Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparison between linoleum cube and linoleum triagular pyramid monitoring speakers

(Later addition: The linoleum triagle pyramid speaker may have a less flat frequency response than the linoleum cube Auratone 5C type speaker. More experiments needed.)

Bravo to Vicky.

It is preliminary observation but it looks like linoleum as speaker material with its self damping or broad frequency absorbing quality instead of wood and Vicky's coming up with the shape of tetrahedron might be in the direction of solving one of the greatest problems in loudspeaker design. That of coloration due to the sound wave traped like a helpless cat inside the speaker enclosure. The ugly bass reasonance, mid coloration, mid high frequency shrill etc.

It looks also like the Pleiades linoleum Vicky triagular pyramid makes the sound quality listenable even with high feedback transistor amplifiers. Not known why yet but a guess is that the ugly trapped resonant acoustic standing wave converted to analogous voltage wave by the reciprocity microphone voltage generating effect of speaker drive unit is not getting into the feedback loop of the power amplifier. In a feedback loop staying or iterating forever perhaps like consumed trans fat which when getting into to body is so difficult to get out that it may eventually get out by cancer surgery (please do your own search, this is not a statement by a medical doctor).

First signal path: (the cable used at Vicky's lab had a bad contact problem, this is now fixed. So even connecting just to iPad without using an external amplifier sound spreads around many rooms.

YouTube tracks - iPad mini headphone out - one channel fed to either linoleum cube or linoleum tetrahedron speaker with Teasla 5in drive unit

Dimenssions for cube is standard Auratone 5C, for the pyramid length of any side is 30cm.

How does the linoleum cube sound like?
Like a box. Louder and uglier.

How does the linoleum tetrahedron sounds like?
Much more smooth.
It was also noticed that treble information is radiated even from the sides or back of the speaker.

Best sounding tracks so far:
Tocatta and Fugue in D minor - Bach

Mad about you - Hooverphonics LIVE

Next day, morning listening:

Pyramid sounds neutral perhaps not impressive. The role of a speaker is not sounding impressive.

Listening to many tracks including Tibular Bells - Oldfield - BBC live

It is noteworthy that what can be heard from the linoleum itself, for example from the sides is a clean bass guitar sound only. No a boomy bass. Bass electric guitar with its nice overtones or harmonics. For example on the song:
Seeds of Love - Tears for Fears

Any disadvantage of the linoleum triangular pyramid?

There must be at least one, all loudspeakers have disadvantages. It may be some kind of mid or higher upper mid frequency reasonance or coloration. Much less and different than on cube. Hard to know yet. No measurements have been done yet. If this is the case perhaps it can be improved by change of the volume of pyramid. So far it's test phase one with just an iPad connected to it, no amplifier operating in class A (electrons flowing all the time) connected to it yet.

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