Saturday, September 15, 2018

Withdrawing from benzodiazepines

At your risk. This is not a medical advice.

This is continuing from previous parts.

Both human beings begun to withdraw on 1st September 2018. The male had been on 2.5mg of a known pill for a few years. Before this 1.25mg for some years. The female had been on 2.5mg for a few months, 1.25mg for some years. Before this 2.5mg for some years and before this 1mg for some years.

The withdrawal half time (time for dose to become 1/2) chosen is 6 months.

The dose of tomorrow is the dose of today multiplied by 0.9954. See previous posts.

(Note the most abrupt change is the first day, see previous posts or the graph of a discharging capacitor).

Another way of thinking at it is the following. Everyday the pill mass of the previous day is cut in 10000 equal pieces and 9954 are taken. (Note that every passing day we cut a slightly smaller mass to 10000 equal pieces and take 9954 of them).

In practice it is done by writing on an electronic calculator the number 0.9954, then x 200 (200mg is the weighted mass of the whole particular pill), then we press = and find the desired mass for next day. Then pressing again = to find the desired mass for the day after and so on. Calculating is easy.

A electronic microscale is used and a file to reduce the mass of each pill. Reduced pills are place securely on a plastic box with marked compartments for each date.

On about day 7 the male was waking up very early in the morning, 3-4am and it was fairly difficult to get back to sleep. Although it was discussed on making the half time 12 months (this is done by taking the square root of 0.9954?), he decided to carry on without change in reduction curve. So far he is doing fine.

The female is doing fine too.

Attention: anything of this kind needs expert advice and supervision of a psychiatrist, neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapist etc.

Later addition: in about 20 days for beginning of withdraw at halftime of 6 months, male withdrawer having an argument with a relative had an even worse bad temper than usual. Rate of reduction will possibly be reduced to a halftime of 12 months. This can possibly be done by taking the square root of 0.9954 and using the resultant number as a multiplier for each day dose. The number is approximately 0.9977. Recalculating from September 1 2018 when reduction begun the dose for the 20th of Seotember was found by multiplying the mass of the whole pill with 20 times the number 0.9977 with itself. Of course the is a jump up from day 19 dose to day 20. After day 20 the reduction rate is decreased such as in 12 months from September 1 the dose will be half.

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