Thursday, December 26, 2019

Protecting a microphone with a thin film outside membrane

At your risk.

While opening a damaged Gamma, German?, microphone. It is not a side address microphone but looks like an AKG D15 or Sennheiser MD4...
(Later addition: a black looking Sennheiser MD42).

Maybe I had seen one like these in a ship radio room when I was a kid.

It has the large Tuchel connector.

The front grill was unscrewed and it revealed a ring with a thin membrane which was sitting on top of the metal resonator of the voice coil diaphragm. Like a drum snare skin nano structure. Perhaps used for making the mic waterproof while the captan speaks near the bridge...

It is made of a very thin transparent material like an extremely thin mica. It makes rustling noise if it is touched.

Surprisingly it does not make much difference to the sound. It just makes it more middle focused.

It did protect the mic from everything, saliva, iron particles, dust etc.

The mic works fine.

Would a thin food wrapping membrane do the same trick on a modern mic? Or even a washed from lubricant and thoroughly dried thin condom?

How would it sound if the usual round stocking type mic pop filter is replaced by a round thin transparent film type? would it stil protect the mic?

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