Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Learning music yourself

1 make sure the food you eat is of the best possible quality.

2 the melody or right hand on keyboard can be learned by trial and error (ear brain judging) as everything in life.

3 the bass or left hand similarly. It is much more difficult. But if it is not C (Do) it will be D (Re). If it is not Re it will be E (Mi) etc. Not as tedious as it sounds, the notes are only 7.

4 if we find out the scale or key of the musical piece then everything, including sharps, if a chord is minor or major etc will take take of itself.

5 when we find the bass at a particular moment in time the basis chord will be defined by the simple rule 1. 3. 5. Example, if the bass is D the chord will be D, F, A.

6 as we progress by the analogy of flight hours we can begun using more so distracted code. For example D9 meaning, D bass, D, F, A, E.

7 when we begin understanding the manual of Bach we have already mastered most of the art of music.

Exercise: practice the above while simultaneously listening to the original version of Careless Wisper - George Michael (in D minor).



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