Sunday, September 30, 2018

How are vocal line parts created on Dancing Queen - ABBA

This post could be called harmonizing part 2

What are the second or third voices doing?

This is very difficult to hear as the brain normally concentrates and hears the lead vocal.

The trip to find out is to think like a composer and not like a listener.

Lines must follow chords, bass code or harmony. So they do not have a relation to the main vocal of a third up. Only at some moments in time.

So for example:

On Dancing Queen - ABBA.

The key is A major meaning all C are sharp, all F are sharp, all G are sharp or black notes.

Now taking for example where the vocals say "anybody could be that guy".

The chord progression is from A to A46 ie from A C E to A D F, (remember to play the sharps).

The main melody is C E E E E A F.

The second melody or voice can be A C C C C E D. So the right chords are preserved, satisfied.

And so on by following closely the right chords or bass code.

Further reading on bass code:

Bach bass rules:

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