Saturday, June 24, 2017

Text Music Notation

Not standardized yet for worse or better.

It came out of the nessasity of writing down music while on the go on the iPhone text editor (the standard yellow icon notes app that comes with any iPhone).

Notes are symbolized with just letters as usual.

A for LA, B C D E F G for the rest of the notes.

When a note keeps being played the symbol - is used

For example A played for a whole beat

A played for a whole bar

The symbol o may be used for rest.

Harmony is notated as Bach's figured bass. A letter for the note and numbers for the code.
For example is the key is C minor. A7 means bass A, harmony C Eb G ie A flat major seventh.

More on melody notation.

The idea is of having for example a resolution of 16ths.

A melody can thus be written a plain text.

If a melody comes to mind it can be relatively quickly written down so that it is not forgotten.

Adding dummy lyrics or lyrics helps not only to composing the melody but to remember it as well in even better time resolution.

An example of the use is the following euroelectron post on an attempt to write down as much of the song Πως Θα Είταν, How would it be? while on the go.

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