Saturday, October 13, 2018

How to repair

At your risk. This is not expert or knowledgable advice.

It is helpful information that was given by Albert long time ago.

Do not attempt anything unless safety procedures for voltage or current protection or other are fully studied or known. One hand in the back pocket is important.

First checking if there is power supply at various points in the circuit. A good rule for protection is always having one hand at the back pocket when working with open equipment. This reduces the risk of touching with both hands a potential difference and feeding current through the heart.

A method of finding where the fault is, is by signal tracing. A signal is applied at the input and traced at various points with say a tiny amplifier and speaker with a high voltage capacitor at the input. When signal disappears, the fault is almost located.

Another methods may be by signal injecting. For example injecting a signal from a signal generator though a high resistor and capacitor in series. Starting for example from loudspeaker and going towards the left on the schematic, ie backwards.

Study of the original schematic is very important.

Spending time to think.

Taking things very easy and not to rush to avoid further damage.

If it ain't broken do not try to fix it.

A very nice military book on electronics:

Basic Electronics - US Navy, Navpers - Dover

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