Thursday, August 31, 2017

A suitable battery holder for Pleiades Electra

The Pleiades Electra 2 electron tube headphone amplifier for example can operate with 7.4 volts if no cathode resistor is used (see a previous euroelectron post on reducing components on Pleiades Electra 2).

An excellent battery holder with drawer function taking 4 AA size batteries is Bulgin BX0027.

It has four terminals giving 2 outputs of 2 pairs of AA batteries.

If 3.7V Li-ion batteries are used each channel of the Pleiades Electra 2 can be powered by a pair.

The two thin and long (for 2 AA batteries in series) bulgin battery holder BX0012/1 may be suitable too for saving space,  or four BX0011/1 each containing one AA.

Fuses should be used.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Some more important books on audio electronics

Some of these have excellent diagrams of electrons flowing like tiny kids. For example the second military reference. These books aim to explain as thoroughly as possible. Other lists of amazing books are on previous euroelectron posts.

Basic Electronics -  Van Valkenburgh, Nooger & Neville Inc

Understanding Radio - Education Manual MB885 - United States Armed Forces Institute

Foundation of Wireless - Scroggie
Technique de la Radio - Scroggie

Basic Electronics - US Navy - Dover

Basic Audio - Vol. 2 - Crowhurst - Rider

Coil Design and Construction Manual - B.B. Babani

Γιατι οι παραγωγές τραγουδιών του εξωτερικού έχουν τοςο διαφορετικη ποιοτητα ήχου στην ανθρώπινη φωνή;

Απο οτι φαινεται το όμορφο γρεζι και ο όγκος στα ξένα τραγούδια μάλλον προέρχεται απο απαλό η βαθύτερο ψαλιδισμο του σήματος απο σταδιακή υπερφορτωςη ενισχυτη μικροφώνου σε τάξη Α. Τάξη Α σημαίνει τα ηλεκτρόνια ρεουν συνεχώς [1]. Οι ενισχυτές που χρησιμοποιούνται σε καθε εποχή εξαιρετικών ηχογραφήσεων ειναι κυρίως με σωλήνες ηλεκρονιων [2].

Ετςι ακούγεται η φωνή δυνατά (με την παραγωγή overtones απο τον προενιςχυτη) χωρις ο τραγουδιστής-τρία να τραγουδάει δυνατά.

Οταν προσπαθούμε να τραγουδάμε δυνατά η φωνή χάνει τον όγκο της αφου το φάσμα συχνοτήτων επικεντρώνεται στη μεσαία περιοχή. (Voice effort curves) [3].

Οταν τραγουδάμε δυνατά πρεπει και το monitoring να ειναι δυνατά αλλα αυτο οδηγεί στο να ακούμε φάλτσα αρα και να τραγουδάμε φάλτσα [4].

Επισεις οπως αναφέρει ο μηχανικος ήχου της Κολουμπια Στελιος Γιαννακοπουλος αύξηση λιγο πιο πανω απο 2.5KHz, λίγα dB δίνει παρουσία στη φωνή χρησιμοποιώντας τις ισοφωνικες καμπύλες [5].

Τα καλα EQ, equalizer, η ισοσταθμιστες, στο εξωτερικό οπως Pultec περιέχουν και πηνια. Τα πηνια ειναι πιο ακριβά αλλα η χώρα μας προσφέρεται στο να τυλίγονται με χειροποίητο τροπο.

Απο οτι φαινεται "σύγχρονα" μηχανήματα με τελεστικους ενισχυτές που χρησιμοποιούν στην ανάδραση πυκνωτή για προσομοίωση πηνιου ειναι ακατάλληλοι για την τεράστια δυναμική περιοχή που εχει ενα ζωντανό σημα ήχου [2],[6].

Στην χώρα μας φωτεινό παραδειγμα ειναι η Φίνος Films οπου τα πηνια σχεδιάστηκαν απο τον Μικέ Ψαλίδα και τυλίχτηκαν απο τον Τάσο Φουσέκη στην πλατεία Συντάγματος [7]. Μεςα απο τα μηχανήματα αυτα που ειχαν και σωλήνες ηλεκτρονίων διαμορφώθηκε ο ήχος των τραγουδιών που πήραν Oscar στη χώρα μας. Τον ήχο της φωνής που πετάγεται ολοζώντανη απο τα ηχεία τον ακούμε στη Βουγιουκλακη, Μερκούρης, Χορν....

Η Κολουμπια ειναι άλλο ενα φωτεινό παραδειγμα συνδυασμού φανταστικού ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και μηχανημάτων.

Το ακούμε στον ήχο της Μαρινελας, Κουμιωτη, Πουλόπουλου, Καζαντζίδη, Διαμαντη, η λίστα ειναι ατελείωτη.

Σημαντικο επισεις ειναι οτι στα παραπάνω παραδείγματα ελαφρός φαλιδισμος και απο την μαγνητοταινία εμπλούτιζε το τελικό αποτέλεσμα του ήχου. Στην Κολουμπια χρησιμοποιούνταν και το EMI BT2, Electric and Musical Industries British Tape Recorder 2 οπως φυσικά και στα Abbey Road Studios.

Ο Καζαντιδης δεν ήθελε κομπρεσορα στη φωνή (αυτόματη ρύθμιση ευαισθησίας κάποιων σωλήνων ηλεκρονιων) και ετςι η ρύθμιση γινόταν χειροποίητα με ανεβοταεβασμα του fader της κονσόλας απο τον Γιωργο Κωνσταντοπουλο [8].

Ευτυχώς στη χώρα μας αυτα ειναι ήδη γνωστά.

Και οι περισσότεροι που ασχολούνται με μουσική ήδη διδάσκονται τις ισοφωνικες καμπύλες Fletcher-Munson οπως και το εγχειρίδιο του Μπαχ για την ομορφη συνέχιση φθόγγων στον ανθρώπινο εγκεφαλο ανεξάρτητα απο το αν η συγχορδία ειναι σύμφωνη η διαφωνη [9].

Δεν υπάρχει επισει πια η δικαιολογία οτι στο εξωτερικό έχουν καλύτερα μικρόφωνα η μηχανήματα.

Ειναι πια γνωστό οτι πολλά απο τα αριστουργήματα που ακούμε στο ραδιόφωνο έχουν γίνει με οχι πανάκριβα δυναμικά μικρόφωνα κινητού πηνιου σωστά χρησιμοποιημένα.

Για παραδειγμα το One Love - U2 που εχει γίνει με SM58 οχι μονο στη φωνή του Bono αλλα και στα drums.

Αλλα παραδείγματα, Dire statuts, Fleetwood Mac (απο συνεντεύξεις του Shelley Yakus, Beach Boys, Elvis, (Electro-Voice RE15), ατελείωτη λίστα.

Ένας τρόπος να κατασκευάσουμε πηνια ειναι τα Pleiades filter που μπορούν να τυλιχτουν σε πυρήνα με σχήμα δακτυλίδι (ring core) Magnetec Nanoperm.

Ενισχυτές με σωλήνες ηλεκρονιων μπορούν να κατασκευαστούν ευκολα αφου μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν και με μπαταρία. Για παραδειγμα τα σχέδια προπροενιςχυτων Pleiades V series preamplifiers οπως V6, V4 ,V5 (με δυο στάδια), V0 κτλ. Για συνδεςη μικροφώνου κινητού πηνιου με smartphone, iPhone, iPad κτλ ειναι και ο προπροενιςχυτης Pleiadss K117. Τα σχέδια Pleiades ειναι ανοιχτού κώδικα και public domain.

Περισσότερα σε αλλα post του euroelectron και στο διπλανό post για κάποια κατάλληλα βιβλία.


[1] Applied Electronics - T.S. Gray - MIT

[2] Tubes vs Transistors, is there an audible difference? - Russel O' Hamm - JAES (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society)

[3] Sound picture recording and reproducing Characteristics - Loye, Morgan - Journal of the society of Motion Picture Engineers - Hollywood

[4] Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life science
Ήχος και Ακοη - Εγκυκολπαιδια Λάιφ

[5] Συνομιλία με τον μηχανικό ήχου Στέλιο Γιαννακοπουλο για ρυθμίσεις που έκανε την χρυσή λεγόμενη εποχή του Ελληνικού τραγουδιού στην Κολουμπια.

[6] Transient Intermodulation Distortion - Matti Otala

[7] Οι οκτώ Κύκλοι - Τάσου Φουσέκη

[8] Συνομιλια με τον Γιωργο Κωνσταντοπουλο


Monday, August 28, 2017

Τι είπε ο Μπραμς για το μπαςο

Στο διπλανό euroelectron post.

Brahms on Bass

“For me, almost only the bass is of any significance. It is sacred to me and is the solid foundation upon which I tell my stories. What I do with the melody is only a game, a spirtual game. For over a given bass line I truly discover something original, I give to it new melodies, I create”.

Johannes Brahms
Vienna, February 17th 1869

Congratulations to N. Schmidt for editing the Bach - Niedt Manual

Beautiful and very well made:

The art of Music.

Πως να Tραγουδουν και να Ηχογραφουν πολλά άτομα γυρω απο ενα iPhone, iPad η smartphone

Στο γειτονικό euroelectron post me τίτλο, Monitoring for many Singers...

Και σε αλλα posts οπως making a Pleiades K117 microphone pre preamplifier.

Η Κανελινα και τα Χρώματα της Μουσικής

Η Αγγλίδα γάτα Lucy οπου να'ναι επιστρέφει απο τις διακοπές της πιςω στην Αγγλία.

Πριν όμως φυγει ανοίγουν το ραδιόφωνο και τους κανει τρελή φιγούρα.

"Να το Whiter Shade of Pale - Procol Harum, κατεβαίνει το μπαςο μια μια νότα της κλίμακας οπως το Air on G string του Bach με τις προετοιμασμένες έβδομες και ένατες.

Το Just Hold Me - Maria Mena (προφέρεται Μιινα αφου το γράμμα e προφέρεται ιι) που ξεκινάει κατευθείαν με Λα9 η αλλιώς Λα μινόρε ενάτης.

Το Us and Them - Pink Floyd με κρατημένο μπαςο (Pedal Bass) Ρε και το δεξί χέρι να αλλάζει συνέχεια.

Να και το Toccata and Fugue in D minor - Bach που εχει πολυ Pedal Bass και στην αρχή με τη νότα Ρε. Μπορω και εγώ που είμαι γάτα να κρατάω το μπαςο σταθερό με το αριστερό μου πόδι. Αλλα δεν ειναι και εύκολο, ούτε δύσκολο.

Να το It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys που εχει αρμονική αλυσίδα (Harmonic Chain) και προετοιμασμένες έβδομες οπως και το Μην Τον Ρωτάς τον Ουρανό - Χατζιδακις. Οπως και το κονσέρτο C minor για τσέλο του Vivaldi..."

Η υπομονετική χελώνα έβγαλε καπνούς.

Η Κανελινα έβαλε τα κλάματα και πήγε κατευθείαν στο ζευγάρι των σοφών γλάρων στην μαγική παραλια.

Προσπαθούσαν να μάθουν τα μικρά τους να πετούν.

Την πειραν αγκαλιά γιατι εκλαιγε πολυ. Της ειπαν...

Μην ανησυχείς, η Lucy τα μαθαίνει ολα αυτα απο το εγχειρίδιο του Niedt απο το οποιο έμαθε και ο ίδιος ο Bach.

Μπες στο Google με λέξεις κλειδιά Bach Bass Rules και θα το βρεις.

Κάντε το download σε ενα φωτοτυπικό μαγαζί μαζι με την υπομονετική χελώνα και τυπώστε το σε μεγάλες σελίδες, ειναι μονο 17 σελίδες.

Εξηγεί πως γίνονται και φτιάχνονται τα χρώματα στη μουσική με γνώμωνα τον εγκεφαλο και πως την αντιλαμβάνεται.

Η Κανελινα καταχάρηκε και πετάχτηκε απο την απρόσμενη αυτη χαρά της.

Τους φώναξε ολους να χορέψουν και να τραγουδήσουν στην παραλια. Με αυτο το εγχειρίδιο θα σωθεί η Ελλάδα απο την απαξίωση. Στην πανέμορφη παραλια κατω απο τις κρυστάλλινες ακτίνες του Ηλιου που δεν αφήνουν καμια σκια στην αλήθεια.


Instructions for playing thorough bass and 4 part harmony made by Johann Sebastian Bach for his scholars in Music - Bach's Biography - Spitta - appendix

How are the colors made and used in music in just 17 pages

Or we can find it on Google with keywords: Bach Bass Rules.

It is the manual by Neidt from which Bach himself learned.

Τα μυςτικακια της μουσικής σε 17 σελίδες

Εξηγεί ποια ειναι κσι πως φτιάχνονται τα χρώματα στη μουσική.

Ήταν κάπως κρυμμένο για αιώνες. Μια πρόσφατη έκδοση, περίπου το 2000, απο Oxford με τίτλο Percepts and Principles... έφτασε να πωλείται αρκετα πανω απο χίλια ευρώ.

To βρίσκουμε πια στο Google με search τις λέξεις: Bach Bass Rules

Ειναι το βιβλίο απο το οποιο ο ίδιος ο Bach έμαθε. Το έγραψε και του το έδωσε οταν ήταν μικρός ο μηχανικος - μουσικός Niedt.

Αν θελουμε πηγαίνουμε σε ενα φωτοτυπικό μαγαζί, το κανουμε download απο εκει και το τυπώνουμε  σε μεγάλες ωραίες ευδιάκριτες σελίδες.

Το κανουμε δώρο στον εαυτό μας η στους άλλους.

Περιεχει οτι υπάρχει στην ομορφη μουσική καθε είδους τα τελευταία 300 έτη και ιςως και πολλά επόμενα.

Εξηγεί πως λειτουργεί η μουσική. Και πως την κανουμε να ακούγεται ωραια στον εγκεφαλο μας.

Αν δεν καταλαβαίνουμε στην αρχή, σιγα, σιγα.

Ειναι γεμάτο παραδείγματα για να παίξουμε και να ακούσουμε το αποτέλεσμα σε κλαβιε, πιάνου, αρμόδιου. Synthesizer κτλ.

A little melody


It is notated in a matrix of 16/16

s means silence

- means keep singing or note continuing

s    s   G  -
F# G  C  -           C major
-    -    -   -           A minor 7th
s   G   F# G        A minor 7th
A   -   D   -          D major
-   -    G   -            B minor 7th
F# G  C  -          C major
Etc keep repeating loop

It is played high on the piano. Right hand the melody. Left hand the chord. Just by adding an A to C major makes it A minor 7th. Just adding a B to D major makes it B minor 7th and they sound nice this way as the 7th is prepared. Every chord is played  once for each bar , softly with some pedal.

In molody the C note is below the other notes.

It could say Σ' ακολουθώ
                    Και τραγουδάω
                     Τον ουρανό...

But these are dummy lyrics.

It could be the ending to the song Πως Θα Ηταν

Just as beginning with piano only at Julia - Pavlov's Dog, this song ending with piano.

The chord are better played this way. The left hand at a high resisters one octave below the right hand.  CEG, ACEG, ADF#, ABDF# ie in the least note changing way while defining  each chord.

This little melody came when suddenly feeling very happy.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Which mic to use depends not only on singer but on which song too

See nearby post.

Monitoring for many singers for example recording with iPad Garagband

This was solved by the 3 year old kid.

He very sharply asked why 2 loudspeakers?

It was decided to use just one full range small speaker connected to the headphone out as if the speaker was a headphone. No amp used helping portability.

This may allow monitoring for many people while recording on iPad solving the problem of silence when a mic prepreamp is connected through the headphone 1/8in jack.

The speaker used was a not light but small military waterproof type. The volume was fine and the sound quality had something very nice in it. It reminded the sound of the iPad speaker itself but with better midrange an a bit more body. The midrange in fact had a sweetness in it.

It may be a nice simulation of end product on how it will sound on the speaker of a portable device.

If for example many singers are around the speaker it should be great fun. The not loud sound should help them a lot singing in tune as we know pitch perception depends on sound intensity. In general the lower the intensity the truer the pitch. The higher the acoustic intensity the flatter the pitch our brain perceives.

The Bee Gees recording their vocals together around a mic and monitoring through a small speaker should know. Reference for this is given on a previous euroelecron post.

If the milliWatt driven sleeker cannot be heard loud enough this may indicate that the recording environment is too noisy.

Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life science library

Tascam porta 07 with Beyer M55 (K), Beyer M55 HL or Sony F-96 High

These experiments are without a prepreamp. Source was male singing voice at 1in.

The Tascam porta 07 has an input impedance of 50KΩ.

The output impedance of the M-55 HL at H is 50KΩ. It was loud but bass heavy. It is possibly due to the relative high inductance of the M55 HL, more than 700mH? But it may be great for recording drums for example. By eqing, the sound gets more towards flat from vocal cords of singer to listener's brain. As written on a previous post the M55 HL sounds amazing on the iPad when connected to the Pleiades K117 prepreamp. The iPad powers the K117 and the iPad-GarageBand deep low cut, about 300Hz? makes flat reproduction from vocal chords of singer to listener's brain. The sound has body.

The M55 (K) which is 500Ω was stepped up by an inline 1/4in to 1/4in input transformer 500Ω to 50KΩ ie 1:10 ratio. The input inductance of the transformer used is 300mH. The combination sounded great almost flat from vocal chords to listener's brain due to the Pleiades filter of 300mH removing the excessive bass to listener's brain.

The Sony F-96 High has a not so high impedance but it is high anyway and was connected directly. It sounded with more bass and treble. When some bass and treble was reduced (from 12 o'clock to about 10 o'clock) it sounded very nice. The sound has some less body than the M55 but this can make it better in a particular song with high pitch male singing. Sometimes more body is produced with male singing at higher notes and this can be compensated with a Pleiades filter of less inductance or for example a less full sounding microphone. The Sony F-96 is a great mic too and sounded well on the Tascam porta 07. The signal output was less than the previous examples. All 3 gain settings has to be at max for full medication. This is due to the fact that it's output impedance is lower than 50KΩ. A low Z Sony F-96 can be tried and a Pleiades transformer with the right Pleiades inductance for bass cutoff designed for this purpose. A 50KΩ secondary would possibly be great.

Later added notes. If the input Z of the Porta 07 is 50KΩ perhaps it is better that the driving impedance be near 10KΩ? More treble? The F-96 hi Z, 10KΩ, sounded fantastic directly connected to Tascam Porta 07. While recording all controls had to be at max. Does the fact it gives a lower signal prevents the op amps to transiently overload? (Transient intermodulation distortion). By playing back through Tascam Porta 02 HS (High Speed) and bypassing the mixer, EQ controls etc (using only the cue function) and listening through Sennheiser HD-580 it is an unheard off brilliant and natural sound. No hiss too. The only hiss that could be heard was coming from the output headphone amplifier. It must also be taken into account that another Sony F-96 sounds very different with much more bass heavy sound. It was tested and compared on the standard Pleiades prepreamp setup. The difference may be the capsules or the design or construction of the internal input transformers. Did They forget to put many laminations no the natural sounding F-96? Or were they inserted in a different way? Or was the mic's specs changed over time so that they may have used less primary turns to compensate heavy bass. The bass heavy mic should sound great on a Pleiades K117 cable prepreamp connected to iPad which has a fairly heavy low cut.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Connecting 2 or more microphones to iipad, iPhone GarageBand...

At your own risk.

It may be done by connecting them in series or parallel combinations and then to a Pleiades K117 prepreamp.

2 in series will produce a stronger voltage signal, the sum of  mic 1 and 2, like 2 batteries connected in series and the sum of impedances like resistors connected in series.

If 2 for example omnidirectional moving coil mics are connected in series and one is connected out of phase, this is a noise canceling mechanism for background noise. We speak or sing to one of them.

See nearby euroelectron posts.


Microphones: Design and Application - Lou Burroughs

An orgasm curve is like a piano note waveform played time reverse?

A 3 year old kid playing with Tascam porta 2

It was treated like a space toy.

Buttons were pressed to talk to flying above, plane pilots.

Buttons were pressed to launch to them food.

Reverb send potentiometers where turned if it were possible clockwise to more than 10 in order to send oil.

When the standby track recording LEDs were flashing it was fire emergency.

By intuition after fire emergency the erase double button was pressed by the kid for the first time. How did he know?

Also when new batteries were to be placed the packaging was very stiff even for grown ups. But the kid was braking the plastic paper containers of 2 batteries each as it was routine in seconds flat. Then after some time when it was asked how did he do it, he could not do it.

When it was asked, shall we connect 2 loudspeakers? It asked why 2? The answer was because we have 2 ears but it is not the best answer.

So this gave the idea of using just one speaker directly connected to (LR bridged) headphone output. This will give 200mW which may be fine.

When asked how many mics it said 5.

So this gave the idea of connecting many mics in series, to increase sensitivity, reduce ambient noise and make flat responce from vocal chords of speakers-singers to listener's brain by reducing surplus bass and perhaps high frequencies too.

An inline input transformer (which will reduce the above mentioned bass) may then step the impedance to 50KΩ.

More details on the next euroelectron blogspot. A resent update is the kid asking for 2 mics connected together, another 2 mics connecte together and 1 on its own.

A mic prepreamp without using a prepreamp?

At your own risk.

One way is connecting many microphones in series, christmass tree bulb way.

Many female XLRs connected to one male XLR pins 2, 3-2, 3-2, 3,2 , 3.

The signals are added, so,the signal can be stronger.

Impedances are added so the total impedance is increased.

This means when they are connected to an input transformer the Pleiades filter cutoff frequency increases.

This may remove bass heaviness from many reasons including Fletcher-Munson and voice effort curves. So the reproduction may be flat from vocal chords of singers for example to listener's brain.

Suitable mics can be moving coil omnidirectional.

Some of them may be connected out of phase and this will give a noise canceling effect. One can also have a parametric bass cut according to how close together the out of phase mics are brought.

This can make it possible to record outdoors at low noise and tangle same time have the fabulous acoustics of few reflections and only very few close ones.

See also next euroelectron post.


(Flat responce from vocal chords to brain) Sound Picture Recodding and Reproducing Characteristics - Loye, Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Pocture Engineers - Volume 32 - Issue 6 -  June 1939

Microphones Design and Application - Burroughs

The bass of music comes from the hellenic word Βασις

Βασις means foundation.

Η βαςη της μουσικής η μπαςο ερχεται απο τα ελληνικά.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Pleiades V5 headroom

This is a two stage electron tube (EF183 triode connected) prepreamplifier with anodes operated at less than 7 volts.

The output is resistive potential divider attenuated to get back to mic level.

The objective is to get extremely low hiss noise and as much the dynamic signal conditioning of electron tubes for use in music production.

When a signal is conditioned it sounds loud but the objective dynamic range is reduced so that it can safely be sent to op amps or an analog to digital converter and still sound loud.

If we send a live music signal directly to an op amp or an analog to digital converter in order to avoid the very high peaks to be abruptly and unmusically clipped, it's magnitude has to be reduced and so does its volume.

Singal path, setup:

Male soft singing voice - Electro-Voice RE15 with low cut on - Pleiades V5 (47mH inductance of input transformer) - 560Ω termination - Belco VT-250 VTVM

At soft singing voice the average level was -60dBm.

At progressively singing at a very loud voice no more than -35dBm could be got out of the prepreamp.

Does this mean that the headroom is 25dB?

The question is if it has already started conditioning the signal when the singing was soft. For example instantaneously peak limiting the extreme peaks.

It was also connected as mic - V5 - Altec 1566A - 20dbB attenuator - Sennheiser HD580

The sound quality was amazing with no hiss, a very clear and full sound and no hint of s problems.

There were interfacing buzzing problems as the V5 output is unbalanced. Perhaps a ground problem. When the output connector of the V5 was touched the problem almost stopped. When connected to the realistic disco mixer which is unbalanced there are no buzzing problems.

S problems started when the signal inside the Altec was getting hotter by increasing its volume control above about 7/10. See also EMI and Altec comparison being driven by Pleiades V0, the RS61 exhibiting no s problems at all.

It seems the Pleiades V5 is conditioning the signal as it sounds more full than one stage.

Since it operates at very low anode voltage it seems that the sound is in a way  already there, processed. It is felt that it could be driven a bit more.

For a louder singing voice it may be even better.

It could be that 3 stages may be avoided especially if a higher ratio Pleiades input transformer is used. Or for example 4 mics are connected in series parallel combination at the input to get back to the same mic impedance and a signal of double voltage ie 4x the power or 6dB more. Another trick to further increase gain is the use of a small ratio step up interstage transformer, this would also present a nice low noise load for the first stage. If still more gain is needed, one more stage could be added, a potentiometer after the first stage making the prepreamp suitable for the faintest to the louder signal while conditioning the signal too.


Tubes vs Transistors, is there an audible difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

The trick of full sound with just one electron tube amplification stage?

The trick may be soft clipping the live music signal before it gets to an op amps or to A to D converter where it will be possibly abruptly and unmusically clipped.

(A music signal has a tremendous dynamic range. Only 20dB difference means x100 voltage. If a live signal is sent to an op amp and we do not want it to be clipped the average volume would have to be reduced too low. So it will sound too weak).

Could gradual harmonically enhancing restriction of the signal by soft clipping be done by just one electron tube, a microphone and an a very high ratio Pleiades for example input transformer?

Could it be that a low load resistor (RL) and a bias close to 0 volts does the trick?

So that the signal is conditioned with just one class A (electrons flowing all the time) amplification stage instead of many electron tubes in preamplifiers, compressors etc?

A very low voltage anode supply such as 3 volts is used on some Pleiades V series preamps. Would this be enough or less is needed?

Maybe a good time to look at electron tube load lines. RL changes the slope of the load line etc, see reference.

The Pleiades input transformer can be made with the extreme inductance index Magnetec Nanoperm ring tape wound Nanocrystalinne core. Suitable types can be Magnetec 073, 070 etc.


Tubes vs Transistors is there an audible difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

Electronics, a systems approach - Neil Storey

Applied Electronics - T.S.Gray - M.I.T.

An obvious difference between Altec 1566A and EMI RS61

So far no matter what is done there are no sibilant problems on the RS61.

The output of the RS61 with the Fairchild power supply (see relevant post) can't exceed +20dBm.

The output of the 1566A cannot exceed +10dbm. It's output connected to a resistor of 560Ω and them a VTVM.

It may be that the Altec is more hotly driven?

Signal path, setup:

Beyer M 55 (K) - 500Ω to 50ΚΩ 300mH inline transformer - Pleiades V0 prepreamp - EMI or Altec preamp - 20dB resistive pad, 600Ω to 600Ω - Sennheiser HD580

With soft singing at 1in from the mic the Altec volume control has to be at less than 7 out of 10 for no s problems.

The EMI is all the time at its max gain setting.

How did they do that? The sound is full of high frequency detail. And no matter how you sing there is no s problem at all.

Pleiades Experimentation Prepreamp or Pleiades Analog Computer

It would be nice to make something like this:

A battery powered electron tube microphone amplifier such as Pleiades V(6) or V(-1) with variable components so that optimum conditions to the listener's brain are quickly dialed in.

It may have a variable anode to grid electron accelerating resistor.

A variable cathode resistor for implementing more conventional circuits such as V(-1).

Octal bases for input and output transformers.

Variable load resistor.

(All variable resistor potentiometers when possible should be wire wound for less hiss noise).

Variable heater series resistor to find the best cathode temperature for more signal and less noise. A switch for completely disconnecting the heaters so that the sweet spot can be travelled.

A micro Ampere meter in series with the anode circuit to note what the sweet spot is.

Terminals for connecting a high impedance cathode to grid millivoltmeter etc.

The objective is experimenting with low anode potentials and various tubes such as EF183 triode connected, 12AU7, 6SN7 etc for getting the most information out of the delicate and rich microphone signal or other very low voltage signal sources.

More information on the Pleiades V series pre preamplifiers.

It is nice playing with electrons or nature itself.


Operating features of the Audion - Edwin Armstrong

On preserving transconductance of electron tubes at anode potential as low as 3 volts - euroelectron blogspot

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Pleiades Mastering EQ

The Pleiades filters seem to be a very easy, effective and high quality sound way to compensate for the Fletcher-Munson curves, voice effort curves etc.

So using the right cutoff frequencies flat frequency responce to listener's brain at the desired listening intensity may be achieved.

The Pleiades filters are just inductors in parallel with the signal output. The low cut filter is made by the inductor and the preceding driving output impedance.

There is nothing in series with the signal output we want to process.

They can be easily made by winding Magnetec Nanoperm ring cores.

The slope is only 6dB per octave.

Many filters can be made (the cutoff frequency according to the number of turns squared) and each one dialed in by a rotary switch. Slopes can be adjusted by connecting a valuable series resistor to the coil. Is this hiw the MD421 filter operates?

Even less filters can be used if parallel combinations of them are switchably arranged, see other Euroelecron post.

For gentle high frequency cut, capacitors in parallel or inductors in series can be used and if needed variable resistors in a similar way.

As we know from legendary vintage EQs inductors sound great on audio production.

Pleiades filters are 1st order (described by 1st order differential equations), gentle slope and sound great, natural and transparent.

Producing a detailed electric bass guitar sound

A way is instead of boosting mid and high frequencies, to attenuate with a gentle slopes the low frequencies.

Pleiades filters can be very effective for this.

They're  just an inductor (coil) connected to the output of the pickup coil ie in parallel.

Exactly the same principle of connecting a Pleiades filter to the output of a mic to make reproduction as flat as possible from singer's vocal chords to listener's brain.

An example value of inductor is 6H or Henries.

Setup, signal path:

Yamaha bass signal directly from pickup - Pleiades V5 preamp , connection to the input transformer secondary  (6H) -  mic input of realistic disco mixer (the V5 is deliberately pad attenuated at the output to get back to mic output level while at the same time  as much tube sound by generously driving the second electron tube) - Sennheiser HD580

How to extend the frequency response of a ribbon mic flat to near 20KHz

This is a passive 2 component filter. One inductor in series with a 500Ω resistor. The total is connected in parallel with the ribbon mic output transformer. It should be a low inductance coil for this application. So at most frequencies the coil is almost short circuit. So one is left with the resistor of 500Ω. If the output impedance at the transformer is 500Ω we have half voltage drop ie a drop of 6dB at all those frequencies. But above a turnover frequency the reactance of the inductor increases so the output of the mic increases.

By playing with values of L and R we can do anything we want.

On the RCA ribbon mic described by Dr. Olson, top executive of the Acoustical and Electromechanical Research Laboratories of RCA, there is also a switchable inductor across either the full secondary or half of it. This is a Pleiades filter for the switchable settings V1, voice 1 or V2, voice 2 for compensating for the proximity effect.

Similar L or RL, or RLC circuits can be seen inside other legendary mics such as Electro-Voice, Shure etc. An excellent source of info and schematics for each mic is Our grandfathers new that simplicity in the signal path leads to excellent sound quality and we can hear this quality on the legendary recordings that they have left us.

Does the MD441 use similar circuits across the voice coil?

Inductors and transformers sound excellent and natural. Usually inductor cores are made by winding   ring or toroidal magnetic (tape wound) cores. Materials that have been used are MolyPermalloy (molybdenum permalloy), mu metal, Nanocrystalinne Nanoperm ( etc.

The above mentioned very high frequency boost circuit should normally be not needed due to the Fletcher-Munson and voice effort curves.

But should you need to reproduce a glockenspiel or an orchestra for example at much lower acoustical intensity than when tracking them it is may be useful. See also a nearby euroelectron post that references the same paper by Dr. Olson. on the paper by Dr. Harry Olson.

In other cases the mic may sound worse as now the frequency responce to listener's brain may not be flat in many situations.


Ribbon Velocity Microohones - Harry F. Olson - JAES - June 1970 - volume 18 - number 3

(Flat frequency response from the vocal chords of the singer-actor to the brain of the listener) - Sound Picture Recording and Reproducing Characteristics - Loye, Morgan - Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Enginners

Description of the Pleiades V1 electron tube one 1.2V battery mic prepreamp

This is an electron tube prepreamp where both direct heater and anode are supplied by just a 1.2V AAA battery.

It is important for safety to use a fuse whenever we use batteries.

The electron tube is a CV2269 electrometer tube. The idea of experimenting with electrometer tubes came from a discussion with disc cutting lathe specialist Sean Davies.

The battery is connected to the two terminals of the filament cathode.

At the negative terminal of the AAA battery holder nothing else is connected.

At the positive terminal 3 components are connected:

One side of anode resistor RL=27KΩ, (it's other side to anode).

The 50MΩ grid electron accelerating resistor, (it's other side is connected to grid and one terminal of the secondary, pin 5 of the Freed input transformer). The transformer is the Freed TF1RX10YY SC-B-105074, Freed no.33116. 150Ω or 600Ω to 330KΩ. Inductances ratio 40mH to 250H.

The positive terminal is also connected to the XLR chassis pin.

Now the other terminal of the input transformer secondary, pin 6, is connected through a 39nF capacitor to the chassis pin. Pin 7 which is the transformer chassis was not connected. The 2 low impedance primary windings were connected in parallel. A very low inductor of 4.7mH was also connected in parallel to get as much treble from the mic as possible. This Pleiades filter may be too much for most applications, other values may be tried. The military input transformer with a very high (1:60?) turn ratio was used. It tended to sound much more bassy that its input inductance would suggest and this partly explains the use of the very low inductance Pleiades filter.

A 1μF coupling capacitor is connected to the anode. It's other side to the female RCA output connector.

The chassis Neutrik female XLR connector pin is also connected to pin 1 following the great advice from the Jensen transformers website.

The V1 sounds nice and natural. It was original made to connect an MD421 mic, modern type, to the Tascam porta 01 or 02 at their high impedance mic inputs.

The song Tezcatlipoca on YouTube renewablemusic channel was produced. The MD421 used may had voice coil issues as now when used it is very thin the first seconds it is used and then the bass comes in as it seems the voice coil unjams itself from the magnetic air gap. The singer was using an acoustic cavity near her voice and mic to produce the reasonant mid frequency effects. The make singer was using no acoustic cavity.

The prepreamp could be more hiss quiet. And there is a lot of microphonics from the electron type. Once gently taped it can produce a nice sounding high pitch sine wave that lasts for more than 10 seconds. Obviously this is an electrometer tube and for technical reasons the filament is supported in the most delicate way.

More experiments are needed with other grid accelerating resistors, anode resistors or output transformer. Experiments so far have not proved fruitful. Other specimens of CV2269 have given much lower anode current.

If memory is correct the V1 operates at an anode current of only a few μA.

It is a nice sounding electron tube prepreamp that is made in a very snell box and operates with only an AAA 1.2V battery for a long time.

When overdriving it with some other Pleiades V series prepreamp the sound was interesting and if memory is correct there was the negative bias in reading effect giving automatic gain control as on the VF14 on Neumann U47 at high levels. See also nearby and other euroelectron posts.

It was a revelation connecting the grid return resistor by chance from the negative terminal of the filament to the positive and watch the anode current increasing 3x. Then by chance the anode supply battery was removed and when it's place was short circuited the amplifier started to operate! This is how the idea came of not using a anode supply battery and leaving all voltage supply to the 1.2V filament battery.

Can an electron tube be operated at less than 1V at anode so that the tube sound is there at just one stage?

Perhaps by the Pleiades principle of using an anode to grid high Megohm electron accelerator resistor extended to tubes already made for 6V.

For example EF98, EF97 but perhaps more importantly the multigrid ECH83?

A very high turn ratio Pleiades input transformer driving the grid of such an electron tube operating at 1.2V for both heaters and anode?

Would this create the gentle electron tube peak limiting behaviour using just one stage of amplification by connecting just a mic?

Perhaps the electron accelerator term is wrong. What can be observed by measurment is that the tube self biases internaly negatively. The missing electrons from cathode to the cathode cloud leave protons at the cathode on their own.

So the cathode is positive with respect to grid. In other words the grid has become negatively biased (with respect to cathode).

The external high Megohm resistor still keeps the grid negative but much less, therefore making possible the electron tube operation at anode voltages as low as 3V.

Is 1V possible?

So far 1.2V is used on the Pleiades V1 with the CV2269 electrometer tube. There was some hiss with this circuit. Could this circuit be improved by substituting an output transformer instead of the anode resistor. And perhaps changing the 50 Megohm resistor to a few Megohm from anode to grid? This circuit is interesting as the 1.2V AAA is connected to the direct filament heater. The same voltage is used for the plate or anode circuit. For a full description of the Pleiades V1 please see the next euroelectron post.

A song recorded with the V1, a possibly defective MD421 and the singer deliberately near an acoustic cavity, is Tezcatlipoca, the V1 driving Tascam porta 01.


Operating features of the Audion - Edwin Armstrong

On preserving transconuctance of electron tubes at anode potential as low as 3 volts - euroelectron blogspot

A way to close mic an instrument while making it sound natural in space

Natural as when we listen to the source of sound from relative far in a natural environment?

Maybe yes.

The Pleiades filter is a way,

The low mic distance gives a loud sound with less hiss.

No room reverberation.

Reduced leakage.

The Pleiades filter is an inductor in parallel to the microphone output.

It high passes the signal so that:

The proximity bass increase effect,
The Fletcher-Munson curves describing our brain perception,
And the effort curves (voice effort curves) describing how the spectrum of real instruments is changed by how softly or loud they are played.
Are compensated.

The above 3 give in general an increased bass to our brain perception.

This bass increase may be compensated with Pleiades filters.

So the sound is as possible flat in frequency responce not from mic to loudspeaker but for example from vocal chords of singer to the listener's brain.

The mic then sounds loud, clear and natural to our brain.

Pleiades filters as perhaps the simplest filters ever conceived.

A Pleiades filter is just an inductor, a coil connected to the microphone output.

The number of turns wound on a magnetic (usually) ring core adjusts for bass cut ie permissible closeness of mic to source of sound.

It works great for moving coil, ribbon and condenser microphones. It should also pass phantom power as there is nothing in series with the signal.

After a Pleiades filter is connected a much easier signal gets into the preamp or prepreamp.

Pleiades concepts are open source.

An easy implementation is inside an XLR female to make adaptor.

Pleiades filters were used since many decades inside for example Electro-Voice RE16 moving coil microphones or RCA ribbon microphones.

A reference is given with a schematic by the RCA director Harry Olson who developed the ribbon microphone.

And a musical example of Amy Wibehouse singing with the RCA 77DX ribbon mic which has the compensating inductor Pleiades filter inside it


Ribbon Velocity Microphones - Harry F. Olson - JAES June 1970

Are there so many books published so that it is more difficult to find the good ones?

A way

Your way.

Headroom has nothing to do with low high is the voltage supply rail?

Well maybe yes.

It has to do with the overload characteristic of the device.

Can a passive device do this? Perhaps a signal transformer?

Or an electron tube diode connecting an input to an output transformer?

Like a digital plugin but analog. It does not amplify the signal but it makes it louder as nasty peaks are trimmed so that the overall signal can be increased without clipping on the power amplifier at reproduction or the A to D at the post production stage of digitization.

On active devices it is the absolute clipping point that is related to the voltage supply rail magnitude. The signal peaks cannot get higher than this.

But it seems headroom is all the range between when the signal starts gently be clipped to where it is fully clipped. Between when signal starts to be distorted until it is clipped.

Electron tube amplifiers do that very gently giving a headroom of many dBs. Not only this but the subtle at the beginning distortion and progressively higher thereafter makes those dBs sound loud subjectively while the size of the signal is limited objectively. They mimic nature itself at high input signals, trumpets, even how our ears behaviour.

The signal is made to sound loud and it is being trimmed or peak limited at the same time.

If an amplifier starts overloading very softly and keeps progressively increasing harmonic production it has a big headroom and will sound loud for at least 2 reasons.

It's peaks are limited so the average signal can be increased.

The increase in harmonics make the brain perceive a loud sound.

3rd reason, there may be compression, ie automatic gain control as on the VF14 prepreamp inside the Neumann U47. As the signal is greatly increased the rectification effect of the electron tube increases the negative bias on the grid. Like a side chain signal of an electron tube compressor.

Like our ears when those tiny bones after our ear tympani change position or mechanical transmission "turn" ratio. The pivot point is changed?

The simplest on the planet class A stages do that gentle overload very well. We can arrange asymmetrical clipping at the input or output according to bias or anode resistor used for example. Asymmetrical distortion is when one side of the waveform is first softly rounded. It is second harmonic distortion which sounds very nice and full as it is really very close to an octave to our brain.

Pleiades V series prepreamps and Pleiades Electra headphone power amplifiers exhibit this effect. Is it possible to do everything in just one stage of amplification?


Tubes vs Transistors, is there an audible difference? - Russel O. Hamm - JAES

Is reduced electron emission better for preamplifiers?

On the world class Neumann U47 microphone it is.

The VF14 is specified at 60V heater voltage:

George Neumann used it at only 35V, substantially under heating the cathode.

And this is on the mic used by Leonard Kohen, Frank Sinatra, Beatles, Madonna?

The same principle of low cathode temperature is used on the Pleiades V series prepreamps.

There may be many reasons but one of them could be that fewer boiling electrons, ie less electron cloud induce a less negative charge to the grid?

It is easy to demonstrate this by carefully connecting heater voltage to an electron tube and without any other pin connected anywhere just measuring the cathode to grid voltage with a millivoltmeter. Surprise!

This effect is very important especially if the tube has to operate at only 3.7 volts on the anode as Pleiades V4. There is also a high Megohm resistor from anode to grid to compensate this internal negative bias given by nature.

Are the above a reason why sometimes used electron tubes may be preferable in some applications? Their cathodes emit less electrons when they as supplied by the required heater voltage. So they behave as if it they were an new tube deliberately underheated.

One of the greatest electronic engineers of all time, Edwin Armstrong, his inventions included FM radio, knew that inserting a grid even without connecting it to anything reduces anode current.


Operating features of the Audion - Edwin Armstrong

On preserving transconductance of electron tubes at anode potential as low as 3 volts - euroelectron blogspot

How beautiful are major 7ths, good music is good music


Castle in the snow - Kadebostany

Written in E minor. So it has the beauty of C major 7th chord as does the overture in E minor of Handel.

In fact some chords you find in the overture you find too on the Castle in the Snow song and vice versa.

A great example of harmonic chain ingredient

It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys

The bass is going up in scale steps of 4.

The scale is C minor.

On yesterday's euroelectron visit statistics Russia is no 1 for the 1st time

So for 7 day statistics.

France is no 1.

Russia now is no 2.

China no 3.

Then Greece etc.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Connecting Pleiades V0, V(-1) to Altec 1566A, EMI RS61


Beyer M55 chrome 500Ω - Pleiades V(-1) - EMI RS61 - 20dB resistor pad - Sennseiser HD580

Great sound, nice presence perhaps exaggerated, no s problems.

Beyer M55 chrome 500Ω - 400mH Canford input transformer - Pleiades V0 - EMI RS61 - 20dB pad - Sennheiser HD580

Fuller sound but perhaps a bit bass heavy.

M55 black 500Ω unbalanced - 300mH (500Ω:50KΩ 1/4in inline transformer) - Pleiades V0 - EMI RS61 - EMI RS106A used as attenuator - HD580

This gives a very HF extended sound and of course no s problems.

So far directly connecting the RS61 to the Pleiades modified Philips CDR produced a more bassy sound and 0DB digital was exceeded on the CDR due to careless adjustment of the passive input attenuator.

M55 500Ω chrome - Altec 1566A - HD580

Natural nice sound but not very loud. The balanced sound is due to the 300mH only input inductance of the Altec input transformer playing the role of a Pleiades filter to compensate exaggerated bass to brain perception. A similar connection gave an unacceptable sound on the RS61 as its input inductance is 10H, giving a very bass heavy sound to brain perception.

M55 500Ω chrome - Pleiades V(-1) - Altec 1566A - 20dB pad - Sennheiser HD580

The sound is there. Loud with every detail, no s problems, some pop problems, possibly due to the high input inductance of the Pleiades V(-1), 10H? But overall a great sound showing serendipity at making up the Pleiades (-1) by instinct. The high output impedance of the 7025 electron tube together with the low shunt inductance of the military transformer make it sound (no bass heavy) and correct to listener's brain.

An impressive sound (recorded time ago) in today's experiments perhaps also due to the fact it is an analog recording is coming from the following setup:

Electro-Voice RE15 for vocals
Yamaha bass direct from pickup - Pleiades V5 - Tascam porta 07 - Philips Pleiades mod CDR 870
Grampian 50Ω ribbon for drums

Each part was recorded separately by multi tracking.

The voice is very clear, the bass with very detail, the drums nice but with some room reverberation making it a bit unfocused.

Sennheiser HD580 precision headphones used for monitoring.

Great sound connecting Pleiades V5 to Tascam Porta 07

Great bass sound directly connecting a Yamaha bass pickup to the transformer secondary of the Pleiades V5 which has an inductance of 6 Henries.

Great close miced vocal sound connecting an Electro - Voice RE15 to the primary which has an inductance of 47mH.

Very interesting sound connecting a ribbon Grampian 50Ω mic to the 47mH input and using it to capture the whole of the drum set at about 1-2 ft from it.

Signal path:

Mic or bass - Pleiades V5 - Tascam porta 07 - Sennheiser HD 580 or (PHILIPS CDR 870 - Pleiades modified - Sennheiser HD580)

The Pleiades modified Philips CDR was today driven from the posta 07 headphone output.

Pleiades modified Philips CDR 870

At your own risk.

The analog input stage (small board) was removed.

The RCA input connectors are connected directly to an A-B MOD POT 500Ω stereo log potentiometer. The center taps are connected through capacitors directly to the A to D chip.

The chip still has one? internal op amp at its input?

Cons of the mod. More difficult to drive properly. The input impedance is low. But this could be changed with a different potentiometer.

Pros of the mod.

Pro audio equipment can be connected directly, tube preamps, compressors etc. The near 600Ω input impedance matches them greatly.

Solving the problem of the Philips analog board op amps clipping.

Very loud CDs can be burned.

Great sound.

Perhaps the most overlooked parameter when connecting a mic to a preamplifier is the primary inductance of the input transformer

It can make or break a sound.

It can make the most expensive preamp sound worse that the cheapest. It can make the best preamp even more extraordinary. It can make an inexpensive preamp sound amazing etc.

It gently rolls off at the low frequencies making the vocal sound correct to our brain when the right microphone and inductance value are chosen correctly.

An inductance in parallel with the signal is a Pleiades filter.

The low cut or high pass action is made by the L shunt, and the R in series ie the output impedance of the mic.

Inductance is very important to get the sound right most likely without the need of further eqing, see nearby post on EMI and Altec.

Inductance has a reactance that varies with frequency. Whereas a resistance has an impedance which is constant with frequency.

Impedance is a complex number. Ie a number of 2 dimensions (resistance, reactance). The x axis is resistance, the y axis is reactance. (R,X) in a different notation can also be written R +jX because they are 90 degrees apart. Impedance is a vector. It does not only have magnitude but direction too.

Sinewaves can be thought as rotating vectors at their particular frequency. Projection of a circular motion on an axis is a sinusoid all oscilation. If we move our hand sinusoidaly while pressing a marker in paper and the paper moves at constant speed a sine wave is produced.

To feel the difference between resistance and inductance it is not very difficult.

In mechanical systems the analog to electrical resistance is friction. The analog to inductance is mass.

An inductance tries to keep the current (of electrons) flowing through it constant. This is why an inductance is series with a signal cuts treble, whereas in parallel cuts bass. So does mass. It tries to keep its velocity (the velocity of each molecule) constant. This is why when the bus accelerates our mass (the mass of our body) seems to go back and and when it decelerates our mass seems to go forward.

So to feel the difference between R and L is easy.

Moving for example our hand on a surface with friction such as sand on a beach. If we move it back and forth, changing the frequency does not change the effort we put.

On the other hand inductance, L or mass can be felt by trying to move back and forth a door with very low friction (so that it does not have resistance). We can very easily move the door back and forth at low frequencies. If we try at high frequencies it gets progressively impossible. So we say the door is a short circuit for very low frequencies as the current is very easy to flow. This is how the Pleiades filter works. It increasingly short circuits a mic the lower the frequency.

We can also feel the phase difference between our effort and the result.

On the sand which has only resistance we do not feel any phase difference. Of course the is the mass of our hand but it is small. So it's reactance is small compared with the resistance or friction. On the door or inductance example we clearly fell the phase difference between our effort and the result which is the oscillating door.


Introduction to Systems Dynamics - Shearer, Murphy, Richardson - Addison Wesley

Engineering Circuit Analysis - Hayt, Kemmerly - Mc Graw-Hill

Music Physics and Enginnering - Harry F. Olson (RCA) - Dover

EMI RS61 preamplifier pair supplied by the Fairchild G21416 PSU

The Fairchild tube PSU is part of the Fairchild Perspectasound system first used on Disney's Fantasia.

While the EMI RS61 pairs are connected the heater voltage supply is measured to be 5.8V. This may not be bad as underheated tubes may make better and less noisy preamplifiers.

With both RS61 operating, the high tension output of the PSU is 340V.

One external voltage dropping resistor of 27KΩ for each preamplifier drops the voltage to 170V.

It was found by experiment that these RS61 operate more quietly at this order of HT and perhaps even lower. What were the original PSU requirements of the RS61?

Terminating the RS61 with a 560Ω resistor and a VTVM and singing very loudly the output could not exceed 20dBm.

When singing softly the output was around 0dBm. So it seems the Pleiades V0 drives them quite hotly.

Signal path setup:

Beyer M55 500Ω unbalanced, at 1in - 300mH (500Ω:50KΩ) inline transformer - Pleiades V0, 12V battery in series with 4R7 - EMI RS61 - 560Ω resistor shunt - Belco VT-250 VTVM

By not succeeding you are more lucky, Με το να μην επιτύχουμε μπορεί να ειμαςτε πιο τυχεροί

And more free.

Και πιο ελεύθεροι.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A very interesting article on how Phil Ramone could get the best performance from an artist

Keep doing it and you become better

If the plate needs a detergent to be cleaned perhaps you are eating the wrong food

Αν το πιάτο για να καθαρίσει χρειάζεται απορρυπαντικό ιςως τρώμε λάθος τροφή.

Your own risk.

Is whole grain sesame seeds possibly the nest food on our planet?

Με δικη σας ευθύνη.

Ειναι το σουςαμι με φλοιό ιςως η καλύτερη τροφή στον πλανήτη;

Find for yourself the best for you.

Βρείτε το καλυτερο για εσάς.

Royal dates possibly the best natural sweet on our planet. Οι βασιλικοί χουρμάδες ειναι πιθανότατα το καλυτερο φυςικο γλυκό στον πλανήτη

It is great that we begin paying attention in preparing uncooked food as much as we do on cooked food


We can have bran flakes.

And add whole grain sesame seeds.

And walnuts.

And Ceylon cinnamon.

And pepper.

And raisins.




Find for yourself.

How do,we make music on 2017?

Finished product sound in as few amplifying stages as possible?

What is the minimum number of amplifying stages from mic to A to D converter for having a ready produced sound?

Clearly the requirement posed by this question is not how much gain is needed but what is needed to have correct reproduction of top quality at the listener's brain. [1]

And this post does not give an answer for lack of knowledge. You would have to find the answer yourself. You may know already.

It may be ironic that keeping the same waveform and multiplying it by a fixed number (ie not distortion) seems to be a reproduced sound waveform that when it is played at an ordinary player it is unacceptable.

An ordinary 100W amplifier should not be driven above 1 Watt average, to avoid transients being driven into power supply rail clipping. [2]

But how did our grandfathers recorded and reproduced Simatra with amazing quality to out brain reproduced from few watt amplifiers or even the tiny speaker of a smartphone?

How did they fit hundreds of instruments into a tiny speaker?

Why do we find it difficult to even reproduce one single instrument with stunning quality to a listener's brain on 2017?

Could it be that they used "distortion" in a creative way? One example is the well known psycho acoustic observation that when the harmonic overtones are present but the fundamental is missing, the brain completes the picture by generating, adding the fundamental to our perception! And it keeps itself interested too.

This post is about how is sound produced as soon as possible with as few amplifying stages?

How do we make that first Watt the best possible as this is where most of the music is?

Do not let spectrum analyzers (although they are useful tools) to change your opinion. They analyze the signal, not brain perception. Radio stations are closer to our brain by asking selective audience before adding a song to their playlist if they like it. (Liking a song involves the sound too). They do not show them spectrum analyzer pictures.

A Beethoven symphony is great on the analyzer. Just joking! If you would like to read what note combinations can sound great to our brain, the Bach's long hidden manual is a great tool [3]. Perhaps it is even better finding for yourself using your own brain and a keyboard, piano or other instrument. It is just 12 notes out there.

How about that 1 Watt where most music is?

Our grandfathers knew what they were doing. They were producing a signal by passing it through electron tubes and also magnetic tape used in the analog domain. All these processes can gracefully and artfully saturate and trim peaks. They were producing a signal that sounds great even on an 1 Watt amplifier .

An example is This Girl's in Love - Dionne Warwick, music by Burt Bacharach, lyrics by David, produced by Phil Ramone. How great does it sound on a smartphone from YouTube while you are on the bus and 2 persons listen happily through the tiny loudspeaker next to their ear! Credit should also go to the designers of smartphones and of those tiny loudspeakers. They sound good.

But nowadays if we try to get the juice out of a bad captured signal, using a plug in, we may well have garbage in garbage out. Hopefully new generations are finding their way to mew ways without disrespecting the "old" ways.

By produced sound we may mean a sound that sounds like a finished product. Natural, loud, full.

Not thin, weak, soft anemic as it usually may be when connecting a mic to a digital recorder.

Instantaneous peak limiting and harmonic enhancement at least may be needed that analog circuits, and in fact the simplest ones, produce at the speed of light. This is usually done when the signal that cannot exceed the voltage rail of the power supply is progressively trimmed or clipped.

With class A operation (electrons flowing all the time)[4], single stage electron tube, transistor or JFETs this is done at a gentle progressively overloading curve. And the juice of the music, the lower parts of the signal are left intact. The less the signal is the less the distortion of class A amplifiers and the more the devices are heated up, distortion tends to 0. Just like our ears. The average parts of the signal around 0 are left undistorted with an unbelievable smooth sound and great midrange. [5]

Here it can be mentioned before it is forgotten that Phil Ramone for example did the best he could to avoid generation loss etc. When he produced the Girl from Ipanema he took the master 3 track tape to the disc cutting facility [8]. Similar attention to excellent is always done but by the few like Bruce Swendien.

Do not let anyone disappoint you by saying, that was Ramone, that was Bach etc. Ramone even experimented with what varnish or not was on the floor, explained in his book. This is what makes a Bach or a Ramone. God is in the details as Bach was saying. We can all do it if we do not listen to those that try to disappoint us. We are human. And it does not matter at all if we do or not succeed. Success can take away freedom [7]. The importance is being free and doing what we like. And if we like to pay attention to detail we this is something we do for ourselves.

Examples of single ended class A stages are the Neumann U47, Pleiades V series prepreamps, Neve output preamp stages, single ended tube power amps very popular at the east etc.

Then the whole signal can be increased as the nasty peaks are trimmed.

What one wants is there and what one does not want is out. This is happening in real time or at the speed of light.

Then the signal, is ready for a nice digitization in an A to C converter.

We know this when we listen to many decade earlier recorded masterpieces where the signal has passed many times through electron tube preamps and analog recorders.

A more modern example is seeing Amy Winehouse while recording Back to Black on YouTube.

It should be possible too with using as few equipment as possible. A simple experiment was performed of connecting a Pleiades one stage electron tube prepreamp, the V0. A Beyer M55 mic sas connected to it and the V0 feeding directly a digital M-Audio Microtrack recorder at high gain.

Then another recording was made using the high signal to noise ratio and boosted output of the mic from the V0 prepreamp to drive a world class preamplifier, the EMI RS61. The RS61 was generously driven and its output was attenuated by a variable constant impedance pad to drive the digital recorder. The difference was amazing. The RS61 made the sound from the M55 and V0 much fuller, louder, with produced quality. An amazing difference. See a previous post for a full description of the experiment [9].

Signal path: M55 - Pleiades V0 - EMI RS61 - EMI RS106A attenuating - M-Audio Microtrack - Sennheiser HD580

Can this analog domain processing be done using even less that those 4 class A stages of amplification, (excluding what happens inside the A to D, should there not be any analog amplifier?

The Pleiades V5 has 2 stages of battery powered EF183 electron tubes. It seems one more is needed and a variable resistor after the first stage. With electric bass of course 2 stages were enough to drive it as fully as wanted until it compresses in a musical way.

But is there a way of doing it so that it sounds full, a ready product with just one stage of amplification from mic to output?

A Pleiades K117 was also supplied by a ridiculously small voltage by two batteries connected back to back. It was used as a bass preamp and the sound was interesting. Also 2 or more stages of the K117 JFet were tried with 2.4 or so volts to amplify a mic with an input transformer. At 2 stages the sound is richer. At 3 distorted. A attenuator after the 1st stage is needed. But experiment showed multiple stages of electron tubes giving a better enchanted sound with less obvious distortion and more enchanted sound in the right way.

Is this also because tubes do it better by creating a side chain compressor signal by the negative rectification bias from the diode effect?[10]

This can be seen on a U47 prepreamp with a signal generator and XY connected oscilloscope. Input to VF14 prepreamp connected as X axis and output as Y axis. The slope clearly changes as the signal is increased above a threshold. But it is still a line not a curve. It is compression, the gain changes. The 60MΩ resistor then discharges the grid capacitance and a release time constant is created. This happens at loud signals. But peaks should have their effect too.

Is it possible to replicate this to JFETs by connecting a diode across its input?

Another experiment done was constructing the Pleiades V1. Just a one stage prepreamp with an electrometer tube. Both heaters and anode operating from a 1.2 volt rechargeable AAA battery. The sound was very nice. There was some hiss and microphonics.

The point is, instead of using 200V and need many stages until the signal becomes as big so that saturation effects take place...

To use a small Vb and get these effects as soon as possible (playing with bias too), with a smaller signal out ready to supply an ordinary mic preamp or an A to D converter. The Neumann U47 just uses 34V at the anode of the VF14. On the Pleiades prepreamps the supply is 10 times less in an attempt to have the nice effects happening at even soft singing voices. It is so far found that just one Pleiades stage is not enough, it sounds great but it may be too clean, it may be suitable for recording loud instruments like trumpets or drums? More experiments can be made by changing the bias. The positive thing is that a Pleiades single electron tube front end as V0 can make a world class preamp really sing as it would with the high output high quality of a Neumann U47.
The point of the exercise is creating the best possible sound with a circuit very similar to U47, saving a lot of space, expense, equipment power, weight requirements. Would artists be able to have at some point the best no compromise quality produced sound by just connecting a small battery powered box to a portable recorder or iPhone? Why should it not be as simple as top quality canvas, brush and paint?

[1] flat frequency responce for vocal chords to brain, Morion pictures sound recording and reproducing curves - Loye, Morgan, Journal of motion pictures sound engineers



[4] Applied Electronics - T.S. Gray - MIT

[5] Tubes vs Transistors is there an audible difference - Russel O. Hamm - JAES


[7] Vangelis Quatar interview on YouTube

[8] Making Records - Phil Ramone

[9] Pleiades V0 with EMI RS61 - euroelectron post

[10] operating features of the Audion - Edwin H. Armstrong

Electronics a systems approach - Neil Storey

China's percentage of total euroelectron views this week increased

It is now 2nd with Greece third both having the same percentage.

France is number 1 with 10x more views.

Position 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 is U.S., Poland, Sweeden, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Canada.

Thank you all!

How would it sound if a recording is produced by a 3 year old?

Multinational record company executives do listen to their kids.

It was in a Midem lecture possibly on 2000 that one top executive said so for himself. He was paying great attention to what music his kids were listening to.

How we it be if we let a 3 year old kid take production decisions?

Do we record to digital or analog?

Does this microphone sound better that this for this vocal?

Do we add an instrument or subtract one?

They also have perfect hearing possibly to 20KHz?

How about also listening to the kid inside us?

Monday, August 21, 2017

How about octagon shape for the Pleiades V6 mic prepreamp

It can be a diecast aluminum orange octagon box made by Hammond and stocked at Mouser.

It is neat as there are 8 sides one next to the other.

Side 1 for the Neutrik chassis female XLR

Side 2 for the Pleiades Magnetec input transformer

Side 3 for the EF183 triode connected

Side 4 for the Pleiades Magnetec output transformer

Side 5 for the Male chassis Neutrik XLR

Side 6 for the Bulgin  fuse holder

Side 7 for the Belgin? push button switch

Side 8 for the Belgin 3 AA battery holder

The battery holder is very long as it is made for 3 AA one after the other.

Would it work?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

What is the best shape for a Pleiades V6 prepreamp?

Instead of cylindrical.

Perhaps of triangular cross section with rounded off corners.

Can this be made opaque perhaps with plexiglass?

The triangular shape leaves space for a long Bulgin 3 AA battery (one battery after the other along their length) to fit which has a small crosse section.

So at each triangle the XLR chassis connectors can be mounted at each center.

How and where would the ring Magnetec input and output transformers be mounted?

How about the electron tube?

It would be a good idea to have everything develop according to the schematic.

One component after the other as signal is increased.

Firstly the female Neutrik XLR then input transformer then electron tube then output transformer then output Neutrik XLR.

Trying to visualize a 3D Pleiades V6.

Triangle cross sections could be used to mount the female XLR and battery holder. Then one for the input transformer. One for the electron tube. One for the output transformer.

Like triangular shaped toast bread spaced accordingly.

Or would a traditional rectangular box with the tube and octal base transformers sticking out be more beautiful?

Other option may be a rectangular cigar type box with sliding lid and all components inside. Made of wood?

In any way plug in octal transformers would be useful to choose different inductance for bass proximity compensation Pleiades filters for different mics, different sound capture distance, different instruments etc.

Another idea coming by chance while looking for enclosures at is using an octagon (orange?) aluminum diecast box made by Hammond.

See next euroelectron post.

What is the output of a Beyer M55 mic in micro volts when singing softly

A Beyer M55 500Ω version was connected directly to a high sensitivity V.T.V.M (vacuum tube voltmeter).

Distance at about 1in, male singing voice as softly and effortlessly as possible.

The Belco VT-250 VTVM was shunted at its input with a resistor of 560Ω.

The average reading was 10 micro volts.

Without the resistor it was 20μV. This is expected since a load of 560Ω shunt to a mic of 500Ω output impedance, by potential decider principle, halves the voltage. This half voltage drop is 6dB as 3dB means doubling of power but doubling the voltage makes the power x4 by the V squared over R power relation.

By inserting a Pleiades V(-1) prepreamplifier between the mic and the terminated VTVM to voltage reading for same singing effort was 100μV or 0.1mV.

This may be a significant difference considering that almost no extra noise or hiss is added what already exists at the mic output.

Is this about 20dbm voltage gain or about 10dB power gain?


Electronics, a systems approach - Neil Storey

Examples of great songs written in E flat minor or D sharp minor

Woman in Love - Barbara Streisand

Against all Odds - Phil Collins

An example of delay on high hat

Better to be listened with good quality headphones such as Sennheiser HD580 at low volume.

One - U2

Is it an SM58 on vocals? Please see the after the previous euroelectron post.

Listen to how respecting the Fletcher Munson curves, there is deliberately not much low and highs.

When the recording will be played loud (don't play recording loud with headphones to prevent irreversible damage to hearing) with loudspeakers the brain sensitivity to bass and treble will increase and the recording will sound flat frequency responce from artist's brain to listener's  brain.


Equal loudness curves - Fletcher-Munson - Wikipedia etc

Is the "nah" sound of Michael Jackson singing his breath?

It may be.

As an example listen to Bad - Michael Jackson.

If not then when does he take a breath?

An experiment for greatly singing in tune, Ενα πείραμα για να τραγουδάτε ομορφα και αφαλτσα

U2 Bono can be read from many sources that he likes using a handheld moving coil dynamic microphone when tracking vocals in the studio.

And also that he like singing in the control room listening to the loudspeakers.

If this the case then the loudspeaker volume must be very low to avoid leakage problems. One of the loudspeakers may also be deliberately connected out of phase by changing the plus cable wire to minus and vice versa.

If the acoustic intensity is low this is good news as at low volume we can hear the "true" pitch of music. It is what happens in our brain. Pitch (our brain perception of a note highness) does not only depend on frequency (cycles per second) but on intensity too (acoustic energy watts).

So is this a secret of great in tune singing in the studio. Ridiculously low volume of the backing track?

You may try for your self. Reproduce from your system Another Brick in the Wall part 2 - Pink Floyd.

Then reduce the volume until it is just audible.

Then sing along and you will see, hear! the difference.

Also this process forces the singer to sing softly. And since there are no nasty peaked in the waveform the end result sounds louder, as much more gain can be increased before clipping.

The acoustic environment just be super quiet, a top quality microphone used at small distance such as Beyer M55 and a top quality prepreamp such as the Pleiades V6 may need to be used before the actual preamplifier.

Try to record your singing voice this way and listen.


Sound and Hearing - Stevens, Warshofsky - Time Life science series

Tips for Recording Musicians - John Harris

Making Records - Phil Ramonne

Thank you !

Σας ευχαριστώ πολυ

Je vous remercie

Possibly the best battery holders on earth

Made by Bulgin

It would be nice if next Pleiades prepreamps are made with Bulgin battery holders.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Γιατι να ειναι κανεις στο σκοτάδι οταν μπορεί να ειναι στο φως;

Εγχειρίδιο - Επικτητος

Υπάρχει στα ελληνικά, πχ απαντα τόμος 5, εκδόσεις Κάκτος

Άλλος ένας τρόπος να κατασκευάσετε έναν προ προενισχυτη μικροφώνου με (λυχνία) σωληνα ηλεκτρονίων με μια αντίσταση, μετασχηματιστή εισόδου και εξόδου και δυο 9 βολτ μοαταριες

Παρακαλώ δείτε το παρα διπλανό euroelectron post.

We are trying for something that's already found us

Jim Morrison

Pleiades V(-1) mic prepreamp or another way to operate electron tubes at very low battery voltage

"We are trying for something that's already found us"
Jim Morrison

This was found sleeping in a drawer since around 2000.

A mic prepreamp with just a 7025 electron tube (1 section so just one triode). One input transformer, one output transformer, one resistor, 2 battery holders, and that's it. All the 3, tube and transformers sticking out at the top of the box.

It sounds nice. As if you are about to take off. Very quiet too although not as quiet as Pleiades V0 but when an ECC82 was inserted it become as quiet but with more bass due to the ECC82's lower output impedance the shunt by the primary inductance of the output transformer having less effect.

How does it work or what is the circuit?

It is perhaps the most conventional circuit.

The Neutrik female chassis XLR pin 1 is connected to chassis.

Pin 2 and 3 are connected to the primary of a Sowter 4935f input transformer.

The secondary is connected to (-) battery and it's other side directly to grid. It was forgotten to connect (-) to chassis but the prepreamp still operates with no noise issue.

Just a cathode resistor from cathode to (-) of 470Ω.

The output transformer is a military Stancor 9A1 38, B-454831, 20KΩ to 600Ω. One side of the hi Z primary is connected to plate or anode and the other side to battery (+). The secondary is connected to pins 2 and 3 of a Neutrik male chassis connector with its pin 1 connected to the chassis pin.

How beautiful.

It is self contained and everything is built in an aluminum diecast box of 4.5in x (3+3/4)in x (1+1/4)in. The was not covered with for example shellac and was just polished but when it is rubbed by a tissue it leaves grey residue.

Power supply is by two 9 volt ordinary 6LR61 batteries. The batteries are independent.

One battery supplies the heater. A 7805 regulator is actually used to keep the electron tube supplied at 5V.

The other battery is the anode supply of 9 volts.

A double battery holder bought from Canford UK is fitted on a big rectangular hole on one side of the chassis box, (the other short side contains the Neutrik XLRs. There are 2 removable drawers one for each battery. These battery holders are possibly made by Bulgin.

The beauty is that the anode battery drawer can be fully inserted until the drawer snap closes and keeping it as is all the time.

The heater battery drawer controls the on or off operation mode. Once the battery drawer is snapped in, the tube cathode gradually warms up and this gives the most smooth turn on operation just like an AKG C12a condenser mic for example. Same for turning off. The is no click sound even when connecting to a preamplifier and having the gain full up.

The idea is that when one of the batteries, the heater one is exhausted, it is possible to continue, the batteries are swaped so the weak one will have no problem at supplying the so small anode current, both batteries giving a second chance.

This Pleiades V(-1) prepreamp was almost made up by chance while trying to find a way to compensate for the so much bass a mic gives if it's is not proximity, Fletcher-Munson and voice effort compensated. The 7025 was found by chance to operate better than other tubes that were around, such as ECC83?.

Under heating was found by chance to improve the sound, hence the 5V heater supply.

Fuses should had been included for each battery holder.

Signal path, setup:

Kitchen room with tiles half way up - male softly singing voice - Beyer chrome M55 500Ω at 1 in - Pleiades V(-1) - Realistic disco mixer - Sennheiser HD580

The sound is very nice with mid presence reasonance as the military transformer is almost unterminated by the higher impedance of the transistor realistic disco mixer input. The sound is very loud.

When a 0 ohms XLR male is connected the hiss almost disappears but there is some that can still be heard.

By taking the 7025 out and connecting it to Pleiades V0 and the same mic with a Canford 400mH input transformer the sound gets thin as there is now a second low cut at the input due to the lower inductance compared to the Sowter. The Pleiades V0 has a biasing resistor of 10MΩ from anode to grid. With its ECC82 substituted back it sounded great with full sound and bass. This seems to be due to the lower impedance of the ECC82 tube letting the similar Admiral output transformer to attenuate the bass less.

Then the 4th permutation. The ECC82 was connected to the Pleiades V(-1). The bass now was excessive and unnatural. This is because we have no low cut on the Sowter trasformer and much less low cut at the output too due to the lower impedance of the electron tube.

So the Pleiades V(-1) pre pre amplifier will be kept as it was freshly designed by almost chance or serendipity with its 7025 electron tube.

Comparing the 2 Pleiades amplifiers with the same conditions, mic, etc, they both sound almost correct from vocal chords to listener's brain. The Pleiades V0 sounds more flat and full. The Pleiades V(-1) sounds more peaky in the midrange. And this is what gives its presence character. The peak Q may be adjusted by a variable resistor across the transformer output. To summarize the peaky effect seems to be coming from the tube high output impedance driving the military primary inductance. Or it may be damped when the Pleiades V(-1) prepreamp is connected to a low impedance preamplifier, one transformer driving the other transformer as when connecting a Neumann U47 microphone with its VF14 prepreamp to a preamp with an input transformer.

10 important rules from producer Quincy Jines

Why in darkness when one can be in the light?

Epictetous - Enchiridion

Friday, August 18, 2017

Top counties viewing euroelectron so far

Euroelectron is viewed  by most countries of the world.

Thoughout the history till now top views come from US, France, Greece, China, Russia,...

This month and most of the recent months top is France.

Total views are expected to be 30 thousand fairly soon.

Thank you.

It feels nice.

A nice example of a song with Harmonic Chain

Amore mio - Gigi D' Alesio

At the chorus the bass rises in steps of 4.

Sevenths are prepared and the 3rd added each time. The added 3rd becomes the prepared 7th of the next chord. Different kind of 7ths are produced each time, 7ths, major 7ths, etc.

Like on a Vivaldi cello concerto in C minor.



Instructions of Bach:

Harmony - Piston

Does doing house work like painting for example helps inspiration?

It seems to have done to the lyricist Hy Zaret of one of the most famous songs of all time. Unchained melody.

Unchained Melody story

This is an interesting story of a mega famous song:

How to add many signals together from instruments, voices etc

Please refer to the end of a nearby post on a multi stage battery powered Pleiades electron tube microphone preamplifier.

How to directly connect an electron tube, JFET or electret condenser prepreamp directly to recorders with no electret phantom mic inputs such as the Marantz CP430

At your own risk.

Batteries should be always connected in series with fuses.

Please refer to the next euroelectron post.

How to further reduce the electronic components on a Pleiades V4 mic prepreamp, or how to connect to Marantz CP430 and use its input resistor as a load resistor

At your own risk.

There may be issue with the polarity of the electrolytic inside devices. Needs investigation.

It should work with JFET or transistor prepreamps too.

This idea is using the 11KΩ input resistor of the Marantz CP430 or PMD430 or any other equipment that has an internal resistor across its input with their usual capacitor. Most equipment should have both.

The Pleiades V4 only has an EF183 electron tube triode connected, a 3.9ΜΩ biasing resistor from anode to grid, an input capacitor to grid, an anode resistor, an anode capacitor and a 3.7 volt battery.

The last resistor and capacitor should be possible to be omitted by using the ones inside the Marantz or other recorders.

The output connector can be replaced by an insulated type. The positive battery terminal,through fuse of course can be connected to the unbalanced out screen or shield. So electrons flow through the Marantz 11KΩ input resistor from the electron tube anode. The Marantz internal capacitor takes the signal and stops the DC component.

It should work.

It cannot be overemphasized how careful we must be when working with batteries. And fuses ready to cut the circuit should be installed next to any battery terminal used.

So one could use a studio quality microphone such as the Beyer M55. Speaking or singing to it at even the quitest detailed voice. Getting a very high signal to noise ratio from the EF183 to drive hotly the Marantz and get much of the juice from its discrete transistor input stage.

At quiet indoor or outdoor environments, recordings of exceptional signal to noise ratio and quality should be possible.

The above idea should be suitable too for connecting electret condenser mics directly to the Marantz or other recorders by using an external properly fused battery.

The potentials of the 2 devices connected may be different so caution should be exercised to not letting them touch.