Saturday, March 28, 2020

Velvetine the cat recommends, Η Βελουδινα συνιστά

At your risk, this is not a medical advice.

Drinking a few drops of water every say 15 minutes in order to keep the air passage before lungs clean.

Friday, March 27, 2020

About a month ago

It was a bus strike, early morning.

Everybody had to take the paid bus services of the regional bus.

I was sitting just behind the driver, the seat next to mine empty.

On a bus stop an aged lady with a white cloth in her head came in. She looked very worried as her bag been stolen the day before. She said she could not pay the ticket for this reason and the lady ticket vendor reluctantly let her in and asked her to sit next to me.

She was talking to me still very worried that she needed to go asap to the U.S. Embassy so that they help her to go back to US and that she is a diplomat.

We started an interesting conversation swapping from Hellenic to English.

She let me know that on China apparently something had gone wrong with a virus and while an antidote had been made things got much worse. She gave me an uncomfortable account to how the infected population had been gathered together and what had happened to them.

She had warned be how Greek land is on plan to be bought by Chinese in the future.

We talked about how many languages she knew including ancient Hellenic and how learned so many languages as part of her job on a special 3 months per language school.

She was thankful to me as I proposed to escort her after the Syntagma (parliament stop, walking to near the U.S. Embassy.

She was very embarrassed as her bag containing all her ID, cards, money, contained an important document she was carrying form Israel to the U.S. Ambassador.

She mentioned how sussesful she were at all her jobs including persuading the Hellenic government to allow a U.S. Air Force base at the island of Crete. She also mentioned how she went to free the U.S. hostages in Irak... she suggested me to read the book on In the Stategy of Alexander the Great strategy, the first edition, in English.

After so many years, it was the first time her work had been compromised.

She believes in God and was very happy that someone was found to give her a bit of help in a foreign country in an uncomfortable, anxious moment of her life.

This is not America (instrumental version) - Bowie, Metheny, Mays

This is not America - Bowie, Metheny, Mays

A nice cover version was play about a hour ago from Galaxy 92 FM.

This is not America - Bardo State

This is the original a version:

This is the instrumental backing track;

This song has a nice step bass going down with the well documented Bach Bass Rules code [Bach Niedt]:
Scale G minor

and it has a great modulation (change of key)

and other major 7th chords


Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt, PDF

On drinking often water to avoid getting the virus to the lungs

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

George told me that he got an email from Italy which originates from a researcher on viruses.

So he gave me some hints he read.

That the virus is killed above 25 degrees centigrade.

So it seems fit to wash hands with warm water.

I rub my hands even when I am not washing them since the temperature increase by friction is very high.

George also told me that some drinking water every often is good as the virus if it exists in the first place goes down to the stomach were it is killed instead of being inhaled.

I believe many good practices originate from common sense, for example removing carpets from a house.

Or having the windows open, or being in the fresh air etc.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Does a bit of sun or solarium ultra violet radiation kill the virus in the lungs? σκοτώνει η υπεριώδης ακτινοβολία απο λιγο ηλιοθεραπεία η solarium τον ιο στους πνεύμονες

At your risk this not a medical advice.
Με δικη σας ευθύνη, αυτο εν ειναι ιατρική συμβουλή.

Ultra violet radiation has higher frequency than visible light and its photon is a packet (quantum) of higher energy. It can penetrate (those billions of high frequency photons) the body.
Η υπεριώδης ακτινοβολία εχει μεγαλύτερη συχνιτητα απο το ορατό φως και το καθε φωτόνιο ειναι ενα πακέτο μεγαλύτερης ενεργειας. Οι υπεριώδεις ακτίνες μπορούν να εισχωρούν στο σώμα.

Energy of every photon = plank's constant x frequency

E = h x f or simply

E = hf

All windows on a bus should be open Ολα τα παράθυρα σε ενα λεωφορείο θα πρεπει να ειναι ανοιχτά

A - Public Domain

a little melody in D minor.

D - - -     (bass D)
-  - - -
-  - - -
D - F -
E - - -     (bass A)
C - A -
-  - - -
-  - D F
G - - -    (bass G7)
-  - - -
-  - - -
-  - D E
F - - -    (bass B7)
-  - - -
-  - - -
-  - - -


This melody happened by chance, playing at the piano without thinking it

Hello to Ukraine

Μένουμε σπιτι μεχρι να το πάρει η τραπεζα

Saw this graffity message today near an Athens seaside street.

Why musical note C is on different line on clef G to clef F

In fact they are not if we at it in a mirror light reflection way.

C4 is the middle note of the piano keyboard.

If we draw 5 lines for clef G, leave one line below it and then draw 5 lines for clef F we know that middle C4 is written by drawing a small line segment between both clefs. [Hall]

If we assume this to be sea reference level and imaging a bird at position C5, it's reflection would be on the second line of clef F exactly where C3 is.

This came about by discussing the apparent discrepancy of position of given note names on the 2 clefs with Vicky,


Musical Acoustics - last printed page of book - Donald Hall

Monday, March 23, 2020

Finding the sharps of all musical scales

A hint is the move in steps of a 5th (in fact perfect fifth).
Also remembering that C major and A minor have all the white or natural keys.

So starting from them:

C major
G major (one fifth above)
G A B C D E #F G
D major (one fifth above)
D E #F G A B #C D

note the sharp added is also one fifth above


Similarly from A minor:

A minor

E minor
E #F G A B C D E

B minor
B #C D E #F G A B


See also:

Musical Acoustics - Donald Hall

Hello to South Korea, Hellas, United States

Weekly euroelectron pageviews

Entry Pageviews
South Korea
United States

Euroelectron monthly pageviews

Entry Pageviews
South Korea
United States

AKG D510B repositioning 3D binaural tests with Vicky as listener

See also recent part 1.

Since our ear canals seem to be facings a bit towards the floor it was decided to reposition the 2 gooseneck omni small diaphragm moving coil mics.

The ST-3 table stands were again set on table back to back.

But the goose necks were bend in the opposite to usual direction. So that mics pointed below horizontal. So effectively mic with goosenecks wee hugging each other.

The stands were separated so that the mic membranes were at about 9in distance which seem to be a typical human ear drum distance. Looking at them from a distance it looks like 2 D510-B microphones in 69 position as gooseneck are at contact but mics are facing in opposite direction.

After sufficiently increasing headphone level Vicky was so impressed that she could not distinguish whether the sound was real or trough headphones. After she opened her eyes she was shocked realising that subtle egg percussion was not taking place around her head but around the 2 microphones.

She gave a rating of 10/10 for overall sound quality both on speech, singing, egg shaker percussion around mics, dusting pain, distant glockenspiel. Some kind of hollow (room?) bass sound had also disappeared from her perception.

She commented that the glockenspiel sounds much better when on lap of player rather than when it is standing on the wooden floor.

See also for possibly the first time a binaural microphone was tested:

Sound and Music - S. S. Stevens, F. Warshofsky - Time Life Science Series

Pleiades 2N3055 one transistor amplifier with vocal exhibition switch updates

A fuse should always be used in series with a battery for fire hazard prevention.

This time Vicky listened to the one transistor amplifier operating in class A ( electrons flowing all the time).

Signal path:

Idlewild-Travis - YouTube - iPad mini headphones out one channel - various coupling capacitors from 4.7μF to 100μF - Pleiades 2N3055 with 12V lead acid battery at various states of discharge - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker - bedroom as listening room - our ears or brain

She was impressed at the clarity and smoothness of voice. Especially when the coupling capacitor was only 4.7μF.
She commented how well at 4.7μF every nuisance of vocal is revealed.
At 100μF the full orchestra sounds but max level has to be lower or more apparent distortion cones in. At 4.7μF voice is beautifully and loudly projected.
The above suggests the inclusion of a 4.7μF or 100μF voice-fullbandwidth examination switch.

We did not particularly like inbetween values of C such as:
10μF Elna starget before ROHS
15μF film Philips

Vicky commented that the best sound was at the beginning of the listening tests.

Possible reasons:

The 1AH 12V battery going below 9.4V. With fresh battery the sound was clearer but less interesting or smooth possibly because of too much speaker DC offset as well as less distortion.

The exhausted battery sounded worse that half exhausted.

Transistor running hotter.

Brain getting used to the nice sound.

At higher quiescent collector current speaker membrane equilibrium passion is more shifted. Ie elastic restoring force higher and higher membrane resonant frequency? (At lower bias sound perception is more deep).

So bias controlling quiescent current must be very important to the sound and optimum sound quality with given battery voltage.

There is also interaction of transistor input impedance which is low, with series resistor volume control and coupling capacitor reducing bass response as potentiometer is moved further clockwise which may be a good thing, like a loudness control compensating human ear equal loudness curves.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

UHER M136 omnidirectional

Nice lightweight mic.

It must had been made by AKG or just the capsule.

It had been bought from an auction at 1eur plus 17Eur shipping. Nobody else wanted it.

It has came with an original frequency response curve data sheet. Very flat but everything above 800Hz is +2dB. 3dB pints at 150Hz and 12KHz.

So it sounds a bit bass heavy for singing.
So a Pleiades filter of about (330Ω,80mH) was found suitable for male singing voice.

Later addition, next day:
For a more full with deeper bass and smooth vocal sound other Pleiades filters can be approximately:
(630Ω,200mH) or (430Ω,400mH).

It's you might have guessed from the higher values of Pleiades filter elements needed it is a 500Ω microphone.

No s problem at all.

Signal path:

male singing voice - M136 at 2 or more inch - (Pleiades (330Ω,80mH) ) - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580 - singer's ears, brain

Sunday's addition:

Vicky was the closed eyes listener this time.
She commented on some lip noise artifacts which were reduced when mic distce was increased to say 6-8 inch.
She preferred a resistance of more than 600Ω for the Pleiades (R,L) filter, ie she wanted more bass.

iPad mini - Pleiades 2N3055 - Pleiades linoleum Auratone type 5C

At your risk.

All needed to be added is a series 100μF ELNA Silmic II electrolytic capacitor so that DC bias for class A operation is not upset.

It sounds very nice.

Listening to nice recordings from YouTube.

Bias resistor from collector to bass is 10KΩ. Battery supply is 10V. (A suitable fuse must always be connected in series with a battery for fire hazard protection etc).

How would the Pleiades BD139 one transistor amplifier sound with this setup?
A output transformer coupled one transistor amplifier?
Using the BC108?

Thursday, March 19, 2020

A way to be happy

The manual of the ancient philosopher Epictetous.

It can be found by searching on Google with keywords:
Enchiridion Epictetous PDF

It may be called philosophy or happiness.
Or philosophy of fearlessness.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dance with Me - Venus in Flames feat Sarah Bettens

Transmitted with electromagnetic waves (light) from Galaxy FM radio station a few moments ago.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Season Song - Blue States

Just played on Galaxy radio.

On this the chord progression is from D minor to G minor rather than to G major when a D Dorian scale, key or mode is used.

2 AKG D510B microphones used a 3D binaural microphone

The D510B is a nice omnidirectional microphone. Of course not as good as our ears but it is a good one.

It is thanks to Vicky that it was rediscovered. She had been to a conference and they were using some modern electret condenser AKG gooseneck mics. She mentioned that at some times and some speakers they sounded nice. A search was then done on older AKG gooseneck microphones which led to buying through eBay of D590, D528 and finally D510B which are omni

Our ears seem to respond in an omnidirectional way.
And they do not exhibit proximity bass boost effect. Increase of bass is created by our brain when the intensity gets higher (Fletcher-Munsin curves)

The AKG D510B behave in a similar way and they have a small diaphragm like our eardrums.

Some Pleiades experience exists on the use of electret miniature mics as in-ear microphones but this time it was desired to try moving coil microphones.

Signal path:

AKG D510B used as left ear

                                                      - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580

AKG D510B used as right ear

2 AKG ST-3 stands are used.

At the moment the stands as placed back to back (Robe di Kapa) so that when the gooseneck a are bent in an s shape each microphone diaphragm is oriented at a position similar to when each human eardrum should be, (correct orientation, distance between 2 ear's eardrums etc.

At this stage no artificial head or obstacle etc is used.

Sound result is very promising.

There is a sense of 3D.

The Pleiades ticking clock can be heard very clearly from far away.

More experiments needed.

How does it sound if 2 or more microphones capture the same voice?

It has been tried on Michael Jackson by Bruce Swedien with mic at various distance.

Strengthening my immunity defense mechanism, δυναμώνοντας το ανοσοποιητικό μou σύστημα

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

Με δικη σας ευθύνη. Αυτο δεν αποτελει ιατρική συμβουλή.

I have found that vitamin C works for me. For prevention or cure.
Η βιταμίνη C.

Then I read the late work of Nobel laureate in chemistry (behavior of electrons), Pauling who is an advocate of vitamin C.

Here is what I do. Drinking water with a freshly cut lemon or sour orange juice.

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Diluting in water keeps the pH closer to neutral 7 so it can be drinkable.

That's it.

Pother elements such as sunlight, wind bath can be found on earlier posts.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

AKG D510B omnidirectional

Possibly one of the best microphones on the planet. Sounds like the real thing.

Day after next day addition: on male singer female listener, female singer male listener tests in real time it was found very good but not as good. Vicky gave it a rating of 9 out of 10.
Vicky's singing voice sounded better outdoors at 12in. It was also observed when Vicky is a listener that the voice sounds (to her brain)  so much nearer when mic is outdoors.

The mic can approach flat frequency response from singers vocal chords to listener's brain. [Lowe, Morgan]

Test signal path:

male singing or speaking voice - AKG D510B at 2in - Sony TC-D5 Pro mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580 - the same male as listener in real time


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristcs - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Συντελεστής Μικροφώνου Πλιατς

Στοιχεια θεωρίας και πράξης εδώ:

Running out of cash is not a problem if expense is zero

The sun always rises and generously sends a certain amount of energy for everyone.

The thought mentioned in the title came while reading the fascinating book Managing - Geneen (ex CEO of ITT).

Η ανασφάλεια ειναι το καλυτερο εμπόρευμα - Μιχάλης

Insecurity is the best product (marketing tool) - Michalis

Friday, March 13, 2020

Microphone Pleatz factor

Some microphones are so good with such a great transient response that no pliats artifacts are heard on speaking or singing voice. No lip, saliva, bad s, bad p sounds etc.

(After comments of Vicky listening to some microphones.)

The Pleatz factor is a microphone figure of merit. A subjective scale out of 10.
0 is for a mic with no pliats.

Can there be an objective correlation to the subjective annoyance factor?

Perhaps. Experience can show that some microphones with a high πλιατς factor exhibit and unnesserary unused dynamic range which may analogous to this annoying factor.

For example if while signing a VU meter (needle set on average to below red 0VU) is observed it can be seen that at sibilants a peak level overload meter will light up all too often.

This was observed for example on the following signal path:

male singing or speaking voice - mic under test - Sony TC-D5 Pro mono mode - Sennheiser HD 580

On the other hand good quality mics which have a low annoyance or pliats factor do not make the overload LED light up thereby not putting any strain on the preamplifier which would further increase the annoyance pliats factor effect.

Good quality microphones will sound louder as the average level can be increased without the signal hitting at sibilants over the headroom of the preamplifier.

Some examples of microphones with low pliats factor are SM59, MD421, ribbon microphones, printed ribbon microphones etc.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Example of pedal bass melody

Love and Hate - Kiwanuka

Melody staying the same. Bass going down.

Other example is the beginning of

Tubular Bells - Oldfield

Monday, March 9, 2020

Revisiting the Grampian GR1/L microphone

What a microphone.

It had been bought together with its twin brother in England from a ham or vintage wireless society fest.

They had been destroyed by measuring DC resistance but they were very carefully re ribboned using a few microns thick aluminium foil from an Endinbourgh gold beaters company was James Laird if memory is correct. Random corrugation was used by hand folding the foil sandwiched in a zig zag accordion manner. The brass ribbon mounting, fastening support had been pristinely mirror polished so that the ribbon would make a very low resistance contact.

They still sound amazing.

If connected to a Sony TC-D5 Pro almost no sound results as it is a 20Ω output impedance mic.

Various step up transformers were tried today in order to step up 20Ω to anything close to 800Ω.

Perhaps the most suceesful of all is a 1:6 transformer wound on a very small Magnetec core. If memory is correct it is an autotransformer. At the moment there is some buzz possibly due to improper grounding. Primary impedance is 3.8mH, secondary impedance 119mH.

A food wrap transparent foil was used as pop, saliva filter. It worked with no degradation of sound.

Still ther is hiss on the Sony TC-D5 Pro. These mics were the primary reason why Pleiades electron tube preamplifiers were made. This had led to the very low noise battery powered Pleiades V6. The heaters are deliberately at lower temperature as it's done on Neumann U47. Pleiades bias from a resistor from anode to grid is used. So the electron tube can operated at just 3.6V with very low noise performance. Perhaps it's time to revisit this amplifier.

Still with buzz and noise (see above problem) the GR1/L sound superb with great naturalness and transient response and not like spitting as is the case with many condenser mics. The primary inductance used as stated above is very low so bass is cut and treble is revealed.

Then the Shure SM59 one of the best moving coil microphones with or without a Pleiades (130Ω,40mH) filter was compared. It is an amazing microphone. It does sound like a ribbon microphone with its transient detail and subtle, smooth and detailed sound. But there was some slight sense of plastic, slight veil to the sound that does not exist on the GR1/L.

Perhaps there is nothing microphonewise on our planet than a good ribbon microphone.

How would the GR1/L sound with a Pleiadss (R,L) filter feeding the Pleiades V6 battery powered electron tube front end?

How would it sound directly connected to UHER 4200 report through a handmade 1:5 toroidal transformer, or through a Beyerdynamic 1:5 transormer?

Next day addition:

Vicky listened too. She like the naturalness and detail without harshness or sibilant artifacts of the mic.
She preferred a 1:4 autotransformer to a 1:6.
Then she listened to a higher primary inductance and high turn ratio German inline transformer (470mH:60H) and preferred this as more full body sound. Preferred on this listening tests distance about 9in.

How would the Grampian GR1/L sound for singing voice with Pleiades V5 battery electron tube front end pre amplifier?

Grampian Ribbon GR1/L microphone electrical output impedance

A DC ohm meter can destroy a ribbon.

It was measured by an Escort LCR digital impedance meter.


This microphone together with its brother had been re ribboned about 20 years ago.

It sounds great.

Creating easily ADT or artificial double tracking

At your risk. Protect your precious ears.

It was tried again at Vicky's.

All needs is a say 10 meter hose. One can sing on one end and listening in real time with ear close to the other end.

So 2 voices are heard. Your immediate voice together with the delayed one.

10m should give a delay of about 35ms?

It sounds fantastic.

RCA had made a delay device using such principle with the hose folded inside a wooden enclosure.

2nd Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker is ready

It was thermal glued yesterday at Vicky's.

Signal path:

YouTube - iPad mini headphones out, one channel - Pleiades Linoleum Auratone type 5C speaker

Some listening was also done with UHER 4200 but it is not ready ready. Crossover distortion is evident from it's power amplifier.

Most listening was done from iPad.

It is fun listing to auditioning microphones, any pros or cons are immediately revealed.

Sounds very real especially on transients and on some of the best recordings ever made. Such as Billy Jean - Michael Jackson, Time - Alan Parsons Project

Tezcatlipoca - Ira, George did no way sound as good. All problems revealed.

In fact any recording having a harshness problem at any frequency band is embarrassingly revealed. This is a main role of a state of art monitoring speaker.

Would it be possible to remaster Tezcatlipoca, or to remix it at half speed? Then doubling the speed on playback.
Later addition: in fact the opposite may be required as the 4 track cassette session master is recoded at ordinary cassette speed.
Other way would be to play the 2 track cassette master and sending signals to the Neumann passive EQs, then to m-Audio micro track but monitoring done with 2 such linoleum full range speakers.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Beyerdynamic input transformer TR/BV 351005003 inductance of windings

It is a 1:5 transformer according to the 005 code in the part number.

Primary (red black cables) inductance was measured:
6.3H at low frequency (97Hz)
1H at mid frequency (1024Hz)

Secondary inductance 165H at low frequency (97Hz).

How would the Gramian ribbon GR2/L microphones sound trough them then
directly connected to UHER 4200 Report? Their low impedance (25Ω?) microphones would be raised to about (600Ω?).

AKG catalogue 1973

Monday, March 2, 2020

UHER 4200 report with AKG MI 201-100 (Philips N8211)

Tried with Vicky's UHER 4200 report stereo tape recorder.

Signal path:

Male or female singing or speech voice - MI 201-100 - UHER 4200 report (slowly recovering) - BASF SM911 - UHER 4200 report reproducing - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C type speaker (linoleum unglued yet)

It sounds nice.

There is some bass heaviness.

It may sound great with a suitable Pleiades (R,L) filter to reduce bass heavines perceived by listener's brain due to Fletcher Munson curves, voice effort curves, bad room acoustics etc. [Lowe, Morgan]


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - D. P. Lowe, K. F. Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers

Some Pleiades gentle low cut filters for omni microphones

Omnidirectional microphone do not have a proximity effect of bass boost.

So naturally they would need a lees strong Pleiades filter.

Inductance can be greater.


sounds very nice on male vocals with a
Pleiades (610Ω,140mH)
Higher values of inductance like 200mH sound nice too

AKG D130
High output mic as this is a large diaphragm.
A suitable Pleiades (R,L) gentle slope LC filter:
Pleiades (310Ω,140mH) or higher R
It can remove that muddy bass emphasis when singing and the mic can sound amazing.
When speaking a filter might not be needed.

signal path:

Male singing Creep - Radiohead - omnidirectional mic - Pleiades (R,L) filter - Sony TC-D5 Pro - Sennheiser HD 580 - listener's (singer's) brain


This one was almost sticking out of the small box it had been packed after buying thorough  (the mic had made a slit hole in the cardboard box!).

It was thoughly cleaned. It has so many extra fine meshed of silk like metal cloth which were washed with detergent and a extra fine 5000+ Hair Curaprox toothbrush. (At your risk)

It operates better now.

Not sure yet if this mic can be suitable for vocals. It may be useful for acoustic guitar.

It is small diaphragm.

The UHER M640 front which is plastic looks like it.
The M640 sounds great. Does it have the same capsule as the omni series D510?

How does the D510 sound like?

Some almost happy accidents in music making

By Tom Barnes: