Sunday, March 19, 2017

Elements of philosophy for engineers or inventors

It is amazing how some of the best minds on the planet might have benefited by small details that possibly nobody had introduced to them.

Alexander the Great was lucky as he had the philosopher Aristotle himself as tutor.

Lee de Forest and Edwin Armstrong, inventors of the highest quality. Just to mention triode electron tube, radio, FM radio. They gave so much to mankind. And they got great joy back. But perhaps they could have avoided the sorrow. They had lost much of their time in court and preparing for it. Discoveries do happen while preparing experiments for the court.

Interesting to note too that those who laughed first at their inventions being useless were the first on the train to exploit.

Lee de Forest was approached by a lawyer who gently avoided to mention he represented RCA.

Dr. Forest says in his autobiography that he and his wife should have waited and live a few more years on cheese and crackers than accepting a few thousand dollars for what became a multi billion industry. (A note on food: Nowadays reading ingredients on food packaging is a must as crackers may contain palm vegetable oil).

Armstrong a genius too fighted to establish FM radio when it was considered useless and then it slipped through his hands.

An inventor's life is not easy.

One aspect is having to change the same equipment everyday and rebuilding equipment for the next experiment when the previous one might have or not been succeful.

How does he have time to prepare a meal? And how does he have the time to know what not to eat. Possibly he, she does not have the extra time.

And all this while many around him, her are making arrangements to buy cheap.

Big companies are not necesarily to blame. We are not forced to sell. We are free not to sell.

The best way to sell is not to sell.

Could giving everything free and open source to mankind be the best way?

Nobody chasing you as there is nothing that can be got out of you that has not already been given.

Nobody chasing you as there is nothing they can get out of you that they do not already have.

How would the inventor or say the music composer be compensated?

Nothing gets lost.

Reward comes unexpected by any other means.

And to start off it is already there. It is how it feels to give.

How light the soul feels ready to fly.

(Playing Tonight and the Rest of my life - Nina Gordon)

How clean the mind feels ready for the new idea, discovery invention, playing or composition.

Would it have been better if Forest and Armstrong had given everything open source to the world without even visiting the patent office?

It is the details that matter.

Schools are very nice. And would they not be even better if:

Schools teach what is healthy to eat and not to eat.

Teach philosophy in a practical sense as a way of life for everyday matters.

Obvious things overlooked:

Οταν δεν οικειοποιούμαστε τίποτα έχουμε πρόσβαση στα παντα.

That first we become happy and then we find our sweetheart.

That the toothbrush should be soft, very soft. and of great quality. The much more thinner hair clean all the surface of the tooth. And teeth become shinning white and beautiful.

That the fist and the last photons from the sun, sunrise and sunset are very important. And we become happy and never ill. (There are fewer photons at that time but they have greater frequency therefore quantum (packet) of energy, they penetrate our body, heal it, and we must be careful not to overdo as with everything).

That success does not matter.

That freshly made juice makes you healthy and beautiful.

That nothing gets lost.

That when everybody says it is not possible it is good news. It will be done.

That we must not make a pass.

That we may say immediately to a woman we truly find beautiful that she is. Without expecting anything.

That less is more.

That it is more difficult not to do.

That fear does not even exist.

That we can expand time by bring calm and assuming it is infinite. Then a day lasts for as long.

That whole grain sesame is possible the best food on earth. It contain possibly the best oil, protein, calcium, ...

That if you cut a fruit from a tree and eat it immediately it feels 1000x stronger.

Adam and Eve did nothing wrong. They just ate a fresh apple.

And mankind has inherited nothing wrong. It is just trying to do its best.

Buy buy devil.

Or try to be happy too.

Hello free will

Hello Apollo light.

Our sun beloved.

How can we expect from our teachers something they had never been taught?

Now it is time for all.

Under the sun everything is free and there are no shadows on our love.


Enchiridion (Manual) - Epictetus

Tao te Ching - Lao Tzu

How to Win Friends and Influence your Environment - Dale Carnegie

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