Tuesday, April 30, 2019

If electric fields could talk what would they say?

If magnetic fields could sing what would they sing?

If electromagnetic fields could play music what would they play?

Strange as it seems it happens every day.

This how radio works.

This is how the electric field inside a speaker cable brings music information to the loudspeaker. It's membrane then vibrates and we then listen and sing or dance.

This is what the electromagnetic field does inside the cable wave transmision line.

And electrons dance too all the time. Inside electron tubes or transistors too.

But what if electric fields were alive entities in a fairytale at least? What if electrons could feel? The idea of a fairytale with various force fields came from (Spyros?, Panyiotis? narrating about alive
fields on the bus).

A great book on electromagnetism by Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman.
Feynman Lectures on Physics - Feynman, Leighton, Sands

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