Thursday, April 28, 2016

One of the best ways to learn to play music

Is playing together with your radio, CD player, MP3 player, record player, YouTube etc.

You may play together with the best.

Varispeed on hit songs or who said 440Hz?

Listening to easy fm 97.2 for some 20 minutes was a surprise.

This was done while playing together with the hit songs with a DX7 MKII with Pleiades tuning for having the high notes in tune too as well as the bass ones.

Volume on both radio and headphones (DX7 headphone out) was kept very low to avoid pshychacoustic pitch shifting effects.

On one song DX7 had to be tuned to 440Hz +9 (DX increments). On the next to +23. On the next (piano song) to + 2, on the next to + 53!

Anxiously there is a lot of varispeed going on?
Varispeed makes voice sound so ethereal beautiful.

The songs (randomly listened to) were:

Love is all around - Wet Wet Wet
Maneater - Hall and Oates
All of Me - Evanescence
You're my Heart - Modern Talking

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Μπορεί να φύγει κάθε τι βλαβερό απο το σώμα;

Ο Αργιλος, (ποδόλουτρο, bath κτλ.) εχει την ιδιότητα να απομακρύνει οτι ξένο;

Ειναι κατι πολύ κοντά στον ούλο και στο χώμα;

Στην πραγματικότητα ειναι η extra ανταμοιβή της γης για αυτούς που την καλλιεργούν και λερώνουν τα χέρια τους με χώμα.

Θυμάσαι όταν παίζαμε, παγίδα στην παραλία και καλύπταμε όλο το σώμα μας με άμμο η λάσπη για παιχνίδι;

Τα παιδιά ξέρουν.

Can clay cure mercury poisoning?

Can mercury poisoning cause motor neuron disease?

And can mercury be removed from the body with white clay (λευκός αργιλος)  foot bath, bath etc?

One can read on various websites and in Greek that clay can remove anything foreign, even cancer.

Would bath work?

Entropy at work.

The high concentration of mercury in the poisoned body and the low concentration of mercury in water would cause mercury molecules to flow from body to water.

As Brian Eno has put it. When you bath it is not what you take from water. It's what water takes from you!


A year with swollen appendices - Brian Eno - Faber and Faber

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Staying Healthy

Your own risk.

Power supply (energy) quality is important to any electronic circuit

Similarly what goes inside us humans, air, liquid, food is of paramount importance.

Should we Suspect?
Smoking, vegetable oil, margarine, palm oil, ordinary toothpaste, white sugar, white floor, milk, anything sweet, anything that comes out of a laboratory except natures own laboratory, contracts, anything that does not have undo, anything that demands instant action, cotton moisture attacking clothes, frozen food, ice cream made with vegetable oil, peanut or hazelnut butter with vegetable oil, vegetable fat, croissants with pastry made with vegetable butter or fat, chocolate with vegetable fat, bread, sweets with vegetable fat, meat, alchohol, religion, fear.

A few hints for great health:
Filtered water
Sesame seeds, tahini (possibly the best food on earth)
Cleaning teeth with mastiha powder
Best quality organic salads, vegetables, fruits
Fresh juice and fruits
100% cacao chocolate
Nuts, almond, walnut etc
Goji berry
Bitter tastes,
Natural Purple colored food
Reading food ingredients
Green tea, herbs etc
A few minutes early day sun on our body
A few minutes wind shower
Dry cleaning of body with hands, to get rid of dead cells
A few minutes: Climbing, Exercising, Walking or jogging or running
Clean environment
Clean thoughts
Singing, dancing
Doing what makes you and others happy
Hugging, caressing, making Love
Watching nature's harmony
The night Sky
The clean air Forest's breeze
The Mountains youth
The Sea's freshness

Enchiridion - Epictetus
Tao Te Ching - Laozi
Fringe Knowledge for Begginers - Montalk
(Preventive medicine - Karabis) Προληπτική Ιατρική - Καραβης

Προδιάθεση και Ασθενια

Δίκη σας ευθύνη.

Η ασθένεια κατεβαίνει απο τον ουρανό η μήπως ειναι προδιάθεση;

Μερικοί άνθρωποι έχουν προδιάθεση στο να τρώνε φυτικά λιπαρά, μαργαρίνη, φυτινη, υδρογονωμένα λίπη, αναψυκτικά, ζάχαρη, λευκό αλεύρι, γάλα, κτλ όπως και να καπνίζουν. Μήπως ειναι κληρονομική αυτή η προδιάθεση η απλά μιμιτικη;


Fringe Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk

Προληπτική Ιατρικη - Καραβης 

A few hints for staying healthy

(Your own risk)

Healthy people have more money, time, and energy to make a difference than those who are sick, broke, and depressed...

The common diet makes people weak, fat , dumb, and sick. Fluoride in toothpaste and water does more to interfere with brain function than hardening against cavities. White flour in bread and pastry lowers the immune system, accelerates the body's production of fat cells, and is the leading cause of diabetes. Margarine (vegetable shortening, hydro generated oils) is not really edible and ends up in the blood stream where it clogs arteries and contributes to heart attack. Non fermented soy products contain inedible substances and hormone mimicking chemicals that interfere with the growth of infants and upset the hormonal balance in adults...

A balanced diet of natural food like oats and brown rice, light meat, olive oil and butter, fresh fruits and vegetables is healthier, simpler, and cheaper then a diet of breads, cereals with food coloring, processed meats, and junk food. The junk food industry makes part of its money accepting and incorporating industrial waste into food products, which is why microwaveable meals, packaged pastries, and chips, contain list of unpronounceable ingredients...

Fringe Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk

Θεραπεία για καρκίνο, How to cure Cancer

Δίκη σας ευθύνη. At your own risk. Δεν ειναι ιατρική σου ουλή. This is not a medical advice.

I have been told that not eating for say 40 days except drinking fresh juice and vegetables does the trick. The human body is forced to consume its own fat as well as the cancerous cells.

Ένα πουλάκι μου είπε οτι το να μην φάμε για 40 μέρες (εκτός απο χυμούς φρούτων και λαχανικών) θεραπεύει τον καρκίνο. Το ανθρώπινο σώμα αναγκάζεται να καταναλώσει το ίδιο του το λίπος όπως και τα καρκινογόνα κύτταρα.

Για πρόληψη τα γνωστά. Αντιοξειδωτικά, 100% κακάο ρόφημα, goji berry, βιταμίνη C, αποφυγή ζάχαρης και αναψυκτικών, φυτικών λιπαρών, καθαρό νερό, αέρα και περιβάλλον, όμορφες σκέψεις, αφοβία...

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Σακχαρώδης Διαβητης

Απόσπασμα απο το βιβλίο Προληπτική Ιατρικη του Ιατρού Γιάγκου Καραβη.

Νοσος και αυτή που οφείλεται αποκλειστικά στο σύγχρονο τροπο διατροφής και διαβίωσης. Προέρχεται απο ένα τρομερά πολύπλοκο και "εν πολλοις" άγνωστο ακόμη τροπο διαταραχής της ύλης των υδατανθράκων.

Αναφέρεται χαρακτηριστικά η εμφάνιση περιστατικών διαβήτη και σε ορεινά χωριά μετά την εγκατάσταση σύγχρονων καταστημάτων τροφίμων με την προμήθεια λευκού άλευρου, λευκής ζάχαρης, κτλ.

θΕΡΑΠΕΙΑ: Ειναι η γνωστή αντικατάσταση της ενδογενούς Ινσουλίνης με ενέσεις Ινσουλίνης εφ'ορου ζωής η η λήψη πάλι εφ'ορου ζωής υπογλυκαιμικων φαρμάκων.

ΠΡΟΛΗΨΗ: Περιοδική στερητική δίαιτα και αποφυγή εκλεπτυσμένων τροφών.

Στους διαβητικούς ασθενείς μου, ουδέποτε καθόρισα αμέσως απο την αρχή ειδική φαρμακευτική αγωγή. Τους υπέβαλα πάντοτε σε αυστηρότατη δίαιτα η και νηστεία ακόμα. Ερχόντουσαν πάλι μετά απο δέκα - δεκαπέντε μέρες και στο μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό αυτών δεν βρίσκονταν σάκχαρο ούτε στα ουρά ούτε στο αίμα. Στη συνέχεια καθοριζα μια πλήρη αλλα φυσική διατροφή εναλλασσόμενης δίαιτας και ασκήσεις. Έχουν περάσει χρόνια και απο τους διαβητικούς που αρχικά παρουσιάστηκαν, όσοι ακολούθησαν τις οδηγείες (το σωστό τροπο διατροφής κτλ) δεν παρουσίασαν σάκχαρο έστω και αν καταναλώνουν φρούτα κατα κόρο.

Αυτό αποτελεί χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αντιμετώπισης ανίατης ασθένειας για τους πάσχοντες, για την οποία η προληπτική που υπήρχε ήταν η δια βίου λήψη φαρμάκων που και απο αυτά δε λείπει ο κίνδυνος, καθώς και οι παρενέργειες.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Αφοβία και μη Ανάγκη

Μια φορά και ένα καιρό είταν παιδί και στο σχολείο του είταν μόνο μοναχοί και αγόρια. Του είπαν οτι οι γυναίκες ειναι σκεύη του αρχηγού του φόβου και της ανάγκης.

Όμως γυρίζοντας στις πλατείες το παιδί γνώρισε τον φιλόσοφο που του δίδαξε την αφοβία οτι δηλαδή ο φόβος ούτε καν υπάρχει όπως δεν υπάρχει ούτε η ανάγκη.

Έτσι πάει μια μέρα στο σχολείο με δυο 25αχρονες κατάλληλα ντυμένες. Το προαύλιο πάγωσε, μοναχοί και μαθητές σταμάτησαν οποιαδήποτε δραστηριότητα έκθαμβοι. Έκθαμβοι σαν σε αυλή ακριτικού στρατοπέδου.

Ο διευθυντής έξαλλος αλλα και έκθαμβος:


Ειναι οι γκουβερνάντες μου!


Μην το κάνετε αυτό, δεν μ' αφήνουν σε υσηχια όλη νύχτα, να τις έχω και τη μέρα; Ακούστε, έχετε δίκιο σκεύη ειναι, προσπάθησα να τις εξαγνισω, δεν τα κατάφερα και τις αφηνω σε εσάς να τις εξαγνισετε.

Ο διευθυντής έξαλλος τηλεφωνεί στην μαμά.

Η μαμά λέει:

Και έτσι γλύτωσε.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The best microphone sound check...

Is singing!

How to easily calculate the inductance of a Pleiades microphone filter

Assuming a microphone impedance of 200 Ohms we use the number 200.

We divide this number by 2 then by 3.14 (π) and then by the desired cutoff frequency. This gives us the required inductance that must be connected to the microphone in parallel.

If instead of the cutoff frequency we divide by a given inductance we get the resultant cutoff frequency.


1. To design a Pleiades cutoff filter of 470Hz:

200 devided by 2 = 100 devided by 3.14 = 31.84... devided by 470 = 0.067H

so the required inductance to be connected parallel to the microphone is 67mH

2. Let's find the cutoff frequency of an inductance of 100mH in parallel with a microphone of 200 ohms output impedance

200 / 2=100  / 3.14 =31.84...  / 100 = 0.318 kHz

therefore the cutoff Pleiades filter proximity compensating frequency is 318Hz

Inductors can be very easy wound on the extraordinary Magnetec 073 Nanoperm core. It has extreme inductance index, small size, it's toroidal and therefore there is no hum even if it is unshielded. Everything can then be fitted inside an XLR inline male to female adaptor. Neutrik modules are strongly recommended.

AKG D190

An amazing microphone.

The good thing about it is that it is flat.

So once the low mid mud from the proximity effect is out with a Pleiades filter, one is not left with 7KHz etc peaks exposed.

With singing tests, very low shunt Pleiades Low Cut filter inductance was found suitable. L of as small as 30mH and even less (1 KHz cutoff and even more) did a great job at removing the proximity effect at < 1in. This is to be expected if one sees the frequency response of directional microphones start rising below 1KHz at a very small distance.

Set up:

AKG D190 - Pleiades filter 983Hz - Pleiades V5 - Realistic disco mixer mic in - HD580

The Pleiades 983Hz was made of 53.5mH in // with 82mH. The input inductance of V5 (the inductance of the primary of its input transformer) 47mH. So effectively the mic was loaded by 82mH // 53.5mH // 47mH. This makes a total inductance of less than 30mH ie a cutoff of more than 1KHz. (These calculations assume a 200 Ohm microphone output impedance).

Sibilant sounds and vintage microphones

Many state of the art vintage microphones produce in an amazing way the s sound too.

Great examples of such mics are MD441, Electro-Voice RE15, RE16, Shure Unidyne III. The EV 635A is quite good in that respect too.

The MD441 is amazing.

Setup: (the "-" means connected to)

Mic - Pleiades low cut filter - V4 - Realostic disco mixer mic in - Sennheiser HD 580 headphones


Mic - Pleiades V5 - Realostic mixer - HD580

Sunday, April 17, 2016

AKG D130 vs Electro-Voice 635A

They hug each other and send most mics for tea.

The vintage silver color 635A sounded a bit more bass heavy that the D130 when they were connected to a Sony TC-D5 ProII.

Best results were obtained with the mics at 1-2in and Pleiades low cut filters of 386Hz to D130 and a Pleiades filter of 597Hz to 635A.


635A - Pleiades 597Hz - Sony TC-D5 Pro II

D130 - Pleiades 386Hz - Sony TC-D5 Pro II

597Hz  corresponds to (53.5mH in parallel)
386Hz corresponded to (82mH in parallel)

Friday, April 15, 2016

How to repair and make as new a vintage synthesizer

It makes sense to change all electrolytic and tantalum capacitors which have a limited life.


An Oberheim DMX was dead. After changing the tantalum capacitor that was connected to a start control pin of the CPU it came to life.

An EKOsynth could not get to 440Hz. After some electrolytic capacitors were changed it did. After all electrolytic capacitors were replaced the filter envelope attack control was still not responding. After the only 2 tantalum capacitors were replaced it come fantastically back.

The worst enemy of electronics


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

AKG D130 microphone with Pleiades filters or Pleiades V4 or V5 preamplifiers

What a microphone!

Dynamic (moving coil) mics are really underestimated. And omnidirectional ones have something so natural...(Simplicity bringing excellence).

Setup:  (the symbol "-" means connected to...)

D130 - Pleiades (in line XLR) filter - Step up transformer (in line XLR) - Pleiades V4 (1 stage EF183 battery powered pre preamplifier) - Realistic Disco Mixer (mic in) - Sennheiser HD580 headphones

Not so much low cut was needed as omnidirectional mics do not have a proximity effect.

Nevertheless a Pleiades filter of 100 to 250Hz did a great job of restoring presence in voice (Fletcher Manson and voice effort curves) with the added advantage of removing the muddy room acoustics and annoying background noise.

So the inductance connected in parallel to the mic out was of the order of 210mH to 140mH. These were measured with a digital Escort ELC-120 L meter by measuring pins 2 and 3 after disconnecting the mic. The reading taken is the parallel combination of the Pleiades filter and the primary inductance of the transformer used. Interesting combination is a Canford impedance converter (400mH) in parallel with a Pleiades filter of 200Hz (166mH).  Other natural combination was a 200mH primary inductance step up transformer and a Pleiades filter of 100Hz (333mH).

Bravo to AKG

One of the best microphones ever made.

Neutrik modules with switches and color code for variable Pleiades microphone filters

Many Neutrick modules can be connected together.

Inside them some 073 Magnetc Nanoperm cores.

the Neutrik KMX modules colored according to each 073 cutoff frequency ie how many turns are wound on each 073.

Every 073 inductor in parallel with pin 2 and 3 through the Neutrik SM2/2 switch.

So we have a long XLR adapter with rainbow series colors according to frequency.

4 filters would give 16 combinations (binary code).


0000      0Hz
0001     100Hz
0010     200Hz
0010     300Hz
0100     400Hz
Etc when Pleiades filters of 100Hz, 200Hz, 400Hz, 800Hz are used

Cleaning microphone XLR output connector

It is very easy.

Using ear cotton buds moistened with alcohol.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Variable Pleiades microphone filter box

Various low cut, high cut, mid reduce or mid boost etc can be implemented as follows. There are useful for restoring psychoacoustic presence due to Fletcher Munson and voice effort curves.

Everything is connected in parallel to signal ie on pin 2 and 3 of mic output.

Multi tap inductor or various switched inductors in series with a variable resistor and the whole lot in parallel, for high pass.

Same but with switched capacitors for low pass. This is parallel with 2 and 3 too.

Switched capacitors in series with switched or multi tap inductors in series with a variable potentiometer resistor. The resultant in parallel again. This is for reducing a certain band of frequencies and making a mic with a peak to become flat.

Switched capacitors in parallel with switched or multi tap inductor, a series variable resistor and the resultant in parallel with signal. This can be useful for increasing a middle band of frequencies to restore psychoacoustic presence.

Color code specification for Pleiades XLR in line proximity compensating filters

Inside the Neutrik XLR modular adapters we have a Magnetec 073 Nanoperm core. This core is wound as inductor and connected in parallel to signal ie to pins 2 and 3. This is to low cut (or high pass) as needed to compensate for the unnatural increase in bass at various mic distances. (A directional mic at 1in as we can see on most microphone frequency response charts starts to rise in sensitivity below even 1KHz!)

Specifications of Pleiades inline filter color code.

Black : deep deep bass.     ?

Red     : only the deep bass is cut.   700mH

Orange : bass cut.     300mH

Yellow : bass and mid bass cut.  140mH

Yellow-Green : natural.     70mH

Green : natural and bright.    47mH

Blue.    : bright.                25mH

Violet    : very bright.        14mH

White.   : extremely bright.  eg 7mH

Inductance values are indicative. A white filter can make a ribbon mic sound amazing at 1in while electromagnetic damping from the Pleiades filter protects to ribbon from blasts of air pops etc. for a Grampian ribbon microphone 3 mH gives very interesting and natural results. (The high frequency mic content shines too.). For best results this is implemented as a Pleiades 1:4 step up transformer to make up gain, the 073 core fitted inside the XLR adaptor.

Similar codes can be used for Capacitor in parallel filters to cut high frequencies and give presence.

Reference : (Fletcher Munson curves and voice effort curves as explained in the Hollywood paper in earlier euroelectron posts):
Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Loye and K. F. Morgan
Journal of Society of Motion Pictures Engineers
(Presented at the 1930 Spring Meeting at Hollywood, California)

Pleiades 8 ohm speaker to 200 ohm mic out converter for recording bass drum

It would be nice making a step up transformer for using any speaker as microphone or bass drum mic.

Any speaker is already a moving coil microphone and vice versa, (reciprocity principle).

All needed to be done is connecting a Pleiades transformer made from Magnetec Nanocrystalinne core or equivalent. A step up ratio of 5, ie secondary number of turns 5 times greater than primary will give a 5x5=25 impedance increase balanced out. So any speaker of 8 ohms will be converted to a mic capsule of 200 ohms.

The number of primary turns can be adjusted to compensate for proximity effect. The less the number of turns the higher the cutoff frequency, the brighter the sound.

The whole lot can be fitted inside the excellent Neutrik XLR modules. Therefore in the direction of signal flow, from speaker as mic to its balanced 200 ohm output we can have:

1 Speaker connecting clips, each with shielded cable.

2 Both twisted and the pair inserted in Neutrik module cable outlet (inlet in this case) CM.

3 The Neutrik NN3MXI  XLR male out threaded to CM and inside it the Magnetec 073 tape wound core. We wind some turns as primary and 5x as much as secondary, solder primary to twisted pair and secondary to XLR pins 2 and 3 and we should be ready.

A step up transformer may not even be needed as the signal may be already large. In that case the 8 ohms speaker out is connected directly to a mic input or XLR out of the Neutrik module.

If bass cut is needed to brighten the sound then a Pleiades filter (just an inductor in parallel) can be connected to cut bass. This is the same principle used on speaker crossover networks, but reciprocity wise.

A suitable Pleiades cutoff frequency filter can be selected to make an interesting vocal mic, or making an excellent mic such as an AKG D112 or D12 proximity compensated for excellent close vocal recording or live application.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Microphones singers use in the studio

Michael Jackson
Neumann U87 (TAPE OP interview with Motown chief engineer Russ Terrana (electronic engineer))
Shure SM7 (the original, not SM7B, Billie Jean etc, Bruce Swedien, Sound on Sound interview, also interview to Mitch Gallagher, sweetwater on YouTube:

To be continued (there is also a list of dynamic only mics used for vocals in the studio)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

PZM boundary microphones to iPad or iPhone

It may be great to use PZMs on iPad as its headphone mic input supplies a few volts which should be enough to power directly the electret mic without the need of any adaptor.

Boundary mics may be great for recording the piano and can be placed very very near to the back of the soundboard. (After watching Constantinos).

Friday, April 8, 2016

Why do orchestras have the double basses to the right? Γιατι οι ορχήστρες έχουν τα κόντρα μπάσα δεξιά;

Could it not be very right?
Μήπως δεν ειναι και πολύ σωστό;

Quantities in graphs are increasing from left to right.
Οι τιμές στις γραφικές παραστάσεις αυξάνουν απο αριστερά προς δεξιά.

So does frequency.
Το ίδιο και η συχνοτητα.

A man holds embrasing as he walks with a woman usual with his right strong hand. So the man is left with the woman on his right side.
Ένας άντρας αγκαλιάζει περπατώντας με μια γυναίκα συνήθως με το αριστερό του χέρι. Έτσι ο άντρας ειναι αριστερά με τη γυναίκα στη δεξιά του πλευρά.

The great producers and recording engineers of Fleetwood Mac have the high hat on the right channel.
Οι μεγάλοι παραγωγοί και μηχανικοί ήχου των Fleetwood Mac έχουν το high hat στο δεξί κανάλι.

So let's have double basses left, violins on the right on the amazing orchestra.
Ας έχουμε λοιπόν τα κόντρα μπάσα αριστερά και τα βιολιά δεξιά στην πανέμορφη ορχήστρα.

Like when you play the piano.
Όπως όταν παίζεις πιάνο.

Reference: Thunder - Fleetwood Mac

Γιατί Μουσικά Όργανα;

Για να κάνουμε μουσική χρειάζονται μουσικά όργανα...

Για να κάνουμε ζωγραφική χρειάζονται ζωγραφικά όργανα;

Μήπως έχει κάποιο λάκο έχει η φάβα;

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Το καλύτερο γαλακτομπουρεκο;

Στον κεντρικό δρόμο της Βάρης.

Εκεί ειναι η κυρία Γεωργία Γούλα που φτιάχνει απίστευτο γαλακτομπούρεκο με βούτυρο και όχι φυτικά λιπαρά. Έχει την όμορφη μυρωδιά του αγνού γάλατος.

Ο άντρας της, κύριος Αργυριος φτιάχνει απίστευτο γιαούρτι.

Το γαλακτοζαχαροπλαστειο ο Γουλας ειναι στην οδό Πανος 26, Διλοφο Βάρης.
Έχει και Εκμέκ, Καταιφι που ανυπομονώ να δοκιμάσω.

Neumann U47, AKG D112 and Pleiades Filters

There is some similarity to their frequency response curve.

They both start to increase above 2K to compensate for voice effort and Fletcher Munson curves.

At 6-7KHz they both drop a little.

At 10K they rise a bit again.

At 15KHz they both pass from 0dB.

Could D122 be a great candidate for male voice with a suitable Pleiades cutoff frequency as this mic does not drop below 200Hz.

This should give a flat curve (after Pleiades proximity compensation) even at below 200Hz.