Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A great example of the G Dorian scale...

Is the vocal solo part of the Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd.

The ancient and so modern sounding G Dorian is like the G minor scale but the E in not flat but natural.

So all notes are white or natural except only B which is B flat.

So when the bass is C the 1.3.5 rule gives C E G and since E is natural the chord is major or happy.

The code at the solo part in Bach figured bass notation is:


So G7 means, G bass, then on the right hand the 7th natural note which is F. Then adding the 3rd which is B but remember B is B flat, and the 5th which is D.

So C9 means C bass, the 9th counting all natural notes which is D, and then adding the 3rd which is E, also adding the 5th which is G, also the 7th which is B but remember B is B flat.

So it is played:

G bass with G Bb D F
C bass with G Bb D E

Note the brilliant laziness rule in making the least change for a given result and how nice it sounds.

It is great playing this together with Pink Floyd.

Further reading:

Bach bass rules:

The dark side of the moon piano, vocal score

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