Thursday, October 19, 2017

How to easily feel the sound of the frequency responce curve of playback de emphasis curves

At your own risk, protect your ears from accidents.

Noise comes from the random movement of electrons in conductors.

Just like watching the sea water movement noise.

The random movement of electrons is amplified by the preamplifier stages and we can hear it as hiss when we crank up the volume.

Electrons move randomly because they get their energy from our sun. Photons from the sun collide with them giving up their energy.

The frequency spectrum of the noise that out brain analyses reflect the shape of the playback de emphasis curve.

For example on microphone preamplifiers which usually are flat in frequency responce our brain perceives the hiss sound that recording engineers are familiar with.

When we turn up the volume on a moving magnet vinyl cartridge set up the noise we hear reflect the RIAA inverse curve. Increase in bass, decrease in treble.

Similarly on tape reel and cassette recorders. The kind of hiss we hear reveals what is going on.

For example changing the speed setting playback equalization of reel to reel tape recorders. Or switching from normal to type II position on cassette recorders we can hear the change from 120μs de emphasis turnover to 70μs etc.

It's all there.

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