Thursday, June 4, 2020

Connecting 2 fullrange monitoring speakers to Uher 4200 stereo

Signal path on playback:

BASF SM911 previously Uher 4200 recorded tape with Dionna Warwick from compilation Arista CD - Uher 4200 stereo - Pleiades linoleum Auratone 5C speaker for each track channel

The sound is very nice, detailed and smooth.
Big sound stage.

Which one is better mono or stereo? Both are best for different reasons. Mono sounds very accurate for pin point voice.

A recording example setup:

2 Uher M534 mics for each track channel - Uher 4200 stereo -....

Very nice for singing voice, switch at S.

After recording rain, switch at M with mic as near (1ft) coincident pair, the playback sounded better with just one track or speaker. Detail, pin point accuracy.

Female (Vicky's) singing voice sounds very nice when she sings softly and the internal Pleiades low cut filter (switch at S) is used. Distance is about 1ft. Voice is still a bit bass, mid heavy so even less proximity effect is needed. Therefore a higher mic mouth distance should sound even better. It cannot be overemphasized how much better song singing sounds leaving electronics to de amplification and equal loudness, voice effort curve processing so that the result is flat frequency response from singer's brain to listener's brain. [Lowe, Morgan]

The pre recorded tape had a demo of Πως θα Ηταν which male voice sung on omni AKG MI 201-100, same as Philips N8211. It sounds brighter at 2in.

So for an even better female voice a Pleides filter with more bass cut might be needed or an omni mic or both.

For example listening to the Fame Soundtrack on a previously recorded tape, female voice is recorded much brighter with less bass and mid.

So it is worth feeding the nice Uher 4200 report stereo with such bright and clear sound.


Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characterists - D.P. Lowe, K.F. Morgan - Journal of the society of Motion Picture Engineers

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