Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The positive feedback oscillator and clogging arteries

(At your own risk, this is not a medical advice).

It is important that we read with a magnifying glass the ingredients list of food before it gets inside us

For example...

One goes to hospital to unclog arteries after an episode. Say for example a stent is placed.

The patient is then in bed and is asked to tick on a piece of paper menu his preference for next day meal.

The hospital food menu (under the low fat column) may include margarine, rusks with palm oil or fat etc. So arteries may begin to clog again. And the sane person may be found back after some time to the hospital for another stent. We have are repeating phenomenon or oscillation,

The power supply of this oscillator is petroleum oil. It powers everything from the ambulance that brings the patient to the hospital to the lighting of the hospital. Even the equipment that produce and distribute margarine etc.

In fact it is the sun that powers everything.

But in the case of the last hundred years or so mankind has mass found and use petroleum oil which is really sun energy stored over million of years from decaying fish and microorganisms. This is how petroleum oil must have been made in the first place.

And for some reason we think we have to consume this over millions of years accumulated energy in just 200 years. Everything needs to be consumed quickly, so we think. And the ambulance must move extremely fast.

For some reason the system settles at maximum power transfer or impedance matching of source output impedance to load input impedance. Taking into account all anthropological, sociological, economic, psychological conditions.

Maximum power transfer means the quickest possible extinction of the energy source. Is this a way of an ecosystem to protect itself by spending non renewable petrol as soon as possible?

What is economics?

Is it the science that deals on how to spend the resource as soon as possible so that either the civilization is destroyed by global warming and then reborn after many years? Or on how petroleum oil is consumed before destruction and we stay on the same boat?

Fortunately human beings are most clever beings.

They are realizing these issues.

And are beginning to bring the paradise back.

And the hospital is giving the choice. The patient or spouse or their children if they are conscious have the choice to tick margarine or not for the next meal.

There is freewill.

It is even better now that hospitals have removed trans fat from their menu thereby putting an end to the oscillation.

There is paradise.


Conceptual Physics - Hewitt - appendix on non renewable energy and the inability of the human race to understand the exponential function

The most important video you will ever see - Prof. Bartlett - University of Colorado - YouTube

Fringe Knowledge for Beginers - Montalk - (the section on non edible food that ends up in the blood stream)

Positive feedback electronic oscillators

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