subjective objective measurement doctrine towards objective subjective measurements. For example instead of subjectively believing that any harmonic distortion will sound the same and then going on to objectively measuring total distortion, objective finding out by subjective listening tests which order of distortion sounds best and not trying to eliminate it. Of course almost all global community has done that already and it is now widely accepted that single ended amplifiers in class A (electrons flowing all the time) can sound much more realistic and one reason being not eliminating second harmonic distortion in favor of eliminating 3rd harmonic distortion etc and at the same time using its growth for simulating or bringing back dynamic realism. [Hamm]
Other example may be questioning the doctrine of terminating at about 2-3 times load impedance than the anode impedance on triode electron tube amplifiers. May it be that the sound is better when impedance is matched? But whether or not will have to be found by objective subjective listening tests. Other example is whether matched electron tubes in push pull stages sound better by listening tests. Most likely they will not. Matching will eliminate the best part of the 2nd harmonic (octave) creation. It has to be found by objective subjective listening experiments.

Other example may be the doctrine that an octave is a doubling of frequency. This has to do much less with how the human brain perceives pitch (the subjective perception of height of tone measured in mels). x2f is an engineering octave which sounds flat to the human brain whose perception of pitch also depends on intensity [ ], [Stevens]

Other example is the doctrine that frequency response must be flat from microphone to loudspeaker. This may or not be be true at half the side ie at the reproduction end. But certainly not on production end from mic due to many objective subjective effects such as Fletcher Munson curves, Voice effort curves etc [Lowe, Morgan]. A more correct objective subjective goal can be flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain. Since this may sound too exotic at the moment perhaps enough is flat frequency response from singers-actors vocal chords to listener's brain [Lowe, Morgan]. But we are more than 50 years from the discovery of this knowledge, flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain must have been happening on great influential record producer's works of art and engineering. For example ABBA have used Varispeed on vocals [Tretow]. Producers were inside the studio so quite clearly they must have had that sound in mind.

Other example is the doctrine that the ideal amplifier is the one with 0 output impedance ie constant voltage driving of a loudspeaker. This is getting to a point of being rather far from truth [Nelson Pass]

And of course the doctrine that digital sounds better must be questioned too.

Other doctrine to be questioned is that the loudspeaker walls must be thick and energy trapping. [Pleiades linoleum speakers]

Other doctrine that the heater voltage should not be less than specified. [Neumann U47, Pleiades V6]

Other doctrine that electron tubes should not be operated at less than say 6V anode potential with bias approaching somewhat 0V from the negative side. [Pleiades V6, Pleiades bias, Armstrong]

Other doctrine that audio trasformers introduce distortion. This has to be confirmed by objective listening tests and not subjective objective measuring tests. but perhaps this has already been done after more than 50 years of top quality recordings made with so many transformers in the signal path from composer's brain to listener's brain.

Food industry engineering may be based on how the brain perceives taste, why should it be different on audio engineering?

A situation may be similar to music engineering or composing. Elementary doctrines suggest avoidance of musical intervals of 7hs , 9ths etc above bass, yet the subjective objective masters on composing such as J.S. Bach knew how such intervals can be prepared for euphonic brain perception and this had become the basis of high quality popular music of our modern times. [Bach, Niedt].


Tubes vs Transistors (vs op amps), Is there an Audible Difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

Octave Stretch - Terhardt

Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life science series

Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motiion Picture Engineers

ABBA sound - Michael Tretow interview

Current Source amplifiers and sensitive full range drivers - Nelson Pass

Neumann U47 schematic

Pleiades V6 schematic

Pleiades Bias - euroelectron

Operating Features of the Audion - E. H. Armstrong

Still no Wikipedia article on Pultec equalizer?

Looks like it's one of the greatest secrets of the music industry.

Διάχυση σφάλματος σε ηχεια, Diffusion of error

For example the Pleiades Vicky linoleum tetrahedron speaker. When it is hand made little microdeviations from perfectness create a more natural sound spreading homoginity if there are any reasonances.

How would baby Pleiades linoleum Triagular pyramid Vicky speakers sould like?

One tetrahedron with 5in drive unit (30cm equilateral triagle side) gives great bass for its size especially when the back wave of vibrating linoleum sides is terminated and reflected by approaching the corner of a room, see previous posts?

How would 3in drive unit ones sound with one transistor or one electron tube amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time), eg Pleiades BD139 or Pleiades DL33?

(At your risk, any current or voltage can be dangerous. All safety procedures should be followed. Including ear protection from high SPLs.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Trying to bridge the gap between pro audio and hi-fi

After all both the 2 very important communities may have the same goal:

Flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain. [Lowe, Morgan]

For an example on fullrange monitoring speakers see previous post.


Sound picture recording and reproducing characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the society of motion picture engineers

Improving the sound of Auratone 5C speakers?

The high feedback transistor amplifier transistor radio horrortone syndrome has to do with amolofoer output impedance. Or giving the chance to such nice speakers to be driven in quasi constant current  constant voltage.

A very interesting article is the one by Nelson Pass:

Much of this information is very useful in explaining the huge difference in sound when driving the Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type monitoring speaker with a one transistor or a one electron tube no negative feedback amplifier. The speaker is transformed to a wide bandwidth motoring speaker. Yet the so important midrange point source detail, depth is even better.

Would the trick also work on the Pleiades linoleum triangular pyramid Vicky fullrange speaker? How would it sound with a minimum components class A amolofoer (electrons flowing all the time)?

Can a place exist where kids create their of icecream?

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

The 2 zipper bag shacking method of crating icecream with best ingredients had been tried successfully yesterday.

Homemade icecream in 5 minutes:

Best quality milk, milk cream, vanilla, brown sugar was used.

(No palm oil, palm fat, margarine or whatever has a reputation of clogging blood arteries).

Milk, milk cream, brown sugar are not inocent too but they should be better.

Could icecream be made by shaking tahini, and cream made by soaking oat flakes?

Mastic of Chios island could be added too.

Would it be fun if energetic kids shake their own icecream?

Hello to France and Netherlands. ...

Yesterday's pageviews

South Korea
United States
Thailand 1

Hello to Thailand

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

An important Nelson Pass paper

Current source amplifiers and sensitive full-range drivers - Nelson Pass

Steven's power Law

Extremely useful in predicting for example power levels and sensation of loudness etc.

Stanley Smith on Wikipedia

It would be nice if his excellent Books are added too:

Sound and Hearing - Smith, Warshofsky - Life Science Series

Hearing - Stevens, Davis


Wikipedia also links to:

Bach Bass Rules on Wikipedia?

It is also called Percepts and Principles - Oxford

It is also called:
Instructions for Playing Thorough Bass made by JS Bach for his scholars in music
found on the appendix of Bach's Biography - Spitta

Varispeed on Wikipedia

Good news is that there is an article on Wikipedia.

It would be nice if more information can be added such as its use for producing some of the best goals on the planet such as:

(There is reference from their engineer Michael Tretow interview.

Mike Oldfield
Mikes can be seen recording guitar at half speed on YouTube

See also BBC radiophonic workshop
(Mike Oldfield visit to BBC radiophonic workshop etc)

The book Good Vibrations

Radio Karagianni, Ραδιο Καραγιαννη

Possibly the biggest and earliest founded electronics store in Athens. One of the most important in south Europe?

It does not exist anymore.

Many of the electronic spares shops in Athens surviving now have been made from ex employees of Mr Karagiannis. For example the Katoumas, Sideris electronic shops.

Mr Karhiannis had been a highly educated man, reading all the time. He had published for example the book Ελληνικη Ραδιοφωνία - Ραδιο Καράγιαννη (Hellenic Broadcasting). With influence to code of dress, ethics, from other vintage electronics publications from abroad and a possible influence too from the classic How to Win Friends - Dale Carnegie, Mr Karagiannis gave bright examples of the beauty of life and electronics.

First listening tests of Pleiades linoleum Triagular pyramid Vicky fullrange speaker

Great sound. Impressive.

It is tetrahedron (Vicky's idea) made of red linoleum.
Vicky is being making the first prototype.

It is a beautiful work of art.

Driver unit was held by hand and the pyramid held to shape by hand too folding the linoleum made net:

Speaker Tesla 5in (TVM ARX-130-20/4) drive unit is on front side, and the equilateral triagle cross sectional area gets smaller and smaller till everything becomes a point at the back and speaker cable gets out like a tail.

Serial number (date time code) is 19062419.

Side of each equilateral triangle is 30cm.

Diameter of speaker hole is about 11.4cm.

It was placed on top of a big table initially and directly connected to iPad mini headphones out, so listening is at low SPL.

The front sound was very nice. Approaching the 2 sides, the sound coming from them was a very nice quality deep bass with no mid frequency artifacts.

It was then placed on top of a smaller round table near the corner of the room exploring the Klipschorn effect of the walls becomes the end horn throat of the bass vibration from the 2 linoleum surfaces. Bass was even better projecting to larger distance eg 2-3 meters.

Then placed back on the big table away from corners. It was connected to a Musical Fidelity Stasis amplifier. Sound was loud clear but a bit harsh, reminding the sound of Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker connected to Naim Nait 2 integrated amplifier. A possible reason for the transistor radio effect is the low driving impedance, see Nelson Pass higher impedance constant current drive.

The sound when connected to a class A (electrons flowing all the time) no feedback amplifier is expected to be of great class.

How would it sound to the silk smooth electron tube DL33 triode connected Pleiades DL33 amplifier or to a Pleiades BD139 one active device class A operation power amplifiers?

It is striking that by removing the drive unit and carefully placing the ear near the hole while softly playing music is in the room, the effect is like listening to a black hole. Very strange sound.

When the speaker is mounted that ugly sounding receiving point becomes the opposite, a transmitting point.

Also once the drive unit is removed it sound very bad and thin on free air.

It would be interesting to compare the sound of the tetrahedron linoleum speaker to a drive unit mounted on a linoleum large baffle.

Why linoleum anyway?
Because it absorbs reasonance without coloration. For a summary of the main points:

Monday, June 24, 2019

Solar analog radio

At your risk.

Very small, a few inch by few inch, solar panels can power analog radios, small battery powered keyboards etc by sun energy in real time.

Portable analog radios are marvels of engineering. Made in 70s, 80s at a time when batteries of less capacity were available. The power consumption is so small (a handful of watts) that with modern alkaline batteries they can play for weeks.

As of writing this post, a rather big Roberts R900 radio is playing in realtime by sun energy. 2 solar panels were placed long time ago at it back with blue tak. It still works after all those years.

The solar panels used were bought from eBay from sellers in China. They are monocrystaline high efficiency.

A small one can power a Yamaha PSS-14. They was use in a simple experiment of Orchestre Solaire.

The same small solar panel can power a JVC Nivico 9425W cassette radio.

Sound quality is excellent. As the sun is the most DC (for so many million years) energy source one can find on our solar system.

Gravity is another great DC source. For example gravity driven turntables? Example on recording is the EMI 78rpm wax disc cutting lathe in Abbey Road. A weight is going down losing its potential energy to kinetic energy while turntable is turning.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

First air gap output transformer listening tests

At your risk. Safety precautions should be followed. Any voltage or current can be dangerous. A fuse should always be used in series with a battery.

The core used is made of 2 E type 3C85 ferrites.

Electron tube used is DC33 triode connected.

V filament is 2.8V from 2 AA rechargeable batteries.

Just about 30V was tried on the anode trough the output transformer. Anode current is just about 2mA.

To Have and Not to Hold - Madonna song was playing in CD.

A 1:7 Sowter microphone trasformer gets the signal from Walkman CD player line out bridged mono to grid through a coupling capacitor. Centre tap of filament is connected to ground Vb minus. Grid was most of the time floating at space potential or through a 10MΩ resistor to cathode or anode.

First the Sowter SK05 output transformer was connected.

Speaker is the Zeiss Ikon baffle with 7in Dew drive unit or the linoleum Pleiades Auratone 5C type with Tesla 5in.

Sound level is very low as expected but the quality is exceedingly high. Compared to the one transistor Pleiades BD139 power amplifier connected to a non air gaped transformer there is a velvet quality without any compromise of bandwidth. Like being in another planet.

The Tesla 5in linoleum speaker sounded even less loud.

Then the ferrite about 5cm x 5cm transformer was connected (much smaller than the Sowter transformer).

While the 2 Es were separated by hand it was amusing to hear the bass disappearing due to the decrease of primary inductance (Pleiades filter).

It was also very amusing once the 2 Es touched how difficult it was to separate them due to the DC quiescent current magnetization. Class A operation means electrons flowing all the time. The amplifier is single ended so DC (0th order) does not cancel, 2nd harmonic distortion does not cancel, 4th harmonic distortion does not cancel so everything good does not cancel. Why should DC magnetization be a good thing? Could it be that domains do not have to reverse direction while music is playing?

It was also amusing to hear a buzzing sound once Es were separated closely and hand feels the vibration. A thicknes of ordinary A4 paper was placed between the 2 Es on one side of them only. Sound was nice. For the moment it is left as is.

Sound was somewhat more clear than the bigger transformer. The bigger transformer had somewhat more bass and perhaps going a bit more at the highs.

Promising result.

An ordinary type of cathode resistor bias would be possibly tried with more potential at the (plate) anode.

These posts are created by sun rays in real time...

At your risk. All safety precautions should be followed. Any voltage or current can be dangerous.

As the inverter is blown...

The solar panels outdoors getting energy from the afternoon sun send it to a battery charger nearby. Said battery sends energy through a safety fuse to a 12V car battery USB adaptor.

The iPad mini is power by USB and text written and published by sun energy in real time.

It is photons from the sun waking up by collision their friends electrons as photons arrive through space and fall onto the photovoltaics. Wakie wakie.

See also:

The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands - Addison Wesley

Bach bass code of I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li

Key is A minor ie all notes are natural or white keyboard keys.

At chorus:

G6 and back to
F7 and then loop

What does this code mean?
It easy, everything is reference to bass.

it is equivalent to:

F bass and A C E
F bass and G B D
A bass and A C E
G bass and G B E

The names of these chords:

F major 3rd major 7th
F major 2nd augmented 4th major 6th
A minor 3rd
G major 3rd major 6th

The second chord can also be thought as F bass and G major 3rd chord

At the end of the song remix there is G4.

How many hundred years was Bach ahead of his time?


Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Neidt, PDF

Dry cleaning of body, air bath, sun bath etc

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

It was read in the book of preventive medicine by medical doctor Karavis. [Καραβης].

It can be obvious how many millions?, billions? dead cells we can get rid by just rubbing our body with clean hands or a dry towel.

It can even be seen οn he beach. After sea swimming if one rubs for example the soles or sides of feet in front of a sun ray (caution not looking towards the sun) a cloud of dust comes off dropping like rain. It may happen everywhere but it cannot be seen (perhaps a reason get smelly after wearing socks and shoes, bacteria feeding on them?). This may be one reason why walking on the sand can be so heathy as the abrasive action of sand removes all those dead cells


Προληπτική Ιατρικη - Γιαγκος Καραβης

When not feeling very well...

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

When feeling down or at the verge of having a cold, flue etc a fresh lemon or even better a sour orange drops dropped in a glass of water and then water added in full may be the trick to become almost instantly well. This also works if someone is already ill. It can cure or prevent an illness. Mouth should be afterwards washed with clean water to protect teeth from ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid etc.

See also Nobel laureate Pauling, vitamin C.

Cats rub their fur, humans rub their mobile phones

Why do cats do this all the time?

Do hungry cats do this all day long? Do they get something from their fur? They constantly put they hands in their mouths while doing this! Do they eat perhaps some of the bacteria or other microrganisms that grow there under the heat of the sun. Do cats get some of their energy from this?

Do humans eat bacteria from their mobile phone screen?

How would a one transistor Pleiades BD139 amplifier sound directly connected to a 12V solar panel

At your risk. All safety precautions should be followed. Any cottage or current can be dangerous.

A small small size solar panel about a A5 page size (folded A4 paper) should be enough. Or even a folded A5 size. After all only 50mA to 70mA is needed.

Sound can be loud with an output trasformer or a speaker of impedance matched to the output impedance of the one transistor operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).

Sound quality can be exceptional.

A way to directly convert sun rays to beautifully sounding music.

Can the same be done for a one electron tube amplifier. A low voltage cell for the 1.4V filament of say a DL33 electron tube. Then a few very small 9V low current solar cells connected in series for the anode circuit. An input transformer (1:7?) is needed too for driving the grid with enough music signal voltage.

Electronic Oscillator

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Solar DC power supply for anode circuits, heaters, transistor amplifiers etc

At your risk. All safety precautions should be strictly followed. Any voltage or current can be very dangerous.

While supplying power to the Pleiades DL33 single ended class A (electrons flowing all the time) electron tube music power amplifier, the inverter supplying 230V ac sinewave blew.

It may be frustrating but it is somewhat illogical too. Where to get now 40V DC or 90V DC or whatever?

Problems have the answer embedded in themselves.

DC have been there all the time. Solar panels can easily give 24V, 48V or more when connected in series.

This was realized while reading the inverter Wikipedia article:

So maybe the best inverter is no inverter.

The best PSU (converting from 230V ac to DC) is no psu.

Sun, our Sun rising every day, is giving the most steady DC energy.

All might be needed is connecting solar cells (through a circuit of over voltage protection, safety fuses etc) directly to electro tubes, transistors etc.

Or using the DC voltage to charge (through suitable battery chargers) 12V batteries, 90V batteries or whatever.

The best sound is from batteries anyway. Almost infinite bandwidth (DC from off to on or a step function has infinite bandwidth). So quiet. No push pull (in audio amplifiers for example) needed to cancel the noise of the rectifier power supply etc.

So perhaps a new protocol at a home or a lab? One problem is that DC may be more dangerous.

There must be great ways to arrange safety. After all DC could be limited to 48V (phantom power level). 48V may be dangerous too.

Hammond Transformers vintage 1965 catalogue

Hello to Germany, Ukraine, Italy, United States

Other ways of introducing an air gap to signal transformers

By interleaving laminations not 1 by 1 but by say 7 Es then 7 Es in the other direction.

This was suggested by Brian Sowter years ago as a way of reducing winding inductance. It has been used on a input transformer connected to the Coles 4038 in order to compensate for the proximity effect.

This nice technique was read today on the great book [Lee].

"There is always a certain amount of gap even with punchings stacked alternately in groups of 1. Table VIII gives the approximate gap equivalent of various degrees of interleaving laminations for magnetic path lc of 5.5in."


Electronic Transformers and Circuits - Reuben Lee - Wiley - 1947 - Linear Reactor Design - page 75

Ferrite Wikipedia article

How would a single transistor BD139 emitter follower driving a low Z loudspeaker sound like?

Another transistor (a BD139?) might be needed to drive the emmiter follwer with high enough signal voltage.

How would a BD139 single ended class A one transistor amplifier sound like?

At your risk. All safety precautions should be strictly followed for ear protection from high sound presure levels. Hearing damage can be irreversible if such measures are not taken.

Begining of SE transformer air gap experiments

At your risk. All safety precautions should be followed. Any voltage or current can be dangerous.

After so many failures of winding non air gaped cores for class A single ended circuits due to DC magnetic saturation...

These failures took place across the board from nearly as low levels as those on the Pleiades V6 mic booster amplifier to Pleiades EF183 headphone amplifiers to Pleiades BD139, speaker amplifier.

Yesterday 2 medium size D ferrite core had been bought. They look very promising. The can face each other and their smooth contact points can be separated by paper, thin membrane film etc.

For example an old bobbin has been found. Not known how many turns but inductance without inserting anything to it is 134mH.

Just air     134mH
Inserting one E       330mH
Both Es (closing magnetic circuit)    35H
Both Es with separating paper on one side 15H
Both Es with separating paper on both sides 8.5H
Both Es opaque thin plastic film on both sides 14H?

Nice books say that air gap linearises the magnetic circuit.
Changes the H B slope to a gentler one.
The magnetic circuit can be thought of as an analogous electric circuit, the air gap being a much larger rssitor in series.
So it may be thought as a constant magnetic flux current source?

It should be fun adjusting air gap while carefully listening (ear protection measures required).

Inserting the Es would being bass. But if they touch (on DC Singke Ended class A applications) bass may be reduced due to magnetic saturation.

So the right air gap could be found that gives the bass bass and overall sound.

At the moment 2 more windings will be wound on said bobbin. One for a transistor collector circuit. One for 4Ω, or taps for other speaker impedance driving. The already existing winding will be for electron tubes. The medium winding may be also used for driving high Z headphones (attention to hearing damage by high sound presure levels, only very low power devices should be used and all safety precautions taken).

Another way of introducing an air gap? See next post:

Some nice books:

Engineering Electromagnetics - Hayt
Applied Electromagnetics - Plonus
Electronic Transformers and Circuits (vintage editions too) - Reuben Lee - Wiley
Electromagnetism - Grant, Phillips
Electricity and Magnetism - Purcell - Berkeley
The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Vol II
A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Maxwell - Dover
Magnetic Ciruits and Transformers - EE Staff MIT
Radio Engineering - Terman
Applied Electronics - Gray - MIT
Communication Engineering - Everitt

Some more linoleum

2 meters squared of Trakett linoleum color have been bought.

Color type is Veneto AppleGreen 754.

This is to be used on baffle speaker mounting experiments. The Tesla 5in speaker will be mounted.

How deep can the bass response get?

Friday, June 21, 2019

Variable inductance for adjustable mic filter by rotating 2 E ferrite cores

This came up while playing with 2 ferrite E cores bought from Paulatos shop is Kalithea. By approaching them one facing the other they make a very good contact at 3 surfaces. If one E is rotated with respect to the other the magnetic circuit changes and with it the inductance of a coil wound in the center. By a suitable pivot arrangement eg a small ball between the 2 Es a rotary variable inductor should be possible.

This may be useful for variable Pleiades (R,L) microphone filters for approaching the ideal of flat frequency response from producer's brain to listener's brain. [Lowe, Morgan]


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Charactheristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Βοθρέξ, Χαβουζέξ

Εκενωσεις βόθρων, ο Φαταούλας
Χαρυ Κλυν

Δυο φαγητά που χρειάζονται προσοχή στο νοσοκομείο

Με δικη σας ευθύνη. Δεν αποτελει ιατρική συμβουλή ούτε διατροφολογικη.

Μπεσαμέλ και πουρές.

Υπαρχει μια φήμη οτι χρησιμοποιειται τρανς λιπαρό οταν φτιάχνονται.

Εννοείται προςοχη και σε αλλα φυτικά λιπαρά οπως μαργαρίνη, φυνικελαιο, φυνικολιπος κτλ που έχουν τη φήμη οτι φράζουν τις αρτηριες αίματος.

Δεν ειναι περιεργο; Παει κάποιος με φραγμένες αρτηριες που μπορει να συνεβει απο σφολιάτα αθώα τυροπιτουλα φτιαγμένη με αλεύρι λευκό με γλουτένη (βλέπε αλευροκολα) και μαργαρίνη η αθώο κουλουράκι για να κανει στεντ και το φαγητο ξεκινάει ξανα τη δουλειά του να βουλωνει τις αρτηριες.


Τρανς λιπαρά - βικιπαιδια

Μια τροφή υψηλής διατροφικής αξίας ειναι πιθανοτατα το σουςαμι ολικής και το ταχίνι ολικής. Πανε πολυ με μαύρες σταφίδες ξηρούς καρπούς, νιφάδες βρώμης, κανέλα Κευλανης κτλ. Και εχεις θαυμάσια γεύση. Μπορει κανεις να παρατηρήσει ανθρωπιάς που τρώνε σουςαμι και ειναι ήδη πανω απο 90 ετών, μια χαρά.

Καλυτερα κανετε την δικη σας ευρεία.

If people are feeling being watched their actions change

At your risk. This is not physiatric advice.

Somehow it may create paranoia.

So if one believes the slogan Big brother is watching you (1984 - George Orwell) then it may be like somebody is watching you although nobody is watching you. You wrongly feel as if someone is watching you.

What is this post trying to say?

Perhaps that the book 1984 - George Orwel not predicted what might happen but tried to create what it tried to predict.

No wander it is a famous book. It serves a purpose in a society trying though fear (the system is afraid) to control a control system. See feedback control systems in electronic engineering.

But games are changing. The next famous book may be the Enchiridion - Epictetous which is doing the opposite. Teaching that fear does not even exist.

When a control feedback system stops being afraid it might as well be happy.

And leave us alone. Or we leaving it alone.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hello to Canada and Germany

Mounting the one transistor amplifier on the speaker baffle panel

At your risk. All safety precautions should be followed for any voltage or current. A fuse in series with battery is very important too.

If a baffle mounting is possibly the best way to mount a speaker:
No boxiness nastiness
Deep bass, only 6db per octave drop below cutoff frequency.

And if a one transistor amplifier is possibly the best way to amplify music:
Class A (electrons flowing all the time) resolution
No feedback error iteration
Loud at peaks
Very simple signal path, minimum components, low order harmonic distortion

Then how could these be combined together?

For example:

A frame (or careful ceiling hanging etc)  supporting a baffle which can be of thin wood, linoleum etc.
A drive speaker fullrange unit preferably of (50-70)?Ω mounted of centre
A BD139 transistor, bias resistor, battery holder, fuse, volume potentiometer mounted on baffle used as chassis.
Relatively easy
Transparent, all simple signal path readily seen.
Magnificently natural sound?

This could be the Pleiades active speaker.

A 50VA power toroidal core is DC saturated by the Pleiades BD139 power music amplifier operating at 50-70mA

See previous post:

It is funny. Just one transistor amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time) sounding so loud and nice at 250mW power out yet a 50VA core used in output transformer is DC saturated which ruins the bass. More than 1/2 KG mass of iron is needed. Operating point is 10 to12 V, 50 to70 mA.

Or rewinding a speaker from 4Ω to say 60Ω and use no output trasformer. There would be loss of power efficiency by the DC quiescent current heating the voice coil but it can sound great. Or many speakers is series.

Or an EI transformer with air gap.

Or a toroidal core with air gap.


Ερχεται ο μετατροπός και κανει μετατροπεία

Και εχει και λιγο μυωπία.

Σαφώς η Βελουδινα η γάτα βρίσκεται σε καλοκαιρινή σύγχυση.

Ομως modulation ειναι οταν μουσικο κοματι αλλάζει κλειδί η κλίμακα.

Οπως στο αριστουργηματικό Total Eclipse of the Heart - Jim Steinman (ερμηνεία Bonnie Tyler)

Το οποιο χρεισιμοποιει αριστουργηματικά προετοιμασμένες 4ες, 6ες, 7ες, 9ες οπως η μουςικη των καλύτερων καλςικω η μη συνθετών χωρις να ειναι κοματι τζαζ.

Περισσότερα στο:


Hello to Germany, Hellas, Italy and Ukraine

How would a Neve single ended class A microphone preamplifier sound with a BD139 instead of 2N3055

At your risk.

See nearby posts for the great sound of a BD139 bipolar transistor driving a fullrange speaker. This is the Pleiades BD139 one transistor power amplifier in class A (electrons flowing all the time). For example:

Compared to 2N3055 the BD139 gives excellent high frequency sound with no feedback. Much easier to make an output transformer as collector current can be of the order of 50mA.

Once upon a time there was love in the dark now there's only light in my life

Once upon a time there was life in the dark now there's only love in the light

It's all I can do

A total arise of the heart.

Paraphrasing from the brilliant song of Jim Steinman. For an elementary analysis of harmony see the previous post.

See also:

Epictetous - Enchiridion - PDF

How to stop worrying and start living - Dale Carnegie

How to win friends - Dale Carnegie

A song full of 4ths, 6ths, 7ths, 9ths, Total Eclipse of the Heart - Jim Steinman sung by Bonnie Tyler

It is written on one of the most difficult keys on our planet.

The key or scale of B flat minor. Very few composers including classical ones dare use this scale full of black notes. It sounds fantastic.

Since A minor has all keys white or natural, it is evident that transposing one semitone up most piano keys will be black.

But it's much better to think of it not as a transposed A minor but as a B flat minor.
The B flat minor scale is:

B C D E F G A B where
B is flat,
D is flat
E is flat
G is flat
A is flat
so only C and F is natural or white.

The most extraordinary chords begin as soon as the intro begins.

Bass is B and the piano plays F D
Bass keeps B and piano plays E C ie a 4th and a 9th

(Remember to add the flats when you play otherwise it sounds nonsense)

The vocal creates most fantastic prepared 9ths, 7ths, 4ths etc.

A truly masterpiece of music or engineering.

The bass code [Bach] goes like this:

B 4 9
A 4 9
modulation to E major ie all F,G,C,D sharp
E Turn around
A7 Bright eyes (this A C# E G# ie A major 3rd major 7th)
A7 (the major 7th interval ie A to G sharp is prepared by the melody).
then modulation to A flat major
A And I
F7 Need you now tonight
D7 ...
E45 resolved to E ...
A Than e-ver, notes sung are G G A ie prepared 7th (major seventh)

Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt, PDF

See also: Harmony - Piston

Columbia Records

The Wikipedia article:

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Winding a toroidal output transformer for the Pleiades BD139 one transistor power amplifier

This is the second attempt. The first one failed as the core was small and became easily saturated by the DC quiescent current. It's diameter is about an inch.

This time a 50VA core is used. It's outer diameter is 3in. It is a power transformer made by Giatras. The 9mH (secondary for 9V) is about 100 turns.

Another nice thing about toroidal transformers is that auditioning while making changes can take place in almost real time as there is no time waste in every time removing EI laminations and then putting them back.

A balsa wood stick was made up which now carries about 100 turns of 0.25 diameter wire. This balsa wood is holding the wire to be wound so that it can be passed through the toroid hole.

While listening the secondary is connected to the 12Ω DEW Zeiss Ikon baffle speaker. The primary to be wound is connected to the collector circuit of the Pleiades BD139 one transistor amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time).

Out of fun and curiosity it was decided to listen to music as soon as the primary is start to be wound. This is done by stoping winding and connecting speaker and Pleiadss BD139 amplifier with small crocodile cable clips.

First audition is on current EI very big transformer. Sound is remarkably loud for just a 250mW? max output at operating point of 10V 50mA. Excellent quality. A bit or more distortion by overdriving the amp. Nice distortion by just one active device.

10 turns in toroid primary.
Sound loudness is very low. Distortion. But it sounds nice. Kind of smoothness too. Promising as as mentioned before the EI power transformer laminations may give a harsher sound.

At 20 turns. Better, smoother. Still distorted. Mid range coming in.

40 turns. Just a bit bass coming in. Louder sound. Distortion is somewhat less.

80 turns. Louder sound. A bit more bass. Inductance is 8mH. Distortion somewhat less.

Connecting the 12Ω speaker directly to collector. Much much better sound. Deep bass. Extended treble.

It is expected that so far (at 80 turns) sound leaves much to be desired. Reflected impedance is less than 12Ω. Inductance is still low almost short circuiting at bass frequency. Target is an inductance such as reflected (transformed) speaker impedance is say 70Ω.

More turns need to be wound. Will the big magnetic core prevent DC saturation?

What primary inductance would give the loudest and better sound? Impedance matching (of load) to transistor output impedance?

Continued next day:

Primary turns now 86 inductance of primary and secondary the same ie about 8mH indicating that the secondary is about 86 turns.

Primary turns now 100. Inductance is now 11.7mH. For first time with this core the 12Ω voice coil is transformed to a greater than 12Ω load as felt or seen by transistor. Listening to Carlos Jobim and Asturd Gilberto. Better sound. Great extended treble. Her bright recorded voice (by Phil Ramone at his A&R recording studios?) makes you cry. How would a similar to Neve microphone preamplifier sound with a BD139 instead of 2N3055, (at your risk). Bass is still deficient due to low primary inductance. Piano sounds like honky tong. Flute sounds amazingly bright and easy with euphoric or euphonic distortion. Connected also Tesla 4Ω speaker in Pleiades linoleum Auratone type 5C monitoring box. Much less loud due to low impedance, this speaker will need a higher turns ratio. Nice treble. This power transformer core looks very promising. On both speakers there is a velvety quality to the sound reminding good electron tube amplifiers.

Primary winding turns now 150. Inductance is about 25mH. Sound gets louder. Amazing treble. Bass coming stronger. Theoretically one octave down. Less Jon linear distortion. Piano sound gets body. Still more bass is needed.

More comments or thoughtσ: Starts getting loud. Nice or cute maximum power transfer theorem at play, less energy reflected back from speaker to amplifier. At the moment the transformer is 25mH:8mH so the 12Ω speaker is approximately transformed to 36Ω.

Now primary winding turns are 200. Primary inductance is 47mH. Louder sound. Clear. Great treble. Bass still could be better. 4Ω speaker sounds now with less nonlinear distortion. Although there sis still some deficiency in bass sound is so real as if there is no reproduction system playing. Sound becomes comparable to connecting the voice coil direct to collector and is louder with less non linear distortion. Better bass needed.

12Ω speaker was connected directly to collector circuit for comparison. Great sound but less volume. While listening the primary inductance was connected. It was expected to hear loss of bass. But for some reason the treble sparkle was a bit reduced.

Good news. Battery had gone flat to 7.5V. Quiescent current is just 40mA on above comment. A great world class sounding power amplifier in class A (electrons flowing all the time) is certainly possible operating with just a 9V battery in series with a fuse for safety. It can sound loud, dynamic, real like nature.

Further news, strange news but somewhat expected news: A fresh charged small 12V battery just came from the Solarex 19W solar panel. It is about 13.3V while amp operates. Quiescent current is 70mA and the sound is louder and shrill with no bass. Changing back to 7.3V bass and depth comes back. This indicates that core is saturating at 70mH at such number of turns. Other scenario is that at larger quiescent current the input impedance of transistor changes and Walkman CD player in series with variable resistor can't drive it properly ie bass in lost at input of transistor ie output of driving circuit.

A tap at 200 primary turns was created and then 50 more turns were wound. Ie total of 250 turns. Primary inductance is 80mH. Sound is worse especially no bass possibly confirming DC saturation. The much bigger EI core sounds much better and bug. A possible step is winding on a toroidal core of similar volume.

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