Sunday, June 16, 2019

How does the musical interval of 9th sound like?

Musical example:
Who Wants to Live Forever - Queen

The brilliant song is writen in the musical key of E minor. This means all notes are natural or white keys except F which is F sharp.

Naturally the first bass is E. Synth plays the usual 1 3 5 with respect to bass ie E G B (E minor chord) but also plays F ie F sharp creating a ninth interval with respect to bass. Ninth intervals sound great to the human brain as you can tell by listening to the introduction. (The note C is also played on synth while bass is E so there is also the interval of 6th. At the end of intro a 4th ie note A is added).

But another even grater sounding 9th is next created by the Brian May vocal. He sings, "There's no time for us", using the notes:

E(there's) A(No) B(time) C(for) C(us).

As soon as he sings "Time" ie note B bass becomes A creating an amazing sounding 9th interval (with respect to bass). (All music is referenced to bass hence the name bass or base [Bach]. The 3rd with respect to bass ie note C is added [Bach] by the pipe organ so that the interval of 9th sounds amazing to listener's brain [Bach].

How do we find the chord?

Since bass is A using the 1 3 5 (7) (9) rule.

We have:

A bass and A C E

So the complete chord or harmony including the vocal is:

A bass and A C E B

How do we name this chord?

It is easy.

We start with the bassier note ie A [Piston]. We create in our mind or on the piano or keyboard etc the A major scale which is A B #C D E #F #G A.

Note C does not belong to the set of notes of A major scale (it is one semitone less than the A #C ie 3rd major interval) so the interval is a 3rd minor. B belongs to the set of notes of the A major scale so the interval is a 9th major.

So the amazing sounding chord A C E B is called:

A minor 3rd major 9th


Bach Bass Rules - Bach, Niedt - PDF

Harmony - Piston - McGraW Hill

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