Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Electron's day, Photon's day, and Microphone's day

Is there an Electron's day?

They do so much for us.

They keep our body's shape, they make synapses in our brain work, they make us float when we swim. They make any chemical reaction happen. They make internet possible together with photos which supply the energy so that electrons can move and carry the information. They make wireless communication possible, satellite, mobile phone, radio, recording, storing and playing back music...

Is there a Photon's day?

They do so much for us.

Without them the temperature on the earth would be -273 centigrade? They bring the energy from the sun to us. They hit the leaves giving energy to the clorophyl molecule. It is big and when it collides (like a car having kinetic energy) with CO2 it separates C and O2. So we have Oxygen to live and love and love. Without them we would not have been able even to ask the question. Like electrons
they never go on strike serving mankind with love.

Is there a microphone's day?

They convert air molecule vibration to electron vibration. So voice, sound and music can be recorded, stored, transmitted. Without them we would have silent movies, and silent mobile phones. Silent CDs and we would not be able to listen to Silent Night on MP3.

Proposed Microphone's day the 1st of May.


The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Addison Wesley

The Cell - Life Science Library

Sound and Hearing - Life Science Library

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