Saturday, October 7, 2017

Pleiades magnetic processor

An interstage trasformer is used to simulate analog magnetic tape recording, reproduction.

Or a recording head touching (like French kissing)  a reproducing head at their airgaps could be used. Both could be the equivalent.

For no need of mechanical adjustments one ring core and both coils hugging each other around this magnetic core can be used and it should be equivalent.

A suitable operating magnetising current has to be found where saturating distortion begins and calibrated to 0VU.

The magnetic material from a tape wound core should be reduced until a suitable operating point is found that can be supported by the current the anode or drain or collector can supply.

And at the same time having such a primary inductance that it gives a premphasis of say 70ms, corresponding to a 6dB per octave frequency turnover or EQ or Pleiades filter. This turnover frequency depends on the output impedance of the stage and the shunt inductance. Some electron tube analog tape recorders use a series resistor in series after the anode to create constant current wrt frequency condition. (Example the Italian FBT personal PA echo).

The magnetic processing amplifier can be specified with line in and line out terminals.

2 VU meters.

Original, instateneous "tape" playback switch.

Like 3 head tape recorders.

An output attenuator to feed whatever or an A to D converter.

It will magneticaly process at the speed of light using electrons or nature itself.

An analog computer.

In what way would it sound different to premphasising (high pass) a signal, peak limiting it with electron tubes and then de emphasizing (high cut)?

For low noise operation, Pleiades V series battery electron tube preamplifier stages may be used.

Pleiades tape processor.

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